- Author: Philippe Collet
- Author: Nassim Bounouas
- Reviewer: Anne-Marie Déry
- some code and doc borrowed from the original Cookie Factory by Sebastiem Mosser, last fork being https://github.com/collet/4A_ISA_TheCookieFactory
This case study is used to illustrate the different technologies involved in the Introduction to Software Architecture course given at Polytech Nice - Sophia Antipolis at the graduate level. This demonstration code requires the following software to run properly:
- Build & Spring environment configuration: Maven >=3.8.1
- J2E implementation language: Java >=11 or above (Java language level is set to Java 11)
- .Net implementation language: Mono >=6.12
The Cookie Factory (TCF) is a major bakery brand in the USA. The Cookie on Demand (CoD) system is an innovative service offered by TCF to its customer. They can order cookies online thanks to an application, and select when they'll pick-up their order in a given shop. The CoD system ensures to TCF's happy customers that they'll always retrieve their pre-paid warm cookies on time.
- Architecture
- Business Components
- Controllers
- Testing
- Persistence
- AOP and monitoring
- The
branch (the default one) represents the system under development.- The RELEASE_TO_BE_DONE branch contains the code that implements the system without persistence;
- Other releases will be out soon.
The following "build and run" documentation is divided in three versions from bare run to "everything in a container" run.
The first step is to build the backend and the cli. This can be done manually using the command:
mvn clean package
from both folders (it will generate the corresponding jar into the target folder).
To run the server (from the corresponding folder):
mvn spring-boot:run
java -jar target/simpleTCFS-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
To run the cli (from the corresponding folder):
mvn spring-boot:run
java -jar target/cli-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
At startup the cli must provide the following prompt :
Running the command help
will guide you in the CLI usage.
In this version, we will run the cli as previously, however we will run the backend in a docker container.
To build the backend docker image from the corresponding folder, the script
can be used or directly the commanddocker build --build-arg JAR_FILE=target/simpleTCFS-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar -t pcollet/tcf-spring-backend .
To run it the script
can be used or directlydocker run --rm -d -p 8080:8080 pcollet/tcf-spring-backend
Note: It's necessary to stop the "basic" version of the backend to release the 8080 port.
We will now run both the backend and the CLI into docker. It requires to build the cli docker image (the backend's one is considered built during the previous step).
To build the cli docker image from the corresponding folder, the script build.sh
can be used or directly the command docker build --build-arg JAR_FILE=target/cli-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar -t pcollet/tcf-spring-cli .
The whole system can now be deployed locally from the root folder using the command:
docker-compose up -d
after few seconds:
docker attach cli
enables to use the containerized cli (see docker-compose.yml and the devops lecture for more information).
Note that you cannot run the two docker images separately and expect them to communicate with each other, each one being isolated in its own container. That's one of the main purpose of docker-compose
to enable composition of container, with by default a shared network.
The docker-compose file contains a volume declaration (see the cli section) to mount the demo.txt
file which can be directly used from the cli as below to iterate through a complete scenario and check that verify is running fine :
shell:>script --file demo.txt
Some actions will display intended errors :
403 : [{"error":"Attempting to update the cookie quantity to a negative value","details":"from Customer kadocwith cookie SOO_CHOCOLATE leading to quantity -1"}]
403 : [{"error":"Cart is empty","details":"from Customer kadoc"}]
409 : [no body]
400 : [{"error":"Payment was rejected","details":"from Customer tatie for amount 1.3"}]
On a bare windows setup, compile.sh
cannot be used. You can install Cygwin or directly use the csc
command to build the project (see compile.sh
If during the docker-compose start up you encounter this error /usr/bin/env: 'bash\r': No such file or directory
with the back or the cli container, you need to rebuild the corresponding image with the wait-for-it.sh
configured to use LF end of line sequence instead CRLF. This can occur if you open the file with an editor like VSCode configured to use CRLF.