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                        openQCD Simulation Programs



Currently the common features of the supported lattice theories are the

* 4-dimensional hypercubic N0xN1xN2xN3 lattice with even sizes N0,N1,N2,N3.
  Open, Schrödinger functional (SF), open-SF or periodic boundary conditions
  in the time direction. Periodic boundary conditions in the space directions.

* SU(3) gauge group, plaquette plus planar double-plaquette gauge action
  (Wilson, Symanzik, Iwasaki,...).

* O(a)-improved Wilson quarks in the fundamental representation of the gauge
  group. Among the supported quark multiplets are the classical ones (pure
  gauge, two-flavour theory, 2+1 and 2+1+1 flavour QCD), but doublets with a
  twisted mass and theories with many doublets, for example, are also

The O(a)-improvement includes the boundary counterterms required for the
improvement of the correlation functions near the boundaries of the lattice
in the time direction if open, SF or open-SF boundary conditions are chosen.
Either the traditional implementation of the O(a) Pauli term in the quark
action or an "exponential" variant (which offers some technical advantages)
may be used. For the quark fields phase-periodic boundary conditions in the
space directions are implemented too.


The simulation programs are based on the HMC or the SMD (Stochastic Molecular
Dynamics) algorithm. For the strange and the heavier quarks, a rational
approximation of the exact pseudo-fermion action is used as in the RHMC

Several advanced techniques are implemented that can be configured at run

* Nested hierarchical integrators for the molecular-dynamics equations, based
  on any combination of the leapfrog, 2nd order Omelyan-Mryglod-Folk (OMF) and
  4th order OMF elementary integrators, are supported.

* Twisted-mass Hasenbusch frequency splitting, with any number of factors
  and twisted masses. Optionally with even-odd preconditioning.

* Twisted-mass determinant reweighting.

* Deflation acceleration and chronological solver along the molecular-dynamics

* A choice of solvers (CGNE, MSCG, SAP+GCR, deflated SAP+GCR) for the Dirac
  equation, separately configurable for each force component and
  pseudo-fermion action.

* Parallel I/O of gauge, momentum and quark fields.

All of these depend on a number of parameters, whose values are passed to the
simulation program together with those of the action parameters (coupling
constants, quark masses, etc.) through a structured input parameter file.


Version 2.0 of openQCD includes various technical improvements (quadruple-
precision accumulation of large sums, uniform-norm solver stopping criterion,
etc.) which are expected to make master-field simulations of very large
lattices numerically safe.


All programs parallelize in 0,1,2,3 or 4 dimensions, depending on what is
specified at compilation time. They are highly optimized for machines with
current Intel or AMD processors, but will run correctly on any system that
complies with the ISO C89 (formerly ANSI C) and the MPI 1.2 standards.

For the purpose of testing and code development, the programs can also
be run on a desktop or laptop computer. All what is needed for this is
a compliant C compiler and a local MPI installation such as Open MPI.


The simulation program has a modular form, with strict prototyping and a
minimal use of external variables. Each program file contains a small number
of externally accessible functions whose functionality is described at the top
of the file.

The data layout is explained in various README files and detailed instructions
are given on how to run the main programs. Further documentation, specifying
the normalization conventions and algorithms used, is included in the doc


The program is portable to a wide range of architectures. It assumes, however,
that the machine and the compiler support a 4 byte integer type (short int or
int) and the standard IEEE 754 floating-point types float (4 bytes) and double
(8 bytes). Moreover, the floating-point arithmetic performed by the CPUs must
comply with the standard too and the default rounding rules (rounding to
nearest, ties to even) must be used.

These conditions are usually satisfied on machines with 64bit OS, but on x86
machines with 32bit OS some particular compiler options (such as the gcc
option -mfpmath=sse) may have to be set. The main programs check whether the
machine complies with the standard and abort the program with an informative
error message if not.


The compilation of the programs requires an ISO C89 compliant compiler and a
compatible MPI installation that complies with the MPI standard 1.2 (or later).

In the main and devel directories, a GNU-style Makefile is included which
compiles and links the programs (type "make" to compile everything; "make
clean" removes the files generated by "make"). The compiler options can be set
by editing the CFLAGS line in the Makefiles.

The Makefiles assume that the following environment variables are set:

  GCC             GNU C compiler command [Example: /usr/bin/gcc].

  MPI_HOME        MPI home directory [Example: /usr/lib64/mpi/gcc/openmpi].
                  The MPI libraries are expected in $MPI_HOME/lib.

  MPI_INCLUDE     Directory where the mpi.h file is to be found.

All programs are then compiled and linked using the mpicc command.

The compiler command to be used for the compilation of the modules and the
link step can be changed by editing the CC and CLINKER lines in the Makefiles.
Independently of what is specified there, the GCC compiler is used to resolve
the dependencies on the include files.


Current Intel and AMD processors are able to perform arithmetic operations on
short vectors of floating-point numbers in just one or two machine cycles,
using SSE and/or AVX instructions.

