Extra R-language tools to supplement biooracler R package. This package serves up R scripts to create a local data repository.
# install.packages(remotes)
You can store the path to your chosen data directory. It will persist between R sessions so you don’t have to do it each time.
We’ll be creating a new local dataset for the Northwest Atlantic (nwa)
which has the bounding box
{r} bb = c(xmin = -77, xmax = -42.5, ymin = 36.5, ymax = 56.7)
nwa_path = biooracle_path("nwa") |> make_path()
biooracle_path() |> dir(full.names = TRUE)
## [1] "/Users/ben/Library/CloudStorage/Dropbox/data/biooracle/nwa"
## [2] "/Users/ben/Library/CloudStorage/Dropbox/data/biooracle/temp"
biooracler R package
provides a nice utility for obtaining a list of available data layers.
We have enhanced that by parsing the dataset_id
so we can quickly
filter for the desried dataset(s). This will only work if
biooracler is installed.
list_layers() |>
kableExtra::kbl(longtable = TRUE)
## Loading required namespace: biooracler
longname | var | scenario | start | stop | z | dataset_id | title | summary |
AirTemperature | tas | baseline | 2000 | 2020 | depthsurf | tas_baseline_2000_2020_depthsurf | Bio-Oracle AirTemperature \[depthSurf\] Baseline 2000-2020. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): tas_max (Maximum AirTemperature, K) tas_ltmax (Long-term maximum AirTemperature, K) tas_mean (Average AirTemperature, K) tas_ltmin (Long-term minimum AirTemperature, K) tas_min (Minimum AirTemperature, K) tas_range (Range AirTemperature, K) |
AirTemperature | tas | ssp119 | 2020 | 2100 | depthsurf | tas_ssp119_2020_2100_depthsurf | Bio-Oracle AirTemperature \[depthSurf\] SSP119 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): tas_max (Maximum AirTemperature, degree_C) tas_ltmax (Long-term maximum AirTemperature, degree_C) tas_mean (Average AirTemperature, degree_C) tas_ltmin (Long-term minimum AirTemperature, degree_C) tas_min (Minimum AirTemperature, degree_C) tas_range (Range AirTemperature, degree_C) tas_sd (Standard deviation AirTemperature, degree_C) |
AirTemperature | tas | ssp126 | 2020 | 2100 | depthsurf | tas_ssp126_2020_2100_depthsurf | Bio-Oracle AirTemperature \[depthSurf\] SSP126 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): tas_max (Maximum AirTemperature, degree_C) tas_ltmax (Long-term maximum AirTemperature, degree_C) tas_mean (Average AirTemperature, degree_C) tas_ltmin (Long-term minimum AirTemperature, degree_C) tas_min (Minimum AirTemperature, degree_C) tas_range (Range AirTemperature, degree_C) tas_sd (Standard deviation AirTemperature, degree_C) |
AirTemperature | tas | ssp245 | 2020 | 2100 | depthsurf | tas_ssp245_2020_2100_depthsurf | Bio-Oracle AirTemperature \[depthSurf\] SSP245 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): tas_max (Maximum AirTemperature, degree_C) tas_ltmax (Long-term maximum AirTemperature, degree_C) tas_mean (Average AirTemperature, degree_C) tas_ltmin (Long-term minimum AirTemperature, degree_C) tas_min (Minimum AirTemperature, degree_C) tas_range (Range AirTemperature, degree_C) tas_sd (Standard deviation AirTemperature, degree_C) |
AirTemperature | tas | ssp370 | 2020 | 2100 | depthsurf | tas_ssp370_2020_2100_depthsurf | Bio-Oracle AirTemperature \[depthSurf\] SSP370 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): tas_max (Maximum AirTemperature, degree_C) tas_ltmax (Long-term maximum AirTemperature, degree_C) tas_mean (Average AirTemperature, degree_C) tas_ltmin (Long-term minimum AirTemperature, degree_C) tas_min (Minimum AirTemperature, degree_C) tas_range (Range AirTemperature, degree_C) tas_sd (Standard deviation AirTemperature, degree_C) |
AirTemperature | tas | ssp460 | 2020 | 2100 | depthsurf | tas_ssp460_2020_2100_depthsurf | Bio-Oracle AirTemperature \[depthSurf\] SSP460 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): tas_max (Maximum AirTemperature, degree_C) tas_ltmax (Long-term maximum AirTemperature, degree_C) tas_mean (Average AirTemperature, degree_C) tas_ltmin (Long-term minimum AirTemperature, degree_C) tas_min (Minimum AirTemperature, degree_C) tas_range (Range AirTemperature, degree_C) tas_sd (Standard deviation AirTemperature, degree_C) |
AirTemperature | tas | ssp585 | 2020 | 2100 | depthsurf | tas_ssp585_2020_2100_depthsurf | Bio-Oracle AirTemperature \[depthSurf\] SSP585 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): tas_max (Maximum AirTemperature, degree_C) tas_ltmax (Long-term maximum AirTemperature, degree_C) tas_mean (Average AirTemperature, degree_C) tas_ltmin (Long-term minimum AirTemperature, degree_C) tas_min (Minimum AirTemperature, degree_C) tas_range (Range AirTemperature, degree_C) tas_sd (Standard deviation AirTemperature, degree_C) |
Chlorophyll | chl | baseline | 2000 | 2018 | depthmax | chl_baseline_2000_2018_depthmax | Bio-Oracle Chlorophyll \[depthMax\] Baseline 2000-2018. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): chl_max (Maximum Chlorophyll, mg m-3) chl_ltmax (Long-term maximum Chlorophyll, mg m-3) chl_mean (Average Chlorophyll, mg m-3) chl_ltmin (Long-term minimum Chlorophyll, mg m-3) chl_min (Minimum Chlorophyll, mg m-3) chl_range (Range Chlorophyll, mg m-3) |
Chlorophyll | chl | baseline | 2000 | 2018 | depthmean | chl_baseline_2000_2018_depthmean | Bio-Oracle Chlorophyll \[depthMean\] Baseline 2000-2018. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): chl_max (Maximum Chlorophyll, mg m-3) chl_ltmax (Long-term maximum Chlorophyll, mg m-3) chl_mean (Average Chlorophyll, mg m-3) chl_ltmin (Long-term minimum Chlorophyll, mg m-3) chl_min (Minimum Chlorophyll, mg m-3) chl_range (Range Chlorophyll, mg m-3) |
Chlorophyll | chl | baseline | 2000 | 2018 | depthmin | chl_baseline_2000_2018_depthmin | Bio-Oracle Chlorophyll \[depthMin\] Baseline 2000-2018. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): chl_max (Maximum Chlorophyll, mg m-3) chl_ltmax (Long-term maximum Chlorophyll, mg m-3) chl_mean (Average Chlorophyll, mg m-3) chl_ltmin (Long-term minimum Chlorophyll, mg m-3) chl_min (Minimum Chlorophyll, mg m-3) chl_range (Range Chlorophyll, mg m-3) |
Chlorophyll | chl | baseline | 2000 | 2018 | depthsurf | chl_baseline_2000_2018_depthsurf | Bio-Oracle Chlorophyll \[depthSurf\] Baseline 2000-2018. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): chl_max (Maximum Chlorophyll, mg m-3) chl_ltmax (Long-term maximum Chlorophyll, mg m-3) chl_mean (Average Chlorophyll, mg m-3) chl_ltmin (Long-term minimum Chlorophyll, mg m-3) chl_min (Minimum Chlorophyll, mg m-3) chl_range (Range Chlorophyll, mg m-3) |
Chlorophyll | chl | ssp119 | 2020 | 2100 | depthsurf | chl_ssp119_2020_2100_depthsurf | Bio-Oracle Chlorophyll \[depthSurf\] SSP119 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): chl_max (Maximum Chlorophyll, mg m-3) chl_ltmax (Long-term maximum Chlorophyll, mg m-3) chl_mean (Average Chlorophyll, mg m-3) chl_ltmin (Long-term minimum Chlorophyll, mg m-3) chl_min (Minimum Chlorophyll, mg m-3) chl_range (Range Chlorophyll, mg m-3) chl_sd (Standard deviation Chlorophyll, mg m-3) |
Chlorophyll | chl | ssp126 | 2020 | 2100 | depthsurf | chl_ssp126_2020_2100_depthsurf | Bio-Oracle Chlorophyll \[depthSurf\] SSP126 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): chl_max (Maximum Chlorophyll, mg m-3) chl_ltmax (Long-term maximum Chlorophyll, mg m-3) chl_mean (Average Chlorophyll, mg m-3) chl_ltmin (Long-term minimum Chlorophyll, mg m-3) chl_min (Minimum Chlorophyll, mg m-3) chl_range (Range Chlorophyll, mg m-3) chl_sd (Standard deviation Chlorophyll, mg m-3) |
Chlorophyll | chl | ssp245 | 2020 | 2100 | depthsurf | chl_ssp245_2020_2100_depthsurf | Bio-Oracle Chlorophyll \[depthSurf\] SSP245 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): chl_max (Maximum Chlorophyll, mg m-3) chl_ltmax (Long-term maximum Chlorophyll, mg m-3) chl_mean (Average Chlorophyll, mg m-3) chl_ltmin (Long-term minimum Chlorophyll, mg m-3) chl_min (Minimum Chlorophyll, mg m-3) chl_range (Range Chlorophyll, mg m-3) chl_sd (Standard deviation Chlorophyll, mg m-3) |
Chlorophyll | chl | ssp370 | 2020 | 2100 | depthsurf | chl_ssp370_2020_2100_depthsurf | Bio-Oracle Chlorophyll \[depthSurf\] SSP370 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): chl_max (Maximum Chlorophyll, mg m-3) chl_ltmax (Long-term maximum Chlorophyll, mg m-3) chl_mean (Average Chlorophyll, mg m-3) chl_ltmin (Long-term minimum Chlorophyll, mg m-3) chl_min (Minimum Chlorophyll, mg m-3) chl_range (Range Chlorophyll, mg m-3) chl_sd (Standard deviation Chlorophyll, mg m-3) |
Chlorophyll | chl | ssp460 | 2020 | 2100 | depthsurf | chl_ssp460_2020_2100_depthsurf | Bio-Oracle Chlorophyll \[depthSurf\] SSP460 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): chl_max (Maximum Chlorophyll, mg m-3) chl_ltmax (Long-term maximum Chlorophyll, mg m-3) chl_mean (Average Chlorophyll, mg m-3) chl_ltmin (Long-term minimum Chlorophyll, mg m-3) chl_min (Minimum Chlorophyll, mg m-3) chl_range (Range Chlorophyll, mg m-3) chl_sd (Standard deviation Chlorophyll, mg m-3) |
Chlorophyll | chl | ssp585 | 2020 | 2100 | depthsurf | chl_ssp585_2020_2100_depthsurf | Bio-Oracle Chlorophyll \[depthSurf\] SSP585 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): chl_max (Maximum Chlorophyll, mg m-3) chl_ltmax (Long-term maximum Chlorophyll, mg m-3) chl_mean (Average Chlorophyll, mg m-3) chl_ltmin (Long-term minimum Chlorophyll, mg m-3) chl_min (Minimum Chlorophyll, mg m-3) chl_range (Range Chlorophyll, mg m-3) chl_sd (Standard deviation Chlorophyll, mg m-3) |
DissolvedIron | dfe | baseline | 2000 | 2018 | depthmax | dfe_baseline_2000_2018_depthmax | Bio-Oracle DissolvedIron \[depthMax\] Baseline 2000-2018. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): dfe_max (Maximum DissolvedIron, MMol’ ‘M-3) dfe_ltmax (Long-term maximum DissolvedIron, MMol’ ‘M-3) dfe_mean (Average DissolvedIron, MMol’ ‘M-3) dfe_ltmin (Long-term minimum DissolvedIron, MMol’ ‘M-3) dfe_min (Minimum DissolvedIron, MMol’ ‘M-3) dfe_range (Range DissolvedIron, MMol’ ’M-3) |
DissolvedIron | dfe | ssp119 | 2020 | 2100 | depthmax | dfe_ssp119_2020_2100_depthmax | Bio-Oracle DissolvedIron \[depthMax\] SSP119 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): dfe_max (Maximum DissolvedIron, MMol’ ‘M-3) dfe_ltmax (Long-term maximum DissolvedIron, MMol’ ‘M-3) dfe_mean (Average DissolvedIron, MMol’ ‘M-3) dfe_ltmin (Long-term minimum DissolvedIron, MMol’ ‘M-3) dfe_min (Minimum DissolvedIron, MMol’ ‘M-3) dfe_range (Range DissolvedIron, MMol’ ‘M-3) dfe_sd (Standard deviation DissolvedIron, MMol’ ’M-3) |
DissolvedIron | dfe | ssp126 | 2020 | 2100 | depthmax | dfe_ssp126_2020_2100_depthmax | Bio-Oracle DissolvedIron \[depthMax\] SSP126 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): dfe_max (Maximum DissolvedIron, MMol’ ‘M-3) dfe_ltmax (Long-term maximum DissolvedIron, MMol’ ‘M-3) dfe_mean (Average DissolvedIron, MMol’ ‘M-3) dfe_ltmin (Long-term minimum DissolvedIron, MMol’ ‘M-3) dfe_min (Minimum DissolvedIron, MMol’ ‘M-3) dfe_range (Range DissolvedIron, MMol’ ‘M-3) dfe_sd (Standard deviation DissolvedIron, MMol’ ’M-3) |
DissolvedIron | dfe | ssp245 | 2020 | 2100 | depthmax | dfe_ssp245_2020_2100_depthmax | Bio-Oracle DissolvedIron \[depthMax\] SSP245 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): dfe_max (Maximum DissolvedIron, MMol’ ‘M-3) dfe_ltmax (Long-term maximum DissolvedIron, MMol’ ‘M-3) dfe_mean (Average DissolvedIron, MMol’ ‘M-3) dfe_ltmin (Long-term minimum DissolvedIron, MMol’ ‘M-3) dfe_min (Minimum DissolvedIron, MMol’ ‘M-3) dfe_range (Range DissolvedIron, MMol’ ‘M-3) dfe_sd (Standard deviation DissolvedIron, MMol’ ’M-3) |
DissolvedIron | dfe | ssp370 | 2020 | 2100 | depthmax | dfe_ssp370_2020_2100_depthmax | Bio-Oracle DissolvedIron \[depthMax\] SSP370 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): dfe_max (Maximum DissolvedIron, MMol’ ‘M-3) dfe_ltmax (Long-term maximum DissolvedIron, MMol’ ‘M-3) dfe_mean (Average DissolvedIron, MMol’ ‘M-3) dfe_ltmin (Long-term minimum DissolvedIron, MMol’ ‘M-3) dfe_min (Minimum DissolvedIron, MMol’ ‘M-3) dfe_range (Range DissolvedIron, MMol’ ‘M-3) dfe_sd (Standard deviation DissolvedIron, MMol’ ’M-3) |
DissolvedIron | dfe | ssp460 | 2020 | 2100 | depthmax | dfe_ssp460_2020_2100_depthmax | Bio-Oracle DissolvedIron \[depthMax\] SSP460 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): dfe_max (Maximum DissolvedIron, MMol’ ‘M-3) dfe_ltmax (Long-term maximum DissolvedIron, MMol’ ‘M-3) dfe_mean (Average DissolvedIron, MMol’ ‘M-3) dfe_ltmin (Long-term minimum DissolvedIron, MMol’ ‘M-3) dfe_min (Minimum DissolvedIron, MMol’ ‘M-3) dfe_range (Range DissolvedIron, MMol’ ‘M-3) dfe_sd (Standard deviation DissolvedIron, MMol’ ’M-3) |
DissolvedIron | dfe | ssp585 | 2020 | 2100 | depthmax | dfe_ssp585_2020_2100_depthmax | Bio-Oracle DissolvedIron \[depthMax\] SSP585 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): dfe_max (Maximum DissolvedIron, MMol’ ‘M-3) dfe_ltmax (Long-term maximum DissolvedIron, MMol’ ‘M-3) dfe_mean (Average DissolvedIron, MMol’ ‘M-3) dfe_ltmin (Long-term minimum DissolvedIron, MMol’ ‘M-3) dfe_min (Minimum DissolvedIron, MMol’ ‘M-3) dfe_range (Range DissolvedIron, MMol’ ‘M-3) dfe_sd (Standard deviation DissolvedIron, MMol’ ’M-3) |
DissolvedIron | dfe | baseline | 2000 | 2018 | depthmean | dfe_baseline_2000_2018_depthmean | Bio-Oracle DissolvedIron \[depthMean\] Baseline 2000-2018. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): dfe_max (Maximum DissolvedIron, MMol’ ‘M-3) dfe_ltmax (Long-term maximum DissolvedIron, MMol’ ‘M-3) dfe_mean (Average DissolvedIron, MMol’ ‘M-3) dfe_ltmin (Long-term minimum DissolvedIron, MMol’ ‘M-3) dfe_min (Minimum DissolvedIron, MMol’ ‘M-3) dfe_range (Range DissolvedIron, MMol’ ’M-3) |
DissolvedIron | dfe | ssp119 | 2020 | 2100 | depthmean | dfe_ssp119_2020_2100_depthmean | Bio-Oracle DissolvedIron \[depthMean\] SSP119 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): dfe_max (Maximum DissolvedIron, MMol’ ‘M-3) dfe_ltmax (Long-term maximum DissolvedIron, MMol’ ‘M-3) dfe_mean (Average DissolvedIron, MMol’ ‘M-3) dfe_ltmin (Long-term minimum DissolvedIron, MMol’ ‘M-3) dfe_min (Minimum DissolvedIron, MMol’ ‘M-3) dfe_range (Range DissolvedIron, MMol’ ‘M-3) dfe_sd (Standard deviation DissolvedIron, MMol’ ’M-3) |
DissolvedIron | dfe | ssp126 | 2020 | 2100 | depthmean | dfe_ssp126_2020_2100_depthmean | Bio-Oracle DissolvedIron \[depthMean\] SSP126 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): dfe_max (Maximum DissolvedIron, MMol’ ‘M-3) dfe_ltmax (Long-term maximum DissolvedIron, MMol’ ‘M-3) dfe_mean (Average DissolvedIron, MMol’ ‘M-3) dfe_ltmin (Long-term minimum DissolvedIron, MMol’ ‘M-3) dfe_min (Minimum DissolvedIron, MMol’ ‘M-3) dfe_range (Range DissolvedIron, MMol’ ‘M-3) dfe_sd (Standard deviation DissolvedIron, MMol’ ’M-3) |
DissolvedIron | dfe | ssp245 | 2020 | 2100 | depthmean | dfe_ssp245_2020_2100_depthmean | Bio-Oracle DissolvedIron \[depthMean\] SSP245 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): dfe_max (Maximum DissolvedIron, MMol’ ‘M-3) dfe_ltmax (Long-term maximum DissolvedIron, MMol’ ‘M-3) dfe_mean (Average DissolvedIron, MMol’ ‘M-3) dfe_ltmin (Long-term minimum DissolvedIron, MMol’ ‘M-3) dfe_min (Minimum DissolvedIron, MMol’ ‘M-3) dfe_range (Range DissolvedIron, MMol’ ‘M-3) dfe_sd (Standard deviation DissolvedIron, MMol’ ’M-3) |
DissolvedIron | dfe | ssp370 | 2020 | 2100 | depthmean | dfe_ssp370_2020_2100_depthmean | Bio-Oracle DissolvedIron \[depthMean\] SSP370 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): dfe_max (Maximum DissolvedIron, MMol’ ‘M-3) dfe_ltmax (Long-term maximum DissolvedIron, MMol’ ‘M-3) dfe_mean (Average DissolvedIron, MMol’ ‘M-3) dfe_ltmin (Long-term minimum DissolvedIron, MMol’ ‘M-3) dfe_min (Minimum DissolvedIron, MMol’ ‘M-3) dfe_range (Range DissolvedIron, MMol’ ‘M-3) dfe_sd (Standard deviation DissolvedIron, MMol’ ’M-3) |
DissolvedIron | dfe | ssp460 | 2020 | 2100 | depthmean | dfe_ssp460_2020_2100_depthmean | Bio-Oracle DissolvedIron \[depthMean\] SSP460 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): dfe_max (Maximum DissolvedIron, MMol’ ‘M-3) dfe_ltmax (Long-term maximum DissolvedIron, MMol’ ‘M-3) dfe_mean (Average DissolvedIron, MMol’ ‘M-3) dfe_ltmin (Long-term minimum DissolvedIron, MMol’ ‘M-3) dfe_min (Minimum DissolvedIron, MMol’ ‘M-3) dfe_range (Range DissolvedIron, MMol’ ‘M-3) dfe_sd (Standard deviation DissolvedIron, MMol’ ’M-3) |
