This repository includes WADs, Wii U Forwarders, and Homebrew created by Me!
To install the Wii U Forwarders here, You need to have Aroma setup on your Wii U console.
To install the WADs & Wii Homebrew here, you need to have your Wii or vWii (Wii Mode on Wii U) modded. You can find a guide for this here.
✅If it was installed correctly, you should see it on your Wii Menu.
❌If you see a "The System Files are corrupted." error on any WADs here... then don't worry! If you've installed Priiloader before this, you can fix it!
Section I - Entering HBC
If you are on Wii, you can enter Priiloader in this state by holding RESET on the console while turning it on.
If you are on Wii U in the Aroma environment, you can load the Wii U forwarder on your Wii U Menu.
If you have not yet installed Aroma, here is a guide to do so.
If you don't have the Priiloader Wii U Forwarder, you can get it here.
- After doing the method for your console to enter Priiloader, you should be on a screen like the image below.

- Navigate down to "Homebrew Channel" and press (A)
Section II - Uninstalling WADs
Select YAWM ModMii Edition (yawmME for short) from the list of homebrew.
Select your source device.
Press (A), then press (A) again on your wad.
Press D-PAD RIGHT to change the selected action from Install WAD to Uninstall WAD, then press (A).

If you've installed multiple WADs, do this for every WAD you installed.
If you get an error while uninstalling, go to the Nintendo Homebrew discord server and ask for help in English.
Once it's uninstalled, Press (A) to go back, then press HOME to return to HBC. In HBC, press HOME again, and then "Return to System Menu".
✅ Your Wii should now be unbricked!
ℹ If you want, tell me what WAD bricked you and what console you installed it in my Discord Server.