Community Firmware "Tune it, love it" release 6
First of all I want to thank everyone for the support and positive reactions we got on the 5 beta release of the community firmware. All the testing and feedback has made this firmware better and better. Thank you for testing and sending your feedback. Months of work have resulted in release 6 of the community firmware.
TLDR: Added PID tuning, interactive e-steps calibration, overriding slicer retractions, custom ABL probing settings, many more configuration knobs and stability improvements.
Table of contents
- News
- Hardware Supported
- Important Safety Warnings
- Community Firmware Architecture
- Hardware Dependencies and this Community Firmware
- Previous Community Firmware Release History
- New Features at Release 6
- Comparisons with Creality stock firmware
- Bugs Fixed at this Release
- Known issues
- Flashing instructions
- Troubleshooting Guide
- How to Report issues
- How to Contribute
- Some Final Notes
- File listing
- Jim of the The Edge of Tech has made an instruction video on how to flash the community firmware
- @Sebazzz was recently interviewed on The Real Sam Prentice channel
Hardware Supported
This release of the CR-6 Community Firmware supports the following hardware configurations:
- Creality CR-6 SE with either a v4.5.2, v4.5.3 or or v1.1-ERA motherboard. See the FAQ section to know which board you have.
- Creality CR-6 SE with BigTreeTech (BTT) SKR CR-6 board and:
- a BTT Thin Film Transistor (TFT) v3.0 touch screen
OR - a Stock Creality TFT touch screen
- a BTT Thin Film Transistor (TFT) v3.0 touch screen
- Creality CR-6 MAX with v4.5.3 motherboard
- Creality CR-6 MAX with BigTreeTech SKR CR-6 board and:
- a BTT TFT v3.0 touch screen
OR - a Stock Creality TFT touch screen
- a BTT TFT v3.0 touch screen
# Important Safety Warnings
1) **This release does NOT prevent users from setting the Nozzle Temperature higher than 260C.**Marlin normally refuses to execute commands like M303 (PID) or to allow users to enter a heater setting that exceeds the safe maximum for the nozzle, bed or chamber or laser cooler. That feature is not working in this release for nozzle temperatures. It does work for bed temperatures. We don't know whether it is working for the chamber or laser cooler.
- The Community Firmware enables the watchdog timer function for STM32F1 processors - if Marlin would freeze from some reason (like due to SD card issues) the printer is automatically reset and the heaters are disabled - this feature is not enabled on the stock Creality or BTT firmware
Included in the downloadable Assets on this page is one pre-compiled version of the Community Firmware with this Watchdog Timer disabled. is provided to support the troubleshooting by owners of printers using the Community Firmware on 4.5.2 motherboards, which appear to be repeatedly rebooting themselves.
This special version of the firmware is designed only to help users confirm or eliminate the possibility that the watchdog timer function is rebooting their machine. It is not intended to be used on unattended printers or to "solve" the rebooting problem.
Community Firmware Architecture
**This Community Firmware is comprised of two firmwares to flash:**- A Community Firmware Motherboard module, based on Marlin bugfix 2.0
- A Community Firmware Display module (for the Creality Stock Displays only).
The Marlin firmware on which this Community Firmware is based is designed to facilitate the customization of the firmware to run on a wide variety of hardware configurations.
Compiled versions of the Motherboard firmware are provided in the Assets section at the bottom of this page, each uniquely configured for one of the motherboards listed under Supported Hardware, above.
The latest version of the Community Firmware Motherboard module is maintained on the CR6Community/Marlin GitHub page.
The Community Firmware Display module is ONLY required on Creality stock (DWIN) TFT displays.
A compiled version of the Display firmware module + the DGUS OS installer program are included as an embedded zip file inside the Motherboard firmware zip files, for each of the supported hardware configurations that include the stock Creality TFT.
The latest version of the Community Firmware Display module is maintained on the CR6Community/CR-6-touchscreen GitHub page.
The Display firmware module and the Motherboard firmware module on printers using both Creality Motherboard hardware and Creality TFT hardware must be a matched-pair.
