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Ryan Martin edited this page Mar 4, 2020 · 5 revisions

Skybunk Documentation

Skybunk is a social application used in University Residences in order to help facilitate community. Originally built for use in Conrad Grebel University College, Skybunk is available to any residence.

Skybunk is composed of the following components, each self-contained in their own repository.

Repository Description
skybunk-server NodeJS/Express server for an individual residence
skybunk-mobile React-Native mobile application, as seen in the app stores
skybunk-web The React application, available at
auth-server NodeJS/Express server that directs a user to the approriate residence server based on their login credentials
state-manager Shared front-end state and logic for both mobile and web
admin-tools A set of tools for admins to manage their server, available at

Architecture and Usage flow

User Registration

image image

User login and authentication
