Hello everyone,
I want to share a quick update regarding the future of Spowlo. Due to ongoing challenges, including instability with SpotDL and increased personal commitments, I’m currently taking a break from maintaining the app. The changes from Spotify have also made it harder to keep things running smoothly.
While this isn't a final goodbye, I will reflect and assess the best way forward.
If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to reach out in our Telegram channel.
Thank you for your understanding and support!
Spowlo uses YT Music and YouTube to download the songs. This is because Spotify DRM bypassing can lead to an account ban and legal issues. If YT Music isn't available in your country, don't worry, you can still use YouTube as audio provider or use a VPN. We are working on making a regional bypass so don't matter your region. Thank you for understanding.
Download songs from Spotify thanks to the spotDL library.
Downloading without links, just a search query
Download full playlists with just one click.
Embed synced lyrics into the downloaded songs.
Easy to use and user-friendly.
Material Design 3 style UI, with dynamic color theme.
MAD: UI and logic written purely on Kotlin. It's used just an activity and composable destinations and deep links thanks to the navigation library.
For most devices, it is recommended to install the ARM64-v8a version of the apks
- Download the latest stable version from GitHub releases
We are using Hosted Weblate for the translations of the app. if you want to contribute follow this link 🖇️
Thanks to xnetcat for it's help with some spotDL related things!
Thanks to Seal and JunkFood02 for some of the code of the app and UI ideas. (Without you, this app would not have existed). I learnt a lot about architectures, corroutines, Jetpack Compose...
Philipp Lackner. Infinite thanks to you, Philipp. You made me learn infinite things with just a few videos. This guy explains literally everything about what is he coding, make apps just to make the community learn, and give us some amazing utilities. Without he, probably I wouldn't started coding for Android.
Material color utilities for having Material You coloring support in any device.
Katoka, for the app name. (Thank you! Without your moral support I couldn't have done the app hahaha)
Programación Android by AristiDevs
And also thank you all for the internal tests of the app!