On printers using both Creality Motherboard hardware and Creality TFT hardware, Community Firmware UI controls and displays are implemented as a collaboration between the Display firmware and the Motherboard firmware.
e.g.: On the Creality TFT: Pressing a "button" on the Creality TFT results in the Community Firmware Display module sending messages to the Community Firmware Motherboard module, sometimes eliciting a response back.
When the Community Firmware Motherboard module needs to display information to the user, it sends a message to the Community Firmware Display module, which then displays the information on the TFT screen.
NOTE: Although it is physically possible to load a Motherboard firmware module from one release and a Display firmware module from another, the printer system will not operate correctly if you do. For this reason, at Release 6 of the Community Firmware we have added "version checking" to alert the user if the two firmwares do not match.
BTT TFT displays do not use the Community Firmware Display firmware module or the DGUS OS.
BigTreeTech (BTT) TFT v3.0 Displays can also be used with the Community Firmware in systems where the printer has a BTT SKR CR6 motherboard installed. In that case, though, the display must be flashed with the BTT Touchscreen Firmware, NOT the Community Firmware Display module.
On printers using the BTT SKR CR6 motherboard hardware with BTT TFT hardware, the Community Firmware Motherboard is designed to work with the BTT Touchscreen Firmware.
- BTT TFT displays running in Touchscreen mode use the BTT Touchscreen Firmware UI to interact with the Community Firmware Motherboard.
- BTT TFT displays running in the LCD mode use the Marlin LCD User Interface (UI) which is included in the Community Firmware Motherboard.
The BTT TFT display Firmware is ONLY required on BTT TFT displays.
The latest version of the BTT Touchscreen Firmware is maintained and released by BigTreeTech on their GitHub page.
# Hardware Dependencies and this Community Firmware
Unless otherwise stated, all features documented in these release notes are available on all supported hardware configurations. Any features which are limited to specific hardware configurations are highlighted as such.
Some of the Community Firmware functionality is only available when installed on specific combinations of hardware. This happens because our user community sometimes choose to modify their systems with non-stock components which require firmware configurations that are only compatible with those non-stock components. Some of those components in-turn enable functionality not available from the Creality stock components.
Some hardware differences can be accommodated by making printer setup functions available in the menu system. (e.g. Extruder steps/mm to support the use of non-stock extruders)
Some hardware differences require accommodation through changes to the configuration settings in the Motherboard firmware. (e.g. Pins.h to support hardware differences between Creality 4.5.2 and 4.5.3 motherboards)
Some Community Firmware functionality is only available on the BTT SKR CR6 motherboard because BigTreeTech chose to implement different features on their motherboard. (e.g. Neopixels support)
Since our users are likely most interested in what this firmware can do on tneir own printer, but may also be curious about the possible impact of making hardware changes, these release notes make it clear whenever the availability or functionality of a feature is hardware-dependent.
# Previous Community Firmware Release History:
For a summary of features added at previous releases of the Community Firmware, please review:
New Features at Release 6
This section summarizes the features which were added or modified in the Community Firmware since the Happy New Year's version (Release 5.)
For a summary of any bug fixes made, see the section "Bugs Fixed at This Release".
A Fresh New User Interface (UI) for the Stock Creality TFT
Release 4 of the Community Firmware Display module featured an entirely refreshed user interface by @grobux!
- Improved Display support tools and protocols on the back-end
- Improved font spacing
- Improved graphics. JPEG artifacts be gone!
At Release 6, @ztakis has built on that work, providing multiple new and refreshed menu designs to help consolidate and clarify UI support to the primary functional workflows
Menu Structure More Closely Aligned with Four (4) Primary Workflows
This release introduces a large number of new features, so we launched a review of the UI menu structure. (Issue# 121)
To help users intuit and remember where to find the controls they need, this release groups them according to four primary workflows:
- A new Setup menu groups the controls for configuring the printer performance and behaviour according to the user's preferences. This replaces the "Control" menu.
- A new Calibrate menu groups the controls for calibrating key printer performance parameters. This absorbs the "Level" menu, which moves down one level as a submenu under Calibrate.