Many programs in the module directories include inline-assembly SSE and AVX
code. Inline assembly is a GCC extension of the C language that may not be
supported by other compilers. On 64bit systems the code can be activated by
setting the compiler flags -Dx64 or -DAVX, respectively. In addition, SSE
prefetch instructions will be used if one of the following options is

  -DP4     Assume that prefetch instructions fetch 128 bytes at a time
           (Pentium 4 and related Xeons).

  -DPM     Assume that prefetch instructions fetch 64 bytes at a time
           (Athlon, Opteron, Pentium M, Core, Core 2 and related Xeons).

  -DP3     Assume that prefetch instructions fetch 32 bytes at a time
           (Pentium III).

These options have an effect only if -Dx64 or -DAVX is set. The option
-DAVX implies -Dx64. If none of these options is set, the programs do
not make use of any C language extensions and are fully portable.

The latest x86 processors furthermore support fused multiply-add (FMA3)
instructions. OpenQCD makes use of these if the option -DFMA3 is set
in addition to -DAVX (setting -DFMA3 alone has no effect).

On recent x86-64 machines the recommended compiler flags are thus

    -std=c89 -O -mno-avx -DAVX -DFMA3 -DPM

For older machines that only support the SSE3 instruction set, the recommended
flags are

    -std=c89 -O -mno-avx -Dx64 -DPM

Aggressive optimization levels such as -O2 and -O3 tend to have little effect
on the execution speed of the programs, but the risk of generating wrong code
is higher.

AVX instructions and the option -mno-avx may not be known to old versions of
the GCC compiler, in which case one may be limited to SSE accelerations with
option string -std=c89 -O -Dx64 -DPM (or no acceleration at all).

If compilers other than GCC are used together with the option -Dx64 or -DAVX,
it is strongly recommended to verify the correctness of the compilation using
the check programs in the devel directory.


For troubleshooting and parameter tuning, it may helpful to switch on some
debugging flags at compilation time. The simulation program then prints a
detailed report to the log file on the progress made in specified subprogram.

The available flags are:

-DCGNE_DBG         CGNE solver.

-DFGCR_DBG         GCR solver.

-DFORCE_DBG        Quark forces in the molecular-dynamics evolution.

-FGCR4VD_DBG       GCR solver for the little Dirac equation.

-DMSCG_DBG         MSCG solver.

-DDFL_MODES_DBG    Deflation subspace generation.

-DMDINT_DBG        Integration of the molecular-dynamics equations.

-DRWRAT_DBG        Computation of the rational function reweighting

-DIGNORE_ERRORS    Error messages are printed as usual, but the program
                   execution continues.


The simulation programs reside in the directory "main". For each program,
there is a README file in this directory which describes the program
functionality and its parameters.

Running a simulation for the first time requires its parameters to be chosen,
which tends to be a non-trivial task. The syntax of the input parameter files
and the meaning of the various parameters is described in some detail in
main/README.infiles and doc/parms.pdf. Examples of valid parameter files are
contained in the directory main/examples.


The field configurations generated in the course of a simulation are written
to disk in a machine-independent format (see main/ Independently of
the machine endianness, the fields are written in little endian format. A
byte-reordering is therefore not required when machines with different
endianness are used for the simulation and the physics analysis.


The initial release of the openQCD package was written by Martin Lüscher and
Stefan Schaefer. Support for Schrödinger functional boundary conditions was
added by John Bulava. Phase-periodic boundary conditions for the quark fields
were introduced by Isabel Campos and the implementation of the "exponential"
variant of the O(a) Pauli term was developed by Antonio Rago. Several modules
were taken over from the DD-HMC program tree, which includes contributions
from Luigi Del Debbio, Leonardo Giusti, Björn Leder and Filippo Palombi.


In the course of the development of the openQCD code, many people suggested
corrections and improvements or tested preliminary versions of the programs.
The authors are particularly grateful to Isabel Campos, Dalibor Djukanovic,
Georg Engel, Leonardo Giusti, Björn Leder, Daniel Mohler, Carlos Pena and
Hubert Simma for their communications and help.


The software may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public Licence


If a bug is discovered, please send a report to <[email protected]>.


A public BG/Q version of openQCD that takes advantage of the machine-specific
features of IBM BlueGene/Q computers can be downloaded from

As explained in <>, the most time-consuming
parts of the programs can be further accelerated using AVX-512 intrinsics on
machines supporting these instructions. A public code implementing this in
openQCD-1.6 can be downloaded from <>
and may work with later versions of openQCD too.

The openQCD programs currently do not support reweighting in the quark
masses, but a module providing this functionality can be downloaded from

Another extension of openQCD-1.6, available at <>,
supports simulations of anisotropic lattices and pseudo-fermion actions, where
the gauge-field variables are replaced by stout-smeared ones.

Full-fledged QCD simulation programs tend to have many adjustable parameters.
In the case of openQCD, most parameters are passed to the programs through a
human-readable structured file. Liam Keegan's sleek graphical editor for these
parameter files offers some guidance and complains when inconsistent parameter
values are entered (see <>).


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