- Former name: Crystal E. Clements
- [email protected]
- https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/User:Clements.UWLib
- https://namedrop.io/crystalyragui
- Cataloging and Metadata Services
University of Washington Libraries
Box 352900
Seattle, WA 98195
- Information School, University of Washington, 2014
- Department of Comparative Literature & Cinema Studies, University of Washington, 2009
- May 2024 - Present
- Lead the Metadata and Cataloging Initiatives Unit alongside E-resources Metadata Librarian. Meet regularly with CAMS Department Head to discuss unit management
- Supervise staff and student employees in the Metadata Management subunit of the Metadata and Cataloging Initiatives Unit. Take responsibility for all work in the subunit
- Serve on the Cataloging and Metadata Services Department Management Team
- May 2024 - Present
- Participate in work, projects, and meetings in Collections & Content Portfolio, Cataloging and Metadata Services Department, and the Metadata and Cataloging Initiatives Unit
- Actively monitor and contribute to national developments concerning cataloging and metadata in libraries
- Convene the University of Washington Libraries Metadata Implementation Group (MIG), which reviews and publishes metadata across the UW Libraries’ digital-collections platforms and institutional repositories, provides feedback on proposals for describing new collections, and articulates policies for non-MARC metadata practices
- Manage and participate in international metadata and linked data projects as a member of the UW Libraries Linked Data Team
- Manage the University of Washington Libraries Semantic Web Resources
- Maintain WikiProject University of Washington Libraries
- Author and update cataloging and linked data procedures and documentation using Plone (Staffweb)
- Perform original and complex copy cataloging (bibliographic description, subject and genre/form analysis, classification, and authority control) of electronic theses and dissertations, and atlases using MARC21 in the OCLC Connexion environment
- Apply rules, controlled vocabularies and thesauri including:
- Resource Description & Access (RDA) (Original RDA)
- Descriptive Cataloging of Rare Materials (Books) (DCRM(B))
- Descriptive Cataloging of Rare Materials (Cartographic) (DCRM(C))
- Describing Archives: A Content Standard (DACS)
- LC-PCC Policy Statements
- Program for Cooperative Cataloging (PCC) Guidelines
- Library of Congress Classification (LCC)
- Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH)
- Library of Congress Demographic Group Terms (LCDGT)
- Library of Congress Genre/Form Terms (LCGFT)
- ACRL Rare Books and Manuscripts Section (RBMS) vocabularies (RBMSCV)
- Getty Art & Architecture Thesaurus (AAT)
- Homosaurus
- Apply rules, controlled vocabularies and thesauri including:
- Contribute headings to the national authority file and Library of Congress Classification through Name Authority Cooperative Program (NACO) and Subject Authority Cooperative Program (SACO) (independent on personal name headings)
- Participate in the PCC Monographic Bibliographic Record Cooperative Program (BIBCO) by authorizing, creating, and enhancing full-level BIBCO records in OCLC Connexion
- Participate in OCLC Member Merge program to merge duplicate records for print and electronic books and maps in the OCLC Connexion environment; train others at UW Libraries to do the same
- Contribute to the UW Libraries and the profession through productive service in professional associations, consortial activities, and University Libraries committees and task forces
Project Manager: MARC21 to LRM/RDA/RDF Mapping Project, University of Washington Libraries
- 2021-Present
- Coordinate international effort to create a robust mapping and corresponding conversion tool between the MARC21 Bibliographic standard and LRM/RDA/RDF
- Facilitate weekly working meetings with catalogers and data scientists from across the United States, New Zealand, Greece, Scotland, and the Netherlands
Project Co-Chair: PCC Program for Entity Management (EMCO), PCC Identity Management Advisory Committee (IMAC)
- 2023-Present
- A new, fifth PCC (Program for Cooperative Cataloging) program for entity management
- 2023-Present
- Open working group on Wikidata focused on addressing data modeling for personal pronoun data in Wikidata
- Continuation of previous international collaborative work on gender representation & related ethical issues in Wikidata which began in 2021
Chair: Homosaurus Implementation Project (HIP), Orbis Cascade Alliance Cataloging Standing Group (CSG)
- 2023-Present
- Plan and launch the project during term as Chair
