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Quorum is an open-source Python utility that ensures the integrity of smart contracts deployed on blockchains. By comparing on-chain code against known official repositories, Quorum helps detect unauthorized changes, bolstering the security and trustworthiness of decentralized systems.

Key Features

  1. Fetch & Compare Smart Contract Source Codes:

    • Retrieves source code directly from various block explorers via contract addresses.
    • Generates unified diffs highlighting differences between local and fetched source codes.
  2. Repository & Code Verification:

    • Compare code against audited or reviewed repositories to confirm authenticity.
    • Automates repository management (clone & update) based on your configuration.
  3. Global Variable Check:

    • Ensures all unmatched contracts’ global variables are constant or immutable.
  4. Feed Price Check:

    • Validates that the contract feed price is listed on recognized providers like Chainlink or Chronicle.
  5. New Listing Check:

    • Checks if a given proposal introduces a new asset listing on the protocol.
  6. Quick Setup Command:

    • Generates essential configuration files (.env.example, ground_truth.json, execution.json, etc.)
    • Guides you through environment variable and repository configuration steps.


  • Python 3.11 or higher
    Quorum requires Python 3.11+, as it utilizes features from the most recent Python release.


Via pip

Using pypi:

pip install certora-quorum

Using git+https:

pip install git+ssh://[email protected]/Certora/Quorum.git

Via uv

Isolated Installation

This will install certora-quorum into an isolated virtual environment. This is the preferred method to install pythonic command line tools.

uv tool install certora-quorum

Project Installation

uv add certora-quorum

Or clone the repository:

git clone [email protected]:Certora/Quorum.git

Quick Setup

Quorum offers a convenient setup command to streamline initial configuration by creating required files and providing guidance.

1. Run Setup Command

quorum setup --working_dir "/home/user/quorum_project"
  • working_directory (Optional): Path where Quorum’s configuration files will be placed. If omitted, the current directory is used.


quorum setup --working_dir ./my_quorum_project

This action will:

  • Create the specified (or default) directory if it doesn’t exist.
  • Copy four template files:
    1. ground_truth.json
    2. execution.json
    3. .env.example
  • Provide inline comments within these files for guidance.

2. Post-Setup Configuration

  1. Environment Variables
    Edit the .env file (or your shell profile) with your actual API keys and custom paths:

    export ETHSCAN_API_KEY="your_etherscan_api_key"
    export ANTHROPIC_API_KEY="your_anthropic_api_key"
    export QUORUM_PATH="/path/to/your/quorum_directory"
    export COINMARKETCAP_API_KEY="your_coinmarketcap_api_key" (Optional only if you want to use CoinMarketCap as a price feed provider)
  2. Configuration Files

    • ground_truth.json: Define repositories and providers (e.g., price feed providers, token validation).
    • execution.json: Specify proposal addresses to be checked for different chains.
    • An auto-generated resource explaining your next steps.
  3. Optional: Command Autocompletion Enable Quorum command autocompletion by adding this line to your shell profile (.bashrc or .zshrc):

       eval "$(register-python-argcomplete quorum)"


Quorum leverages solcx (latest version) to parse contract code into an AST. Contracts incompatible with the latest solc version may break checks involving AST parsing (e.g., global variable checks, new listing checks).

Environment Variables

To fully enable Quorum’s checks, set the following:

Required Variables

  • ETHSCAN_API_KEY: Your Etherscan API key (for block explorer queries).
  • ANTHROPIC_API_KEY: Required if you intend to use advanced LLM-based checks (e.g., new listing first deposit checks).
  • QUORUM_PATH: Directory path where Quorum stores cloned repos, diffs, logs, etc.
  • COINMARKETCAP_API_KEY: Optional if you want to use CoinMarketCap as a price feed provider.

