Standard extensions for Cocoa
The package is in beta (feel free suggest your improvements here)
But we do respect semantic versioning 😉
You can add CocoaExtensions to an Xcode project by adding it as a package dependency.
- From the File menu, select Swift Packages › Add Package Dependency…
- Enter
into the package repository URL text field - Choose products you need to link them to your project.
If you use SwiftPM for your project, you can add StandardExtensions to your package file.
name: "swift-cocoa-extensions",
url: "",
.upToNextMinor(from: "0.4.0")
Do not forget about target dependencies:
name: "CocoaExtensions",
package: "swift-cocoa-extensions"
name: "CocoaExtensionsMacros",
package: "swift-cocoa-extensions"
This library is released under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.