- Consortium-wide project to retrospectively enhance bibliographic records in the shared catalog with Homosaurus terms. Batches of shared records systematically enhanced with Homosaurus terms by over fifty volunteers across the Alliance with varying experience levels
- Facilitate coordination between project and SACO Gender and Sexuality Funnel Project
- As a CSG member, continue to support the project and ensure its successful completion
UW Libraries Semantic Web Metadata, University of Washington Libraries
- 2017-Present
- MARC21 Bibliographic to LRM/RDA/RDF Mapping and Transformation Project
- RDA/RDF Application Profiles
- RDA/RDF to BIBFRAME Conversion using RDF Mapping Language (RML)
- Mapping RDA WEMI properties to BIBFRAME 2.0.1
- RDA/RDF Application Profiles and Description Sets (2020)
- University of Washington Libraries Semantic Web Data
- 2024
- November 2017 - May 2024
- Participate in work, projects, and meetings in Collections & Content Portfolio, Cataloging and Metadata Services Department, Monographic Cataloging Unit, Metadata and Cataloging Initiatives Unit, and Special Collections
- Recruit, interview, and train student employees in the Metadata and Cataloging Initiatives Unit. Supervise linked data work for student employees in the Metadata and Cataloging Initiatives Unit
- Actively monitor and contribute to national developments concerning library metadata and the cataloging of special collections, archival, rare, cartographic, monographic, and electronic materials
- Perform original and complex copy cataloging (bibliographic description, subject and genre/form analysis, classification, and authority control) of special collections monographs and cartographic materials, electronic theses and dissertations, atlases, maps, science materials, and other materials as assigned using MARC21 in the OCLC Connexion environment
- Apply relevant rules, controlled vocabularies and thesauri
- Contribute headings to the national authority file and Library of Congress Classification through NACO and SACO (independent on personal name headings)
- Participate in BIBCO
- Participate in OCLC Member Merge program to merge duplicate records for print and electronic books and maps in the OCLC environment; train others at UW Libraries to do the same
- In consultation with selectors, other catalogers, and stakeholders, establish cataloging procedures for materials as needed and coordinate record maintenance projects. Author and update cataloging and linked data procedures and documentation using Plone (Staffweb)
- Act as a member of the UW Libraries Metadata Implementation Group
- Manage and participate in international metadata and linked data projects as a member of the Linked Data Team. Participate in the writing of grant proposals and in grant-funded projects
- Contribute to the UW Libraries and the profession through productive service in professional associations, consortial activities, and University Libraries committees and task forces
Metadata Remediation Project: Schitsu’umsh, University of Washington Libraries Critical Cataloging Group
- 2023-2024
- Alongside Special Projects Curator and Accessioning Archivist, update instances of an outdated term for the Schitsu’umsh Tribe reported to the Libraries by the Schitsu’umsh through the Ethnomusicology Archives Curator in UW Libraries Special Collections descriptive metadata
Wikidata WikiProject Archival Metadata, University of Washington Libraries
- 2023
- Experimental project integrating the metadata of the Labor Archives of Washington with Wikidata Work alongside Adam Schiff to develop application profiles, mint Wikidata items for entities described in the Labor Archives, and create groundbreaking workflows for linked data entity management and reconciliation work in Archives West, OCLC Connexion, and Wikidata
- Present results at Semantic Web in Libraries Conference 2023 (SWIB23) in Berlin
- 2021-2022
- Funding by Friends of the University of Washington Libraries
- Provide metadata consultation for UW Special Collections Public Service Librarian Allee Monheim and vendor Doxie AI on metadata design for a searchable database of the Pacific Northwest Regional Newspaper and Periodical Index
- Assist with mapping database to Dublin Core Metadata Elements
- Review data output to assist in training machine learning model
UW Libraries Sub-project Manager: PCC Wikidata Pilot Project, Program for Cooperative Cataloging
- 2020-2021
- Manage project, collaborate on institutional application profiles in Wikidata, lead innovation of batch processes for entity creation and reconciliation, maintain project page and documentation including automated lists of entities created and project Dashboard using Wiki tool Listeria, author a widely reused MARC-to-Wikidata conversion workflow