DissolvedIron | dfe | ssp585 | 2020 | 2100 | depthmean | dfe_ssp585_2020_2100_depthmean | Bio-Oracle DissolvedIron \[depthMean\] SSP585 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): dfe_max (Maximum DissolvedIron, MMol’ ‘M-3) dfe_ltmax (Long-term maximum DissolvedIron, MMol’ ‘M-3) dfe_mean (Average DissolvedIron, MMol’ ‘M-3) dfe_ltmin (Long-term minimum DissolvedIron, MMol’ ‘M-3) dfe_min (Minimum DissolvedIron, MMol’ ‘M-3) dfe_range (Range DissolvedIron, MMol’ ‘M-3) dfe_sd (Standard deviation DissolvedIron, MMol’ ’M-3) |
DissolvedIron | dfe | baseline | 2000 | 2018 | depthmin | dfe_baseline_2000_2018_depthmin | Bio-Oracle DissolvedIron \[depthMin\] Baseline 2000-2018. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): dfe_max (Maximum DissolvedIron, MMol’ ‘M-3) dfe_ltmax (Long-term maximum DissolvedIron, MMol’ ‘M-3) dfe_mean (Average DissolvedIron, MMol’ ‘M-3) dfe_ltmin (Long-term minimum DissolvedIron, MMol’ ‘M-3) dfe_min (Minimum DissolvedIron, MMol’ ‘M-3) dfe_range (Range DissolvedIron, MMol’ ’M-3) |
DissolvedIron | dfe | ssp119 | 2020 | 2100 | depthmin | dfe_ssp119_2020_2100_depthmin | Bio-Oracle DissolvedIron \[depthMin\] SSP119 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): dfe_max (Maximum DissolvedIron, MMol’ ‘M-3) dfe_ltmax (Long-term maximum DissolvedIron, MMol’ ‘M-3) dfe_mean (Average DissolvedIron, MMol’ ‘M-3) dfe_ltmin (Long-term minimum DissolvedIron, MMol’ ‘M-3) dfe_min (Minimum DissolvedIron, MMol’ ‘M-3) dfe_range (Range DissolvedIron, MMol’ ‘M-3) dfe_sd (Standard deviation DissolvedIron, MMol’ ’M-3) |
DissolvedIron | dfe | ssp126 | 2020 | 2100 | depthmin | dfe_ssp126_2020_2100_depthmin | Bio-Oracle DissolvedIron \[depthMin\] SSP126 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): dfe_max (Maximum DissolvedIron, MMol’ ‘M-3) dfe_ltmax (Long-term maximum DissolvedIron, MMol’ ‘M-3) dfe_mean (Average DissolvedIron, MMol’ ‘M-3) dfe_ltmin (Long-term minimum DissolvedIron, MMol’ ‘M-3) dfe_min (Minimum DissolvedIron, MMol’ ‘M-3) dfe_range (Range DissolvedIron, MMol’ ‘M-3) dfe_sd (Standard deviation DissolvedIron, MMol’ ’M-3) |
DissolvedIron | dfe | ssp245 | 2020 | 2100 | depthmin | dfe_ssp245_2020_2100_depthmin | Bio-Oracle DissolvedIron \[depthMin\] SSP245 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): dfe_max (Maximum DissolvedIron, MMol’ ‘M-3) dfe_ltmax (Long-term maximum DissolvedIron, MMol’ ‘M-3) dfe_mean (Average DissolvedIron, MMol’ ‘M-3) dfe_ltmin (Long-term minimum DissolvedIron, MMol’ ‘M-3) dfe_min (Minimum DissolvedIron, MMol’ ‘M-3) dfe_range (Range DissolvedIron, MMol’ ‘M-3) dfe_sd (Standard deviation DissolvedIron, MMol’ ’M-3) |
DissolvedIron | dfe | ssp370 | 2020 | 2100 | depthmin | dfe_ssp370_2020_2100_depthmin | Bio-Oracle DissolvedIron \[depthMin\] SSP370 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): dfe_max (Maximum DissolvedIron, MMol’ ‘M-3) dfe_ltmax (Long-term maximum DissolvedIron, MMol’ ‘M-3) dfe_mean (Average DissolvedIron, MMol’ ‘M-3) dfe_ltmin (Long-term minimum DissolvedIron, MMol’ ‘M-3) dfe_min (Minimum DissolvedIron, MMol’ ‘M-3) dfe_range (Range DissolvedIron, MMol’ ‘M-3) dfe_sd (Standard deviation DissolvedIron, MMol’ ’M-3) |
DissolvedIron | dfe | ssp460 | 2020 | 2100 | depthmin | dfe_ssp460_2020_2100_depthmin | Bio-Oracle DissolvedIron \[depthMin\] SSP460 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): dfe_max (Maximum DissolvedIron, MMol’ ‘M-3) dfe_ltmax (Long-term maximum DissolvedIron, MMol’ ‘M-3) dfe_mean (Average DissolvedIron, MMol’ ‘M-3) dfe_ltmin (Long-term minimum DissolvedIron, MMol’ ‘M-3) dfe_min (Minimum DissolvedIron, MMol’ ‘M-3) dfe_range (Range DissolvedIron, MMol’ ‘M-3) dfe_sd (Standard deviation DissolvedIron, MMol’ ’M-3) |
DissolvedIron | dfe | ssp585 | 2020 | 2100 | depthmin | dfe_ssp585_2020_2100_depthmin | Bio-Oracle DissolvedIron \[depthMin\] SSP585 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): dfe_max (Maximum DissolvedIron, MMol’ ‘M-3) dfe_ltmax (Long-term maximum DissolvedIron, MMol’ ‘M-3) dfe_mean (Average DissolvedIron, MMol’ ‘M-3) dfe_ltmin (Long-term minimum DissolvedIron, MMol’ ‘M-3) dfe_min (Minimum DissolvedIron, MMol’ ‘M-3) dfe_range (Range DissolvedIron, MMol’ ‘M-3) dfe_sd (Standard deviation DissolvedIron, MMol’ ’M-3) |
DissolvedIron | dfe | baseline | 2000 | 2018 | depthsurf | dfe_baseline_2000_2018_depthsurf | Bio-Oracle DissolvedIron \[depthSurf\] Baseline 2000-2018. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): dfe_max (Maximum DissolvedIron, MMol’ ‘M-3) dfe_ltmax (Long-term maximum DissolvedIron, MMol’ ‘M-3) dfe_mean (Average DissolvedIron, MMol’ ‘M-3) dfe_ltmin (Long-term minimum DissolvedIron, MMol’ ‘M-3) dfe_min (Minimum DissolvedIron, MMol’ ‘M-3) dfe_range (Range DissolvedIron, MMol’ ’M-3) |
DissolvedIron | dfe | ssp119 | 2020 | 2100 | depthsurf | dfe_ssp119_2020_2100_depthsurf | Bio-Oracle DissolvedIron \[depthSurf\] SSP119 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): dfe_max (Maximum DissolvedIron, MMol’ ‘M-3) dfe_ltmax (Long-term maximum DissolvedIron, MMol’ ‘M-3) dfe_mean (Average DissolvedIron, MMol’ ‘M-3) dfe_ltmin (Long-term minimum DissolvedIron, MMol’ ‘M-3) dfe_min (Minimum DissolvedIron, MMol’ ‘M-3) dfe_range (Range DissolvedIron, MMol’ ‘M-3) dfe_sd (Standard deviation DissolvedIron, MMol’ ’M-3) |
DissolvedIron | dfe | ssp126 | 2020 | 2100 | depthsurf | dfe_ssp126_2020_2100_depthsurf | Bio-Oracle DissolvedIron \[depthSurf\] SSP126 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): dfe_max (Maximum DissolvedIron, MMol’ ‘M-3) dfe_ltmax (Long-term maximum DissolvedIron, MMol’ ‘M-3) dfe_mean (Average DissolvedIron, MMol’ ‘M-3) dfe_ltmin (Long-term minimum DissolvedIron, MMol’ ‘M-3) dfe_min (Minimum DissolvedIron, MMol’ ‘M-3) dfe_range (Range DissolvedIron, MMol’ ‘M-3) dfe_sd (Standard deviation DissolvedIron, MMol’ ’M-3) |
DissolvedIron | dfe | ssp245 | 2020 | 2100 | depthsurf | dfe_ssp245_2020_2100_depthsurf | Bio-Oracle DissolvedIron \[depthSurf\] SSP245 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): dfe_max (Maximum DissolvedIron, MMol’ ‘M-3) dfe_ltmax (Long-term maximum DissolvedIron, MMol’ ‘M-3) dfe_mean (Average DissolvedIron, MMol’ ‘M-3) dfe_ltmin (Long-term minimum DissolvedIron, MMol’ ‘M-3) dfe_min (Minimum DissolvedIron, MMol’ ‘M-3) dfe_range (Range DissolvedIron, MMol’ ‘M-3) dfe_sd (Standard deviation DissolvedIron, MMol’ ’M-3) |
DissolvedIron | dfe | ssp370 | 2020 | 2100 | depthsurf | dfe_ssp370_2020_2100_depthsurf | Bio-Oracle DissolvedIron \[depthSurf\] SSP370 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): dfe_max (Maximum DissolvedIron, MMol’ ‘M-3) dfe_ltmax (Long-term maximum DissolvedIron, MMol’ ‘M-3) dfe_mean (Average DissolvedIron, MMol’ ‘M-3) dfe_ltmin (Long-term minimum DissolvedIron, MMol’ ‘M-3) dfe_min (Minimum DissolvedIron, MMol’ ‘M-3) dfe_range (Range DissolvedIron, MMol’ ‘M-3) dfe_sd (Standard deviation DissolvedIron, MMol’ ’M-3) |
DissolvedIron | dfe | ssp460 | 2020 | 2100 | depthsurf | dfe_ssp460_2020_2100_depthsurf | Bio-Oracle DissolvedIron \[depthSurf\] SSP460 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): dfe_max (Maximum DissolvedIron, MMol’ ‘M-3) dfe_ltmax (Long-term maximum DissolvedIron, MMol’ ‘M-3) dfe_mean (Average DissolvedIron, MMol’ ‘M-3) dfe_ltmin (Long-term minimum DissolvedIron, MMol’ ‘M-3) dfe_min (Minimum DissolvedIron, MMol’ ‘M-3) dfe_range (Range DissolvedIron, MMol’ ‘M-3) dfe_sd (Standard deviation DissolvedIron, MMol’ ’M-3) |
DissolvedIron | dfe | ssp585 | 2020 | 2100 | depthsurf | dfe_ssp585_2020_2100_depthsurf | Bio-Oracle DissolvedIron \[depthSurf\] SSP585 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): dfe_max (Maximum DissolvedIron, MMol’ ‘M-3) dfe_ltmax (Long-term maximum DissolvedIron, MMol’ ‘M-3) dfe_mean (Average DissolvedIron, MMol’ ‘M-3) dfe_ltmin (Long-term minimum DissolvedIron, MMol’ ‘M-3) dfe_min (Minimum DissolvedIron, MMol’ ‘M-3) dfe_range (Range DissolvedIron, MMol’ ‘M-3) dfe_sd (Standard deviation DissolvedIron, MMol’ ’M-3) |
DissolvedMolecularOxygen | o2 | baseline | 2000 | 2018 | depthmax | o2_baseline_2000_2018_depthmax | Bio-Oracle DissolvedMolecularOxygen \[depthMax\] Baseline 2000-2018. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): o2_max (Maximum DissolvedMolecularOxygen, MMol’ ‘M-3) o2_ltmax (Long-term maximum DissolvedMolecularOxygen, MMol’ ‘M-3) o2_mean (Average DissolvedMolecularOxygen, MMol’ ‘M-3) o2_ltmin (Long-term minimum DissolvedMolecularOxygen, MMol’ ‘M-3) o2_min (Minimum DissolvedMolecularOxygen, MMol’ ‘M-3) o2_range (Range DissolvedMolecularOxygen, MMol’ ’M-3) |
DissolvedMolecularOxygen | o2 | ssp119 | 2020 | 2100 | depthmax | o2_ssp119_2020_2100_depthmax | Bio-Oracle DissolvedMolecularOxygen \[depthMax\] SSP119 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): o2_max (Maximum DissolvedMolecularOxygen, MMol’ ‘M-3) o2_ltmax (Long-term maximum DissolvedMolecularOxygen, MMol’ ‘M-3) o2_mean (Average DissolvedMolecularOxygen, MMol’ ‘M-3) o2_ltmin (Long-term minimum DissolvedMolecularOxygen, MMol’ ‘M-3) o2_min (Minimum DissolvedMolecularOxygen, MMol’ ‘M-3) o2_range (Range DissolvedMolecularOxygen, MMol’ ‘M-3) o2_sd (Standard deviation DissolvedMolecularOxygen, MMol’ ’M-3) |
DissolvedMolecularOxygen | o2 | ssp126 | 2020 | 2100 | depthmax | o2_ssp126_2020_2100_depthmax | Bio-Oracle DissolvedMolecularOxygen \[depthMax\] SSP126 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): o2_max (Maximum DissolvedMolecularOxygen, MMol’ ‘M-3) o2_ltmax (Long-term maximum DissolvedMolecularOxygen, MMol’ ‘M-3) o2_mean (Average DissolvedMolecularOxygen, MMol’ ‘M-3) o2_ltmin (Long-term minimum DissolvedMolecularOxygen, MMol’ ‘M-3) o2_min (Minimum DissolvedMolecularOxygen, MMol’ ‘M-3) o2_range (Range DissolvedMolecularOxygen, MMol’ ‘M-3) o2_sd (Standard deviation DissolvedMolecularOxygen, MMol’ ’M-3) |
DissolvedMolecularOxygen | o2 | ssp245 | 2020 | 2100 | depthmax | o2_ssp245_2020_2100_depthmax | Bio-Oracle DissolvedMolecularOxygen \[depthMax\] SSP245 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): o2_max (Maximum DissolvedMolecularOxygen, MMol’ ‘M-3) o2_ltmax (Long-term maximum DissolvedMolecularOxygen, MMol’ ‘M-3) o2_mean (Average DissolvedMolecularOxygen, MMol’ ‘M-3) o2_ltmin (Long-term minimum DissolvedMolecularOxygen, MMol’ ‘M-3) o2_min (Minimum DissolvedMolecularOxygen, MMol’ ‘M-3) o2_range (Range DissolvedMolecularOxygen, MMol’ ‘M-3) o2_sd (Standard deviation DissolvedMolecularOxygen, MMol’ ’M-3) |
DissolvedMolecularOxygen | o2 | ssp370 | 2020 | 2100 | depthmax | o2_ssp370_2020_2100_depthmax | Bio-Oracle DissolvedMolecularOxygen \[depthMax\] SSP370 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): o2_max (Maximum DissolvedMolecularOxygen, MMol’ ‘M-3) o2_ltmax (Long-term maximum DissolvedMolecularOxygen, MMol’ ‘M-3) o2_mean (Average DissolvedMolecularOxygen, MMol’ ‘M-3) o2_ltmin (Long-term minimum DissolvedMolecularOxygen, MMol’ ‘M-3) o2_min (Minimum DissolvedMolecularOxygen, MMol’ ‘M-3) o2_range (Range DissolvedMolecularOxygen, MMol’ ‘M-3) o2_sd (Standard deviation DissolvedMolecularOxygen, MMol’ ’M-3) |
DissolvedMolecularOxygen | o2 | ssp460 | 2020 | 2100 | depthmax | o2_ssp460_2020_2100_depthmax | Bio-Oracle DissolvedMolecularOxygen \[depthMax\] SSP460 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): o2_max (Maximum DissolvedMolecularOxygen, MMol’ ‘M-3) o2_ltmax (Long-term maximum DissolvedMolecularOxygen, MMol’ ‘M-3) o2_mean (Average DissolvedMolecularOxygen, MMol’ ‘M-3) o2_ltmin (Long-term minimum DissolvedMolecularOxygen, MMol’ ‘M-3) o2_min (Minimum DissolvedMolecularOxygen, MMol’ ‘M-3) o2_range (Range DissolvedMolecularOxygen, MMol’ ‘M-3) o2_sd (Standard deviation DissolvedMolecularOxygen, MMol’ ’M-3) |
DissolvedMolecularOxygen | o2 | ssp585 | 2020 | 2100 | depthmax | o2_ssp585_2020_2100_depthmax | Bio-Oracle DissolvedMolecularOxygen \[depthMax\] SSP585 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): o2_max (Maximum DissolvedMolecularOxygen, MMol’ ‘M-3) o2_ltmax (Long-term maximum DissolvedMolecularOxygen, MMol’ ‘M-3) o2_mean (Average DissolvedMolecularOxygen, MMol’ ‘M-3) o2_ltmin (Long-term minimum DissolvedMolecularOxygen, MMol’ ‘M-3) o2_min (Minimum DissolvedMolecularOxygen, MMol’ ‘M-3) o2_range (Range DissolvedMolecularOxygen, MMol’ ‘M-3) o2_sd (Standard deviation DissolvedMolecularOxygen, MMol’ ’M-3) |
DissolvedMolecularOxygen | o2 | baseline | 2000 | 2018 | depthmean | o2_baseline_2000_2018_depthmean | Bio-Oracle DissolvedMolecularOxygen \[depthMean\] Baseline 2000-2018. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): o2_max (Maximum DissolvedMolecularOxygen, MMol’ ‘M-3) o2_ltmax (Long-term maximum DissolvedMolecularOxygen, MMol’ ‘M-3) o2_mean (Average DissolvedMolecularOxygen, MMol’ ‘M-3) o2_ltmin (Long-term minimum DissolvedMolecularOxygen, MMol’ ‘M-3) o2_min (Minimum DissolvedMolecularOxygen, MMol’ ‘M-3) o2_range (Range DissolvedMolecularOxygen, MMol’ ’M-3) |
DissolvedMolecularOxygen | o2 | ssp119 | 2020 | 2100 | depthmean | o2_ssp119_2020_2100_depthmean | Bio-Oracle DissolvedMolecularOxygen \[depthMean\] SSP119 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): o2_max (Maximum DissolvedMolecularOxygen, MMol’ ‘M-3) o2_ltmax (Long-term maximum DissolvedMolecularOxygen, MMol’ ‘M-3) o2_mean (Average DissolvedMolecularOxygen, MMol’ ‘M-3) o2_ltmin (Long-term minimum DissolvedMolecularOxygen, MMol’ ‘M-3) o2_min (Minimum DissolvedMolecularOxygen, MMol’ ‘M-3) o2_range (Range DissolvedMolecularOxygen, MMol’ ‘M-3) o2_sd (Standard deviation DissolvedMolecularOxygen, MMol’ ’M-3) |
DissolvedMolecularOxygen | o2 | ssp126 | 2020 | 2100 | depthmean | o2_ssp126_2020_2100_depthmean | Bio-Oracle DissolvedMolecularOxygen \[depthMean\] SSP126 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): o2_max (Maximum DissolvedMolecularOxygen, MMol’ ‘M-3) o2_ltmax (Long-term maximum DissolvedMolecularOxygen, MMol’ ‘M-3) o2_mean (Average DissolvedMolecularOxygen, MMol’ ‘M-3) o2_ltmin (Long-term minimum DissolvedMolecularOxygen, MMol’ ‘M-3) o2_min (Minimum DissolvedMolecularOxygen, MMol’ ‘M-3) o2_range (Range DissolvedMolecularOxygen, MMol’ ‘M-3) o2_sd (Standard deviation DissolvedMolecularOxygen, MMol’ ’M-3) |
DissolvedMolecularOxygen | o2 | ssp245 | 2020 | 2100 | depthmean | o2_ssp245_2020_2100_depthmean | Bio-Oracle DissolvedMolecularOxygen \[depthMean\] SSP245 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): o2_max (Maximum DissolvedMolecularOxygen, MMol’ ‘M-3) o2_ltmax (Long-term maximum DissolvedMolecularOxygen, MMol’ ‘M-3) o2_mean (Average DissolvedMolecularOxygen, MMol’ ‘M-3) o2_ltmin (Long-term minimum DissolvedMolecularOxygen, MMol’ ‘M-3) o2_min (Minimum DissolvedMolecularOxygen, MMol’ ‘M-3) o2_range (Range DissolvedMolecularOxygen, MMol’ ‘M-3) o2_sd (Standard deviation DissolvedMolecularOxygen, MMol’ ’M-3) |
DissolvedMolecularOxygen | o2 | ssp370 | 2020 | 2100 | depthmean | o2_ssp370_2020_2100_depthmean | Bio-Oracle DissolvedMolecularOxygen \[depthMean\] SSP370 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): o2_max (Maximum DissolvedMolecularOxygen, MMol’ ‘M-3) o2_ltmax (Long-term maximum DissolvedMolecularOxygen, MMol’ ‘M-3) o2_mean (Average DissolvedMolecularOxygen, MMol’ ‘M-3) o2_ltmin (Long-term minimum DissolvedMolecularOxygen, MMol’ ‘M-3) o2_min (Minimum DissolvedMolecularOxygen, MMol’ ‘M-3) o2_range (Range DissolvedMolecularOxygen, MMol’ ‘M-3) o2_sd (Standard deviation DissolvedMolecularOxygen, MMol’ ’M-3) |
DissolvedMolecularOxygen | o2 | ssp460 | 2020 | 2100 | depthmean | o2_ssp460_2020_2100_depthmean | Bio-Oracle DissolvedMolecularOxygen \[depthMean\] SSP460 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): o2_max (Maximum DissolvedMolecularOxygen, MMol’ ‘M-3) o2_ltmax (Long-term maximum DissolvedMolecularOxygen, MMol’ ‘M-3) o2_mean (Average DissolvedMolecularOxygen, MMol’ ‘M-3) o2_ltmin (Long-term minimum DissolvedMolecularOxygen, MMol’ ‘M-3) o2_min (Minimum DissolvedMolecularOxygen, MMol’ ‘M-3) o2_range (Range DissolvedMolecularOxygen, MMol’ ‘M-3) o2_sd (Standard deviation DissolvedMolecularOxygen, MMol’ ’M-3) |
