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(June 26th, 2019)
YALLAH stands for Yet Another Low-Level Agent Handler.
YALLAH is composed of:
- A Blender plugin (
) that takes as input virtual characters created with ManuelBastioniLab and quickly (procedurally) prepares them to run in real-time environments. - A Unity package (under the folder
) containing several motion controllers (Gaze, Locomotion, Text-to-Speech, ...) for the configuration of interactive virtual charcaters.
The goal of YALLAH is to allow 3D content creators to generate, customize, animate, dress, and deploy a virtual human in a Game Engine in few hours of work.
- For 3D authors, YALLAH is a reference for the development of virtual humans that have to be employed in real-time engines.
- For software developers, YALLAH is an open platform that can be taken as reference to implement new functionalities for improved interactive virtual humans.
We aim at providing a common authoring pipeline, framework, and API for the creation of multi-functional virtual humans that can be used in different application domains: video games, embodied conversational agents, virtual assistants, front-end for chat-bot systems.
- YALLENS Using a YALLAH-generated character with Hololens
Youtube Video
- DECAD (DFKI Embodied Conversational Agent Demo) at demonstrates an online running demo of a virtual human created with YALLAH.
The official YALLAH documentation is maintained on the online github wiki pages.
There are video tutorials on YouTube at the following playlist:
- Character Creation in Blender
- Import the Character in Unity
- Configure the Motion Controllers in Unity
- contains:
- the Blender add-on needed to author a new virtual character.YALLAH_Unity-YYMMDD.unitypackage
- all the scripts and basic assets to run the virtual character in
- all the documents. A dump of the online Wiki.
- a collection of assets to dress and animate your characters.
- The 3D authoring pipeline relies on Blender.
- The character generation heavily relies on the excellent Manuel Bastioni Laboratory character generator.
- The real-time 3D rendering targets Unity.
- The text-to-speech synthesis relies on the MARY Text-to-Speech System (MaryTTS)
- The Haxe meta-programming language is used to develop some of the code.
- This project is developed at the Sign Language Synthesis and Interation group, a research group of the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) and funded by the Cluster of Excellence on Multimodal Computing and Interaction (MMCI) in Saarbrücken, Germany.
- Fabrizio Nunnari (Research & Development)
- Kiarash Tamaddon (Development)
- Alexis Heloir (Research, Testing)
- Timo Gühring (Research & Development: text to speech, Haxe ports)