Sinopia MAPs Project, University of Washington Libraries
- 2020-2023
- LRM/RDA/RDF profiles for cataloging using Official RDA in the Sinopia Linked Data Editor
- Support Metadata Librarian Benjamin Riesenberg by reviewing and discussing Sinopia resource templates
- Project closely linked to the MARC21 Bibliographic to LRM/RDA/RDF Mapping and Transformation Project
- 2020-2022
- Contribute to mapping between LRM/RDA/RDF resource-entity (WEMI) properties and BIBFRAME 2.0.1
- Review output from metadata conversion process
- Publish suite of specialized local BIBFRAME application profiles using the Sinopia Linked Data Editor to facilitate upload of local BIBFRAME data to Sinopia via HTTP
Editing as Activism, Edit-a-Thon to Correct Systemic Bias in Wikipedia, Labor Archives of Washington
- 2019
- Help to organize and plan event co-sponsored by the UW Libraries Research Commons, the Labor Archives of Washington, and Cascadia Wikimedians
Linked Data for Production (LD4P2): Pathway to Implementation, University of Washington Libraries LD4P2 Subgrant Group
- 2018-2020
- Funding support from Andrew W. Mellon Foundation
- Core member of UW subgrant group
- Serve as application profiles representative for UW Libraries
- Serve on LD4P2 Community interest groups
- Author LRM/RDA/RDF application profiles for the Sinopia Linked Data Editor
- Author local Sinopia cataloging training materials and lead local training
- Contribute Sinopia training materials to the PCC Sinopia Training Group
- 2016
- Assist Curator and exhibition funder with planning and logistics
- Catalog many original pieces commissioned for the exhibition
- July 2015 - January 2018
- Participate in work, projects, and meetings in Collections & Content Portfolio, Cataloging and Metadata Services Department, Monographic Cataloging Unit, and Special Collections
- Perform original and complex copy cataloging (bibliographic description, subject and genre/form analysis, classification, and authority control) of special collections monographs and cartographic materials using MARC21 in the OCLC Connexion environment
- Apply relevant rules, controlled vocabularies and thesauri
- Contribute headings to the national authority file and Library of Congress Classification through NACO and SACO
- Author and update cataloging and linked data procedures and documentation using Plone (Staffweb)
- June 2014 - July 2015
- Participate in work, projects, and meetings in Collections & Content Portfolio, Cataloging and Metadata Services Department, Monographic Cataloging Unit, and Special Collections
- Perform original and complex copy cataloging (bibliographic description, subject and genre/form analysis, classification, and authority control) of special collections monographs using MARC21 in the OCLC Connexion environment
- Apply relevant rules, controlled vocabularies and thesauri
- Contribute headings to the national authority file and Library of Congress Classification through NACO and SACO
- June 2014 - July 2015
- Process archival collection and edit EAD finding aid for International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Local 46 records
- August 2013 - September 2014
- Assist Labor Archivist Conor Casey in managing archival collections at the University of Washington Special Collections location and at the National Archives in Sand Point
- Create, update, and digitize legacy print and EAD finding aids using XML
- October 2012 - August 2013
- Perform physical processing, inventory, arrangement, and EAD finding aid creation and publishing for archival collections associated with UFCW Local 81:
- February 2012 - October 2012
- Duties: Perform physical processing, inventory, arrangement, and description of archival collections:
Cataloging | Metadata | RDA | BIBFRAME | Linked Data | Ethics in Linked Data | Wikimedia | Rare Materials | Controlled Vocabularies | Ontologies | Data Modeling | Project Management | Entity/Identity Management | Special Collections | Archives | Archival Metadata
Graduate Student Metadata Mentor: MARC21 Bibliographic to LRM/RDA/RDF Mapping and Transformation Project, University of Washington Libraries
- 2021-Present
- Students: Zhuo Pan, Melissa Morgan, Alice Chung, Cypress Payne, Penyang Sun, Ying-Hsiang Huang, Doreen Chen, Sara Hruska, Tynan Challenor
- Teach students the MARC21 Bibliographic standard, the RDA/RDF ontology, and mapping and transforming metadata between the two
- Plug students into an international team of knowledge organization experts
Supervisor: Student Directed Fieldwork, University of Washington Information School; University of Washington Libraries
