Open source fphash miner in Go with stratum-jsonrpc2.0-ws protocol.
The OpenCL kernel code originates from xmr-stak.
You can download the pre-built binaries from our GitHub Releases page. Choose the appropriate version for your operating system.
Check our Mining Discussion Forum for detailed tutorials on:
- Windows Solo Mining
- HiveOS Mining Setup
- And more mining guides
./xMiner -mock -all
./xMiner -info -all
This will display all available OpenCL devices with their indices:
Available OpenCL devices:
[1] NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080 (Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation)
[2] AMD Radeon RX 6800 (Vendor: Advanced Micro Devices)
You can choose specific devices to mine with using the -devices
or -d
# Use specific devices (e.g., devices 1 and 3)
./xMiner -devices "1,3"
# or use the short option
./xMiner -d 1,3
# Use all OpenCL devices
./xMiner -all
# Use AMD and NVIDIA GPU devices (default behavior)
Run a CyberChain client with mining feature enabled
./ccx -ws -mine -miner.etherbase=0x123...fff
Replace 0x123...fff with your own address.
Run the miner
The default pool address is ws://
./xMiner -user=username -pass=password -pool=wss://
Replace user, pass, pool
with your actual values provided by the mining pool.
sudo apt install ocl-icd-opencl-dev opencl-headers
Clone the repository and build the miner
git clone
cd xMiner
go build .