DissolvedMolecularOxygen | o2 | ssp585 | 2020 | 2100 | depthmean | o2_ssp585_2020_2100_depthmean | Bio-Oracle DissolvedMolecularOxygen \[depthMean\] SSP585 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): o2_max (Maximum DissolvedMolecularOxygen, MMol’ ‘M-3) o2_ltmax (Long-term maximum DissolvedMolecularOxygen, MMol’ ‘M-3) o2_mean (Average DissolvedMolecularOxygen, MMol’ ‘M-3) o2_ltmin (Long-term minimum DissolvedMolecularOxygen, MMol’ ‘M-3) o2_min (Minimum DissolvedMolecularOxygen, MMol’ ‘M-3) o2_range (Range DissolvedMolecularOxygen, MMol’ ‘M-3) o2_sd (Standard deviation DissolvedMolecularOxygen, MMol’ ’M-3) |
DissolvedMolecularOxygen | o2 | baseline | 2000 | 2018 | depthmin | o2_baseline_2000_2018_depthmin | Bio-Oracle DissolvedMolecularOxygen \[depthMin\] Baseline 2000-2018. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): o2_max (Maximum DissolvedMolecularOxygen, MMol’ ‘M-3) o2_ltmax (Long-term maximum DissolvedMolecularOxygen, MMol’ ‘M-3) o2_mean (Average DissolvedMolecularOxygen, MMol’ ‘M-3) o2_ltmin (Long-term minimum DissolvedMolecularOxygen, MMol’ ‘M-3) o2_min (Minimum DissolvedMolecularOxygen, MMol’ ‘M-3) o2_range (Range DissolvedMolecularOxygen, MMol’ ’M-3) |
DissolvedMolecularOxygen | o2 | ssp119 | 2020 | 2100 | depthmin | o2_ssp119_2020_2100_depthmin | Bio-Oracle DissolvedMolecularOxygen \[depthMin\] SSP119 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): o2_max (Maximum DissolvedMolecularOxygen, MMol’ ‘M-3) o2_ltmax (Long-term maximum DissolvedMolecularOxygen, MMol’ ‘M-3) o2_mean (Average DissolvedMolecularOxygen, MMol’ ‘M-3) o2_ltmin (Long-term minimum DissolvedMolecularOxygen, MMol’ ‘M-3) o2_min (Minimum DissolvedMolecularOxygen, MMol’ ‘M-3) o2_range (Range DissolvedMolecularOxygen, MMol’ ‘M-3) o2_sd (Standard deviation DissolvedMolecularOxygen, MMol’ ’M-3) |
DissolvedMolecularOxygen | o2 | ssp126 | 2020 | 2100 | depthmin | o2_ssp126_2020_2100_depthmin | Bio-Oracle DissolvedMolecularOxygen \[depthMin\] SSP126 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): o2_max (Maximum DissolvedMolecularOxygen, MMol’ ‘M-3) o2_ltmax (Long-term maximum DissolvedMolecularOxygen, MMol’ ‘M-3) o2_mean (Average DissolvedMolecularOxygen, MMol’ ‘M-3) o2_ltmin (Long-term minimum DissolvedMolecularOxygen, MMol’ ‘M-3) o2_min (Minimum DissolvedMolecularOxygen, MMol’ ‘M-3) o2_range (Range DissolvedMolecularOxygen, MMol’ ‘M-3) o2_sd (Standard deviation DissolvedMolecularOxygen, MMol’ ’M-3) |
DissolvedMolecularOxygen | o2 | ssp245 | 2020 | 2100 | depthmin | o2_ssp245_2020_2100_depthmin | Bio-Oracle DissolvedMolecularOxygen \[depthMin\] SSP245 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): o2_max (Maximum DissolvedMolecularOxygen, MMol’ ‘M-3) o2_ltmax (Long-term maximum DissolvedMolecularOxygen, MMol’ ‘M-3) o2_mean (Average DissolvedMolecularOxygen, MMol’ ‘M-3) o2_ltmin (Long-term minimum DissolvedMolecularOxygen, MMol’ ‘M-3) o2_min (Minimum DissolvedMolecularOxygen, MMol’ ‘M-3) o2_range (Range DissolvedMolecularOxygen, MMol’ ‘M-3) o2_sd (Standard deviation DissolvedMolecularOxygen, MMol’ ’M-3) |
DissolvedMolecularOxygen | o2 | ssp370 | 2020 | 2100 | depthmin | o2_ssp370_2020_2100_depthmin | Bio-Oracle DissolvedMolecularOxygen \[depthMin\] SSP370 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): o2_max (Maximum DissolvedMolecularOxygen, MMol’ ‘M-3) o2_ltmax (Long-term maximum DissolvedMolecularOxygen, MMol’ ‘M-3) o2_mean (Average DissolvedMolecularOxygen, MMol’ ‘M-3) o2_ltmin (Long-term minimum DissolvedMolecularOxygen, MMol’ ‘M-3) o2_min (Minimum DissolvedMolecularOxygen, MMol’ ‘M-3) o2_range (Range DissolvedMolecularOxygen, MMol’ ‘M-3) o2_sd (Standard deviation DissolvedMolecularOxygen, MMol’ ’M-3) |
DissolvedMolecularOxygen | o2 | ssp460 | 2020 | 2100 | depthmin | o2_ssp460_2020_2100_depthmin | Bio-Oracle DissolvedMolecularOxygen \[depthMin\] SSP460 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): o2_max (Maximum DissolvedMolecularOxygen, MMol’ ‘M-3) o2_ltmax (Long-term maximum DissolvedMolecularOxygen, MMol’ ‘M-3) o2_mean (Average DissolvedMolecularOxygen, MMol’ ‘M-3) o2_ltmin (Long-term minimum DissolvedMolecularOxygen, MMol’ ‘M-3) o2_min (Minimum DissolvedMolecularOxygen, MMol’ ‘M-3) o2_range (Range DissolvedMolecularOxygen, MMol’ ‘M-3) o2_sd (Standard deviation DissolvedMolecularOxygen, MMol’ ’M-3) |
DissolvedMolecularOxygen | o2 | ssp585 | 2020 | 2100 | depthmin | o2_ssp585_2020_2100_depthmin | Bio-Oracle DissolvedMolecularOxygen \[depthMin\] SSP585 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): o2_max (Maximum DissolvedMolecularOxygen, MMol’ ‘M-3) o2_ltmax (Long-term maximum DissolvedMolecularOxygen, MMol’ ‘M-3) o2_mean (Average DissolvedMolecularOxygen, MMol’ ‘M-3) o2_ltmin (Long-term minimum DissolvedMolecularOxygen, MMol’ ‘M-3) o2_min (Minimum DissolvedMolecularOxygen, MMol’ ‘M-3) o2_range (Range DissolvedMolecularOxygen, MMol’ ‘M-3) o2_sd (Standard deviation DissolvedMolecularOxygen, MMol’ ’M-3) |
DissolvedMolecularOxygen | o2 | baseline | 2000 | 2018 | depthsurf | o2_baseline_2000_2018_depthsurf | Bio-Oracle DissolvedMolecularOxygen \[depthSurf\] Baseline 2000-2018. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): o2_max (Maximum DissolvedMolecularOxygen, MMol’ ‘M-3) o2_ltmax (Long-term maximum DissolvedMolecularOxygen, MMol’ ‘M-3) o2_mean (Average DissolvedMolecularOxygen, MMol’ ‘M-3) o2_ltmin (Long-term minimum DissolvedMolecularOxygen, MMol’ ‘M-3) o2_min (Minimum DissolvedMolecularOxygen, MMol’ ‘M-3) o2_range (Range DissolvedMolecularOxygen, MMol’ ’M-3) |
DissolvedMolecularOxygen | o2 | ssp119 | 2020 | 2100 | depthsurf | o2_ssp119_2020_2100_depthsurf | Bio-Oracle DissolvedMolecularOxygen \[depthSurf\] SSP119 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): o2_max (Maximum DissolvedMolecularOxygen, MMol’ ‘M-3) o2_ltmax (Long-term maximum DissolvedMolecularOxygen, MMol’ ‘M-3) o2_mean (Average DissolvedMolecularOxygen, MMol’ ‘M-3) o2_ltmin (Long-term minimum DissolvedMolecularOxygen, MMol’ ‘M-3) o2_min (Minimum DissolvedMolecularOxygen, MMol’ ‘M-3) o2_range (Range DissolvedMolecularOxygen, MMol’ ‘M-3) o2_sd (Standard deviation DissolvedMolecularOxygen, MMol’ ’M-3) |
DissolvedMolecularOxygen | o2 | ssp126 | 2020 | 2100 | depthsurf | o2_ssp126_2020_2100_depthsurf | Bio-Oracle DissolvedMolecularOxygen \[depthSurf\] SSP126 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): o2_max (Maximum DissolvedMolecularOxygen, MMol’ ‘M-3) o2_ltmax (Long-term maximum DissolvedMolecularOxygen, MMol’ ‘M-3) o2_mean (Average DissolvedMolecularOxygen, MMol’ ‘M-3) o2_ltmin (Long-term minimum DissolvedMolecularOxygen, MMol’ ‘M-3) o2_min (Minimum DissolvedMolecularOxygen, MMol’ ‘M-3) o2_range (Range DissolvedMolecularOxygen, MMol’ ‘M-3) o2_sd (Standard deviation DissolvedMolecularOxygen, MMol’ ’M-3) |
DissolvedMolecularOxygen | o2 | ssp245 | 2020 | 2100 | depthsurf | o2_ssp245_2020_2100_depthsurf | Bio-Oracle DissolvedMolecularOxygen \[depthSurf\] SSP245 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): o2_max (Maximum DissolvedMolecularOxygen, MMol’ ‘M-3) o2_ltmax (Long-term maximum DissolvedMolecularOxygen, MMol’ ‘M-3) o2_mean (Average DissolvedMolecularOxygen, MMol’ ‘M-3) o2_ltmin (Long-term minimum DissolvedMolecularOxygen, MMol’ ‘M-3) o2_min (Minimum DissolvedMolecularOxygen, MMol’ ‘M-3) o2_range (Range DissolvedMolecularOxygen, MMol’ ‘M-3) o2_sd (Standard deviation DissolvedMolecularOxygen, MMol’ ’M-3) |
DissolvedMolecularOxygen | o2 | ssp370 | 2020 | 2100 | depthsurf | o2_ssp370_2020_2100_depthsurf | Bio-Oracle DissolvedMolecularOxygen \[depthSurf\] SSP370 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): o2_max (Maximum DissolvedMolecularOxygen, MMol’ ‘M-3) o2_ltmax (Long-term maximum DissolvedMolecularOxygen, MMol’ ‘M-3) o2_mean (Average DissolvedMolecularOxygen, MMol’ ‘M-3) o2_ltmin (Long-term minimum DissolvedMolecularOxygen, MMol’ ‘M-3) o2_min (Minimum DissolvedMolecularOxygen, MMol’ ‘M-3) o2_range (Range DissolvedMolecularOxygen, MMol’ ‘M-3) o2_sd (Standard deviation DissolvedMolecularOxygen, MMol’ ’M-3) |
DissolvedMolecularOxygen | o2 | ssp460 | 2020 | 2100 | depthsurf | o2_ssp460_2020_2100_depthsurf | Bio-Oracle DissolvedMolecularOxygen \[depthSurf\] SSP460 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): o2_max (Maximum DissolvedMolecularOxygen, MMol’ ‘M-3) o2_ltmax (Long-term maximum DissolvedMolecularOxygen, MMol’ ‘M-3) o2_mean (Average DissolvedMolecularOxygen, MMol’ ‘M-3) o2_ltmin (Long-term minimum DissolvedMolecularOxygen, MMol’ ‘M-3) o2_min (Minimum DissolvedMolecularOxygen, MMol’ ‘M-3) o2_range (Range DissolvedMolecularOxygen, MMol’ ‘M-3) o2_sd (Standard deviation DissolvedMolecularOxygen, MMol’ ’M-3) |
DissolvedMolecularOxygen | o2 | ssp585 | 2020 | 2100 | depthsurf | o2_ssp585_2020_2100_depthsurf | Bio-Oracle DissolvedMolecularOxygen \[depthSurf\] SSP585 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): o2_max (Maximum DissolvedMolecularOxygen, MMol’ ‘M-3) o2_ltmax (Long-term maximum DissolvedMolecularOxygen, MMol’ ‘M-3) o2_mean (Average DissolvedMolecularOxygen, MMol’ ‘M-3) o2_ltmin (Long-term minimum DissolvedMolecularOxygen, MMol’ ‘M-3) o2_min (Minimum DissolvedMolecularOxygen, MMol’ ‘M-3) o2_range (Range DissolvedMolecularOxygen, MMol’ ‘M-3) o2_sd (Standard deviation DissolvedMolecularOxygen, MMol’ ’M-3) |
MixedLayerDepth | mlotst | baseline | 2000 | 2019 | depthsurf | mlotst_baseline_2000_2019_depthsurf | Bio-Oracle MixedLayerDepth \[depthSurf\] Baseline 2000-2019. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): mlotst_max (Maximum MixedLayerDepth, m) mlotst_ltmax (Long-term maximum MixedLayerDepth, m) mlotst_mean (Average MixedLayerDepth, m) mlotst_ltmin (Long-term minimum MixedLayerDepth, m) mlotst_min (Minimum MixedLayerDepth, m) mlotst_range (Range MixedLayerDepth, m) |
MixedLayerDepth | mlotst | ssp119 | 2020 | 2100 | depthsurf | mlotst_ssp119_2020_2100_depthsurf | Bio-Oracle MixedLayerDepth \[depthSurf\] SSP119 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): mlotst_max (Maximum MixedLayerDepth, m) mlotst_ltmax (Long-term maximum MixedLayerDepth, m) mlotst_mean (Average MixedLayerDepth, m) mlotst_ltmin (Long-term minimum MixedLayerDepth, m) mlotst_min (Minimum MixedLayerDepth, m) mlotst_range (Range MixedLayerDepth, m) mlotst_sd (Standard deviation MixedLayerDepth, m) |
MixedLayerDepth | mlotst | ssp126 | 2020 | 2100 | depthsurf | mlotst_ssp126_2020_2100_depthsurf | Bio-Oracle MixedLayerDepth \[depthSurf\] SSP126 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): mlotst_max (Maximum MixedLayerDepth, m) mlotst_ltmax (Long-term maximum MixedLayerDepth, m) mlotst_mean (Average MixedLayerDepth, m) mlotst_ltmin (Long-term minimum MixedLayerDepth, m) mlotst_min (Minimum MixedLayerDepth, m) mlotst_range (Range MixedLayerDepth, m) mlotst_sd (Standard deviation MixedLayerDepth, m) |
MixedLayerDepth | mlotst | ssp245 | 2020 | 2100 | depthsurf | mlotst_ssp245_2020_2100_depthsurf | Bio-Oracle MixedLayerDepth \[depthSurf\] SSP245 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): mlotst_max (Maximum MixedLayerDepth, m) mlotst_ltmax (Long-term maximum MixedLayerDepth, m) mlotst_mean (Average MixedLayerDepth, m) mlotst_ltmin (Long-term minimum MixedLayerDepth, m) mlotst_min (Minimum MixedLayerDepth, m) mlotst_range (Range MixedLayerDepth, m) mlotst_sd (Standard deviation MixedLayerDepth, m) |
MixedLayerDepth | mlotst | ssp370 | 2020 | 2100 | depthsurf | mlotst_ssp370_2020_2100_depthsurf | Bio-Oracle MixedLayerDepth \[depthSurf\] SSP370 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): mlotst_max (Maximum MixedLayerDepth, m) mlotst_ltmax (Long-term maximum MixedLayerDepth, m) mlotst_mean (Average MixedLayerDepth, m) mlotst_ltmin (Long-term minimum MixedLayerDepth, m) mlotst_min (Minimum MixedLayerDepth, m) mlotst_range (Range MixedLayerDepth, m) mlotst_sd (Standard deviation MixedLayerDepth, m) |
MixedLayerDepth | mlotst | ssp460 | 2020 | 2100 | depthsurf | mlotst_ssp460_2020_2100_depthsurf | Bio-Oracle MixedLayerDepth \[depthSurf\] SSP460 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): mlotst_max (Maximum MixedLayerDepth, m) mlotst_ltmax (Long-term maximum MixedLayerDepth, m) mlotst_mean (Average MixedLayerDepth, m) mlotst_ltmin (Long-term minimum MixedLayerDepth, m) mlotst_min (Minimum MixedLayerDepth, m) mlotst_range (Range MixedLayerDepth, m) mlotst_sd (Standard deviation MixedLayerDepth, m) |
MixedLayerDepth | mlotst | ssp585 | 2020 | 2100 | depthsurf | mlotst_ssp585_2020_2100_depthsurf | Bio-Oracle MixedLayerDepth \[depthSurf\] SSP585 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): mlotst_max (Maximum MixedLayerDepth, m) mlotst_ltmax (Long-term maximum MixedLayerDepth, m) mlotst_mean (Average MixedLayerDepth, m) mlotst_ltmin (Long-term minimum MixedLayerDepth, m) mlotst_min (Minimum MixedLayerDepth, m) mlotst_range (Range MixedLayerDepth, m) mlotst_sd (Standard deviation MixedLayerDepth, m) |
Nitrate | no3 | baseline | 2000 | 2018 | depthmax | no3_baseline_2000_2018_depthmax | Bio-Oracle Nitrate \[depthMax\] Baseline 2000-2018. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): no3_max (Maximum Nitrate, MMol’ ‘M-3) no3_ltmax (Long-term maximum Nitrate, MMol’ ‘M-3) no3_mean (Average Nitrate, MMol’ ‘M-3) no3_ltmin (Long-term minimum Nitrate, MMol’ ‘M-3) no3_min (Minimum Nitrate, MMol’ ‘M-3) no3_range (Range Nitrate, MMol’ ’M-3) |
Nitrate | no3 | ssp119 | 2020 | 2100 | depthmax | no3_ssp119_2020_2100_depthmax | Bio-Oracle Nitrate \[depthMax\] SSP119 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): no3_max (Maximum Nitrate, MMol’ ‘M-3) no3_ltmax (Long-term maximum Nitrate, MMol’ ‘M-3) no3_mean (Average Nitrate, MMol’ ‘M-3) no3_ltmin (Long-term minimum Nitrate, MMol’ ‘M-3) no3_min (Minimum Nitrate, MMol’ ‘M-3) no3_range (Range Nitrate, MMol’ ‘M-3) no3_sd (Standard deviation Nitrate, MMol’ ’M-3) |
Nitrate | no3 | ssp126 | 2020 | 2100 | depthmax | no3_ssp126_2020_2100_depthmax | Bio-Oracle Nitrate \[depthMax\] SSP126 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): no3_max (Maximum Nitrate, MMol’ ‘M-3) no3_ltmax (Long-term maximum Nitrate, MMol’ ‘M-3) no3_mean (Average Nitrate, MMol’ ‘M-3) no3_ltmin (Long-term minimum Nitrate, MMol’ ‘M-3) no3_min (Minimum Nitrate, MMol’ ‘M-3) no3_range (Range Nitrate, MMol’ ‘M-3) no3_sd (Standard deviation Nitrate, MMol’ ’M-3) |
Nitrate | no3 | ssp245 | 2020 | 2100 | depthmax | no3_ssp245_2020_2100_depthmax | Bio-Oracle Nitrate \[depthMax\] SSP245 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): no3_max (Maximum Nitrate, MMol’ ‘M-3) no3_ltmax (Long-term maximum Nitrate, MMol’ ‘M-3) no3_mean (Average Nitrate, MMol’ ‘M-3) no3_ltmin (Long-term minimum Nitrate, MMol’ ‘M-3) no3_min (Minimum Nitrate, MMol’ ‘M-3) no3_range (Range Nitrate, MMol’ ‘M-3) no3_sd (Standard deviation Nitrate, MMol’ ’M-3) |
Nitrate | no3 | ssp370 | 2020 | 2100 | depthmax | no3_ssp370_2020_2100_depthmax | Bio-Oracle Nitrate \[depthMax\] SSP370 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): no3_max (Maximum Nitrate, MMol’ ‘M-3) no3_ltmax (Long-term maximum Nitrate, MMol’ ‘M-3) no3_mean (Average Nitrate, MMol’ ‘M-3) no3_ltmin (Long-term minimum Nitrate, MMol’ ‘M-3) no3_min (Minimum Nitrate, MMol’ ‘M-3) no3_range (Range Nitrate, MMol’ ‘M-3) no3_sd (Standard deviation Nitrate, MMol’ ’M-3) |
Nitrate | no3 | ssp460 | 2020 | 2100 | depthmax | no3_ssp460_2020_2100_depthmax | Bio-Oracle Nitrate \[depthMax\] SSP460 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): no3_max (Maximum Nitrate, MMol’ ‘M-3) no3_ltmax (Long-term maximum Nitrate, MMol’ ‘M-3) no3_mean (Average Nitrate, MMol’ ‘M-3) no3_ltmin (Long-term minimum Nitrate, MMol’ ‘M-3) no3_min (Minimum Nitrate, MMol’ ‘M-3) no3_range (Range Nitrate, MMol’ ‘M-3) no3_sd (Standard deviation Nitrate, MMol’ ’M-3) |
Nitrate | no3 | ssp585 | 2020 | 2100 | depthmax | no3_ssp585_2020_2100_depthmax | Bio-Oracle Nitrate \[depthMax\] SSP585 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): no3_max (Maximum Nitrate, MMol’ ‘M-3) no3_ltmax (Long-term maximum Nitrate, MMol’ ‘M-3) no3_mean (Average Nitrate, MMol’ ‘M-3) no3_ltmin (Long-term minimum Nitrate, MMol’ ‘M-3) no3_min (Minimum Nitrate, MMol’ ‘M-3) no3_range (Range Nitrate, MMol’ ‘M-3) no3_sd (Standard deviation Nitrate, MMol’ ’M-3) |
