Windows 8-like theme for Rofi
A Rofi theme that mimicks Windows 8's Start screen UI.
rofi -show drun -theme start-screen.rasi
The tiles currently don't work because there isn't a script that handles their custom keyboard triggers. Pretty sure I have to write a script that functions closely to drun
and use that as a modi or something.
TL;DR tiles don't work, yet.
A Charms bar-like Rofi theme with clickable and configurable buttons to launch programs.
chmod +x
The time also doesn't update by the minute. Somehow Rofi doesn't support dynamic/changing variables nor does it have an interval for refreshing results with inputs.
git clone ~/.config/rofi/rofi-metro
You may launch the start screen using:
rofi -show drun -theme ~/.config/rofi/rofi-metro/start-screen.rasi
Enable the charms bar by:
chmod +x
Open the charms bar by:
sh ~/.config/rofi/rofi-metro/
Ideally, you should have keybindings for these; or not, your choice.
I like Windows 8.
I don't think any of these scripts supports anything other than rofi. Unless that application sports a rofi-compatible theming system, you're out of luck getting this thing to run. This package is rofi-only, but I'll make a new repo if I ever get to use anything other than rofi.