- 2019-Present
- 2025
- Supervise iSchool student Rachel Palfini
- Teach copy cataloging, original cataloging, Ex Libris Alma, OCLC Connexion, subject analysis, cartographic bibliographic description, NACO and SACO contribution, Homosaurus contribution, and application of additional vocabularies such as RBMS as required
- Student learns to catalog using Program for Cooperative Cataloging (PCC) BIBCO, Resource Description and Access (RDA), DCRM(C), DCRMR, and PCC Provider-neutral standards as appropriate
- Onboard student to the Orbis Cascade Alliance Homosaurus Implementation Project and provide them with one-on-one training
- 2024
- Supervise iSchool MLIS student Ying-Hsiang Huang
- Facilitate student work in adapting code originally developed by colleagues at Open Knowledge Greece and the National Library of Greece for use in a Wikibase Cloud Instance to hold output data for the MARC21 Bibliographic to LRM/RDA/RDF Mapping and Transformation Project
- Help student collaborate with project team members, original code developers, and developers working on Wikibase Cloud at Wikimedia Deutschland
- Present preliminary results at the SWIB24 Conference
- 2024
- Supervise iSchool MLIS student Fer Palomares Carranco
- Facilitate student work in simplifying the conversion of a complex XSLT-based ContentDM metadata application profile workflow into one based on simple, easy-to-read spreadsheets
- Present results to the University of Washington Libraries Metadata Implementation Group, which adopts the new workflow for its ContentDM metadata application profiles
- Teach student how to use Wikidata, orient student to WikiProject Personal Pronouns work
- Provide hands-on experience in working towards more inclusive treatment of personal pronouns for people in Wikidata
- 2024
- Supervise iSchool MLIS student Cypress Payne
- Teach copy cataloging, original cataloging, Ex Libris Alma, OCLC Connexion, subject analysis, book arts bibliographic description, NACO and SACO contribution, and application of vocabularies such as RBMS, AAT, and Homosaurus as required
- Student learns to catalog using Program for Cooperative Cataloging (PCC) BIBCO, Resource Description and Access (RDA), and ACRL Rare Books & Manuscripts Section (RBMS) standards as appropriate
- 2023
- Supervise iSchool MLIS student Valerie Rollins
- Teach copy cataloging, original cataloging, Ex Libris Alma, OCLC Connexion, subject analysis, scientific bibliographic description, NACO and SACO contribution
- Student learns to catalog using Program for Cooperative Cataloging (PCC) BIBCO, Resource Description and Access (RDA), and PCC Provider-neutral standards as appropriate
- 2019
- Mentor iSchool MLIS students Alexis McClimans and Emmaline Cotter in support of DFW supervisor Theodore Gerontakos
- Goals include student learning of RDF validation using ShEx (Shape Expressions) and SHACL (Shapes Constraint Language)
Supervisor: Student Capstone Project, University of Washington Information School; University of Washington Libraries
- 2016-2024
- 2024
- Supervise iSchool MLIS student Ally Okun
- Project forms part of the broader Orbis Cascade Alliance SCTS-CSG project
- Meet with student throughout the project to teach her to catalog using Program for Cooperative Cataloging (PCC) BIBCO standards in OCLC while implementing the Homosaurus, and provide her with individual assessment and feedback on her work
- Work with student and the CSG to develop training on cataloging concepts such as subject analysis and Homosaurus implementation for volunteers
- 2022
- Supervise iSchool MLIS students Valerie Rollins, Olivia Davis, and Matthew "Bryce" Hagan
- Goals include completing conversion of University of Washington electronic theses and dissertation metadata from MARC21 to Wikidata, item creation for relevant corporate bodies and agents, reconciling against existing Wikidata entities, and streamlining and further automation of the MARC21 to Wikidata workflow
- Teach students the basics of Wikidata item creation, OpenRefine, JSON, GREL, and how to use batch editing tools such as Quickstatements and OpenRefine’s Wikidata plugin
- 2022
- Supervise iSchool MLIS student Arielle Rodriguez
- Teach student how to use Wikidata, and orient student to gender in Wikidata work with existing team consisting of Clair Kronk (Yale Center for Medical Informatics) and Alex Jung (University of Toronto Libraries)
- Provide experience in working towards more inclusive treatment of personal pronouns and gender information for people in Wikidata
- Present Capstone results to the Wikidata community
- 2016-2019
- Mentor iSchool MLIS student Kirsten Painter