- The Prepare menu continues to group the controls most likely to be used when preparing for a new print job.
- The Print menu continues to group the controls used to initiate a new print job and to manage/intervene with an active print job.
NOTE: When a print job is active, the user is only able to access controls available from the Printing Menu. Some jobs may run for hours or days, so we have also provided a Tune menu, and an "Other Settings" submenu from which key printer configuration and performance parameters from the SetUp menu can be accessed while a print job is active or paused.
New Features Added to the Setup Menu
New "Movement Settings" submenu
On all supported motherboards, these settings control key motion parameters of the individual axes (issue #189)
NOTE: A TMC Settings screen is also provided ONLY on systems using the BTT SKR CR6 motherboard because the drivers on the BTT motherboard are connected in UART mode, but on the Creality boards they are in standalone mode.
CAUTION: To make the maintenance of this firmware easier for the developers, we hide the TMC settings button unless you are running the firmware on a BTT board. If you are using a Creality motherboard but you tap the axis settings screen where the TMC button is located, you may be able to access the TMC settings screen, but those controls will not work on a Creality board.
Movement settings can now be changed per axis
There are also advanced settings available, you can tweak them if you like
New "Miscellaneous Settings" submenu (issue #193)
- Enable/disable the filament sensor
- Enable/disable the Power Loss Recovery (PLR) function
- Screen Brightness control (Minimum brightness = 10%.)
- Screen Timeout controls. (Minimum brightness = 10%. Maximum timeout = 655 seconds.)
NOTE: The Miscellaneous Settings screen is also accessible from the Printing Tune menu, to allow you to modify these settings while printing.
Some of you don't have a working filament sensor. Now you can disable it here (thanks to @ztakis for doing the graphics)
New Features Added to the Calibrate Menu
New Leveling Features
Added a 16-point bed leveling mesh visualization heat map to the Level menu (issue #148)
(For CR6-SE users Only) We provided ability to directly edit bed leveling mesh values, as a form of "Manual Bed Leveling" (issue #209):
Tap a point, enter a new mesh value, and it will automatically save.
Added the ability to configure these default Bed Probing and Leveling Parameters: (issue #106)
- trade-off better bed leveling and Z-offset accuracy for speed
- set the preheat nozzle and bed temperature
- enable/disable stabilizing nozzle temperature after homing
- set a fade height for the ABL compensation (issue #197)
On the CR-6 stock display. The second from bottom option is used to skip waiting for temperatures to stabilize if you are using the recommended start gcode for this firmware.
On MarlinUI (1)
On MarlinUI (2)
Added a built-in experimental mesh validation pattern print (issue #196)
CAUTION - May overextrude
Circles on every probe point
Screen to run the calibration pattern
Added hot-end PID tuning (issue #60)
Added interactive e-step calibration (issue #57)
New to the Prepare Menu
Added progress display to filament load/unload menu (issue #125)
Modified the HOME command to home without pre-heating. (issue #215)
Refreshed Printing Screen Layout
@ztakis gave the printing screen a refresh, by reorganizing the status variables and adding the Z-offset back (issue #115)
We've added displays of the fan speed, feed rate, flow rate, and X/Y/Z axis positions
You can now override slicer retraction settings and perform real-time retraction tuning during an active print (issue #157)
You can now View/Modify the Linear Advance factor during a live print (issue #158)
Added support for M73 R
to display a "print time remaining" estimate to the Print Timer on the Printing Screen (issue #208)
Requires use of a supporting Octoprint plugin or slicer to emit a "time remaining" estimate - check here for a full guide on how to activate this feature
Time remaining shown - you now have your M117 status line available for other information, like layer height
Corresponding setting in PrusaSlicer - it will also be possible in Cura 4.9 when it releases
Added "Tap to Modify" Functionality
You can quickly set the bed and hot-end temperature by tapping the temperature display in the footer.
You can tap to modify any of the eight (8) performance parameters displayed on the Printing screen.
e.g.: You can now tune the flow rate (the amount of filament extruded) of an active print from the "tuning" screen. Very useful when tuning in new filaments. You can also control and review the fan speed percentage from the tuning screen.
