This project handles kernel drivers and driver modification for Elphel NC393 seriees cameras. The best way to install it is by running installation script in the top project - as different parts of the camera software are inter-dependent, and some of the required header files are generated from the Verilog code in x393 FPGA project.
This is Eclipse CDT project, and the setup sctipt copies
project configuration (.project, .cproject, .settings) from eclipse_project_setup subdirectory.
Eclipse should be started after Linux kernel is built with bitbake linux-xlnx
at least once
so all the required files are already present. Then you may import linux-elphel as
'existing Git project' in Eclipse (you need either Eclipse for C/C++ development or intall CDT
plugin separately.
Do not run bitbake linux-xlnx -c clean
while the project is open in Eclipse - this command
will delete all he staged files (kernel sources) and Eclipse will reset all file filters, so
.cproject file will have to be restored from eclipse_project_setup.
Source files in Yocto project are staged (downloaded and optionally patched), so -c clean
files and erases any of your files or changes if they were made in the source directory tree.
linux-elphel project keeps all the modified or new files in a sparse copy of the Linux kernel tree (src
sub-directory) and the bitbake recipe (bitbake linux-xlnx -c link
) adds symlinks to the actual
project files. When the full kernel is opened in Eclipse, the base kernel files are from the staging
area (so will be refreshed after -c clean
) and the project files edits will stay safe in the src
The script is used to generate filters for the kernel by collecting information - which
files where accessed during bitbake linux-xlnx -c compile -f
, results are injected into .cproject
configuratgion file, so any of the Linux kernel files that were not accessed during build will be marked
as excluded from build (crossed out) and not resolved by the indexer.