Setting Variables

  1. Shell Environment:

    export ETHSCAN_API_KEY="your_etherscan_api_key"
    export ANTHROPIC_API_KEY="your_anthropic_api_key"
    export QUORUM_PATH="/path/to/quorum_artifacts"
    export COINMARKETCAP_API_KEY="your_coinmarketcap_api_key"
  2. .env File:


(This file is automatically created by Quorum setup if not already present.)


Quorum now provides a single CLI with multiple subcommands for different tasks. Below is an overview of each subcommand, with examples.

1. validate-address

Purpose: Analyzes a single proposal address for a specific customer on a given chain.

quorum validate-address --customer "Aave" --chain "Ethereum" --payload_address "0xAD6..."

2. validate-batch

Purpose: Processes multiple proposals in bulk using a JSON config file.

quorum validate-batch --config "/path/to/config.json"

(See “Example Usage with Config File” for a sample config.)

3. validate-by-id

Purpose: Looks up all payload addresses for a single proposal ID (useful for proposals containing multiple payloads).

quorum validate-by-id --customer "Aave" --proposal_id 137

4. validate-ipfs

Purpose: Validates whether the IPFS description content aligns with the actual on-chain payload. Uses LLM-based analysis.

quorum validate-ipfs --proposal_id 132 --chain "Ethereum" --payload_address "0xAD6..."

5. generate-report

Purpose: Generates a human-readable report of the proposal details, leveraging Jinja2 templates.

quorum generate-report --proposal_id 137 \
                     --template "src/quorum/auto_report/" \
                     --generate_report_path "reports/"

6. setup

Purpose: Bootstraps your Quorum environment, creating .env, ground_truth.json, execution.json, and an initial

quorum setup --working_dir "/home/user/quorum_project"

(Refer to “Quick Setup” for details.)

Example Usage with Config File

For bulk execution, create a config file (e.g., config.json) with the following format:

    "Aave": {
        "Ethereum": { "Proposals": [ "0xAD6..." ] },
        "Arbitrum": { "Proposals": [ "0x22ca2..." ] },

Then run:

quorum validate-batch --config "/path/to/config.json"

(Chains without proposals are automatically skipped.)

Configuration Details


Defines each protocol’s repositories and providers:

Each Repo is cloned and updated automatically (without its submodules). To clone a specific branch, append #branch_name to the repo URL.

    "ProtocolName": {
        "dev_repos": [
        "review_repo": "",
        "price_feed_providers": ["Chainlink", "Chronicle"],
        "token_validation_providers": ["Coingecko", "CoinMarketCap"]

Currently Supported Providers

  • Price Feeds: Chainlink, Chronicle
  • Token Validation: Coingecko, CoinMarketCap

Artifacts Structure

All artifacts (cloned repos, diffs, logs) are stored under QUORUM_PATH. Below is a typical folder hierarchy:

├── ground_truth.json
├── CustomerName/
│   ├── modules/
│   │   ├── repository1/
│   │   ├── repository2/
│   ├── checks/
│   │   ├── ChainName/
│   │   │   ├── ProposalAddress/
│   │   │   │   ├── DiffCheck_<timestamp>/
│   │   │   │   ├── FeedPriceCheck_<timestamp>/
│   │   │   │   ├── GlobalVariableCheck_<timestamp>/
│   │   │   │   ├── NewListingCheck_<timestamp>/
│   │   │   ├── ...
│   ├── execution.json
│   └── ground_truth.json
  1. CustomerName/: Each customer has a dedicated folder.
  2. modules/: Contains cloned Git repositories.
  3. checks/: Contains patch files (diffs) and JSON logs from the checks performed.
  4. execution.json: Tracks the proposals processed in the last run.
  5. ground_truth.json: Core configuration defining the official repositories and providers.


For dev guide please refer to


Quorum is licensed under the MIT License.


Contributions are welcome! Please open an issue or submit a pull request on GitHub.


  • Special thanks to all contributors and the open-source community for their support.

Happy Auditing! If you have any questions or run into issues, please don’t hesitate to create a GitHub issue or open a discussion.