- Capstone focusing on creation of an online exhibit of digitized, uncataloged rare Russian Children’s books
- Teach student about cataloging and knowledge organization, and perform original and copy cataloging of books for the exhibit together as a team, with the student providing specialized subject area, language, and script expertise
- Student learns original and complex copy cataloging in Latin and Cyrillic scripts of rare Russian children’s books. Revised and enhanced OCLC Worldcat and ContentDM records for both physical and electronic copies of books included in the exhibit using RDA, DCRM(B), RBMS vocabularies, Library of Congress authorities and classification schedules, Dublin Core, and MARC21
- Online exhibit featuring a selection of the books cataloged
Chair: Training Series: Homosaurus Implementation Project (HIP), Orbis Cascade Alliance Cataloging Standing Group (CSG)
- 2024
- As Chair of the CSG, develop project documentation and lead development of training materials for over fifty volunteers
- Lead two parallel training series geared towards two groups: those with little or no experience with cataloging or subject matter, and experienced catalogers with OCLC Connexion editing privileges
- Teach implementation of the Homosaurus in targeted batches of records, including concepts such as subject analysis, genre/form, creator characteristics, and controlled vocabularies
- Evaluate and provide feedback on participants’ work through coordination of drop-in sessions and communication with the international Homosaurus community, a project listserv, establishment of local best practices, and individual feedback
- 2022
- Teach iSchool MLIS student Melissa Morgan
- Teach copy cataloging, original cataloging, Ex Libris Alma, OCLC Connexion, subject analysis, scientific bibliographic description, NACO and SACO contribution
- Student learns to catalog using Program for Cooperative Cataloging (PCC) BIBCO, Resource Description and Access (RDA), and PCC Provider-neutral standards
Sinopia Non-Latin Script Materials Cataloging Workshop, LD4 (Linked Data for …) Non-Latin Script Affinity Group
- 2022
- Design and lead a workshop with 130 participants at the LD4 (Linked Data for …) Conference on Linked Data
- Teach workshop participants to catalog materials using the Sinopia Linked Data Editor and BIBFRAME application profiles using non-Latin scripts
- Follow and describe relevant best practices developed by the LD4 Non-Latin Script Affinity Group
Mentor: RDA/RDF to BIBFRAME Conversion using RDF Mapping Language (RML), University of Washington Libraries
- 2021-2022
- Mentor iSchool MLIS student Melissa Morgan
- Review output from conversion process, mentoring student in RDA, RDA/RDF, BIBFRAME, and the requirements of the Sinopia Linked Data Editor
University of Washington Libraries Sinopia Training, Linked Data for Production (LD4P2): Pathway to Implementation
- 2019
- Funding support from Andrew W. Mellon Foundation
- Author University of Washington LRM/RDA/RDF metadata application profiles for the Sinopia Linked Data Editor
- Author local training materials
- Teach 15 UW Libraries catalogers and metadata librarians to catalog in RDA/RDF using Sinopia Linked Data Editor
- Contribute original training materials to the PCC Sinopia Training Group
- [Upcoming] Assessing Metadata for Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility in Cultural Heritage Institutions. ALA Annual Conference & Exhibition, June 26-30, 2025 (co-presenting with Rachel Wittmann, Kaylee Alexander, and Anna Neatrour)
- [Upcoming] Homosaurus Unleashed: A Panel on Transforming LGBTQ+ Subject Access in Libraries. ALA Annual Conference & Exhibition, June 26-30, 2025 (co-presenting with Sal Hamerman, Dominique Dixon and Brinna Michael)
- Conversion of MARC21 Bibliographic to LRM/RDA/RDF: Setting the Stage and Creating the Tools. Metadata Standards Matter: Building a Sustainable Future for Information, IFLA Symposium, Athens, Greece. March 2025 (co-presented with Sofia Zapounidou. co-authored with Ebe Kartus and Laura Akerman)
- New Initiatives at PCC: Entity Management Cooperative (EMCO). PCC Participants Meeting, February 13, 2025 (co-presented with Jennifer Liss)
- BIBFRAME Implementation in Library Systems. ALA Core MARC Formats Transition Interest Group Community Meeting, December 4, 2024 (Co-Chair)
- MARC21 bibliographic to LRM/RDA/RDF mapping and conversion project. 16th Sementic Web in Libraries Conference, November 2024 (co-presented with Junghae Lee and Cypress Payne)
- Lexicographical Data. LD4 (Linked Data for …) Wikidata Affinity Group Project Series. November-December 2024 (Series coordinator. Series facilitated by Mahir Morshed) link
