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  • Node v16.13.2

This repository is used to develop, deploy, and test Dob smart contracts. Follow the steps below to get started.


First, install the necessary packages:

npm install


Next, compile the contracts using Hardhat:

npx hardhat compile


To run the tests on the Hardhat default test network, use:

npx hardhat test 


The Hardhat configuration file defines settings for the following networks:

  • Polygon mainnet -> polygon
  • Polygon testnet -> amoy
  • Celo Testnet -> alfajores
  • Ethereum testnet -> ethsepolia

Some of these networks require you to provide RPC URLs in the .env file. Additionally, you will need to provide the private key of the deployer account in the .env file for each network. To help with this, an example .env file is provided.

Hardhat Tasks

We have created various Hardhat tasks to facilitate interaction with the contracts. These tasks are organized in the tasks folder with the following structure:

  • configs: Contains the config .json files used to run some tasks.
  • deploys: Contains the output .json files with detailed data of deployed contracts.
  • gasExperiments: Contains specific .json files used for gas experiments.
  • subtasks: Contains the logic used in tasks, including subtasks and utility functions.
  • *.ts: Task files.

The currently existent Tasks are:

  • deployDobBase: deploys the core contracts for our Dob platform.
  • deployDobToken: Deploy the ERC20 Dob Token.
  • deployNewLogic: Deploys new pool logic versions and link it to our Pool Master.
  • upgradePool: perform the logic upgrade of a pool following the UUPS proxy pattern.
  • upgradePoolMaster: perfom the logic upgrade of a pool master following the UUPS proxy pattern.
  • upgradeTokenSaleMarket: perform the logic upgrade of a Token Sale Master following the UUPS proxy pattern.

Each task includes documentation on any required or optional arguments. To get help for a specific task, run:

npx hardhat <task-name> --help

Deploy Dob Base Contracts

Usage: hardhat [GLOBAL OPTIONS] deployDobBase [--input-config-file <STRING>] [--output-config-file <STRING>] [--output-config-tag <STRING>]

  --input-config-file   Name of the input config file to use (default: "dob_base.json")
  --output-config-file  Name of the output config file to use (default: "None")
  --output-config-tag   Tag used to identify output files (default: "dobBase")

deployDobBase: A task to deploy base contracts for the Dob environment.

Deploy Dob Token

Usage: hardhat [GLOBAL OPTIONS] deployDobToken [--deploy-config <STRING>] [--output-config-tag <STRING>]


  --deploy-config       the deploy config (default: "dob_token.json")
  --output-config-tag   tag used to identify output files (default: "dobToken")

deployDobToken: task to deploy the ERC20 Dob Token and its timeLock contract

Deploy New Logic

Usage: hardhat [GLOBAL OPTIONS] deployNewLogic [--input-config-file <STRING>] [--output-config-file <STRING>]


  --input-config-file   Name of the input config to use (default: "dob_base.json")
  --output-config-file  tag used to identify output files (default: "dobBase.json")

deployNewLogic: Deploys a new logic contract and link it to poolMasterConfig

Upgrade Pool

Usage: hardhat [GLOBAL OPTIONS] upgradePool [--logic-version <STRING>] [--output-config-file <STRING>] [--owner <STRING>] [--pool-address <STRING>]

  --logic-version       Specify the logic version to use (default: "1")
  --output-config-file  Name of the output config file to use (default: "dobBase.json")
  --owner               Address of the pool owner (default: "none")
  --pool-address        Address of the pool to be upgraded (default: "none")

upgradePool: Upgrade a pool's logic to a new implementation.

Upgrade Pool Master

Usage: hardhat [GLOBAL OPTIONS] upgradePoolMaster [--input-config-file <STRING>] [--output-config-file <STRING>] [--owner <STRING>]

  --input-config-file   Name of the input config file to use (default: "dob_base.json")
  --output-config-file  Name of the output config file to use (default: "dobBase.json")
  --owner               Address of the pool owner (default: "none")

upgradePoolMaster: Deploy a new PoolMaster contract using the UUPS upgradeable pattern.