Nitrate | no3 | baseline | 2000 | 2018 | depthmean | no3_baseline_2000_2018_depthmean | Bio-Oracle Nitrate \[depthMean\] Baseline 2000-2018. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): no3_max (Maximum Nitrate, MMol’ ‘M-3) no3_ltmax (Long-term maximum Nitrate, MMol’ ‘M-3) no3_mean (Average Nitrate, MMol’ ‘M-3) no3_ltmin (Long-term minimum Nitrate, MMol’ ‘M-3) no3_min (Minimum Nitrate, MMol’ ‘M-3) no3_range (Range Nitrate, MMol’ ’M-3) |
Nitrate | no3 | ssp119 | 2020 | 2100 | depthmean | no3_ssp119_2020_2100_depthmean | Bio-Oracle Nitrate \[depthMean\] SSP119 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): no3_max (Maximum Nitrate, MMol’ ‘M-3) no3_ltmax (Long-term maximum Nitrate, MMol’ ‘M-3) no3_mean (Average Nitrate, MMol’ ‘M-3) no3_ltmin (Long-term minimum Nitrate, MMol’ ‘M-3) no3_min (Minimum Nitrate, MMol’ ‘M-3) no3_range (Range Nitrate, MMol’ ‘M-3) no3_sd (Standard deviation Nitrate, MMol’ ’M-3) |
Nitrate | no3 | ssp126 | 2020 | 2100 | depthmean | no3_ssp126_2020_2100_depthmean | Bio-Oracle Nitrate \[depthMean\] SSP126 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): no3_max (Maximum Nitrate, MMol’ ‘M-3) no3_ltmax (Long-term maximum Nitrate, MMol’ ‘M-3) no3_mean (Average Nitrate, MMol’ ‘M-3) no3_ltmin (Long-term minimum Nitrate, MMol’ ‘M-3) no3_min (Minimum Nitrate, MMol’ ‘M-3) no3_range (Range Nitrate, MMol’ ‘M-3) no3_sd (Standard deviation Nitrate, MMol’ ’M-3) |
Nitrate | no3 | ssp245 | 2020 | 2100 | depthmean | no3_ssp245_2020_2100_depthmean | Bio-Oracle Nitrate \[depthMean\] SSP245 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): no3_max (Maximum Nitrate, MMol’ ‘M-3) no3_ltmax (Long-term maximum Nitrate, MMol’ ‘M-3) no3_mean (Average Nitrate, MMol’ ‘M-3) no3_ltmin (Long-term minimum Nitrate, MMol’ ‘M-3) no3_min (Minimum Nitrate, MMol’ ‘M-3) no3_range (Range Nitrate, MMol’ ‘M-3) no3_sd (Standard deviation Nitrate, MMol’ ’M-3) |
Nitrate | no3 | ssp370 | 2020 | 2100 | depthmean | no3_ssp370_2020_2100_depthmean | Bio-Oracle Nitrate \[depthMean\] SSP370 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): no3_max (Maximum Nitrate, MMol’ ‘M-3) no3_ltmax (Long-term maximum Nitrate, MMol’ ‘M-3) no3_mean (Average Nitrate, MMol’ ‘M-3) no3_ltmin (Long-term minimum Nitrate, MMol’ ‘M-3) no3_min (Minimum Nitrate, MMol’ ‘M-3) no3_range (Range Nitrate, MMol’ ‘M-3) no3_sd (Standard deviation Nitrate, MMol’ ’M-3) |
Nitrate | no3 | ssp460 | 2020 | 2100 | depthmean | no3_ssp460_2020_2100_depthmean | Bio-Oracle Nitrate \[depthMean\] SSP460 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): no3_max (Maximum Nitrate, MMol’ ‘M-3) no3_ltmax (Long-term maximum Nitrate, MMol’ ‘M-3) no3_mean (Average Nitrate, MMol’ ‘M-3) no3_ltmin (Long-term minimum Nitrate, MMol’ ‘M-3) no3_min (Minimum Nitrate, MMol’ ‘M-3) no3_range (Range Nitrate, MMol’ ‘M-3) no3_sd (Standard deviation Nitrate, MMol’ ’M-3) |
Nitrate | no3 | ssp585 | 2020 | 2100 | depthmean | no3_ssp585_2020_2100_depthmean | Bio-Oracle Nitrate \[depthMean\] SSP585 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): no3_max (Maximum Nitrate, MMol’ ‘M-3) no3_ltmax (Long-term maximum Nitrate, MMol’ ‘M-3) no3_mean (Average Nitrate, MMol’ ‘M-3) no3_ltmin (Long-term minimum Nitrate, MMol’ ‘M-3) no3_min (Minimum Nitrate, MMol’ ‘M-3) no3_range (Range Nitrate, MMol’ ‘M-3) no3_sd (Standard deviation Nitrate, MMol’ ’M-3) |
Nitrate | no3 | baseline | 2000 | 2018 | depthmin | no3_baseline_2000_2018_depthmin | Bio-Oracle Nitrate \[depthMin\] Baseline 2000-2018. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): no3_max (Maximum Nitrate, MMol’ ‘M-3) no3_ltmax (Long-term maximum Nitrate, MMol’ ‘M-3) no3_mean (Average Nitrate, MMol’ ‘M-3) no3_ltmin (Long-term minimum Nitrate, MMol’ ‘M-3) no3_min (Minimum Nitrate, MMol’ ‘M-3) no3_range (Range Nitrate, MMol’ ’M-3) |
Nitrate | no3 | ssp119 | 2020 | 2100 | depthmin | no3_ssp119_2020_2100_depthmin | Bio-Oracle Nitrate \[depthMin\] SSP119 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): no3_max (Maximum Nitrate, MMol’ ‘M-3) no3_ltmax (Long-term maximum Nitrate, MMol’ ‘M-3) no3_mean (Average Nitrate, MMol’ ‘M-3) no3_ltmin (Long-term minimum Nitrate, MMol’ ‘M-3) no3_min (Minimum Nitrate, MMol’ ‘M-3) no3_range (Range Nitrate, MMol’ ‘M-3) no3_sd (Standard deviation Nitrate, MMol’ ’M-3) |
Nitrate | no3 | ssp126 | 2020 | 2100 | depthmin | no3_ssp126_2020_2100_depthmin | Bio-Oracle Nitrate \[depthMin\] SSP126 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): no3_max (Maximum Nitrate, MMol’ ‘M-3) no3_ltmax (Long-term maximum Nitrate, MMol’ ‘M-3) no3_mean (Average Nitrate, MMol’ ‘M-3) no3_ltmin (Long-term minimum Nitrate, MMol’ ‘M-3) no3_min (Minimum Nitrate, MMol’ ‘M-3) no3_range (Range Nitrate, MMol’ ‘M-3) no3_sd (Standard deviation Nitrate, MMol’ ’M-3) |
Nitrate | no3 | ssp245 | 2020 | 2100 | depthmin | no3_ssp245_2020_2100_depthmin | Bio-Oracle Nitrate \[depthMin\] SSP245 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): no3_max (Maximum Nitrate, MMol’ ‘M-3) no3_ltmax (Long-term maximum Nitrate, MMol’ ‘M-3) no3_mean (Average Nitrate, MMol’ ‘M-3) no3_ltmin (Long-term minimum Nitrate, MMol’ ‘M-3) no3_min (Minimum Nitrate, MMol’ ‘M-3) no3_range (Range Nitrate, MMol’ ‘M-3) no3_sd (Standard deviation Nitrate, MMol’ ’M-3) |
Nitrate | no3 | ssp370 | 2020 | 2100 | depthmin | no3_ssp370_2020_2100_depthmin | Bio-Oracle Nitrate \[depthMin\] SSP370 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): no3_max (Maximum Nitrate, MMol’ ‘M-3) no3_ltmax (Long-term maximum Nitrate, MMol’ ‘M-3) no3_mean (Average Nitrate, MMol’ ‘M-3) no3_ltmin (Long-term minimum Nitrate, MMol’ ‘M-3) no3_min (Minimum Nitrate, MMol’ ‘M-3) no3_range (Range Nitrate, MMol’ ‘M-3) no3_sd (Standard deviation Nitrate, MMol’ ’M-3) |
Nitrate | no3 | ssp460 | 2020 | 2100 | depthmin | no3_ssp460_2020_2100_depthmin | Bio-Oracle Nitrate \[depthMin\] SSP460 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): no3_max (Maximum Nitrate, MMol’ ‘M-3) no3_ltmax (Long-term maximum Nitrate, MMol’ ‘M-3) no3_mean (Average Nitrate, MMol’ ‘M-3) no3_ltmin (Long-term minimum Nitrate, MMol’ ‘M-3) no3_min (Minimum Nitrate, MMol’ ‘M-3) no3_range (Range Nitrate, MMol’ ‘M-3) no3_sd (Standard deviation Nitrate, MMol’ ’M-3) |
Nitrate | no3 | ssp585 | 2020 | 2100 | depthmin | no3_ssp585_2020_2100_depthmin | Bio-Oracle Nitrate \[depthMin\] SSP585 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): no3_max (Maximum Nitrate, MMol’ ‘M-3) no3_ltmax (Long-term maximum Nitrate, MMol’ ‘M-3) no3_mean (Average Nitrate, MMol’ ‘M-3) no3_ltmin (Long-term minimum Nitrate, MMol’ ‘M-3) no3_min (Minimum Nitrate, MMol’ ‘M-3) no3_range (Range Nitrate, MMol’ ‘M-3) no3_sd (Standard deviation Nitrate, MMol’ ’M-3) |
Nitrate | no3 | baseline | 2000 | 2018 | depthsurf | no3_baseline_2000_2018_depthsurf | Bio-Oracle Nitrate \[depthSurf\] Baseline 2000-2018. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): no3_max (Maximum Nitrate, MMol’ ‘M-3) no3_ltmax (Long-term maximum Nitrate, MMol’ ‘M-3) no3_mean (Average Nitrate, MMol’ ‘M-3) no3_ltmin (Long-term minimum Nitrate, MMol’ ‘M-3) no3_min (Minimum Nitrate, MMol’ ‘M-3) no3_range (Range Nitrate, MMol’ ’M-3) |
Nitrate | no3 | ssp119 | 2020 | 2100 | depthsurf | no3_ssp119_2020_2100_depthsurf | Bio-Oracle Nitrate \[depthSurf\] SSP119 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): no3_max (Maximum Nitrate, MMol’ ‘M-3) no3_ltmax (Long-term maximum Nitrate, MMol’ ‘M-3) no3_mean (Average Nitrate, MMol’ ‘M-3) no3_ltmin (Long-term minimum Nitrate, MMol’ ‘M-3) no3_min (Minimum Nitrate, MMol’ ‘M-3) no3_range (Range Nitrate, MMol’ ‘M-3) no3_sd (Standard deviation Nitrate, MMol’ ’M-3) |
Nitrate | no3 | ssp126 | 2020 | 2100 | depthsurf | no3_ssp126_2020_2100_depthsurf | Bio-Oracle Nitrate \[depthSurf\] SSP126 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): no3_max (Maximum Nitrate, MMol’ ‘M-3) no3_ltmax (Long-term maximum Nitrate, MMol’ ‘M-3) no3_mean (Average Nitrate, MMol’ ‘M-3) no3_ltmin (Long-term minimum Nitrate, MMol’ ‘M-3) no3_min (Minimum Nitrate, MMol’ ‘M-3) no3_range (Range Nitrate, MMol’ ‘M-3) no3_sd (Standard deviation Nitrate, MMol’ ’M-3) |
Nitrate | no3 | ssp245 | 2020 | 2100 | depthsurf | no3_ssp245_2020_2100_depthsurf | Bio-Oracle Nitrate \[depthSurf\] SSP245 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): no3_max (Maximum Nitrate, MMol’ ‘M-3) no3_ltmax (Long-term maximum Nitrate, MMol’ ‘M-3) no3_mean (Average Nitrate, MMol’ ‘M-3) no3_ltmin (Long-term minimum Nitrate, MMol’ ‘M-3) no3_min (Minimum Nitrate, MMol’ ‘M-3) no3_range (Range Nitrate, MMol’ ‘M-3) no3_sd (Standard deviation Nitrate, MMol’ ’M-3) |
Nitrate | no3 | ssp370 | 2020 | 2100 | depthsurf | no3_ssp370_2020_2100_depthsurf | Bio-Oracle Nitrate \[depthSurf\] SSP370 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): no3_max (Maximum Nitrate, MMol’ ‘M-3) no3_ltmax (Long-term maximum Nitrate, MMol’ ‘M-3) no3_mean (Average Nitrate, MMol’ ‘M-3) no3_ltmin (Long-term minimum Nitrate, MMol’ ‘M-3) no3_min (Minimum Nitrate, MMol’ ‘M-3) no3_range (Range Nitrate, MMol’ ‘M-3) no3_sd (Standard deviation Nitrate, MMol’ ’M-3) |
Nitrate | no3 | ssp460 | 2020 | 2100 | depthsurf | no3_ssp460_2020_2100_depthsurf | Bio-Oracle Nitrate \[depthSurf\] SSP460 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): no3_max (Maximum Nitrate, MMol’ ‘M-3) no3_ltmax (Long-term maximum Nitrate, MMol’ ‘M-3) no3_mean (Average Nitrate, MMol’ ‘M-3) no3_ltmin (Long-term minimum Nitrate, MMol’ ‘M-3) no3_min (Minimum Nitrate, MMol’ ‘M-3) no3_range (Range Nitrate, MMol’ ‘M-3) no3_sd (Standard deviation Nitrate, MMol’ ’M-3) |
Nitrate | no3 | ssp585 | 2020 | 2100 | depthsurf | no3_ssp585_2020_2100_depthsurf | Bio-Oracle Nitrate \[depthSurf\] SSP585 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): no3_max (Maximum Nitrate, MMol’ ‘M-3) no3_ltmax (Long-term maximum Nitrate, MMol’ ‘M-3) no3_mean (Average Nitrate, MMol’ ‘M-3) no3_ltmin (Long-term minimum Nitrate, MMol’ ‘M-3) no3_min (Minimum Nitrate, MMol’ ‘M-3) no3_range (Range Nitrate, MMol’ ‘M-3) no3_sd (Standard deviation Nitrate, MMol’ ’M-3) |
OceanTemperature | thetao | baseline | 2000 | 2019 | depthmax | thetao_baseline_2000_2019_depthmax | Bio-Oracle OceanTemperature \[depthMax\] Baseline 2000-2019. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): thetao_max (Maximum OceanTemperature, degree_C) thetao_ltmax (Long-term maximum OceanTemperature, degree_C) thetao_mean (Average OceanTemperature, degree_C) thetao_ltmin (Long-term minimum OceanTemperature, degree_C) thetao_min (Minimum OceanTemperature, degree_C) thetao_range (Range OceanTemperature, degree_C) |
OceanTemperature | thetao | ssp119 | 2020 | 2100 | depthmax | thetao_ssp119_2020_2100_depthmax | Bio-Oracle OceanTemperature \[depthMax\] SSP119 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): thetao_max (Maximum OceanTemperature, degree_C) thetao_ltmax (Long-term maximum OceanTemperature, degree_C) thetao_mean (Average OceanTemperature, degree_C) thetao_ltmin (Long-term minimum OceanTemperature, degree_C) thetao_min (Minimum OceanTemperature, degree_C) thetao_range (Range OceanTemperature, degree_C) thetao_sd (Standard deviation OceanTemperature, degree_C) |
OceanTemperature | thetao | ssp126 | 2020 | 2100 | depthmax | thetao_ssp126_2020_2100_depthmax | Bio-Oracle OceanTemperature \[depthMax\] SSP126 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): thetao_max (Maximum OceanTemperature, degree_C) thetao_ltmax (Long-term maximum OceanTemperature, degree_C) thetao_mean (Average OceanTemperature, degree_C) thetao_ltmin (Long-term minimum OceanTemperature, degree_C) thetao_min (Minimum OceanTemperature, degree_C) thetao_range (Range OceanTemperature, degree_C) thetao_sd (Standard deviation OceanTemperature, degree_C) |
OceanTemperature | thetao | ssp245 | 2020 | 2100 | depthmax | thetao_ssp245_2020_2100_depthmax | Bio-Oracle OceanTemperature \[depthMax\] SSP245 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): thetao_max (Maximum OceanTemperature, degree_C) thetao_ltmax (Long-term maximum OceanTemperature, degree_C) thetao_mean (Average OceanTemperature, degree_C) thetao_ltmin (Long-term minimum OceanTemperature, degree_C) thetao_min (Minimum OceanTemperature, degree_C) thetao_range (Range OceanTemperature, degree_C) thetao_sd (Standard deviation OceanTemperature, degree_C) |
OceanTemperature | thetao | ssp370 | 2020 | 2100 | depthmax | thetao_ssp370_2020_2100_depthmax | Bio-Oracle OceanTemperature \[depthMax\] SSP370 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): thetao_max (Maximum OceanTemperature, degree_C) thetao_ltmax (Long-term maximum OceanTemperature, degree_C) thetao_mean (Average OceanTemperature, degree_C) thetao_ltmin (Long-term minimum OceanTemperature, degree_C) thetao_min (Minimum OceanTemperature, degree_C) thetao_range (Range OceanTemperature, degree_C) thetao_sd (Standard deviation OceanTemperature, degree_C) |
OceanTemperature | thetao | ssp460 | 2020 | 2100 | depthmax | thetao_ssp460_2020_2100_depthmax | Bio-Oracle OceanTemperature \[depthMax\] SSP460 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): thetao_max (Maximum OceanTemperature, degree_C) thetao_ltmax (Long-term maximum OceanTemperature, degree_C) thetao_mean (Average OceanTemperature, degree_C) thetao_ltmin (Long-term minimum OceanTemperature, degree_C) thetao_min (Minimum OceanTemperature, degree_C) thetao_range (Range OceanTemperature, degree_C) thetao_sd (Standard deviation OceanTemperature, degree_C) |
OceanTemperature | thetao | ssp585 | 2020 | 2100 | depthmax | thetao_ssp585_2020_2100_depthmax | Bio-Oracle OceanTemperature \[depthMax\] SSP585 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): thetao_max (Maximum OceanTemperature, degree_C) thetao_ltmax (Long-term maximum OceanTemperature, degree_C) thetao_mean (Average OceanTemperature, degree_C) thetao_ltmin (Long-term minimum OceanTemperature, degree_C) thetao_min (Minimum OceanTemperature, degree_C) thetao_range (Range OceanTemperature, degree_C) thetao_sd (Standard deviation OceanTemperature, degree_C) |
OceanTemperature | thetao | baseline | 2000 | 2019 | depthmean | thetao_baseline_2000_2019_depthmean | Bio-Oracle OceanTemperature \[depthMean\] Baseline 2000-2019. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): thetao_max (Maximum OceanTemperature, degree_C) thetao_ltmax (Long-term maximum OceanTemperature, degree_C) thetao_mean (Average OceanTemperature, degree_C) thetao_ltmin (Long-term minimum OceanTemperature, degree_C) thetao_min (Minimum OceanTemperature, degree_C) thetao_range (Range OceanTemperature, degree_C) |
OceanTemperature | thetao | ssp119 | 2020 | 2100 | depthmean | thetao_ssp119_2020_2100_depthmean | Bio-Oracle OceanTemperature \[depthMean\] SSP119 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): thetao_max (Maximum OceanTemperature, degree_C) thetao_ltmax (Long-term maximum OceanTemperature, degree_C) thetao_mean (Average OceanTemperature, degree_C) thetao_ltmin (Long-term minimum OceanTemperature, degree_C) thetao_min (Minimum OceanTemperature, degree_C) thetao_range (Range OceanTemperature, degree_C) thetao_sd (Standard deviation OceanTemperature, degree_C) |
OceanTemperature | thetao | ssp126 | 2020 | 2100 | depthmean | thetao_ssp126_2020_2100_depthmean | Bio-Oracle OceanTemperature \[depthMean\] SSP126 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): thetao_max (Maximum OceanTemperature, degree_C) thetao_ltmax (Long-term maximum OceanTemperature, degree_C) thetao_mean (Average OceanTemperature, degree_C) thetao_ltmin (Long-term minimum OceanTemperature, degree_C) thetao_min (Minimum OceanTemperature, degree_C) thetao_range (Range OceanTemperature, degree_C) thetao_sd (Standard deviation OceanTemperature, degree_C) |
OceanTemperature | thetao | ssp245 | 2020 | 2100 | depthmean | thetao_ssp245_2020_2100_depthmean | Bio-Oracle OceanTemperature \[depthMean\] SSP245 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): thetao_max (Maximum OceanTemperature, degree_C) thetao_ltmax (Long-term maximum OceanTemperature, degree_C) thetao_mean (Average OceanTemperature, degree_C) thetao_ltmin (Long-term minimum OceanTemperature, degree_C) thetao_min (Minimum OceanTemperature, degree_C) thetao_range (Range OceanTemperature, degree_C) thetao_sd (Standard deviation OceanTemperature, degree_C) |
