CyberGearKit is a framework of communicating to xiaomi CyberGear.
This is an SPM-compliant Swift Package: First, add the following line in Package.swift to your package dependencies:
.package(url: "", branch: "master")
Then, add the module CyberGearKit – where necessary – to your target dependencies.
Create CyberGear.CANBus
to communicate with socketcan interface
let canBus = CyberGear.CANBus(hostID: 1)
do {
} catch {
// do some catch
Create CyberGear.Motor
to control motor. For example, you can make motor run in speed mode.
let motor = CyberGear.Motor(canID: 127, bus: canBus)
try! motor.runMode(.speed)
try! motor.enable()
try! motor.setTargetSpeed(5)
Use RxSwift
to listen frame parse
let disposeBag = DisposeBag()
.observe(on: MainScheduler.asyncInstance)
.subscribe { (v: CyberGearKit.CyberGear.Frame.MotorStatus) in
// do some thing
.disposed(by: disposeBag)
This package is licensed under the term of the MIT License. Contributions are always welcome!