This repository supplements the long-term Zenodo repository, see here, and offers easy access to the artifacts' documentation and scripts. The corresponding versions are mirrored between Github and Zenodo, i.e., v1
on Zenodo mirrors v1.0
of this repository. Please note that a DOI is available for referencing these artifacts (see above).
This repository contains the instructions to setup a similar environment as was used in the paper "Combining Buffered I/O and Direct I/O in Distributed File Systems" from the USENIX FAST 24 submission. In addition, these artifacts provide a detailed description of the configurations of the experiments in the paper.
Please note that due to the complexity of fully configuring and testing a Lustre installation, these artifacts are not functional (as in, all scripts run automatically). However, this repository makes the artifacts description available for reference, making it possible to run similar experiments in similar configurations as provided in the paper.
These artifacts contain the following contents:
- Directory structure
- Prerequisites
- Installing file systems
- Lustre with autoIO
- BeeGFS
- OrangeFS
- Used benchmarks and applications
The following directory structure covers the setup and configurations of all used file systems and all used experiments from the paper.
The 01_filesystem_setup
directory includes reference instructions how to build, install, and deploy Lustre with the Lustre modifications presented in the paper. Moreover, this directory includes reference instructions for setting up BeeGFS and OrangeFS.
The 02_motivation
directory includes reference instructions for the experiment from Figures 1, 2, and 4.
The 03_single_io_stream
directory includes reference instructions for the experiments from Figures 5, 6, and 7.
The 04_multiple_io_stream
directory includes reference instructions for the experiments from Figure 8.
The 05_io500
directory includes reference instructions for the experiments from Figures 9, 10, and 11.
The 06_mpifileutils
directory includes reference instructions for the experiments from Figures 12, 13, and 14.
The 07_vpicio
directory includes reference instructions for the experiments from Figure 15.
The 08_nek5000
directory includes reference instructions for the experiments from Figures 16 and 17.
The following presents the individual artifacts that include all code modifications to Lustre in the context of this paper:
Artifact 1:
Persistent ID (DOI, GitHub URL, etc.):
Artifact name: I/O path: Unaligned direct I/O
Citation of artifact (if known):
Artifact 2:
Persistent ID (DOI, GitHub URL, etc.):
Artifact name: batch dirty buffered write of small files
Citation of artifact (if known):
Artifact 3:
Persistent ID (DOI, GitHub URL, etc.):
Artifact name: ldlm: contention detection
Citation of artifact (if known):
Artifact 4:
Persistent ID (DOI, GitHub URL, etc.):
Artifact name: I/O path: auto switch from BIO to DIO
Citation of artifact (if known):
Artifact 5:
Persistent ID (DOI, GitHub URL, etc.):
Artifact name: osd: use writeback for small writes in ldiskfs
Citation of artifact (if known):
Artifact 6:
Persistent ID (DOI, GitHub URL, etc.):
Artifact name: osd-ldiskfs: check and submit good full write
Citation of artifact (if known):
Artifact 7:
Persistent ID (DOI, GitHub URL, etc.):
Artifact name: osd-ldiskfs: add delayed allocation support
Citation of artifact (if known):
Artifact 8:
Persistent ID (DOI, GitHub URL, etc.):
Artifact name: osd-ldiskfs: detect good extent via extent tree
Citation of artifact (if known):
Artifact 9:
Persistent ID (DOI, GitHub URL, etc.):
Artifact name: Compiling Lustre
Artifact 10:
Persistent ID (DOI, GitHub URL, etc.):
Artifact name: Lustre Manual
The experiments in the paper were run on a Lustre cluster that consisted of 1 Metadata Target (MDT), 8 Object Storage Targets (OSTs), and 32 client nodes. The servers have used a DDN AI400X Appliance (20x SAMSUNG 3.84~TiB NVMe, 4x IB-HDR100) as backend, running Lustre 2.16. All clients included one Intel Gold 5218 processor, 96 GiB DDR4 RAM, and ran CentOS 8.4 Linux. All nodes were connected using Infiniband IB-HDR100.
When running CentOS 8.4 Linux, the following software packages are required:
sudo yum install asciidoc audit-libs-devel automake bc binutils-devel \
bison device-mapper-devel elfutils-devel elfutils-libelf-devel expect \
flex gcc gcc-c++ git glib2 glib2-devel hmaccalc keyutils-libs-devel \
krb5-devel ksh libattr-devel libblkid-devel libselinux-devel libtool \
libuuid-devel libyaml-devel lsscsi make ncurses-devel net-snmp-devel \
net-tools newt-devel numactl-devel parted patchutils pciutils-devel \
perl-ExtUtils-Embed pesign python-devel redhat-rpm-config rpm-build \
systemd-devel tcl tcl-devel tk tk-devel wget xmlto yum-utils zlib-devel
For running the experiments, MPI and environment variables are required:
yum install mpich
yum install mpich-devel
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/lib64/mpich/bin
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/lib64/mpich/lib
We used `clush`` for executing commands in parallel on our cluster and for gathering the corresponding results. More information can be found here:
The following includes reference instructions to set up Lustre, BeeGFS, and OrangeFS
First, the OFED drivers need to be build and installed according to Artifact 9. Next, the Lustre client and server versions need to be build including the corresponding patch sets:
- Lustre client: Refer to the Client bash script
- Lustre server: Refer to the Server bash script
The shell scripts should be used as a reference to build Lustre and deploy it. For further information on configuring Lustre, refer to Artifact 10. Chapter 10 of the Lustre manual presents a complete installation for a simple Lustre file system.
We used BeeGFS in version 7.4.0. The BeeGFS server and client instruction references are available at . In addition, we provide our used scripts to setup and re-config BeeGFS:
- BeeGFS client: Refer to the Client script directory
- BeeGFS server: Refer to the Server script directory
We used OrangeFS in version 2.10.0 on CentOS 8.7. The OrangeFS server and client instruction references are available at In addition, we provide our used scripts to setup and re-config OrangeFS:
- OrangeFS client: Refer to the Client script directory
- OrangeFS server: Refer to the Server script directory
We used the following benchmark tools and applications. Their individual installation instructions are found on their corresponding websites and not included in this artifact description:
- IOR, mdtest:
- IO500:
- DCP:
- perf:
- VPIC-IO: via h5bench: running VPIC-IO's I/O kernel. Build instructions:
- Nek5000: with its turbPipe workload