Upgrade Token Sale Market

Usage: hardhat [GLOBAL OPTIONS] upgradeTokenSaleMarket [--output-config-file <STRING>] [--tsm-logic <STRING>]

  --output-config-file  Name of the output config file to use (default: "dobBase.json")
  --tsm-logic           Address of the new logic version (default: "none")

upgradeTokenSaleMarket: Upgrade a token sale market's logic to a new implementation.

estimate deploy costs

Usage: hardhat [GLOBAL OPTIONS] estimateGasDeployDobBase [--input-config-file <STRING>]


  --input-config-file   Name of the input config to use (default: "dob_base.json")

estimateGasDeployDobBase: A task to deploy base contracts for Dob enviroment

Current Working Deploys

Polygon mainnet

  "storage": {
    "address": "0x6D5627e1E4264DD98e2a0973d0db238F318A316F",
    "contract": "EternalStorage",
    "owner": "0x94cB0Ee77B474F43ab571C4Cd79dEC3cb5b8D1c6"
  "poolMaster": {
    "config": {
      "address": "0xEe4E40B137CD783366b80634603D024Fd5008140",
      "contract": "PoolMasterConfig",
      "operational": "0x326C2610E0a97cB5e24a42059e2A2A0E41738b78",
      "regression": {
        "coef": 34813,
        "intercept": 3217412,
        "gasPrice": "100000000000"
      "commission": 300
    "deployer": {
      "address": "0x2260eE1B27a917B9484360ad52de07737B9f22a6",
      "contract": "PoolMaster"
    "owner": "0x6169C8D8070733B3866737089f891Aa0E9e608b0"
  "poolLogic": [
      "address": "0xfEd951ed109A6A468b0026c28cdcAff441E41621",
      "versionNumber": "1"
  "treasury": {
    "address": "0x1DC93f860Ee30af3C3C65c122482a66f808AA107",
    "ParticipationToken": {
      "address": "0xEBF659B3c6De0104858b1998603c308fD73532F1",
      "name": "DobToken"
    "owner": "0xB23d7b543f814a6E12B4cFc6b221a6826B058dBE",
    "logicVersion": "1"
  "tokenSaleMarket": {
    "address": "0x3E9957cf765BE48bdD4e558a1F093a65187006bf",
    "contract": "LogicProxy",
    "owner": "0x2de047cA4211b28AE2484BC1b9741044C2028261",
    "logic": {
      "address": "0x1BCF6Be35c9Dbd7957613b5572a0dA3283988C16",
      "contract": "TokenSaleMarket"
    "commission": 300

CELO Alfajores testnet

  "storage": {
    "address": "0xAe481ee203815f0ce2b2b8e47e649625fFc66916",
    "contract": "EternalStorage",
    "owner": "0x5736E3A05b34214c4757fB331682e95fF67cCd5d"
  "poolMaster": {
    "config": {
      "address": "0xDCE0aEa6b2A83e89fA20c19968BbDeF5284cF347",
      "contract": "PoolMasterConfig",
      "operational": "0x06Bf2D512d6422ad7d8B441a39ae1Af80a55545F",
      "regression": {
        "coef": 34813,
        "intercept": 3217412,
        "gasPrice": "5000000000"
      "commission": 300
    "deployer": {
      "address": "0xa6Dc6eb781B51Da94e470a868b71295Cd5609080",
      "contract": "PoolMaster"
    "owner": "0x5736E3A05b34214c4757fB331682e95fF67cCd5d"
  "poolLogic": [
      "address": "0x5263B4EEcfcB0b7eF324E0c755f794Bcf2572615",
      "versionNumber": "1"
  "treasury": {
    "address": "0x69bA7aAc28c3CAfD22dc0a9Ea0767Ecb8eda98e1",
    "ParticipationToken": {
      "address": "0x79f33891b30aCD710E8b20D660EeB98817f4c222",
      "name": "DobToken"
    "owner": "0x9Da6c74F4B768Ea4422FDBb29ab4905C32C95D74",
    "logicVersion": "1"
  "tokenSaleMarket": [
      "address": "0x29076a1b1Dc5d842152D74569a8d02CBb01170E3",
      "contract": "LogicProxy",
      "owner": "0xc9Be9Aa376D0719Edb751d7f5C163fB04d706e32",
      "logic": {
        "address": "0x35E4A1fA9e5159f6372637F3f03749D7884eD20F",
        "contract": "TokenSaleMarket"
      "commission": 0
      "address": "0x11E7f472537e98aFfFB145dFc47039a6b2aEDCeD",
      "contract": "LogicProxy",
      "owner": "0x2de047cA4211b28AE2484BC1b9741044C2028261",
      "logic": {
        "address": "0xEB3Dfc2379B81A5Fd8dccc2405A3Cc509DfF7Ae2",
        "contract": "TokenSaleMarket"
      "commission": 0,
      "storage": {
        "address": "0x205dc1A980cC1B3b160cC8D57ee95FFed7127C3f",
        "owner": "0x28f6273a228480E1e5e59aBC5d7Ecfb327A15927"

