Package management tool for the Minecraft plugin TriggerReactor. ( Korean )
This is a prototype version and may be somewhat unstable
- You must add
--add-opens java.base/
to the argument portion of the bucket before it works.
This is a temporary issue and will be unnecessary for the next update.
This document explains how to use the package feature.
The following commands are available:
→ Displays the available commands and their functions.
/github active <packageName>
→ Activates or deactivates the specified package.
Note: When disabled, all files with the registered file names in the package will be deleted.
/github active <packageName> <overwrite|skip>
→ Sets how to handle duplicate files.
Note: If a package contains duplicate files, the user will be prompted to choose an action even if the active command was used.
/github package <packageName|*>
→ Displays detailed information about the specified package(s).
Note: Use * to show information for all packages.
/github install <github repository url>
→ Downloads the latest tagged source code from the specified Github repository.
/github install <github repository url> <version>
→ Downloads the specified version from the Github repository.
/github install <packageName>
/github install <packageName> <version>
→ Updates the specified package to the latest version.
Note: The default package activation state is disabled.
/github delete <packageName>
→ Deletes the specified package permanently.
Note: All files with the file name that belongs to the package will be deleted.
/github export
→ Automatically creates a package (not currently implemented).
How to structure a package with TRGithub
Hello there! You want to create a package with TRGithub?!
Here's a guide to help you create a package using TRGithub.
The package consists of the following:
Only thepackage-info.json
file and the TriggerReactor files you create are needed!
The structure ofpackage-info.json
is as follows:
{ "info": { "name": "Package Name", "author" : "Author Name", "description": "Package Description", "jdk" : "Recommended Java Version", "mc_version" : "Tested Minecraft Version", "trg_version" : "Tested TriggerReactor Version" }, "triggers": { "CommandTrigger": [ "triggerfile.trg", "triggerfile.json" ] } }The above code will detecttriggerfile.trg
in the CommandTrigger directory of your repository,
and add them to./plugin/TriggerReactor/CommandTrigger
The triggers currently supported by TRGithub are:
"CommandTrigger", "CustomTrigger", "Executor", "InventoryTrigger", "NamedTriggers", "Placeholder", "RepeatTrigger", "Other"
trigger will add any additional required files to the./plugin/TriggerReactor/Other
So, it's important to write the code correctly.
Once all files have been uploaded to GitHub, it's time to create a release.
Go to the Releases tab, clickDraft new Release
, create a tag (the tag name becomes the package version),
add a title, and clickPublish Release
If you still don't understand,
there's a perfect example here!
Example Package
You can download it using./github install
activate the package with./github active TRG_linearRegression
and use it with./linear_regression
Let's download and use the package from
- Download the package by running
./github install
- Activate the package by running
./github active TRG_linearRegression.
- Now you can use the package by running
- If you no longer need the package, you can delete it by running
./github delete TRG_linearRegression.
- If a new release is available in the repository, you can update the package by running
./github install TRG_linearRegression.