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CI SwiftPM 5.9 Platforms @maximkrouk

Standard extensions for Cocoa

The package is in beta (feel free suggest your improvements here)

But we do respect semantic versioning 😉



You can add CocoaExtensions to an Xcode project by adding it as a package dependency.

  1. From the File menu, select Swift Packages › Add Package Dependency…
  2. Enter "" into the package repository URL text field
  3. Choose products you need to link them to your project.


If you use SwiftPM for your project, you can add StandardExtensions to your package file.

  name: "swift-cocoa-extensions",
  url: "", 
  .upToNextMinor(from: "0.4.0")

Do not forget about target dependencies:

  name: "CocoaExtensions", 
  package: "swift-cocoa-extensions"
  name: "CocoaExtensionsMacros", 
  package: "swift-cocoa-extensions"


This library is released under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.