- LCCNbot: Creating connections between the Library of Congress Name Authority File (LCNAF) and Wikidata. Building Community for Linked Open Data, LD4 Conference on Linked Data, October 2024 (co-presented with Mary Campany, Kelly Davis, and Sasha Frizzell)
- Enhancing Search and Discovery for LGBTQIA+ Materials at the Orbis Cascade Alliance and Beyond: a Tour of the Homosaurus Implementation Project. Building Community for Linked Open Data, LD4 Conference on Linked Data, October 2024 (co-presented with Rose Krause)
- Fostering Equity: Harnessing Community Engagement for Queer Inclusivity in Wikidata. Queer Data Days (Wikidata Gender Diversity Project), March 15, 2024. slides
- EMCO for Everyone: Broadening PCC Participation with a New Cooperative for Entity Management. PCC Virtual Participants Meeting, February 15, 2024 (co-presented with Jennifer Liss) slides
- Modelling Gender. Wikidata Data Modelling Days, November 30-December 2, 2023 (co-presented with Arielle Rodriguez, Beatrice Melis, Chiara Paolini, Daniele Metilli, and Marta Fioravanti) recording
- From EAD to MARC to Wikidata and Back Again: Tools and Workflows for Archival Metadata at the University of Washington Libraries. 15th Semantic Web in Libraries Conference, September 2023 (co-presented with Adam Schiff) slides recording
- Linked Data Challenges from the MARC21 to LRM/RDA/RDF Mapping Project: 505 + $5. 2023 LD4 Conference, July 2023 (introduced presentation for Laura Akerman) recording
- Ethical and Inclusive Data Modeling for Gender Representation in Wikidata: Lessons and Recommendations from the Personal Pronouns Project. Queering Wikipedia 2023 Conference, May 2023 (lecture co-presented with Arielle Rodriguez and Alex Jung) recording in English recording in Spanish
- "But what about representation?": Finding Ethical Solutions and Best Practices for Gender Information in Wikidata. Queering Wikipedia 2023 Conference, May 2023 (Community engagement/strategizing session co-facilitated with Arielle Rodriguez)
- Expanding the Foundation for RDA as Linked Data: Mapping MARC21 Bibliographic to LRM/RDA/RDF. IGeLU 2022 Hybrid Conference and Developers' Day, September 2022 (co-presenting with Jian-Ping Lee and Laura Akerman)
- LGBTDB and pronouns in Wikidata. LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group Call, July 2022 (co-presented with Clair Kronk and Alex Jung)
- Expanding the Foundation for RDA as Linked Data: Mapping MARC21 Bibliographic to LRM/RDA/RDF. Linking Global Knowledge, LD4 Conference on Linked Data, July 2022 (co-presented with Junghae Lee and Theo Gerontakos) recording
- Sinopia Non-Latin Script Materials Cataloging Workshop. Linking Global Knowledge, LD4 Conference on Linked Data, July 2022 recording
- Setting the framework for a future discussion on addressing ethical concerns surrounding representation of gender for persons in Wikidata. LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group Call, February 2022 recording
- “Taking to Bed”: A Sculptural Artists’ Book by Tamar Stone. RBMS “Cool Things We’ve Cataloged” Lightning Talks, October 7, 2021 (co-presented with Mary Mathiason and Caitlyn Stephens)
- What Role Can RDA/RDF Play in the Transition to Library Linked Data. BIBFRAME Workshop in Europe, September 23, 2021 (co-mediated with Theo Gerontakos)
- MARC-to-Wikidata Workflow at the University of Washington Libraries. PCC Wikidata Pilot Project Participants’ Meeting, September 2021
- MARC to Wikidata. LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group Working Hour, August 16, 2021 (co-hosted with Christine Fernsebner Eslao)
- Metadata Application Profiles for Library Data. ALCTS E-Forum, January 7-8, 2020 (co-hosted with Benjamin Riesenberg and Theo Gerontakos)
- Tools and Workflows for Enhancing Discoverability of Linked Data and Other Library Resources on the Web. CITS-IG Roundtable, ALA Midwinter Conference, January 2019 (co-facilitated with Benjamin Riesenberg and Theo Gerontakos)
- Linked Open Data Production and Publishing Workflow at the University of Washington Libraries. TSWE-IG Meeting, ALA Midwinter Conference, January 2019 (co-presented with Benjamin Riesenberg and Theo Gerontakos)
- [Upcoming] Harmful Language Metadata Remediation at the University of Washington Libraries. Live with C&C Session, February 2025 (co-presented with Erin Grant, Martha McTear, Junghae Lee, Andrew Weaver, Emily Shane, Julie Moede, and Keiko Hill)
- Homosaurus Implementation Project (HIP): Community-Driven Linked Data Work at the Orbis Cascade Alliance. ALUW Fall Member Meeting, November 13, 2024
- Homosaurus Rex: Unleashing the Power of Community-Driven Alternative Controlled Vocabulary Implementation. Orbis Cascade Alliance SCTS Days conference, October 2024 (co-presented with Holly Wheeler)
