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For SCU students who would like to quickly compare professors and classes, RateMySCU is an application that allows students to painlessly summarize information about a particular class and professor quickly. Unlike CourseEval RateMySCU allows students to view information spread across multiple sources without downloading numerous PDFs.


This project consists of four distinct services as listed below:

Service Name Description Hosting Provider Deploy Status
Frontend (src) Main user-facing application that users interact with. Netlify Netlify Status
Backend (src) A REST API used by the front-end service to retrieve course evaluation data. It also handles PDF processing and data storage. Vercel Backend Status
Static (src) Hosts static files (such as images) that will be used by multiple services. Netlify Static Host Status
Mock API (src) A Mock Backend endpoint that returns a predefined value. This allows for development of the frontend service in parallel with the backend service. Netlify Backend Status
Status Page Monitors the uptime and availability of each of the services above. HetrixTools

Please note that the root path of each service above automatically redirects you to the user-facing frontend site. As such, it will seem like all the services above point to one page.

More detail about each service can be viewed by following the (src) link on the table. This will bring you to the respective source folder for each service which contains a more detailed README file on that service.