New Support for Octoprint
We now show the printer status messages also on the home screen.
The filament sensor is working and Octoprint acts on it - it pauses the print. Make sure you have the correct gcode in Octoprint so it parks the nozzle.
In addition when an Octoprint print starts we automatically show the "printing" screen with full access to all details and tuning options. You can also set the print progress using the the detailed progress plugin.
Improved Overall Reliability
- Rebased on latest Marlin bugfix-2.0.x sources which will eventually become Marlin v2.0.7.3
- Increase bed leveling and homing (Z-offset) accuracy
- We do this by preheating before probing and turning off the heaters and the part cooling fan when probing, so that the risk of electrical interference is minimized when reading the strain gauge.
- Homing and probing is perceived slower - but in terms of print time this is just a fraction of the time
- By default we probe at 120C/50C - but if you have preheated your printer to a higher temperature, then that temperature is kept
- You can tweak this behaviour from the leveling settings menu.
- Tinkered further with the movement settings for optimum performance
Miscellaneous Other Functional Enhancements
On all supported hardware configurations
- Now return the nozzle to a safe area after RUN ABL completes (issue #143)
- Now enable usage of imperial (inch) units (issue #149)
- Now heat the nozzle and bed before resuming from Power Loss Recovery (issue #149)
- Octoprint Meatpack- gcode compression is available, but disabled by default. To activate MEATPACK, you will need to uncomment \#define MEATPACK in Configuration_adv.h and compile the firmware yourself.
- Revised hot-end heater timeout from 5 to 30 minutes (issue #116 and issue #150)
- Added a "Throbber" widget to several screens to cue users to wait for an ongoing operation to complete.
On Creality stock touch screen only
- Now don't cool down when leaving the leveling menu (issue #152)
- Documented the touch screen configuration flag in Configuration.h (issue #139)
- Now stay on mesh leveling screen after leveling has completed (issue #195)
Comparison to Creality firmware
See for a full list the Community firmware 4 alpha release notes, but some highlights here:
Allow the probe offset to be set in 0.01mm offsets (issue #15)
Pre-heat PLA and PETG temperatures are properly shown in the touch screen interface
Save power loss recovery settings to the SD card instead of EEPROM, preventing blobs
Filament runout detection has now been enabled by default again. (issue #19)
- We use the Marlin native filament runout detection. This is more reliable than the home-brew implementation of Creality because it debounces any possible false readings. Give your filament sensor a chance again.
- If you have previously used the resistor trick to bypass the filament runout sensor, you can undo it. If your filament runout sensor is really defective, you can disable it using
M412 S0
- otherwise you can enable it usingM412 S1
(play tone / buzzer) (issue #20)- You can now let your printer make some noise! Note that we only support the duration parameter of M300, and only with 8 millisecond precision due to the touch screen limitation.
- This is especially useful because you can add M300 in your end gcode to have an audible notification that your print is done
- When you have a filament change pending, the printer will notify you using an audible alert
- Errors l
(print progress) (issue #7 and issue #27)- When printing from Octoprint you can use the detailed progress plugin to update the progress on the printer display
(start/stop print timer) on the touch screen level. This can be useful if printing from a host, because if you issue this gcode, the touch screen changes to the print progress screen. When printing from Octoprint, this will be injected by default in my experience. -
Enable EMERGENCY_PARSER commands
- Enable support for gcode command M0 with resume via M118 via the touch screen (the "power loss recovery" screen is (ab)used for this)
LCD message (issue #7) on the print progress screen- If you use Cura, you can inject "time remaining" or the "current layer" and it will show on the display
Enable linear advance / pressure advance allowing you to do linear advance calibration
Based on recent version of Marlin (as mentioned above) instead of an early version of Marlin 2.0.0
- Support
filament change - please read here how to use it - Support
filament load/unload
- Support
Some bugs fixed
Some bugs may be fixed in the Creality v2.x firmware too - this list compares to the Creality v1.0.3.7 firmware on which the BTT SKR firmware is also based.
