This repository contains the files required to simulate the attacks against structural control systems. It also contains Matlab/Simulink files required to run the experiments with the Quanser system. Each folder contains the specific files needed for every testbed and benchmark.
A. Zambrano, A. Palacio-Betancur, L. Burbano, A. F. Niño, L. F. Giraldo, M. Gutierrez Soto, J. Giraldo, and A. A. Cardenas, “You make me tremble: A first look at attacks against structural control systems,” in Proceedings of the 2021 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security, 2021, pp. 1320–1337
It is required Matlab 2020B to run simulations. The Quanser Quanser Shake Table needs Quarc Real-Time Control Software, and the systems Shake Table II: Bench-scale single-axis motion simulator and two Active Mass Damper: Bench-scale smart structure.
To run the simulations, the following toolboxes are required:
- Parallel toolbox
- Global optimization toolbox
- Control system toolbox
First, connect the Quanser devices. Then select the experiment parameter by running:
Open DOS or FDI simulink block diagram and pick:
Build model
Connect and run
We present a video of our simulation results here.
We include a folder for the simulation of every benchmark and anomaly detection. Each folder has a main.m
file to get the results of each benchmark presented in the paper.
We used bechmarks 3, 13 and 14 from here
This research was possible thanks to the federal grants NIST 70NANB17H282 and DHS/AFRL FA8750-19-2-0010.