HID::LoupedeckCT - Perl driver for the Loupedeck CT keyboard
use feature 'say';
my $ld = HID::LoupedeckCT->new();
say "Connecting to " . $ld->uri;
$ld->on('turn' => sub($ld,$info) {
my $knob = $info->{id};
my $direction = $info->{direction};
# ...
The (websocket) URI where the Loupedeck device can be contacted. If not given, this is autodetected.
The Mojo::UserAgent used for talking to the Loupedeck CT.
The Websocket transaction used for talking.
my @ipv4_addresses = HID::LoupedecCT->list_loupedeck_devices;
This method lists potential candidates for USB connected Loupedeck CT
devices. It returns them as ws://
URIs for (USB) network connections
and as raw path names for (USB) serial connections.
$ld->send_command( 0x0409, "\03" )->then(sub {
say "Set backlight level to 3.";
Sends a command and returns a Future that will be fulfilled with the reply from the device.
Helper to dump bytes sent or received to STDOUT.
Helper to return a button number from X/Y touch coordinates
my( $screen, $x,$y,$w,$h ) = $ld->button_rect(6);
Helper to return rectangle coordinates from a button number
$ld->connect->then(sub {
say "Connected to Loupedeck";
Disconnects gracefully from the Loupedeck.
$ld->read_register(2)->then(sub {
my ($info,$data) = @_;
say $info->{register};
say $info->{value};
Reads the value of a persistent register.
These registers are mostly used to store configuration values on the device.
Sets the value of a persistent 32-bit register.
These registers are mostly used to store configuration values on the device.
$ld->get_backlight_level->then(sub {
my( $level ) = @_;
Reads the value of the backlight level stored in the device.
This level can deviate from the actual level.
Sets the value of the backlight level and optionally stores in the device for persistence across machines/power loss.
The level ranges from 0 (off) to 9 (bright).
If you pass in the persist
option, the backlight level stored in the
permanent register 2 will be updated.
$ld->set_backlight_level(9, persist => 1)->retain;
Restores the value of the backlight level to the level stored on the device.
Use this method at the startup of your program.
$ld->vibrate()->retain; # default
$ld->vibrate(10); # do-de
Vibrates the Loupedeck CT in the given pattern.
Enables or disables the built-in flash drive
You need to unplug and replug the device to get the flash drive recognized by your system.
Resets/restarts the Loupedeck device
This updates the screen after paint operations.
$ld->set_button_color(10, 127,255,127)->retain;
Sets the backlight colour for a physical button. The button values are 7 to 14 for the round buttons and 15 to 26 for the square buttons.
button => 1,
file => 'logo.jpg',
refresh => 1,
button => 1,
string => "\N{DROMEDARY CAMEL}",
refresh => 1,
bgcolor => [30,30,60],
Loads one of the touchscreen buttons with an image file or string.