- Fix temperature reporting issues in Octoprint (issue #3)
- Don't execute the SD abort gcode sequence when a print is succesfully finished - you can add
G1 X0 Y{machine_depth} ;Present print
to your end gcode in Cura to put the bed forward after the print completes. - Prevent first layer abort from scratching the bed (issue #12)
- See for a full list the Community firmware 4 alpha release notes
Bugs Fixed at This Release
These were some of the more significant technical bugs resolved:- Rapid Z-offset adjustment causes factory reset (issue #123)
- Units are displayed as mm but are actually in centimeters (issue #111, #118m #129)
- Screen sound and stand-by settings not immediately activated after boot (#119 and #113)
- Cancelling a print sometimes processes a few commands before truly ending the print (issue #154)
- Bed temperature is sometimes lowered after homing (issue #132)
For a full list of added features and bugs fixed at Release 6, see the Community Firmware Release 6 milestone.
Known issues
- **This release does NOT prevent users from setting the Nozzle Temperature higher than 260C. (issue #237) **
Marlin normally refuses to execute commands like M303 (PID) or to allow users to enter a heater setting that exceeds the safe maximum for the nozzle, bed or chamber or laser cooler. That feature is not working in this release for nozzle temperatures. It does work for bed temperatures. We don't know whether it is working for the chamber or laser cooler.
Auto-bed leveling might be slower than what you are used to - but this trade off is in favor of accuracy. We recommend leveling once - the printer will remember the leveling settings. Remove
from your start gcode - there is no need to level every time you print. Check this page for a recommended start gcode for your slicer. -
The mesh validation pattern seems slightly overextruded. This is still in an experimental phase (also described above).
When using the Creality stock touch screen:
- M600 does a filament purge and then continues printing - it does not wait for you to confirm enough filament is purged. For this reason I recommend to do the purging manually yourself and set the purging amount in the slicer to a low value like 10mm. This is due to a limitation in Marlin.
- The movement screen is less reliable if you have not homed before using the movement controls. Please home first before attempting to move the axes. We're showing the positioning numbers in red to remind you of that (issue #73)
For the BTT SKR CR6 board with BTT TFT:
- Homing heats up before probing and this is not shown on MarlinUI so it appears not to function if you home from within the Marlin UI menu. If you go to the home/info screen though, you can see it heat up though.
Features not available in this firmware
- Full localization support. The Creality v2.x firmware offers full support for multiple languages - the CR-6 community team has no manpower to maintain localizations. If you're a bit tech savvy you can fork our touch screen firmware and maintain a set of localized screens as detailed here. Get in touch and we'Il put a link up to your fork!
Flashing instructions
Note: This release is accompanied by a new firmware for the touch screen. This release and the new touch screen firmware goes hand-in-hand - one cannot be used without the other.
It doesn't matter if you flash the touch screen on motherboard firmware first, but it is easier to flash the touch screen first.
Make sure you pick the right firmware package for your particular hardware configuration!
You can get the files in the "assets" section below.
There are also several video's available on how to flash the firmware:
Touch screen flashing instructions
This release of the touch screen firmware comes with version 3.5 of the DGUS OS (the underlying operating system of the Creality DWIN touch screen) to fix text rendering issues.
Flashing instructions are also available as a video - this video is for the Ender 3 V2 but the same procedure applies to the CR-6. For instructions, check the README.txt in the touch screen firmware download.
For this release the touch screen firmware and flashing instructions are included in the firmware release package. Be sure to follow the instructions carefully. If you experience issues, try flashing the touch screen a second or even a third time. It doesn't always "take" all the files. Sorry - hardware limitation!
Mainboard / Marlin flashing instructions
- If you like to remember what settings you had, run
in a serial monitor. - Use an empty SD card formatted FAT32 4096KB sector size.
- Put the firmware ".bin" file from the zip file in the root folder of your SD card
- When using Windows - do a "safe removal" to remove your SD card.
- Put the SD card in the printer.