- Homosaurus Implementation Project (HIP): A Project of the Alliance SCTS Cataloging Standing Group (Information Session). SCTS Special Session, January 2024 (co-presented with Jan Juliani and Caroline Reul)slides recording
- Retrospective Homosaurus Implementation, November 2023 (lightning talk presented at Live with C&C Meeting) slides
- From EAD to MARC to Wikidata and Back Again : Tools and Workflows for Archival Metadata at the University of Washington Libraries, October 2023 (co-presented with Adam Schiff and Eulalie Mathieu) recording
- Organizational Barriers to Ethical Cataloging. March 2023 (facilitated discussion hosted by the Orbis Cascade Alliance SCTS-CSG)
- MARC-to-Wikidata Workflow at the University of Washington Libraries. May 2021
- Linked Data at the University of Washington Libraries. March 2019 (co-presented with Benjamin Riesenberg and Theo Gerontakos)
- MARC Discussion Paper No. 2025-DP04. (December 18, 2024). MARC Development. read
- [Upcoming] BIBFRAME Implementation in Library Systems. Technical Services Quarterly Report, 2025 (co-authored with Sai Deng)
- The Queer Metadata Collective, Adolpho, K., Bailund, A., Beck, E., Bradshaw, J., Butler, E., Bárcenas, B., Caelin, M., Carpenter, R., Day, A., Day, T., Dixon, D., Dover, A., Frizzell, S., Goodrich, G., Hendrickson, B. L., Keller, T., Misorski, C., Murphy, D., … Yragui, C. (2024). Best Practices for Queer Metadata (1.0). Zenodo. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.12580531
- The Secret Life of UW Libraries Catalogers and Metadata Specialists: Student Spotlight: Ally Okun, UW Libraries Blog. October 1, 2024. read
- The Secret Life of UW Libraries Catalogers and Metadata Specialists: Student Spotlight: Valerie Rollins, UW Libraries Blog. March 12, 2024. read
- The Secret Life of UW Libraries Catalogers and Metadata Specialists: Student Spotlight: Zhuo Pan, UW Libraries Blog. January 22, 2024. read
- The Secret Life of UW Libraries Catalogers and Metadata Specialists: Student Spotlight: Melissa Morgan, UW Libraries Blog. October 11, 2023. read
- LRM/RDA/RDF at the University of Washington Libraries: A Timeline, UW Libraries Semantic Web Blog. April 5, 2022. read
- Watson, B. Provo, A. Burlingame, K. (Eds.) Ethics in Linked Data, Library Juice Press. 2023.
Implementing Equitable Hiring Practices, University of Washington Professional & Organizational Development
- 2025
- Two-day course which equips participants to plan and carry out an effective and equitable hiring process, from posting to interviewing and candidate selection. Covers ways to make the process more inclusive and accessible, emphasizing equity-focused and bias-mitigating best practices
Antiracist Leadership Institute, University of Washington
- 2025
- Two-day leadership program with frameworks grounded in humanist and anti-racist practice inspired by African Ubuntu cultural and philosophical perspectives
- Covers issues related to justice, equity, diversity, inclusion, belonging, and strategies
- 2024
- Instructors: Josh Cromwell & Emily Hopkins
- Self-paced online course covering the identification of different types of repository platforms and the features and components they offer, strategies and methods for promoting institutional repositories to campus communities, interpretation of publication agreements and reuse rights and guidelines, best practices for metadata, content types appropriate for inclusion in an institutional repository, strategies for using repositories to meet the scholarly needs of campus communities, and accessibility
- 2023-2024
- An in-depth growth and learning experience for staff to:
- Strengthen personal confidence
- Learn effective self-management tools
- Strengthen change management skills
- Improve interpersonal skills
- Understand the role of staff in advancing the mission and strategy of the Libraries
Library Carpentry Workshop, Orbis Cascade Alliance; NNLM Region 5
- 2023
- Three-day workshop featuring lessons on Intro to Data, Unix Shell, Git, and/or OpenRefine Attended two concurrent workshops offered by Orbis Cascade Alliance and NNLM Region 5 to cover four curriculum lessons
Cataloging with Medical Subject Headings (MeSH), National Library of Medicine
- 2023
- Webinar explores the use of the Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) in the cataloging environment
- Taught by Sharon Willis, Senior Cataloging Specialist at the U.S. National Library of Medicine
Racial Equity Institute Phase I Training, Racial Equity Institute
- 2022