OceanTemperature | thetao | ssp370 | 2020 | 2100 | depthmean | thetao_ssp370_2020_2100_depthmean | Bio-Oracle OceanTemperature \[depthMean\] SSP370 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): thetao_max (Maximum OceanTemperature, degree_C) thetao_ltmax (Long-term maximum OceanTemperature, degree_C) thetao_mean (Average OceanTemperature, degree_C) thetao_ltmin (Long-term minimum OceanTemperature, degree_C) thetao_min (Minimum OceanTemperature, degree_C) thetao_range (Range OceanTemperature, degree_C) thetao_sd (Standard deviation OceanTemperature, degree_C) |
OceanTemperature | thetao | ssp460 | 2020 | 2100 | depthmean | thetao_ssp460_2020_2100_depthmean | Bio-Oracle OceanTemperature \[depthMean\] SSP460 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): thetao_max (Maximum OceanTemperature, degree_C) thetao_ltmax (Long-term maximum OceanTemperature, degree_C) thetao_mean (Average OceanTemperature, degree_C) thetao_ltmin (Long-term minimum OceanTemperature, degree_C) thetao_min (Minimum OceanTemperature, degree_C) thetao_range (Range OceanTemperature, degree_C) thetao_sd (Standard deviation OceanTemperature, degree_C) |
OceanTemperature | thetao | ssp585 | 2020 | 2100 | depthmean | thetao_ssp585_2020_2100_depthmean | Bio-Oracle OceanTemperature \[depthMean\] SSP585 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): thetao_max (Maximum OceanTemperature, degree_C) thetao_ltmax (Long-term maximum OceanTemperature, degree_C) thetao_mean (Average OceanTemperature, degree_C) thetao_ltmin (Long-term minimum OceanTemperature, degree_C) thetao_min (Minimum OceanTemperature, degree_C) thetao_range (Range OceanTemperature, degree_C) thetao_sd (Standard deviation OceanTemperature, degree_C) |
OceanTemperature | thetao | baseline | 2000 | 2019 | depthmin | thetao_baseline_2000_2019_depthmin | Bio-Oracle OceanTemperature \[depthMin\] Baseline 2000-2019. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): thetao_max (Maximum OceanTemperature, degree_C) thetao_ltmax (Long-term maximum OceanTemperature, degree_C) thetao_mean (Average OceanTemperature, degree_C) thetao_ltmin (Long-term minimum OceanTemperature, degree_C) thetao_min (Minimum OceanTemperature, degree_C) thetao_range (Range OceanTemperature, degree_C) |
OceanTemperature | thetao | ssp119 | 2020 | 2100 | depthmin | thetao_ssp119_2020_2100_depthmin | Bio-Oracle OceanTemperature \[depthMin\] SSP119 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): thetao_max (Maximum OceanTemperature, degree_C) thetao_ltmax (Long-term maximum OceanTemperature, degree_C) thetao_mean (Average OceanTemperature, degree_C) thetao_ltmin (Long-term minimum OceanTemperature, degree_C) thetao_min (Minimum OceanTemperature, degree_C) thetao_range (Range OceanTemperature, degree_C) thetao_sd (Standard deviation OceanTemperature, degree_C) |
OceanTemperature | thetao | ssp126 | 2020 | 2100 | depthmin | thetao_ssp126_2020_2100_depthmin | Bio-Oracle OceanTemperature \[depthMin\] SSP126 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): thetao_max (Maximum OceanTemperature, degree_C) thetao_ltmax (Long-term maximum OceanTemperature, degree_C) thetao_mean (Average OceanTemperature, degree_C) thetao_ltmin (Long-term minimum OceanTemperature, degree_C) thetao_min (Minimum OceanTemperature, degree_C) thetao_range (Range OceanTemperature, degree_C) thetao_sd (Standard deviation OceanTemperature, degree_C) |
OceanTemperature | thetao | ssp245 | 2020 | 2100 | depthmin | thetao_ssp245_2020_2100_depthmin | Bio-Oracle OceanTemperature \[depthMin\] SSP245 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): thetao_max (Maximum OceanTemperature, degree_C) thetao_ltmax (Long-term maximum OceanTemperature, degree_C) thetao_mean (Average OceanTemperature, degree_C) thetao_ltmin (Long-term minimum OceanTemperature, degree_C) thetao_min (Minimum OceanTemperature, degree_C) thetao_range (Range OceanTemperature, degree_C) thetao_sd (Standard deviation OceanTemperature, degree_C) |
OceanTemperature | thetao | ssp370 | 2020 | 2100 | depthmin | thetao_ssp370_2020_2100_depthmin | Bio-Oracle OceanTemperature \[depthMin\] SSP370 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): thetao_max (Maximum OceanTemperature, degree_C) thetao_ltmax (Long-term maximum OceanTemperature, degree_C) thetao_mean (Average OceanTemperature, degree_C) thetao_ltmin (Long-term minimum OceanTemperature, degree_C) thetao_min (Minimum OceanTemperature, degree_C) thetao_range (Range OceanTemperature, degree_C) thetao_sd (Standard deviation OceanTemperature, degree_C) |
OceanTemperature | thetao | ssp460 | 2020 | 2100 | depthmin | thetao_ssp460_2020_2100_depthmin | Bio-Oracle OceanTemperature \[depthMin\] SSP460 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): thetao_max (Maximum OceanTemperature, degree_C) thetao_ltmax (Long-term maximum OceanTemperature, degree_C) thetao_mean (Average OceanTemperature, degree_C) thetao_ltmin (Long-term minimum OceanTemperature, degree_C) thetao_min (Minimum OceanTemperature, degree_C) thetao_range (Range OceanTemperature, degree_C) thetao_sd (Standard deviation OceanTemperature, degree_C) |
OceanTemperature | thetao | ssp585 | 2020 | 2100 | depthmin | thetao_ssp585_2020_2100_depthmin | Bio-Oracle OceanTemperature \[depthMin\] SSP585 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): thetao_max (Maximum OceanTemperature, degree_C) thetao_ltmax (Long-term maximum OceanTemperature, degree_C) thetao_mean (Average OceanTemperature, degree_C) thetao_ltmin (Long-term minimum OceanTemperature, degree_C) thetao_min (Minimum OceanTemperature, degree_C) thetao_range (Range OceanTemperature, degree_C) thetao_sd (Standard deviation OceanTemperature, degree_C) |
OceanTemperature | thetao | baseline | 2000 | 2019 | depthsurf | thetao_baseline_2000_2019_depthsurf | Bio-Oracle OceanTemperature \[depthSurf\] Baseline 2000-2019. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): thetao_max (Maximum OceanTemperature, degree_C) thetao_ltmax (Long-term maximum OceanTemperature, degree_C) thetao_mean (Average OceanTemperature, degree_C) thetao_ltmin (Long-term minimum OceanTemperature, degree_C) thetao_min (Minimum OceanTemperature, degree_C) thetao_range (Range OceanTemperature, degree_C) |
OceanTemperature | thetao | ssp119 | 2020 | 2100 | depthsurf | thetao_ssp119_2020_2100_depthsurf | Bio-Oracle OceanTemperature \[depthSurf\] SSP119 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): thetao_max (Maximum OceanTemperature, degree_C) thetao_ltmax (Long-term maximum OceanTemperature, degree_C) thetao_mean (Average OceanTemperature, degree_C) thetao_ltmin (Long-term minimum OceanTemperature, degree_C) thetao_min (Minimum OceanTemperature, degree_C) thetao_range (Range OceanTemperature, degree_C) thetao_sd (Standard deviation OceanTemperature, degree_C) |
OceanTemperature | thetao | ssp126 | 2020 | 2100 | depthsurf | thetao_ssp126_2020_2100_depthsurf | Bio-Oracle OceanTemperature \[depthSurf\] SSP126 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): thetao_max (Maximum OceanTemperature, degree_C) thetao_ltmax (Long-term maximum OceanTemperature, degree_C) thetao_mean (Average OceanTemperature, degree_C) thetao_ltmin (Long-term minimum OceanTemperature, degree_C) thetao_min (Minimum OceanTemperature, degree_C) thetao_range (Range OceanTemperature, degree_C) thetao_sd (Standard deviation OceanTemperature, degree_C) |
OceanTemperature | thetao | ssp245 | 2020 | 2100 | depthsurf | thetao_ssp245_2020_2100_depthsurf | Bio-Oracle OceanTemperature \[depthSurf\] SSP245 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): thetao_max (Maximum OceanTemperature, degree_C) thetao_ltmax (Long-term maximum OceanTemperature, degree_C) thetao_mean (Average OceanTemperature, degree_C) thetao_ltmin (Long-term minimum OceanTemperature, degree_C) thetao_min (Minimum OceanTemperature, degree_C) thetao_range (Range OceanTemperature, degree_C) thetao_sd (Standard deviation OceanTemperature, degree_C) |
OceanTemperature | thetao | ssp370 | 2020 | 2100 | depthsurf | thetao_ssp370_2020_2100_depthsurf | Bio-Oracle OceanTemperature \[depthSurf\] SSP370 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): thetao_max (Maximum OceanTemperature, degree_C) thetao_ltmax (Long-term maximum OceanTemperature, degree_C) thetao_mean (Average OceanTemperature, degree_C) thetao_ltmin (Long-term minimum OceanTemperature, degree_C) thetao_min (Minimum OceanTemperature, degree_C) thetao_range (Range OceanTemperature, degree_C) thetao_sd (Standard deviation OceanTemperature, degree_C) |
OceanTemperature | thetao | ssp460 | 2020 | 2100 | depthsurf | thetao_ssp460_2020_2100_depthsurf | Bio-Oracle OceanTemperature \[depthSurf\] SSP460 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): thetao_max (Maximum OceanTemperature, degree_C) thetao_ltmax (Long-term maximum OceanTemperature, degree_C) thetao_mean (Average OceanTemperature, degree_C) thetao_ltmin (Long-term minimum OceanTemperature, degree_C) thetao_min (Minimum OceanTemperature, degree_C) thetao_range (Range OceanTemperature, degree_C) thetao_sd (Standard deviation OceanTemperature, degree_C) |
OceanTemperature | thetao | ssp585 | 2020 | 2100 | depthsurf | thetao_ssp585_2020_2100_depthsurf | Bio-Oracle OceanTemperature \[depthSurf\] SSP585 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): thetao_max (Maximum OceanTemperature, degree_C) thetao_ltmax (Long-term maximum OceanTemperature, degree_C) thetao_mean (Average OceanTemperature, degree_C) thetao_ltmin (Long-term minimum OceanTemperature, degree_C) thetao_min (Minimum OceanTemperature, degree_C) thetao_range (Range OceanTemperature, degree_C) thetao_sd (Standard deviation OceanTemperature, degree_C) |
pH | ph | baseline | 2000 | 2018 | depthmax | ph_baseline_2000_2018_depthmax | Bio-Oracle pH \[depthMax\] Baseline 2000-2018. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): ph_max (Maximum pH, 1) ph_ltmax (Long-term maximum pH, 1) ph_mean (Average pH, 1) ph_ltmin (Long-term minimum pH, 1) ph_min (Minimum pH, 1) ph_range (1) |
pH | ph | ssp119 | 2020 | 2100 | depthmax | ph_ssp119_2020_2100_depthmax | Bio-Oracle pH \[depthMax\] SSP119 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): ph_max (Maximum pH, 1) ph_ltmax (Long-term maximum pH, 1) ph_mean (Average pH, 1) ph_ltmin (Long-term minimum pH, 1) ph_min (Minimum pH, 1) ph_range (1) ph_sd (Standard deviation pH, 1) |
pH | ph | ssp126 | 2020 | 2100 | depthmax | ph_ssp126_2020_2100_depthmax | Bio-Oracle pH \[depthMax\] SSP126 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): ph_max (Maximum pH, 1) ph_ltmax (Long-term maximum pH, 1) ph_mean (Average pH, 1) ph_ltmin (Long-term minimum pH, 1) ph_min (Minimum pH, 1) ph_range (1) ph_sd (Standard deviation pH, 1) |
pH | ph | ssp245 | 2020 | 2100 | depthmax | ph_ssp245_2020_2100_depthmax | Bio-Oracle pH \[depthMax\] SSP245 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): ph_max (Maximum pH, 1) ph_ltmax (Long-term maximum pH, 1) ph_mean (Average pH, 1) ph_ltmin (Long-term minimum pH, 1) ph_min (Minimum pH, 1) ph_range (1) ph_sd (Standard deviation pH, 1) |
pH | ph | ssp370 | 2020 | 2100 | depthmax | ph_ssp370_2020_2100_depthmax | Bio-Oracle pH \[depthMax\] SSP370 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): ph_max (Maximum pH, 1) ph_ltmax (Long-term maximum pH, 1) ph_mean (Average pH, 1) ph_ltmin (Long-term minimum pH, 1) ph_min (Minimum pH, 1) ph_range (1) ph_sd (Standard deviation pH, 1) |
pH | ph | ssp460 | 2020 | 2100 | depthmax | ph_ssp460_2020_2100_depthmax | Bio-Oracle pH \[depthMax\] SSP460 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): ph_max (Maximum pH, 1) ph_ltmax (Long-term maximum pH, 1) ph_mean (Average pH, 1) ph_ltmin (Long-term minimum pH, 1) ph_min (Minimum pH, 1) ph_range (1) ph_sd (Standard deviation pH, 1) |
pH | ph | ssp585 | 2020 | 2100 | depthmax | ph_ssp585_2020_2100_depthmax | Bio-Oracle pH \[depthMax\] SSP585 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): ph_max (Maximum pH, 1) ph_ltmax (Long-term maximum pH, 1) ph_mean (Average pH, 1) ph_ltmin (Long-term minimum pH, 1) ph_min (Minimum pH, 1) ph_range (1) ph_sd (Standard deviation pH, 1) |
pH | ph | baseline | 2000 | 2018 | depthmean | ph_baseline_2000_2018_depthmean | Bio-Oracle pH \[depthMean\] Baseline 2000-2018. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): ph_max (Maximum pH, 1) ph_ltmax (Long-term maximum pH, 1) ph_mean (Average pH, 1) ph_ltmin (Long-term minimum pH, 1) ph_min (Minimum pH, 1) ph_range (1) |
pH | ph | ssp119 | 2020 | 2100 | depthmean | ph_ssp119_2020_2100_depthmean | Bio-Oracle pH \[depthMean\] SSP119 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): ph_max (Maximum pH, 1) ph_ltmax (Long-term maximum pH, 1) ph_mean (Average pH, 1) ph_ltmin (Long-term minimum pH, 1) ph_min (Minimum pH, 1) ph_range (1) ph_sd (Standard deviation pH, 1) |
pH | ph | ssp126 | 2020 | 2100 | depthmean | ph_ssp126_2020_2100_depthmean | Bio-Oracle pH \[depthMean\] SSP126 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): ph_max (Maximum pH, 1) ph_ltmax (Long-term maximum pH, 1) ph_mean (Average pH, 1) ph_ltmin (Long-term minimum pH, 1) ph_min (Minimum pH, 1) ph_range (1) ph_sd (Standard deviation pH, 1) |
pH | ph | ssp245 | 2020 | 2100 | depthmean | ph_ssp245_2020_2100_depthmean | Bio-Oracle pH \[depthMean\] SSP245 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): ph_max (Maximum pH, 1) ph_ltmax (Long-term maximum pH, 1) ph_mean (Average pH, 1) ph_ltmin (Long-term minimum pH, 1) ph_min (Minimum pH, 1) ph_range (1) ph_sd (Standard deviation pH, 1) |
pH | ph | ssp370 | 2020 | 2100 | depthmean | ph_ssp370_2020_2100_depthmean | Bio-Oracle pH \[depthMean\] SSP370 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): ph_max (Maximum pH, 1) ph_ltmax (Long-term maximum pH, 1) ph_mean (Average pH, 1) ph_ltmin (Long-term minimum pH, 1) ph_min (Minimum pH, 1) ph_range (1) ph_sd (Standard deviation pH, 1) |
pH | ph | ssp460 | 2020 | 2100 | depthmean | ph_ssp460_2020_2100_depthmean | Bio-Oracle pH \[depthMean\] SSP460 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): ph_max (Maximum pH, 1) ph_ltmax (Long-term maximum pH, 1) ph_mean (Average pH, 1) ph_ltmin (Long-term minimum pH, 1) ph_min (Minimum pH, 1) ph_range (1) ph_sd (Standard deviation pH, 1) |
pH | ph | ssp585 | 2020 | 2100 | depthmean | ph_ssp585_2020_2100_depthmean | Bio-Oracle pH \[depthMean\] SSP585 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): ph_max (Maximum pH, 1) ph_ltmax (Long-term maximum pH, 1) ph_mean (Average pH, 1) ph_ltmin (Long-term minimum pH, 1) ph_min (Minimum pH, 1) ph_range (1) ph_sd (Standard deviation pH, 1) |
pH | ph | baseline | 2000 | 2018 | depthmin | ph_baseline_2000_2018_depthmin | Bio-Oracle pH \[depthMin\] Baseline 2000-2018. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): ph_max (Maximum pH, 1) ph_ltmax (Long-term maximum pH, 1) ph_mean (Average pH, 1) ph_ltmin (Long-term minimum pH, 1) ph_min (Minimum pH, 1) ph_range (1) |
pH | ph | ssp119 | 2020 | 2100 | depthmin | ph_ssp119_2020_2100_depthmin | Bio-Oracle pH \[depthMin\] SSP119 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): ph_max (Maximum pH, 1) ph_ltmax (Long-term maximum pH, 1) ph_mean (Average pH, 1) ph_ltmin (Long-term minimum pH, 1) ph_min (Minimum pH, 1) ph_range (1) ph_sd (Standard deviation pH, 1) |
pH | ph | ssp126 | 2020 | 2100 | depthmin | ph_ssp126_2020_2100_depthmin | Bio-Oracle pH \[depthMin\] SSP126 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): ph_max (Maximum pH, 1) ph_ltmax (Long-term maximum pH, 1) ph_mean (Average pH, 1) ph_ltmin (Long-term minimum pH, 1) ph_min (Minimum pH, 1) ph_range (1) ph_sd (Standard deviation pH, 1) |
pH | ph | ssp245 | 2020 | 2100 | depthmin | ph_ssp245_2020_2100_depthmin | Bio-Oracle pH \[depthMin\] SSP245 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): ph_max (Maximum pH, 1) ph_ltmax (Long-term maximum pH, 1) ph_mean (Average pH, 1) ph_ltmin (Long-term minimum pH, 1) ph_min (Minimum pH, 1) ph_range (1) ph_sd (Standard deviation pH, 1) |