- Either turn the printer off, then on again or issue command
from Octoprint/Pronterface.- BTT SKR boards will flash the hot-end led while the firmware is flashed and rename the
file tofirmware.cur
. - Creality boards will give no indication of correct flashing - except for the fact that it took a few seconds for the flashing to complete
- BTT SKR boards will flash the hot-end led while the firmware is flashed and rename the
- Verify the firmware is flashed by issuing
or going to "Control -> Info" on the touch screen. - You can now remove the file from the SD card.
The version should be shown when flashed successfully. If it is not shown, try rebooting your printer, reflash the motherboard by renaming the .bin file, reformatting the SD card, or trying a different SD card
Configuring Your Printer After Flashing
Go to the Setup menu.
- Verify that the INFO screen shows the correct build volume and the correct firmware version
- If any of the fields are blank or contain incorrect information, the flashing process has failed. Try again.
- Select Reset to Factory settings and Cycle printer power OFF/ON
OR - issueM502
followed byM500
via the serial interface from a Terminal software like Octoprint. - Review and adjust any of the printer configuration and performance parameters on the Setup menus to your preferred settings
- Verify that the INFO screen shows the correct build volume and the correct firmware version
Go to the Calibrate menu
- Select the Level submenu
- Review/adjust the Leveling Settings to your preference
- Relevel the bed
- Recalibrate the z-offset
- Reprogram esteps (if you are not using the stock 93.0 steps/mm)
- Do a PID tune (if you find that the heating is not reliable for you or if you use high temperature plastics like ABS and nylon).
- Select the Level submenu
Your printer is now ready to Prepare and Print, using the latest Community Firmware.
Some frequently asked questions. Your question will most likely be answered in the Wiki, here!
Troubleshooting Guide
There are few things worse than turning on your printer after flashing a new release and finding that something is not working. 💩
We understand that it can be a bit bewildering and frustrating to figure out how to debug whatever issues you are suddenly experiencing after flashing the Community Firmware, so we offer these recommendations from our collective experience, for your consideration:
We do our best not to add to your troubles by incorporating our own mistakes into the firmware, (though it has been known to happen. 😉 ) Check the Known Issues and FAQ sections to see whether your problem(s) are already on record.
Also try scanning through the Issues section on GitHub. You may be able to contribute important clues that help us conquer that demon, or you may find tips and work-arounds contributed by other Community members who also hit that problem. (Be sure to check out both the Open and the Closed issues. There is a search feature which might help.) -
We've seen issues reported as firmware issues that are actually caused by the hardware. These issues may only become noticeable after flashing this firmware and some may even "disappear" if you revert to the stock Creality firmware.
- e.g.: "The printer frequently reboots itself, but only when running the Community Firmware"
- There are a significant number of bugs in the SDIO firmware used by Creality to read/write the SD card from the stock Motherboard firmware.
- The Community Firmware activates the Watchdog Timer in Marlin, to protect your system against potentially dangerous failure conditions, while the Creality firmware does not.
- If your system is having problems interacting with the SD card, it will likely appear to randomly reboot itself when running the Community Firmware because of the Watchdog timer function.
- A special version of the 4.5.2 firmware is provided to help users test for whether turning off the Watchdog Timer "cures" this rebooting problem. It does NOT, however, "cure" whatever problem the board is having. (See the Safety Warnings section for more.)
- We also recommend that you do not use the Creality SD card that came with your printer if you have a 4.5.2 motherboard. Sooner or later it seems to fail and result in this issue. Try a different SD card.
Bed Leveling issues are probably among the most frustrating to troubleshoot. We have a #bed-leveling channel dedicated to this subject on our Discord, so if your issue is eluding you, please drop in for 1:1 help.
Print Quality issues may be a result of the settings in (or issues with) your slicer
The Community FIrmware has been configured and tuned to make the best possible use of your printer, but we can not always overcome problems with the gcode introduced by the slicer softwaree.g. Cura 4.7.x has known issues with print quality.
As of Release 6, though, you can experiment with overriding some settings in real-time, like overriding the slicer retraction settings, adjusting %flow rate or %feedrate, microstepping Z offset, etc..
