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A python client for the Quantinuum Nexus platform.

import qnexus as qnx

# Will open a browser window to login with Nexus credentials

# Dataframe representation of all your pending jobs in Nexus["SUBMITTED", "QUEUED", "RUNNING"]).df()


qnexus can be installed via pip.

pip install qnexus


Usage examples and tutorials are available here.


These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.


If you have Nix and direnv available on your system you can reuse the nix shell environment to provide a development environment.


Run the following to setup your virtual environment and install dependencies:

poetry install

You can then activate the virtual environment and work within it with:

poetry shell

To run a single command in the shell, just prefix it with poetry run.


Formatting, linting and type-checking can be done with:

poetry run scripts/


Most of the test suite are integration tests that require the following environment variables:


And can be run with:

poetry run pytest integration/

These will only be available to internal team members. For external contributions we recommend writing unit tests and/or integration tests and requesting they be run by an internal reviewer.

Run basic unit tests using

poetry run pytest tests/


Step 1 - update the changelog

  • Update this is automated. Use devenv and the commitizen tool:
    git fetch --tags origin  # make sure your local tags are same as in github
    cz bump --files-only  # --files-only prevents the tool making a git tag
    This will use the commit history and modify to include a heading with the new version number and the date. It also updates .cz.toml. The tool automatically decides whether to increment the patch version, minor version or major version (major version changes are currently disabled in its config file). It also updates the version in pyproject.toml at the same time.
  • If you like, you can manually edit at this point. Consider moving important entries under these headings, or writing under them (see Keep A Changelog):
    • Deprecated
    • Removed
    • Security
  • Create a release branch git checkout -b release/vx.y.z
  • git add the modifications, then git commit and git push them.
  • Create a PR (title: docs: Update CHANGELOG for vx.y.z)
  • Ask a colleague to review the changes (should be just, pyproject.toml and .cz.toml)
  • Squash merge the PR into main

Step 2 - run the release workflow

  • Go to
  • Select create new tag... on publish when choosing the tag, with name in the format vx.y.z.
  • Choose the target branch/commit for the release (normally main)
  • Put the version number in the "release title" box
  • Copy/paste the new sections from into the "Describe this release" box
  • Click "Publish release"


This project is licensed under Apache License, Version 2.0 (LICENSE or

Copyright 2025 Quantinuum Ltd.