pH | ph | ssp370 | 2020 | 2100 | depthmin | ph_ssp370_2020_2100_depthmin | Bio-Oracle pH \[depthMin\] SSP370 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): ph_max (Maximum pH, 1) ph_ltmax (Long-term maximum pH, 1) ph_mean (Average pH, 1) ph_ltmin (Long-term minimum pH, 1) ph_min (Minimum pH, 1) ph_range (1) ph_sd (Standard deviation pH, 1) |
pH | ph | ssp460 | 2020 | 2100 | depthmin | ph_ssp460_2020_2100_depthmin | Bio-Oracle pH \[depthMin\] SSP460 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): ph_max (Maximum pH, 1) ph_ltmax (Long-term maximum pH, 1) ph_mean (Average pH, 1) ph_ltmin (Long-term minimum pH, 1) ph_min (Minimum pH, 1) ph_range (1) ph_sd (Standard deviation pH, 1) |
pH | ph | ssp585 | 2020 | 2100 | depthmin | ph_ssp585_2020_2100_depthmin | Bio-Oracle pH \[depthMin\] SSP585 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): ph_max (Maximum pH, 1) ph_ltmax (Long-term maximum pH, 1) ph_mean (Average pH, 1) ph_ltmin (Long-term minimum pH, 1) ph_min (Minimum pH, 1) ph_range (1) ph_sd (Standard deviation pH, 1) |
pH | ph | baseline | 2000 | 2018 | depthsurf | ph_baseline_2000_2018_depthsurf | Bio-Oracle pH \[depthSurf\] Baseline 2000-2018. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): ph_max (Maximum pH, 1) ph_ltmax (Long-term maximum pH, 1) ph_mean (Average pH, 1) ph_ltmin (Long-term minimum pH, 1) ph_min (Minimum pH, 1) ph_range (1) |
pH | ph | ssp119 | 2020 | 2100 | depthsurf | ph_ssp119_2020_2100_depthsurf | Bio-Oracle pH \[depthSurf\] SSP119 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): ph_max (Maximum pH, 1) ph_ltmax (Long-term maximum pH, 1) ph_mean (Average pH, 1) ph_ltmin (Long-term minimum pH, 1) ph_min (Minimum pH, 1) ph_range (1) ph_sd (Standard deviation pH, 1) |
pH | ph | ssp126 | 2020 | 2100 | depthsurf | ph_ssp126_2020_2100_depthsurf | Bio-Oracle pH \[depthSurf\] SSP126 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): ph_max (Maximum pH, 1) ph_ltmax (Long-term maximum pH, 1) ph_mean (Average pH, 1) ph_ltmin (Long-term minimum pH, 1) ph_min (Minimum pH, 1) ph_range (1) ph_sd (Standard deviation pH, 1) |
pH | ph | ssp245 | 2020 | 2100 | depthsurf | ph_ssp245_2020_2100_depthsurf | Bio-Oracle pH \[depthSurf\] SSP245 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): ph_max (Maximum pH, 1) ph_ltmax (Long-term maximum pH, 1) ph_mean (Average pH, 1) ph_ltmin (Long-term minimum pH, 1) ph_min (Minimum pH, 1) ph_range (1) ph_sd (Standard deviation pH, 1) |
pH | ph | ssp370 | 2020 | 2100 | depthsurf | ph_ssp370_2020_2100_depthsurf | Bio-Oracle pH \[depthSurf\] SSP370 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): ph_max (Maximum pH, 1) ph_ltmax (Long-term maximum pH, 1) ph_mean (Average pH, 1) ph_ltmin (Long-term minimum pH, 1) ph_min (Minimum pH, 1) ph_range (1) ph_sd (Standard deviation pH, 1) |
pH | ph | ssp460 | 2020 | 2100 | depthsurf | ph_ssp460_2020_2100_depthsurf | Bio-Oracle pH \[depthSurf\] SSP460 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): ph_max (Maximum pH, 1) ph_ltmax (Long-term maximum pH, 1) ph_mean (Average pH, 1) ph_ltmin (Long-term minimum pH, 1) ph_min (Minimum pH, 1) ph_range (1) ph_sd (Standard deviation pH, 1) |
pH | ph | ssp585 | 2020 | 2100 | depthsurf | ph_ssp585_2020_2100_depthsurf | Bio-Oracle pH \[depthSurf\] SSP585 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): ph_max (Maximum pH, 1) ph_ltmax (Long-term maximum pH, 1) ph_mean (Average pH, 1) ph_ltmin (Long-term minimum pH, 1) ph_min (Minimum pH, 1) ph_range (1) ph_sd (Standard deviation pH, 1) |
Phosphate | po4 | baseline | 2000 | 2018 | depthmax | po4_baseline_2000_2018_depthmax | Bio-Oracle Phosphate \[depthMax\] Baseline 2000-2018. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): po4_max (Maximum Phosphate, MMol’ ‘M-3) po4_ltmax (Long-term maximum Phosphate, MMol’ ‘M-3) po4_mean (Average Phosphate, MMol’ ‘M-3) po4_ltmin (Long-term minimum Phosphate, MMol’ ‘M-3) po4_min (Minimum Phosphate, MMol’ ‘M-3) po4_range (Range Phosphate, MMol’ ’M-3) |
Phosphate | po4 | ssp119 | 2020 | 2100 | depthmax | po4_ssp119_2020_2100_depthmax | Bio-Oracle Phosphate \[depthMax\] SSP119 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): po4_max (Maximum Phosphate, MMol’ ‘M-3) po4_ltmax (Long-term maximum Phosphate, MMol’ ‘M-3) po4_mean (Average Phosphate, MMol’ ‘M-3) po4_ltmin (Long-term minimum Phosphate, MMol’ ‘M-3) po4_min (Minimum Phosphate, MMol’ ‘M-3) po4_range (Range Phosphate, MMol’ ‘M-3) po4_sd (Standard deviation Phosphate, MMol’ ’M-3) |
Phosphate | po4 | ssp126 | 2020 | 2100 | depthmax | po4_ssp126_2020_2100_depthmax | Bio-Oracle Phosphate \[depthMax\] SSP126 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): po4_max (Maximum Phosphate, MMol’ ‘M-3) po4_ltmax (Long-term maximum Phosphate, MMol’ ‘M-3) po4_mean (Average Phosphate, MMol’ ‘M-3) po4_ltmin (Long-term minimum Phosphate, MMol’ ‘M-3) po4_min (Minimum Phosphate, MMol’ ‘M-3) po4_range (Range Phosphate, MMol’ ‘M-3) po4_sd (Standard deviation Phosphate, MMol’ ’M-3) |
Phosphate | po4 | ssp245 | 2020 | 2100 | depthmax | po4_ssp245_2020_2100_depthmax | Bio-Oracle Phosphate \[depthMax\] SSP245 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): po4_max (Maximum Phosphate, MMol’ ‘M-3) po4_ltmax (Long-term maximum Phosphate, MMol’ ‘M-3) po4_mean (Average Phosphate, MMol’ ‘M-3) po4_ltmin (Long-term minimum Phosphate, MMol’ ‘M-3) po4_min (Minimum Phosphate, MMol’ ‘M-3) po4_range (Range Phosphate, MMol’ ‘M-3) po4_sd (Standard deviation Phosphate, MMol’ ’M-3) |
Phosphate | po4 | ssp370 | 2020 | 2100 | depthmax | po4_ssp370_2020_2100_depthmax | Bio-Oracle Phosphate \[depthMax\] SSP370 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): po4_max (Maximum Phosphate, MMol’ ‘M-3) po4_ltmax (Long-term maximum Phosphate, MMol’ ‘M-3) po4_mean (Average Phosphate, MMol’ ‘M-3) po4_ltmin (Long-term minimum Phosphate, MMol’ ‘M-3) po4_min (Minimum Phosphate, MMol’ ‘M-3) po4_range (Range Phosphate, MMol’ ‘M-3) po4_sd (Standard deviation Phosphate, MMol’ ’M-3) |
Phosphate | po4 | ssp460 | 2020 | 2100 | depthmax | po4_ssp460_2020_2100_depthmax | Bio-Oracle Phosphate \[depthMax\] SSP460 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): po4_max (Maximum Phosphate, MMol’ ‘M-3) po4_ltmax (Long-term maximum Phosphate, MMol’ ‘M-3) po4_mean (Average Phosphate, MMol’ ‘M-3) po4_ltmin (Long-term minimum Phosphate, MMol’ ‘M-3) po4_min (Minimum Phosphate, MMol’ ‘M-3) po4_range (Range Phosphate, MMol’ ‘M-3) po4_sd (Standard deviation Phosphate, MMol’ ’M-3) |
Phosphate | po4 | ssp585 | 2020 | 2100 | depthmax | po4_ssp585_2020_2100_depthmax | Bio-Oracle Phosphate \[depthMax\] SSP585 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): po4_max (Maximum Phosphate, MMol’ ‘M-3) po4_ltmax (Long-term maximum Phosphate, MMol’ ‘M-3) po4_mean (Average Phosphate, MMol’ ‘M-3) po4_ltmin (Long-term minimum Phosphate, MMol’ ‘M-3) po4_min (Minimum Phosphate, MMol’ ‘M-3) po4_range (Range Phosphate, MMol’ ‘M-3) po4_sd (Standard deviation Phosphate, MMol’ ’M-3) |
Phosphate | po4 | baseline | 2000 | 2018 | depthmean | po4_baseline_2000_2018_depthmean | Bio-Oracle Phosphate \[depthMean\] Baseline 2000-2018. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): po4_max (Maximum Phosphate, MMol’ ‘M-3) po4_ltmax (Long-term maximum Phosphate, MMol’ ‘M-3) po4_mean (Average Phosphate, MMol’ ‘M-3) po4_ltmin (Long-term minimum Phosphate, MMol’ ‘M-3) po4_min (Minimum Phosphate, MMol’ ‘M-3) po4_range (Range Phosphate, MMol’ ’M-3) |
Phosphate | po4 | ssp119 | 2020 | 2100 | depthmean | po4_ssp119_2020_2100_depthmean | Bio-Oracle Phosphate \[depthMean\] SSP119 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): po4_max (Maximum Phosphate, MMol’ ‘M-3) po4_ltmax (Long-term maximum Phosphate, MMol’ ‘M-3) po4_mean (Average Phosphate, MMol’ ‘M-3) po4_ltmin (Long-term minimum Phosphate, MMol’ ‘M-3) po4_min (Minimum Phosphate, MMol’ ‘M-3) po4_range (Range Phosphate, MMol’ ‘M-3) po4_sd (Standard deviation Phosphate, MMol’ ’M-3) |
Phosphate | po4 | ssp126 | 2020 | 2100 | depthmean | po4_ssp126_2020_2100_depthmean | Bio-Oracle Phosphate \[depthMean\] SSP126 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): po4_max (Maximum Phosphate, MMol’ ‘M-3) po4_ltmax (Long-term maximum Phosphate, MMol’ ‘M-3) po4_mean (Average Phosphate, MMol’ ‘M-3) po4_ltmin (Long-term minimum Phosphate, MMol’ ‘M-3) po4_min (Minimum Phosphate, MMol’ ‘M-3) po4_range (Range Phosphate, MMol’ ‘M-3) po4_sd (Standard deviation Phosphate, MMol’ ’M-3) |
Phosphate | po4 | ssp245 | 2020 | 2100 | depthmean | po4_ssp245_2020_2100_depthmean | Bio-Oracle Phosphate \[depthMean\] SSP245 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): po4_max (Maximum Phosphate, MMol’ ‘M-3) po4_ltmax (Long-term maximum Phosphate, MMol’ ‘M-3) po4_mean (Average Phosphate, MMol’ ‘M-3) po4_ltmin (Long-term minimum Phosphate, MMol’ ‘M-3) po4_min (Minimum Phosphate, MMol’ ‘M-3) po4_range (Range Phosphate, MMol’ ‘M-3) po4_sd (Standard deviation Phosphate, MMol’ ’M-3) |
Phosphate | po4 | ssp370 | 2020 | 2100 | depthmean | po4_ssp370_2020_2100_depthmean | Bio-Oracle Phosphate \[depthMean\] SSP370 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): po4_max (Maximum Phosphate, MMol’ ‘M-3) po4_ltmax (Long-term maximum Phosphate, MMol’ ‘M-3) po4_mean (Average Phosphate, MMol’ ‘M-3) po4_ltmin (Long-term minimum Phosphate, MMol’ ‘M-3) po4_min (Minimum Phosphate, MMol’ ‘M-3) po4_range (Range Phosphate, MMol’ ‘M-3) po4_sd (Standard deviation Phosphate, MMol’ ’M-3) |
Phosphate | po4 | ssp460 | 2020 | 2100 | depthmean | po4_ssp460_2020_2100_depthmean | Bio-Oracle Phosphate \[depthMean\] SSP460 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): po4_max (Maximum Phosphate, MMol’ ‘M-3) po4_ltmax (Long-term maximum Phosphate, MMol’ ‘M-3) po4_mean (Average Phosphate, MMol’ ‘M-3) po4_ltmin (Long-term minimum Phosphate, MMol’ ‘M-3) po4_min (Minimum Phosphate, MMol’ ‘M-3) po4_range (Range Phosphate, MMol’ ‘M-3) po4_sd (Standard deviation Phosphate, MMol’ ’M-3) |
Phosphate | po4 | ssp585 | 2020 | 2100 | depthmean | po4_ssp585_2020_2100_depthmean | Bio-Oracle Phosphate \[depthMean\] SSP585 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): po4_max (Maximum Phosphate, MMol’ ‘M-3) po4_ltmax (Long-term maximum Phosphate, MMol’ ‘M-3) po4_mean (Average Phosphate, MMol’ ‘M-3) po4_ltmin (Long-term minimum Phosphate, MMol’ ‘M-3) po4_min (Minimum Phosphate, MMol’ ‘M-3) po4_range (Range Phosphate, MMol’ ‘M-3) po4_sd (Standard deviation Phosphate, MMol’ ’M-3) |
Phosphate | po4 | baseline | 2000 | 2018 | depthmin | po4_baseline_2000_2018_depthmin | Bio-Oracle Phosphate \[depthMin\] Baseline 2000-2018. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): po4_max (Maximum Phosphate, MMol’ ‘M-3) po4_ltmax (Long-term maximum Phosphate, MMol’ ‘M-3) po4_mean (Average Phosphate, MMol’ ‘M-3) po4_ltmin (Long-term minimum Phosphate, MMol’ ‘M-3) po4_min (Minimum Phosphate, MMol’ ‘M-3) po4_range (Range Phosphate, MMol’ ’M-3) |
Phosphate | po4 | ssp119 | 2020 | 2100 | depthmin | po4_ssp119_2020_2100_depthmin | Bio-Oracle Phosphate \[depthMin\] SSP119 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): po4_max (Maximum Phosphate, MMol’ ‘M-3) po4_ltmax (Long-term maximum Phosphate, MMol’ ‘M-3) po4_mean (Average Phosphate, MMol’ ‘M-3) po4_ltmin (Long-term minimum Phosphate, MMol’ ‘M-3) po4_min (Minimum Phosphate, MMol’ ‘M-3) po4_range (Range Phosphate, MMol’ ‘M-3) po4_sd (Standard deviation Phosphate, MMol’ ’M-3) |
Phosphate | po4 | ssp126 | 2020 | 2100 | depthmin | po4_ssp126_2020_2100_depthmin | Bio-Oracle Phosphate \[depthMin\] SSP126 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): po4_max (Maximum Phosphate, MMol’ ‘M-3) po4_ltmax (Long-term maximum Phosphate, MMol’ ‘M-3) po4_mean (Average Phosphate, MMol’ ‘M-3) po4_ltmin (Long-term minimum Phosphate, MMol’ ‘M-3) po4_min (Minimum Phosphate, MMol’ ‘M-3) po4_range (Range Phosphate, MMol’ ‘M-3) po4_sd (Standard deviation Phosphate, MMol’ ’M-3) |
Phosphate | po4 | ssp245 | 2020 | 2100 | depthmin | po4_ssp245_2020_2100_depthmin | Bio-Oracle Phosphate \[depthMin\] SSP245 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): po4_max (Maximum Phosphate, MMol’ ‘M-3) po4_ltmax (Long-term maximum Phosphate, MMol’ ‘M-3) po4_mean (Average Phosphate, MMol’ ‘M-3) po4_ltmin (Long-term minimum Phosphate, MMol’ ‘M-3) po4_min (Minimum Phosphate, MMol’ ‘M-3) po4_range (Range Phosphate, MMol’ ‘M-3) po4_sd (Standard deviation Phosphate, MMol’ ’M-3) |
Phosphate | po4 | ssp370 | 2020 | 2100 | depthmin | po4_ssp370_2020_2100_depthmin | Bio-Oracle Phosphate \[depthMin\] SSP370 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): po4_max (Maximum Phosphate, MMol’ ‘M-3) po4_ltmax (Long-term maximum Phosphate, MMol’ ‘M-3) po4_mean (Average Phosphate, MMol’ ‘M-3) po4_ltmin (Long-term minimum Phosphate, MMol’ ‘M-3) po4_min (Minimum Phosphate, MMol’ ‘M-3) po4_range (Range Phosphate, MMol’ ‘M-3) po4_sd (Standard deviation Phosphate, MMol’ ’M-3) |
Phosphate | po4 | ssp460 | 2020 | 2100 | depthmin | po4_ssp460_2020_2100_depthmin | Bio-Oracle Phosphate \[depthMin\] SSP460 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): po4_max (Maximum Phosphate, MMol’ ‘M-3) po4_ltmax (Long-term maximum Phosphate, MMol’ ‘M-3) po4_mean (Average Phosphate, MMol’ ‘M-3) po4_ltmin (Long-term minimum Phosphate, MMol’ ‘M-3) po4_min (Minimum Phosphate, MMol’ ‘M-3) po4_range (Range Phosphate, MMol’ ‘M-3) po4_sd (Standard deviation Phosphate, MMol’ ’M-3) |
Phosphate | po4 | ssp585 | 2020 | 2100 | depthmin | po4_ssp585_2020_2100_depthmin | Bio-Oracle Phosphate \[depthMin\] SSP585 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): po4_max (Maximum Phosphate, MMol’ ‘M-3) po4_ltmax (Long-term maximum Phosphate, MMol’ ‘M-3) po4_mean (Average Phosphate, MMol’ ‘M-3) po4_ltmin (Long-term minimum Phosphate, MMol’ ‘M-3) po4_min (Minimum Phosphate, MMol’ ‘M-3) po4_range (Range Phosphate, MMol’ ‘M-3) po4_sd (Standard deviation Phosphate, MMol’ ’M-3) |
Phosphate | po4 | baseline | 2000 | 2018 | depthsurf | po4_baseline_2000_2018_depthsurf | Bio-Oracle Phosphate \[depthSurf\] Baseline 2000-2018. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): po4_max (Maximum Phosphate, MMol’ ‘M-3) po4_ltmax (Long-term maximum Phosphate, MMol’ ‘M-3) po4_mean (Average Phosphate, MMol’ ‘M-3) po4_ltmin (Long-term minimum Phosphate, MMol’ ‘M-3) po4_min (Minimum Phosphate, MMol’ ‘M-3) po4_range (Range Phosphate, MMol’ ’M-3) |
Phosphate | po4 | ssp119 | 2020 | 2100 | depthsurf | po4_ssp119_2020_2100_depthsurf | Bio-Oracle Phosphate \[depthSurf\] SSP119 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): po4_max (Maximum Phosphate, MMol’ ‘M-3) po4_ltmax (Long-term maximum Phosphate, MMol’ ‘M-3) po4_mean (Average Phosphate, MMol’ ‘M-3) po4_ltmin (Long-term minimum Phosphate, MMol’ ‘M-3) po4_min (Minimum Phosphate, MMol’ ‘M-3) po4_range (Range Phosphate, MMol’ ‘M-3) po4_sd (Standard deviation Phosphate, MMol’ ’M-3) |
Phosphate | po4 | ssp126 | 2020 | 2100 | depthsurf | po4_ssp126_2020_2100_depthsurf | Bio-Oracle Phosphate \[depthSurf\] SSP126 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): po4_max (Maximum Phosphate, MMol’ ‘M-3) po4_ltmax (Long-term maximum Phosphate, MMol’ ‘M-3) po4_mean (Average Phosphate, MMol’ ‘M-3) po4_ltmin (Long-term minimum Phosphate, MMol’ ‘M-3) po4_min (Minimum Phosphate, MMol’ ‘M-3) po4_range (Range Phosphate, MMol’ ‘M-3) po4_sd (Standard deviation Phosphate, MMol’ ’M-3) |
Phosphate | po4 | ssp245 | 2020 | 2100 | depthsurf | po4_ssp245_2020_2100_depthsurf | Bio-Oracle Phosphate \[depthSurf\] SSP245 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): po4_max (Maximum Phosphate, MMol’ ‘M-3) po4_ltmax (Long-term maximum Phosphate, MMol’ ‘M-3) po4_mean (Average Phosphate, MMol’ ‘M-3) po4_ltmin (Long-term minimum Phosphate, MMol’ ‘M-3) po4_min (Minimum Phosphate, MMol’ ‘M-3) po4_range (Range Phosphate, MMol’ ‘M-3) po4_sd (Standard deviation Phosphate, MMol’ ’M-3) |