How to Report Issues
Please follow the instructions here carefully.
Issues not following the issue template will be closed due to insufficient information.
Feature requests or other input
Feature requests are welcome! Let us know in the issue tracker!
How To Contribute
Your contributions to this project are very welcome!
- First, please open an issue in the issue tracker to discuss what you like to contribute. This is especially important if it involves the touch screen because due to technical limitations only one person can work on the touch screen firmware at the same time.
- Issues marked "good first issue" or "help wanted" can are a good issue to start with!
- If you can't code but still like to contribute and can spare a cup of coffee please donate to support this initiative.
- If you like, you can also contribute documentation here, or help your fellow CR-6 users or influencers feature the community firmware
Some final notes
- Remember that this is a community project, we're not paid (definitely not by Creality!). We also have a full time job and are doing this in our spare time. We're just fellow 3d printing enthusiasts who like to have a better Creality CR-6 experience for everyone.
- We're active in the CR-6 community discord - come say hello!
- You can download the pre-compiled files for your printer configuration from the "assets" section below (See File Listing section for details).
- Use the information in the File Listing section to identify which file you need, according to your machine configuration.
- If you prefer to compile the Motherboard firmware yourself, you can download the Source Code zip or tar.gz file or pick the applicable branch from Github instead
File Listing
The firmware files can be downloaded using the links provided in the assets section at the bottom of this page.
Note that each file name includes the motherboard for which that particular version has been compiled.
In the case of the BTT motherboard, there are also separate files for those using the Creality Stock Thin Film Transistor (TFT) display and for those using a BTT display.
If you are using a BTT TFT v3.0 display in LCD mode, then you only need to flash the motherboard firmware, which includes the Marlin UI.
If you are using the stock Creality TFT touch screen display, then you must also flash the display with a DWIN firmware that matches the motherboard firmware.
The DWIN firmware files are embedded as the zip file within the applicable motherboard firmware zip files.
Take care to download the correct version of the firmware according to both the motherboard and the display type in your printer.
You can find descriptions of the files and the file SHA256 hash codes in this section in the table below (scroll right to see it all).
For use with the CR6-SE:
File name Description SHA256 hash
--------- ----------- ----------- CR-6 SE (v4.5.2 motherboard) D656E2A53A62EFAC52308210E1D4466CF0B966A7E748A36A6151D9DA51C6D2B7 CR-6 SE (v4.5.2 motherboard) (no watchdog - caution - thermal runaway possible!) AD4122A8EC477D48D713D84BC2C24CCED92F17079FC65712918101C0F89C6779 CR-6 SE (v4.5.3 or v1.1-ERA motherboard) 1F713C01A02D6380B16EE64D877B40068F18166BA554B4A36FD0CD450652A185 CR-6 SE with BigTreeTech SKR CR6 and stock Creality screen AA67A30BB7045F8B5C8C1C7C276B2258B746AE2C49237C9255447DFFDFE47FBF CR-6 SE with BigTreeTech SKR CR6 and BTT TFT D93197F196432635FAF20648410CE9ECB20DE7737BF54E97C5B663A55139541F
For use with the CR6-MAX:
File name Description SHA256 hash
--------- ----------- ----------- CR-6 MAX (stock motherboard) 3F55931A9D6907E204EA8864645E2E6B11E442F1DE5837E8627E519AFE981698 CR-6 MAX with BigTreeTech SKR CR6 and stock Creality screen [experimental] 31B56C0217AA6B730D82704D20A464FF307A4922EF8BD51685E4841EC5B48199 CR-6 MAX with BigTreeTech SKR CR6 and BTT TFT [experimental] 09A2ABFDAA1D75BAA7D38170646E9021FAAE5F12AD04843F223A3D65E35B41FA
Source Files:
File name Description
--------- -----------
Source Files (zip) The source files for the motherboard firmware in this release (.zip file)
Source File (tar.gz) The source files for the motherboard firmware in this release, (.tar.gz file)
Downloads below - find the correct download for your printer(s) in the file listing above
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