- Intensive two-day workshop "designed to develop the capacity of participants to better understand racism in its institutional and structural forms. Moving away from a focus on personal bigotry and bias, this workshop presents a historical, cultural, and structural analysis of racism"--REI website description, accessed November 22, 2022
- 2022
- Taught by Elizabeth Hobart
- 2022
- Four-part virtual training series taught by Nathan Kelber, JSTOR Labs
- 2022
- Virtual workshop series focused on DCRM(B) descriptions of books from the hand-press period
- Taught by Tad Boehmer
- 2021-2022
- Learn RML (RDF Mapping Language) in a group setting
- 2020-2023
- Learn Git/GitHub in a group setting
RDA Lab Series, ALA
- 2020
- Webinar series introducing concepts from the RDA 3R project led by RDA Steering Committee member Kate James
- July 2019; October 2024
- PCC Name Authority Cooperative Program (NACO) one-week intensive training
- Taught by Adam Schiff
- 2017-2019
- Learn SPARQL in a group setting
- Apply SPARQL to exploring the Library of Congress BIBFRAME Ontology and MARC21 to BIBFRAME conversion and associated sample data
- 2018
- Online continuing education course
- Practical library metadata management tools and workflows
- 2018
- Linked data tools and RDF ontologies
- 2016
- Course on LEAN/Continuous Improvement Process
- 2022-Present
- Co-Chair (2023-Present)
- 2018-Present
- Profiles Working Group (LD4P2)
- Non-Latin Script Affinity Group (LD4P2-Present)
- Wikidata Affinity Group (LD4P2-Present)
- Wikidata Affinity Group Coordination Committee (2024-Present)
- Ethics in Linked Data Affinity Group (LD4P2-Present)
- PCC Cataloging in Sinopia Affinity Group (LD4P3-Present)
- Rare Materials Affinity Group (LD4P2-Present)
- Sinopia User Group (LD4P2-Present)
- ALA Core MARC Formats Transition Interest Group
- Co-Chair, 2024-2025
- 2024
- 2022-Present
- Chair, 2023-2024
- 2019-Present
- 2017-Present
- 2017-Present
- Convener (2024-Present)
Mentor: iSTAMP Program, University of Washington Information School
- 2022-Present
Chair: Search Committee: Library Specialist I: Metadata Technical Specialist. University of Washington Libraries
- 2024-2025
- 2024
- 2022-2023
- 2020-2021
- Serve on Partnerships & Advocacy Subgroup
- Draft recommendations to send to UW Libraries Cabinet
- Attend UW Libraries Cabinet meeting to follow up on recommendations
- Hold Libraries Town Hall focused on decriminalization
- 2019
- Attend LEAN meetings to improve technical services processing workflows for print materials in the Special Collections Department
- Serve as a member of the Communications Kaizen
- 2012-2014
- Serve as Logistics Coordinator (2013-2014)
- Anti-racist committee for students in the UW MLIS program
- Organize, promote, and facilitate a book talk event featuring Aaron Dixon and a discussion of his book, My People Are Rising: Memoir of a Black Panther Party Captain
- 2012-2014
- Serve as Publicity Officer (2013-2014)
- LGBTQIA+ advocacy committee for students in the UW MLIS program
- 2012
- Perform physical processing, inventory, arrangement, and description of archival collections:
Original and Official Resource Description and Access (RDA) | Anglo-American Cataloging Rules, Second Edition (AACR2) | Program for Cooperative Cataloging (PCC) Name Authority Cooperative Program (NACO) | PCC Subject Authority Cooperative Program (SACO) | PCC Entity Management Cooperative Program (EMCO) | PCC Bibliographic Cooperative Program (BIBCO) | Library of Congress Classification | Dewey Decimal Classification | Descriptive Cataloging of Rare Materials (DCRM), DCRM(B), DCRM(C) | Describing Archives: A Content Standard (DACS) | Ethics in knowledge organization
Communication with technical and non-technical audiences | MARC21 Bibliographic & Authority Standards | OCLC tools & Services including Connexion Client, Record Manager, and Meridian | Ex Libris products including Alma, Primo, and Cloud apps | MarcEdit | OpenRefine | ContentDM | Wikimedia projects, particularly Wikidata, Wikipedia and Wikimedia Commons | BIBFRAME | Sinopia | Library of Congress MARVA BIBFRAME Editor | Metadata application profiles and data dictionaries | Resource Description Framework (RDF) | RDF Mapping Language (RML) | RDA Ontology | Dublin Core Ontology | DPLA MAP | RBMS Ontology | Library of Congress Ontologies and Vocabularies | SPARQL (RDF querying language) | RDF validation (SHeX, SHACL) | XML | Plone | Git and GitHub | Some exposure to: Linux, Java, Python/Jupyter Notebooks, Apache Jena Fuseki
Training | Facilitation | Emotional intelligence | Interpersonal communication | Collaboration | Team building | Project management | Documentation | Strategic thinking
- Native: English
- Intermediate/Advanced: Spanish
- Working Knowledge: Portuguese, Italian, French, German, Latin, Russian