I was sick of feeling like a half-ass developer, having worked exclusively on the frontend side of things until this point, so this is the first-ever project whereby I build not only the frontend, but establish a backend, too. I store data in MongoDB & make it queryable with Express.js & Mongoose. I use TypeScript & React (and several of its technologies, such as Context API, Tanstack's React Query, and React Router) to build out the frontend, along with CSS to style it. The purpose of the application is to give users a place where they can find interesting IRL events & friends. Users of the app will be able to create an account, giving them the ability to input info about themselves, meet & message other users (and block them), find events that match their interests, & organize events.
This is all still a work in progress, so I may be updating this document as I move along. If you happen to glance at my code & have any feedback on it, I'd love to hear it.