Phosphate | po4 | ssp370 | 2020 | 2100 | depthsurf | po4_ssp370_2020_2100_depthsurf | Bio-Oracle Phosphate \[depthSurf\] SSP370 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): po4_max (Maximum Phosphate, MMol’ ‘M-3) po4_ltmax (Long-term maximum Phosphate, MMol’ ‘M-3) po4_mean (Average Phosphate, MMol’ ‘M-3) po4_ltmin (Long-term minimum Phosphate, MMol’ ‘M-3) po4_min (Minimum Phosphate, MMol’ ‘M-3) po4_range (Range Phosphate, MMol’ ‘M-3) po4_sd (Standard deviation Phosphate, MMol’ ’M-3) |
Phosphate | po4 | ssp460 | 2020 | 2100 | depthsurf | po4_ssp460_2020_2100_depthsurf | Bio-Oracle Phosphate \[depthSurf\] SSP460 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): po4_max (Maximum Phosphate, MMol’ ‘M-3) po4_ltmax (Long-term maximum Phosphate, MMol’ ‘M-3) po4_mean (Average Phosphate, MMol’ ‘M-3) po4_ltmin (Long-term minimum Phosphate, MMol’ ‘M-3) po4_min (Minimum Phosphate, MMol’ ‘M-3) po4_range (Range Phosphate, MMol’ ‘M-3) po4_sd (Standard deviation Phosphate, MMol’ ’M-3) |
Phosphate | po4 | ssp585 | 2020 | 2100 | depthsurf | po4_ssp585_2020_2100_depthsurf | Bio-Oracle Phosphate \[depthSurf\] SSP585 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): po4_max (Maximum Phosphate, MMol’ ‘M-3) po4_ltmax (Long-term maximum Phosphate, MMol’ ‘M-3) po4_mean (Average Phosphate, MMol’ ‘M-3) po4_ltmin (Long-term minimum Phosphate, MMol’ ‘M-3) po4_min (Minimum Phosphate, MMol’ ‘M-3) po4_range (Range Phosphate, MMol’ ‘M-3) po4_sd (Standard deviation Phosphate, MMol’ ’M-3) |
Phytoplankton | phyc | ssp126 | 2020 | 2100 | depthmax | phyc_ssp126_2020_2100_depthmax | Bio-Oracle Phytoplankton \[depthMax\] SSP126 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): phyc_max (Maximum Phytoplankton, MMol’ ‘M-3) phyc_ltmax (Long-term maximum Phytoplankton, MMol’ ‘M-3) phyc_mean (Average Phytoplankton, MMol’ ‘M-3) phyc_ltmin (Long-term minimum Phytoplankton, MMol’ ‘M-3) phyc_min (Minimum Phytoplankton, MMol’ ‘M-3) phyc_range (Range Phytoplankton, MMol’ ‘M-3) phyc_sd (Standard deviation Phytoplankton, MMol’ ’M-3) |
Phytoplankton | phyc | ssp126 | 2020 | 2100 | depthmean | phyc_ssp126_2020_2100_depthmean | Bio-Oracle Phytoplankton \[depthMean\] SSP126 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): phyc_max (Maximum Phytoplankton, MMol’ ‘M-3) phyc_ltmax (Long-term maximum Phytoplankton, MMol’ ‘M-3) phyc_mean (Average Phytoplankton, MMol’ ‘M-3) phyc_ltmin (Long-term minimum Phytoplankton, MMol’ ‘M-3) phyc_min (Minimum Phytoplankton, MMol’ ‘M-3) phyc_range (Range Phytoplankton, MMol’ ‘M-3) phyc_sd (Standard deviation Phytoplankton, MMol’ ’M-3) |
Phytoplankton | phyc | ssp126 | 2020 | 2100 | depthmin | phyc_ssp126_2020_2100_depthmin | Bio-Oracle Phytoplankton \[depthMin\] SSP126 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): phyc_max (Maximum Phytoplankton, MMol’ ‘M-3) phyc_ltmax (Long-term maximum Phytoplankton, MMol’ ‘M-3) phyc_mean (Average Phytoplankton, MMol’ ‘M-3) phyc_ltmin (Long-term minimum Phytoplankton, MMol’ ‘M-3) phyc_min (Minimum Phytoplankton, MMol’ ‘M-3) phyc_range (Range Phytoplankton, MMol’ ‘M-3) phyc_sd (Standard deviation Phytoplankton, MMol’ ’M-3) |
Phytoplankton | phyc | ssp126 | 2020 | 2100 | depthsurf | phyc_ssp126_2020_2100_depthsurf | Bio-Oracle Phytoplankton \[depthSurf\] SSP126 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): phyc_max (Maximum Phytoplankton, MMol’ ‘M-3) phyc_ltmax (Long-term maximum Phytoplankton, MMol’ ‘M-3) phyc_mean (Average Phytoplankton, MMol’ ‘M-3) phyc_ltmin (Long-term minimum Phytoplankton, MMol’ ‘M-3) phyc_min (Minimum Phytoplankton, MMol’ ‘M-3) phyc_range (Range Phytoplankton, MMol’ ‘M-3) phyc_sd (Standard deviation Phytoplankton, MMol’ ’M-3) |
Salinity | so | baseline | 2000 | 2019 | depthmax | so_baseline_2000_2019_depthmax | Bio-Oracle Salinity \[depthMax\] Baseline 2000-2019. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): so_max (Maximum Salinity, PSU) so_ltmax (Long-term maximum Salinity, PSU) so_mean (Average Salinity, PSU) so_ltmin (Long-term minimum Salinity, PSU) so_min (Minimum Salinity, PSU) so_range (Range Salinity, PSU) |
Salinity | so | ssp119 | 2020 | 2100 | depthmax | so_ssp119_2020_2100_depthmax | Bio-Oracle Salinity \[depthMax\] SSP119 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): so_max (Maximum Salinity, PSU) so_ltmax (Long-term maximum Salinity, PSU) so_mean (Average Salinity, PSU) so_ltmin (Long-term minimum Salinity, PSU) so_min (Minimum Salinity, PSU) so_range (Range Salinity, PSU) so_sd (Standard deviation Salinity, 1e-3) |
Salinity | so | ssp126 | 2020 | 2100 | depthmax | so_ssp126_2020_2100_depthmax | Bio-Oracle Salinity \[depthMax\] SSP126 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): so_max (Maximum Salinity, PSU) so_ltmax (Long-term maximum Salinity, PSU) so_mean (Average Salinity, PSU) so_ltmin (Long-term minimum Salinity, PSU) so_min (Minimum Salinity, PSU) so_range (Range Salinity, PSU) so_sd (Standard deviation Salinity, 1e-3) |
Salinity | so | ssp245 | 2020 | 2100 | depthmax | so_ssp245_2020_2100_depthmax | Bio-Oracle Salinity \[depthMax\] SSP245 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): so_max (Maximum Salinity, PSU) so_ltmax (Long-term maximum Salinity, PSU) so_mean (Average Salinity, PSU) so_ltmin (Long-term minimum Salinity, PSU) so_min (Minimum Salinity, PSU) so_range (Range Salinity, PSU) so_sd (Standard deviation Salinity, 1e-3) |
Salinity | so | ssp370 | 2020 | 2100 | depthmax | so_ssp370_2020_2100_depthmax | Bio-Oracle Salinity \[depthMax\] SSP370 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): so_max (Maximum Salinity, PSU) so_ltmax (Long-term maximum Salinity, PSU) so_mean (Average Salinity, PSU) so_ltmin (Long-term minimum Salinity, PSU) so_min (Minimum Salinity, PSU) so_range (Range Salinity, PSU) so_sd (Standard deviation Salinity, 1e-3) |
Salinity | so | ssp460 | 2020 | 2100 | depthmax | so_ssp460_2020_2100_depthmax | Bio-Oracle Salinity \[depthMax\] SSP460 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): so_max (Maximum Salinity, PSU) so_ltmax (Long-term maximum Salinity, PSU) so_mean (Average Salinity, PSU) so_ltmin (Long-term minimum Salinity, PSU) so_min (Minimum Salinity, PSU) so_range (Range Salinity, PSU) so_sd (Standard deviation Salinity, 1e-3) |
Salinity | so | ssp585 | 2020 | 2100 | depthmax | so_ssp585_2020_2100_depthmax | Bio-Oracle Salinity \[depthMax\] SSP585 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): so_max (Maximum Salinity, PSU) so_ltmax (Long-term maximum Salinity, PSU) so_mean (Average Salinity, PSU) so_ltmin (Long-term minimum Salinity, PSU) so_min (Minimum Salinity, PSU) so_range (Range Salinity, PSU) so_sd (Standard deviation Salinity, 1e-3) |
Salinity | so | baseline | 2000 | 2019 | depthmean | so_baseline_2000_2019_depthmean | Bio-Oracle Salinity \[depthMean\] Baseline 2000-2019. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): so_max (Maximum Salinity, PSU) so_ltmax (Long-term maximum Salinity, PSU) so_mean (Average Salinity, PSU) so_ltmin (Long-term minimum Salinity, PSU) so_min (Minimum Salinity, PSU) so_range (Range Salinity, PSU) |
Salinity | so | ssp119 | 2020 | 2100 | depthmean | so_ssp119_2020_2100_depthmean | Bio-Oracle Salinity \[depthMean\] SSP119 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): so_max (Maximum Salinity, PSU) so_ltmax (Long-term maximum Salinity, PSU) so_mean (Average Salinity, PSU) so_ltmin (Long-term minimum Salinity, PSU) so_min (Minimum Salinity, PSU) so_range (Range Salinity, PSU) so_sd (Standard deviation Salinity, 1e-3) |
Salinity | so | ssp126 | 2020 | 2100 | depthmean | so_ssp126_2020_2100_depthmean | Bio-Oracle Salinity \[depthMean\] SSP126 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): so_max (Maximum Salinity, PSU) so_ltmax (Long-term maximum Salinity, PSU) so_mean (Average Salinity, PSU) so_ltmin (Long-term minimum Salinity, PSU) so_min (Minimum Salinity, PSU) so_range (Range Salinity, PSU) so_sd (Standard deviation Salinity, 1e-3) |
Salinity | so | ssp245 | 2020 | 2100 | depthmean | so_ssp245_2020_2100_depthmean | Bio-Oracle Salinity \[depthMean\] SSP245 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): so_max (Maximum Salinity, PSU) so_ltmax (Long-term maximum Salinity, PSU) so_mean (Average Salinity, PSU) so_ltmin (Long-term minimum Salinity, PSU) so_min (Minimum Salinity, PSU) so_range (Range Salinity, PSU) so_sd (Standard deviation Salinity, 1e-3) |
Salinity | so | ssp370 | 2020 | 2100 | depthmean | so_ssp370_2020_2100_depthmean | Bio-Oracle Salinity \[depthMean\] SSP370 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): so_max (Maximum Salinity, PSU) so_ltmax (Long-term maximum Salinity, PSU) so_mean (Average Salinity, PSU) so_ltmin (Long-term minimum Salinity, PSU) so_min (Minimum Salinity, PSU) so_range (Range Salinity, PSU) so_sd (Standard deviation Salinity, 1e-3) |
Salinity | so | ssp460 | 2020 | 2100 | depthmean | so_ssp460_2020_2100_depthmean | Bio-Oracle Salinity \[depthMean\] SSP460 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): so_max (Maximum Salinity, PSU) so_ltmax (Long-term maximum Salinity, PSU) so_mean (Average Salinity, PSU) so_ltmin (Long-term minimum Salinity, PSU) so_min (Minimum Salinity, PSU) so_range (Range Salinity, PSU) so_sd (Standard deviation Salinity, 1e-3) |
Salinity | so | ssp585 | 2020 | 2100 | depthmean | so_ssp585_2020_2100_depthmean | Bio-Oracle Salinity \[depthMean\] SSP585 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): so_max (Maximum Salinity, PSU) so_ltmax (Long-term maximum Salinity, PSU) so_mean (Average Salinity, PSU) so_ltmin (Long-term minimum Salinity, PSU) so_min (Minimum Salinity, PSU) so_range (Range Salinity, PSU) so_sd (Standard deviation Salinity, 1e-3) |
Salinity | so | baseline | 2000 | 2019 | depthmin | so_baseline_2000_2019_depthmin | Bio-Oracle Salinity \[depthMin\] Baseline 2000-2019. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): so_max (Maximum Salinity, PSU) so_ltmax (Long-term maximum Salinity, PSU) so_mean (Average Salinity, PSU) so_ltmin (Long-term minimum Salinity, PSU) so_min (Minimum Salinity, PSU) so_range (Range Salinity, PSU) |
Salinity | so | ssp119 | 2020 | 2100 | depthmin | so_ssp119_2020_2100_depthmin | Bio-Oracle Salinity \[depthMin\] SSP119 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): so_max (Maximum Salinity, PSU) so_ltmax (Long-term maximum Salinity, PSU) so_mean (Average Salinity, PSU) so_ltmin (Long-term minimum Salinity, PSU) so_min (Minimum Salinity, PSU) so_range (Range Salinity, PSU) so_sd (Standard deviation Salinity, 1e-3) |
Salinity | so | ssp126 | 2020 | 2100 | depthmin | so_ssp126_2020_2100_depthmin | Bio-Oracle Salinity \[depthMin\] SSP126 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): so_max (Maximum Salinity, PSU) so_ltmax (Long-term maximum Salinity, PSU) so_mean (Average Salinity, PSU) so_ltmin (Long-term minimum Salinity, PSU) so_min (Minimum Salinity, PSU) so_range (Range Salinity, PSU) so_sd (Standard deviation Salinity, 1e-3) |
Salinity | so | ssp245 | 2020 | 2100 | depthmin | so_ssp245_2020_2100_depthmin | Bio-Oracle Salinity \[depthMin\] SSP245 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): so_max (Maximum Salinity, PSU) so_ltmax (Long-term maximum Salinity, PSU) so_mean (Average Salinity, PSU) so_ltmin (Long-term minimum Salinity, PSU) so_min (Minimum Salinity, PSU) so_range (Range Salinity, PSU) so_sd (Standard deviation Salinity, 1e-3) |
Salinity | so | ssp370 | 2020 | 2100 | depthmin | so_ssp370_2020_2100_depthmin | Bio-Oracle Salinity \[depthMin\] SSP370 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): so_max (Maximum Salinity, PSU) so_ltmax (Long-term maximum Salinity, PSU) so_mean (Average Salinity, PSU) so_ltmin (Long-term minimum Salinity, PSU) so_min (Minimum Salinity, PSU) so_range (Range Salinity, PSU) so_sd (Standard deviation Salinity, 1e-3) |
Salinity | so | ssp460 | 2020 | 2100 | depthmin | so_ssp460_2020_2100_depthmin | Bio-Oracle Salinity \[depthMin\] SSP460 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): so_max (Maximum Salinity, PSU) so_ltmax (Long-term maximum Salinity, PSU) so_mean (Average Salinity, PSU) so_ltmin (Long-term minimum Salinity, PSU) so_min (Minimum Salinity, PSU) so_range (Range Salinity, PSU) so_sd (Standard deviation Salinity, 1e-3) |
Salinity | so | ssp585 | 2020 | 2100 | depthmin | so_ssp585_2020_2100_depthmin | Bio-Oracle Salinity \[depthMin\] SSP585 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): so_max (Maximum Salinity, PSU) so_ltmax (Long-term maximum Salinity, PSU) so_mean (Average Salinity, PSU) so_ltmin (Long-term minimum Salinity, PSU) so_min (Minimum Salinity, PSU) so_range (Range Salinity, PSU) so_sd (Standard deviation Salinity, 1e-3) |
Salinity | so | baseline | 2000 | 2019 | depthsurf | so_baseline_2000_2019_depthsurf | Bio-Oracle Salinity \[depthSurf\] Baseline 2000-2019. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): so_max (Maximum Salinity, PSU) so_ltmax (Long-term maximum Salinity, PSU) so_mean (Average Salinity, PSU) so_ltmin (Long-term minimum Salinity, PSU) so_min (Minimum Salinity, PSU) so_range (Range Salinity, PSU) |
Salinity | so | ssp119 | 2020 | 2100 | depthsurf | so_ssp119_2020_2100_depthsurf | Bio-Oracle Salinity \[depthSurf\] SSP119 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): so_max (Maximum Salinity, PSU) so_ltmax (Long-term maximum Salinity, PSU) so_mean (Average Salinity, PSU) so_ltmin (Long-term minimum Salinity, PSU) so_min (Minimum Salinity, PSU) so_range (Range Salinity, PSU) so_sd (Standard deviation Salinity, 1e-3) |
Salinity | so | ssp126 | 2020 | 2100 | depthsurf | so_ssp126_2020_2100_depthsurf | Bio-Oracle Salinity \[depthSurf\] SSP126 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): so_max (Maximum Salinity, PSU) so_ltmax (Long-term maximum Salinity, PSU) so_mean (Average Salinity, PSU) so_ltmin (Long-term minimum Salinity, PSU) so_min (Minimum Salinity, PSU) so_range (Range Salinity, PSU) so_sd (Standard deviation Salinity, 1e-3) |
Salinity | so | ssp245 | 2020 | 2100 | depthsurf | so_ssp245_2020_2100_depthsurf | Bio-Oracle Salinity \[depthSurf\] SSP245 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): so_max (Maximum Salinity, PSU) so_ltmax (Long-term maximum Salinity, PSU) so_mean (Average Salinity, PSU) so_ltmin (Long-term minimum Salinity, PSU) so_min (Minimum Salinity, PSU) so_range (Range Salinity, PSU) so_sd (Standard deviation Salinity, 1e-3) |
Salinity | so | ssp370 | 2020 | 2100 | depthsurf | so_ssp370_2020_2100_depthsurf | Bio-Oracle Salinity \[depthSurf\] SSP370 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): so_max (Maximum Salinity, PSU) so_ltmax (Long-term maximum Salinity, PSU) so_mean (Average Salinity, PSU) so_ltmin (Long-term minimum Salinity, PSU) so_min (Minimum Salinity, PSU) so_range (Range Salinity, PSU) so_sd (Standard deviation Salinity, 1e-3) |
Salinity | so | ssp460 | 2020 | 2100 | depthsurf | so_ssp460_2020_2100_depthsurf | Bio-Oracle Salinity \[depthSurf\] SSP460 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): so_max (Maximum Salinity, PSU) so_ltmax (Long-term maximum Salinity, PSU) so_mean (Average Salinity, PSU) so_ltmin (Long-term minimum Salinity, PSU) so_min (Minimum Salinity, PSU) so_range (Range Salinity, PSU) so_sd (Standard deviation Salinity, 1e-3) |
Salinity | so | ssp585 | 2020 | 2100 | depthsurf | so_ssp585_2020_2100_depthsurf | Bio-Oracle Salinity \[depthSurf\] SSP585 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): so_max (Maximum Salinity, PSU) so_ltmax (Long-term maximum Salinity, PSU) so_mean (Average Salinity, PSU) so_ltmin (Long-term minimum Salinity, PSU) so_min (Minimum Salinity, PSU) so_range (Range Salinity, PSU) so_sd (Standard deviation Salinity, 1e-3) |
SeaIceCover | siconc | baseline | 2000 | 2020 | depthsurf | siconc_baseline_2000_2020_depthsurf | Bio-Oracle SeaIceCover \[depthSurf\] Baseline 2000-2020. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): siconc_max (Maximum SeaIceCover, 1) siconc_ltmax (Long-term maximum SeaIceCover, 1) siconc_mean (Average SeaIceCover, 1) siconc_ltmin (Long-term minimum SeaIceCover, 1) siconc_min (Minimum SeaIceCover, 1) siconc_range (Range SeaIceCover, 1) |