Avalance fuji testnet

  "storage": {
    "address": "0x135C1a4271a6FfE85427261185BaE09e10FbbD23",
    "contract": "EternalStorage",
    "owner": "0x28f6273a228480E1e5e59aBC5d7Ecfb327A15927"
  "poolMaster": {
    "config": {
      "address": "0xF7b794d81483C31994d572C296BBf42eF1D1AC47",
      "contract": "PoolMasterConfig",
      "operational": "0x06Bf2D512d6422ad7d8B441a39ae1Af80a55545F",
      "regression": {
        "coef": 34813,
        "intercept": 3217412,
        "gasPrice": "30000000000"
      "commission": 300
    "deployer": {
      "address": "0xf99320758806D2663263Ad9832F6692053d961b7",
      "contract": "PoolMaster"
    "owner": "0x5736E3A05b34214c4757fB331682e95fF67cCd5d"
  "poolLogic": [
      "address": "0x3ca1C441fB6111FacEf4a7558BEB47c49A854e32",
      "versionNumber": "1"
  "treasury": {
    "address": "0xE1617bb3f17D49449d2faD89aF9bFB0947cd3ab9",
    "ParticipationToken": {
      "address": "0x2Fa48E477F7dCb710789F5e490f52f11C46eE342",
      "name": "DobToken"
    "owner": "0x9Da6c74F4B768Ea4422FDBb29ab4905C32C95D74",
    "logicVersion": "1"
  "tokenSaleMarket": {
    "address": "0x6053B4EcED53C97f373f6271aD21E01418EAE702",
    "contract": "LogicProxy",
    "owner": "0xc9Be9Aa376D0719Edb751d7f5C163fB04d706e32",
    "logic": {
      "address": "0x0EcDC5D3270aB6B462314A23F196d33041cC8837",
      "contract": "TokenSaleMarket"
    "commission": 300

Base Mainnet

  "storage": {
    "address": "0xc2cda0C615Ac5aA8Cf2Af9B87c3C3c0ec5FefE4b",
    "contract": "EternalStorage",
    "owner": "0x6169C8D8070733B3866737089f891Aa0E9e608b0"
  "poolMaster": {
    "config": {
      "address": "0x0c60E99E6B3C2FCc0E121eCF3cA5b7d74F5D010c",
      "contract": "PoolMasterConfig",
      "operational": "0x326C2610E0a97cB5e24a42059e2A2A0E41738b78",
      "regression": {
        "coef": 34813,
        "intercept": 3217412,
        "gasPrice": "100000000000"
      "commission": 300
    "deployer": {
      "address": "0x1e0E82B5a1D4419f71812fF020a01bc11b022ec8",
      "contract": "PoolMaster"
    "owner": "0x6169C8D8070733B3866737089f891Aa0E9e608b0"
  "poolLogic": [
      "address": "0x12A45381a0c2dF275e76e812a380abDA65255500",
      "versionNumber": "1"
  "treasury": {
    "address": "0x4A0CD5b4E10fcaf9eC01BD42c730D8114f1157F8",
    "ParticipationToken": {
      "address": "0xcC76048288871825D68d8492cc3B7bafeB53BE83",
      "name": "DobToken"
    "owner": "0xB23d7b543f814a6E12B4cFc6b221a6826B058dBE",
    "logicVersion": "1"
  "tokenSaleMarket": {
    "address": "0xFdf5028D05257234044aBbb43cbA7A1Cc4FB121B",
    "contract": "LogicProxy",
    "owner": "0x2de047cA4211b28AE2484BC1b9741044C2028261",
    "logic": {
      "address": "0xb714d43FF94e8893258Fe704Ed18a2a2f186d592",
      "contract": "TokenSaleMarket"
    "commission": 300