- WiiPlaza
- http://www.bullywiihacks.forumotion.com
- @BullyWPOfficial
DLL-Dependencies-Parser Public
A command line application for parsing DLL dependencies recursively
vcpkg Public
Forked from microsoft/vcpkgC++ Library Manager for Windows, Linux, and MacOS
JMaster-Duel-Bot Public
A mod and bot for Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel (Steam version)
JDuel-Links-Bot Public
An all-in-one modding tool and bot for Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links (Steam version)
An efficient C++ command line tool for performing highly configurable and parallelized pointer searches
14 UpdatedMay 19, 2024 -
Minecraft-Wii-U-Mod-Injector Public
The first and original Mod Injector for Minecraft: Wii U Edition
An efficient C++ command line utility for porting offsets and finding search patterns
6 UpdatedApr 15, 2024 -
tcpgecko Public
Forked from wj444/tcpgeckoThe Nintendo Wii U TCP Gecko Installer engine homebrew application for game modding and research
A TCP Gecko codehandler codetypes documentation in website format
JGeckoU Public
Wii U RAM TCP Debugger Client/Cheat Code Manager
Universal-Pointer-Searcher Public
An application for finding memory pointers
kissnet Public
Forked from Ybalrid/kissnetKeep It Simple Stupid NETwork - C++17 wrapping of your OS's native socket API
C++ MIT License UpdatedJan 20, 2024 -
imgui_sugar Public
Forked from mnesarco/imgui_sugarC++17 syntactic sugar for ImGui with RAII guards
C++ MIT License UpdatedNov 9, 2023 -
Duel-Links-Gem-Generator Public
This is a repository setup to protect others from becoming victims of Internet scams and fraud
1 UpdatedOct 23, 2023 -
PolyHook_2_0 Public
Forked from stevemk14ebr/PolyHook_2_0C++17, x86/x64 Hooking Libary v2.0
C++ MIT License UpdatedJul 25, 2023 -
Sol2WithCMake Public
A simple example with CMake to use the sol2 library
CapstoneDisassemblerPP Public
A very basic C++ wrapper for the Capstone disassembler
C++ MIT License UpdatedJun 15, 2023 -
A C++ project for creating a card ID to card name mapping
This is an example project for Spring Boot 3 using PostgreSQL and Docker
Gecko-U-Updater Public
An updater for TCP Gecko Wii U stuff
MCUModInjector-Updater Public
Forked from xenrelle/MCUModInjector-UpdaterAn updater for SlothWiiPlaza's Minecraft Wii U Mod Injector
Ghosts-WiiU-Mod-Injector Public
The first and most advanced mod injector for Call of Duty: Ghosts Wii U
1 UpdatedMay 4, 2023 -
The first and most advanced mod injector for Call of Duty: Black Ops II Wii U
4 UpdatedMay 4, 2023 -
UDP-Debug-Reader Public
This is a UDP debug logger for reading logs broadcasted by Wii U homebrew projects
vdappc Public
A PowerPC Disassembler
WiiUPluginSystem Public
Forked from wiiu-env/WiiUPluginSystem -
A small command line utility which can cleanly uninstall Discord and fix the "installation has failed" error
C++ GNU General Public License v2.0 UpdatedOct 11, 2022 -
App-Sender Public
A homebrew app sender for Wii and Wii U
Java-PowerPC-Interpreter Public
A PowerPC Assembly Interpreter
RPL-Studio Public
A graphical utility for packing and unpacking Wii U RPX/RPLs