This is the getting orientation guide to the massive set of repositories that are a part of the Neptune Project developed at CIDAR Lab. Please follow the dev guide section to seamlessly setup the repositories.
- Fluigi Cloud - node.js based serverside Framework that resides on AWS
- Neptune-UI - vue.js based frontend framework
- pyFluigi - Place & Route manager system
- pyLFR - LFR Compiler for implemented in python (not yet public)
- pyparchmint - ParchMINT data model library in python
- pyMINT - MINT Compiler and Datamodel
- LFR TestCases - Repository of LFR Test Cases used for Testing the LFR compiler
- MINT TestCases - Repository of the MINT Test Cases used for testing the MINT Compiler
First, run the following commands for recursively cloning all the required dependencies for the project and set up the sub repo branch tracking for development:
git clone --recurse-submodules -j8
cd Neptune
git submodule update --init
git submodule foreach -q --recursive 'git checkout $(git config -f $toplevel/.gitmodules submodule.$name.branch || echo master)'
Since there are there many packages in the project, building this project is going to be a pain. Use the docker to complete builds, but please be aware that this can take a substantial amount of time to build.
TBA Rest of the guide...
Reach out to @rkrishnasanka for more details.
docker run -i containername:dev --env-file=myenvfile
docker exec -ti <container name> /bin/bash
Typically when one needs to convert MINT files to JSON, one needs to run the Pritives-Server service to pull component parameters from the 3DuF Implementation
docker-compose up primitives-server
This server can then be accessed at http://localhost:6060