SeaIceCover | siconc | ssp119 | 2020 | 2100 | depthsurf | siconc_ssp119_2020_2100_depthsurf | Bio-Oracle SeaIceCover \[depthSurf\] SSP119 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): siconc_max (Maximum SeaIceCover, 1) siconc_ltmax (Long-term maximum SeaIceCover, 1) siconc_mean (Average SeaIceCover, 1) siconc_ltmin (Long-term minimum SeaIceCover, 1) siconc_min (Minimum SeaIceCover, 1) siconc_range (Range SeaIceCover, 1) siconc_sd (Standard deviation SeaIceCover, 1) |
SeaIceCover | siconc | ssp126 | 2020 | 2100 | depthsurf | siconc_ssp126_2020_2100_depthsurf | Bio-Oracle SeaIceCover \[depthSurf\] SSP126 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): siconc_max (Maximum SeaIceCover, 1) siconc_ltmax (Long-term maximum SeaIceCover, 1) siconc_mean (Average SeaIceCover, 1) siconc_ltmin (Long-term minimum SeaIceCover, 1) siconc_min (Minimum SeaIceCover, 1) siconc_range (Range SeaIceCover, 1) siconc_sd (Standard deviation SeaIceCover, 1) |
SeaIceCover | siconc | ssp245 | 2020 | 2100 | depthsurf | siconc_ssp245_2020_2100_depthsurf | Bio-Oracle SeaIceCover \[depthSurf\] SSP245 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): siconc_max (Maximum SeaIceCover, 1) siconc_ltmax (Long-term maximum SeaIceCover, 1) siconc_mean (Average SeaIceCover, 1) siconc_ltmin (Long-term minimum SeaIceCover, 1) siconc_min (Minimum SeaIceCover, 1) siconc_range (Range SeaIceCover, 1) siconc_sd (Standard deviation SeaIceCover, 1) |
SeaIceCover | siconc | ssp370 | 2020 | 2100 | depthsurf | siconc_ssp370_2020_2100_depthsurf | Bio-Oracle SeaIceCover \[depthSurf\] SSP370 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): siconc_max (Maximum SeaIceCover, 1) siconc_ltmax (Long-term maximum SeaIceCover, 1) siconc_mean (Average SeaIceCover, 1) siconc_ltmin (Long-term minimum SeaIceCover, 1) siconc_min (Minimum SeaIceCover, 1) siconc_range (Range SeaIceCover, 1) siconc_sd (Standard deviation SeaIceCover, 1) |
SeaIceCover | siconc | ssp460 | 2020 | 2100 | depthsurf | siconc_ssp460_2020_2100_depthsurf | Bio-Oracle SeaIceCover \[depthSurf\] SSP460 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): siconc_max (Maximum SeaIceCover, 1) siconc_ltmax (Long-term maximum SeaIceCover, 1) siconc_mean (Average SeaIceCover, 1) siconc_ltmin (Long-term minimum SeaIceCover, 1) siconc_min (Minimum SeaIceCover, 1) siconc_range (Range SeaIceCover, 1) siconc_sd (Standard deviation SeaIceCover, 1) |
SeaIceCover | siconc | ssp585 | 2020 | 2100 | depthsurf | siconc_ssp585_2020_2100_depthsurf | Bio-Oracle SeaIceCover \[depthSurf\] SSP585 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): siconc_max (Maximum SeaIceCover, 1) siconc_ltmax (Long-term maximum SeaIceCover, 1) siconc_mean (Average SeaIceCover, 1) siconc_ltmin (Long-term minimum SeaIceCover, 1) siconc_min (Minimum SeaIceCover, 1) siconc_range (Range SeaIceCover, 1) siconc_sd (Standard deviation SeaIceCover, 1) |
SeaIceThickness | sithick | baseline | 2000 | 2020 | depthsurf | sithick_baseline_2000_2020_depthsurf | Bio-Oracle SeaIceThickness \[depthSurf\] Baseline 2000-2020. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): sithick_max (Maximum SeaIceThickness, m) sithick_ltmax (Long-term maximum SeaIceThickness, m) sithick_mean (Average SeaIceThickness, m) sithick_ltmin (Long-term minimum SeaIceThickness, m) sithick_min (Minimum SeaIceThickness, m) sithick_range (Range SeaIceThickness, m) |
SeaIceThickness | sithick | ssp119 | 2020 | 2100 | depthsurf | sithick_ssp119_2020_2100_depthsurf | Bio-Oracle SeaIceThickness \[depthSurf\] SSP119 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): sithick_max (Maximum SeaIceThickness, m) sithick_ltmax (Long-term maximum SeaIceThickness, m) sithick_mean (Average SeaIceThickness, m) sithick_ltmin (Long-term minimum SeaIceThickness, m) sithick_min (Minimum SeaIceThickness, m) sithick_range (Range SeaIceThickness, m) sithick_sd (Standard deviation SeaIceThickness, m) |
SeaIceThickness | sithick | ssp126 | 2020 | 2100 | depthsurf | sithick_ssp126_2020_2100_depthsurf | Bio-Oracle SeaIceThickness \[depthSurf\] SSP126 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): sithick_max (Maximum SeaIceThickness, m) sithick_ltmax (Long-term maximum SeaIceThickness, m) sithick_mean (Average SeaIceThickness, m) sithick_ltmin (Long-term minimum SeaIceThickness, m) sithick_min (Minimum SeaIceThickness, m) sithick_range (Range SeaIceThickness, m) sithick_sd (Standard deviation SeaIceThickness, m) |
SeaIceThickness | sithick | ssp245 | 2020 | 2100 | depthsurf | sithick_ssp245_2020_2100_depthsurf | Bio-Oracle SeaIceThickness \[depthSurf\] SSP245 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): sithick_max (Maximum SeaIceThickness, m) sithick_ltmax (Long-term maximum SeaIceThickness, m) sithick_mean (Average SeaIceThickness, m) sithick_ltmin (Long-term minimum SeaIceThickness, m) sithick_min (Minimum SeaIceThickness, m) sithick_range (Range SeaIceThickness, m) sithick_sd (Standard deviation SeaIceThickness, m) |
SeaIceThickness | sithick | ssp370 | 2020 | 2100 | depthsurf | sithick_ssp370_2020_2100_depthsurf | Bio-Oracle SeaIceThickness \[depthSurf\] SSP370 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): sithick_max (Maximum SeaIceThickness, m) sithick_ltmax (Long-term maximum SeaIceThickness, m) sithick_mean (Average SeaIceThickness, m) sithick_ltmin (Long-term minimum SeaIceThickness, m) sithick_min (Minimum SeaIceThickness, m) sithick_range (Range SeaIceThickness, m) sithick_sd (Standard deviation SeaIceThickness, m) |
SeaIceThickness | sithick | ssp460 | 2020 | 2100 | depthsurf | sithick_ssp460_2020_2100_depthsurf | Bio-Oracle SeaIceThickness \[depthSurf\] SSP460 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): sithick_max (Maximum SeaIceThickness, m) sithick_ltmax (Long-term maximum SeaIceThickness, m) sithick_mean (Average SeaIceThickness, m) sithick_ltmin (Long-term minimum SeaIceThickness, m) sithick_min (Minimum SeaIceThickness, m) sithick_range (Range SeaIceThickness, m) sithick_sd (Standard deviation SeaIceThickness, m) |
SeaIceThickness | sithick | ssp585 | 2020 | 2100 | depthsurf | sithick_ssp585_2020_2100_depthsurf | Bio-Oracle SeaIceThickness \[depthSurf\] SSP585 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): sithick_max (Maximum SeaIceThickness, m) sithick_ltmax (Long-term maximum SeaIceThickness, m) sithick_mean (Average SeaIceThickness, m) sithick_ltmin (Long-term minimum SeaIceThickness, m) sithick_min (Minimum SeaIceThickness, m) sithick_range (Range SeaIceThickness, m) sithick_sd (Standard deviation SeaIceThickness, m) |
SeaWaterDirection | swd | baseline | 2000 | 2019 | depthmax | swd_baseline_2000_2019_depthmax | Bio-Oracle SeaWaterDirection \[depthMax\]Baseline 2000-2019. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): swd_max (Maximum SeaWaterDirection, degree) swd_ltmax (Long-term maximum SeaWaterDirection, degree) swd_mean (Average SeaWaterDirection, degree) swd_ltmin (Long-term minimum SeaWaterDirection, degree) swd_min (Minimum SeaWaterDirection, degree) swd_range (Range SeaWaterDirection, degree) |
SeaWaterDirection | swd | ssp119 | 2020 | 2100 | depthmax | swd_ssp119_2020_2100_depthmax | Bio-Oracle SeaWaterDirection \[depthMax\]SSP119 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): swd_max (Maximum SeaWaterDirection, degree) swd_ltmax (Long-term maximum SeaWaterDirection, degree) swd_mean (Average SeaWaterDirection, degree) swd_ltmin (Long-term minimum SeaWaterDirection, degree) swd_min (Minimum SeaWaterDirection, degree) swd_range (Range SeaWaterDirection, degree) |
SeaWaterDirection | swd | ssp126 | 2020 | 2100 | depthmax | swd_ssp126_2020_2100_depthmax | Bio-Oracle SeaWaterDirection \[depthMax\]SSP126 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): swd_max (Maximum SeaWaterDirection, degree) swd_ltmax (Long-term maximum SeaWaterDirection, degree) swd_mean (Average SeaWaterDirection, degree) swd_ltmin (Long-term minimum SeaWaterDirection, degree) swd_min (Minimum SeaWaterDirection, degree) swd_range (Range SeaWaterDirection, degree) |
SeaWaterDirection | swd | ssp245 | 2020 | 2100 | depthmax | swd_ssp245_2020_2100_depthmax | Bio-Oracle SeaWaterDirection \[depthMax\]SSP245 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): swd_max (Maximum SeaWaterDirection, degree) swd_ltmax (Long-term maximum SeaWaterDirection, degree) swd_mean (Average SeaWaterDirection, degree) swd_ltmin (Long-term minimum SeaWaterDirection, degree) swd_min (Minimum SeaWaterDirection, degree) swd_range (Range SeaWaterDirection, degree) |
SeaWaterDirection | swd | ssp370 | 2020 | 2100 | depthmax | swd_ssp370_2020_2100_depthmax | Bio-Oracle SeaWaterDirection \[depthMax\]SSP370 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): swd_max (Maximum SeaWaterDirection, degree) swd_ltmax (Long-term maximum SeaWaterDirection, degree) swd_mean (Average SeaWaterDirection, degree) swd_ltmin (Long-term minimum SeaWaterDirection, degree) swd_min (Minimum SeaWaterDirection, degree) swd_range (Range SeaWaterDirection, degree) |
SeaWaterDirection | swd | ssp460 | 2020 | 2100 | depthmax | swd_ssp460_2020_2100_depthmax | Bio-Oracle SeaWaterDirection \[depthMax\]SSP460 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): swd_max (Maximum SeaWaterDirection, degree) swd_ltmax (Long-term maximum SeaWaterDirection, degree) swd_mean (Average SeaWaterDirection, degree) swd_ltmin (Long-term minimum SeaWaterDirection, degree) swd_min (Minimum SeaWaterDirection, degree) swd_range (Range SeaWaterDirection, degree) |
SeaWaterDirection | swd | ssp585 | 2020 | 2100 | depthmax | swd_ssp585_2020_2100_depthmax | Bio-Oracle SeaWaterDirection \[depthMax\]SSP585 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): swd_max (Maximum SeaWaterDirection, degree) swd_ltmax (Long-term maximum SeaWaterDirection, degree) swd_mean (Average SeaWaterDirection, degree) swd_ltmin (Long-term minimum SeaWaterDirection, degree) swd_min (Minimum SeaWaterDirection, degree) swd_range (Range SeaWaterDirection, degree) |
SeaWaterDirection | swd | baseline | 2000 | 2019 | depthmean | swd_baseline_2000_2019_depthmean | Bio-Oracle SeaWaterDirection \[depthMean\]Baseline 2000-2019. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): swd_max (Maximum SeaWaterDirection, degree) swd_ltmax (Long-term maximum SeaWaterDirection, degree) swd_mean (Average SeaWaterDirection, degree) swd_ltmin (Long-term minimum SeaWaterDirection, degree) swd_min (Minimum SeaWaterDirection, degree) swd_range (Range SeaWaterDirection, degree) |
SeaWaterDirection | swd | ssp119 | 2020 | 2100 | depthmean | swd_ssp119_2020_2100_depthmean | Bio-Oracle SeaWaterDirection \[depthMean\]SSP119 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): swd_max (Maximum SeaWaterDirection, degree) swd_ltmax (Long-term maximum SeaWaterDirection, degree) swd_mean (Average SeaWaterDirection, degree) swd_ltmin (Long-term minimum SeaWaterDirection, degree) swd_min (Minimum SeaWaterDirection, degree) swd_range (Range SeaWaterDirection, degree) |
SeaWaterDirection | swd | ssp126 | 2020 | 2100 | depthmean | swd_ssp126_2020_2100_depthmean | Bio-Oracle SeaWaterDirection \[depthMean\]SSP126 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): swd_max (Maximum SeaWaterDirection, degree) swd_ltmax (Long-term maximum SeaWaterDirection, degree) swd_mean (Average SeaWaterDirection, degree) swd_ltmin (Long-term minimum SeaWaterDirection, degree) swd_min (Minimum SeaWaterDirection, degree) swd_range (Range SeaWaterDirection, degree) |
SeaWaterDirection | swd | ssp245 | 2020 | 2100 | depthmean | swd_ssp245_2020_2100_depthmean | Bio-Oracle SeaWaterDirection \[depthMean\]SSP245 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): swd_max (Maximum SeaWaterDirection, degree) swd_ltmax (Long-term maximum SeaWaterDirection, degree) swd_mean (Average SeaWaterDirection, degree) swd_ltmin (Long-term minimum SeaWaterDirection, degree) swd_min (Minimum SeaWaterDirection, degree) swd_range (Range SeaWaterDirection, degree) |
SeaWaterDirection | swd | ssp370 | 2020 | 2100 | depthmean | swd_ssp370_2020_2100_depthmean | Bio-Oracle SeaWaterDirection \[depthMean\]SSP370 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): swd_max (Maximum SeaWaterDirection, degree) swd_ltmax (Long-term maximum SeaWaterDirection, degree) swd_mean (Average SeaWaterDirection, degree) swd_ltmin (Long-term minimum SeaWaterDirection, degree) swd_min (Minimum SeaWaterDirection, degree) swd_range (Range SeaWaterDirection, degree) |
SeaWaterDirection | swd | ssp460 | 2020 | 2100 | depthmean | swd_ssp460_2020_2100_depthmean | Bio-Oracle SeaWaterDirection \[depthMean\]SSP460 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): swd_max (Maximum SeaWaterDirection, degree) swd_ltmax (Long-term maximum SeaWaterDirection, degree) swd_mean (Average SeaWaterDirection, degree) swd_ltmin (Long-term minimum SeaWaterDirection, degree) swd_min (Minimum SeaWaterDirection, degree) swd_range (Range SeaWaterDirection, degree) |
SeaWaterDirection | swd | ssp585 | 2020 | 2100 | depthmean | swd_ssp585_2020_2100_depthmean | Bio-Oracle SeaWaterDirection \[depthMean\]SSP585 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): swd_max (Maximum SeaWaterDirection, degree) swd_ltmax (Long-term maximum SeaWaterDirection, degree) swd_mean (Average SeaWaterDirection, degree) swd_ltmin (Long-term minimum SeaWaterDirection, degree) swd_min (Minimum SeaWaterDirection, degree) swd_range (Range SeaWaterDirection, degree) |
SeaWaterDirection | swd | baseline | 2000 | 2019 | depthmin | swd_baseline_2000_2019_depthmin | Bio-Oracle SeaWaterDirection \[depthMin\]Baseline 2000-2019. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): swd_max (Maximum SeaWaterDirection, degree) swd_ltmax (Long-term maximum SeaWaterDirection, degree) swd_mean (Average SeaWaterDirection, degree) swd_ltmin (Long-term minimum SeaWaterDirection, degree) swd_min (Minimum SeaWaterDirection, degree) swd_range (Range SeaWaterDirection, degree) |
SeaWaterDirection | swd | ssp119 | 2020 | 2100 | depthmin | swd_ssp119_2020_2100_depthmin | Bio-Oracle SeaWaterDirection \[depthMin\]SSP119 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): swd_max (Maximum SeaWaterDirection, degree) swd_ltmax (Long-term maximum SeaWaterDirection, degree) swd_mean (Average SeaWaterDirection, degree) swd_ltmin (Long-term minimum SeaWaterDirection, degree) swd_min (Minimum SeaWaterDirection, degree) swd_range (Range SeaWaterDirection, degree) |
SeaWaterDirection | swd | ssp126 | 2020 | 2100 | depthmin | swd_ssp126_2020_2100_depthmin | Bio-Oracle SeaWaterDirection \[depthMin\]SSP126 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): swd_max (Maximum SeaWaterDirection, degree) swd_ltmax (Long-term maximum SeaWaterDirection, degree) swd_mean (Average SeaWaterDirection, degree) swd_ltmin (Long-term minimum SeaWaterDirection, degree) swd_min (Minimum SeaWaterDirection, degree) swd_range (Range SeaWaterDirection, degree) |
SeaWaterDirection | swd | ssp245 | 2020 | 2100 | depthmin | swd_ssp245_2020_2100_depthmin | Bio-Oracle SeaWaterDirection \[depthMin\]SSP245 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): swd_max (Maximum SeaWaterDirection, degree) swd_ltmax (Long-term maximum SeaWaterDirection, degree) swd_mean (Average SeaWaterDirection, degree) swd_ltmin (Long-term minimum SeaWaterDirection, degree) swd_min (Minimum SeaWaterDirection, degree) swd_range (Range SeaWaterDirection, degree) |
SeaWaterDirection | swd | ssp370 | 2020 | 2100 | depthmin | swd_ssp370_2020_2100_depthmin | Bio-Oracle SeaWaterDirection \[depthMin\]SSP370 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): swd_max (Maximum SeaWaterDirection, degree) swd_ltmax (Long-term maximum SeaWaterDirection, degree) swd_mean (Average SeaWaterDirection, degree) swd_ltmin (Long-term minimum SeaWaterDirection, degree) swd_min (Minimum SeaWaterDirection, degree) swd_range (Range SeaWaterDirection, degree) |
SeaWaterDirection | swd | ssp460 | 2020 | 2100 | depthmin | swd_ssp460_2020_2100_depthmin | Bio-Oracle SeaWaterDirection \[depthMin\]SSP460 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): swd_max (Maximum SeaWaterDirection, degree) swd_ltmax (Long-term maximum SeaWaterDirection, degree) swd_mean (Average SeaWaterDirection, degree) swd_ltmin (Long-term minimum SeaWaterDirection, degree) swd_min (Minimum SeaWaterDirection, degree) swd_range (Range SeaWaterDirection, degree) |
SeaWaterDirection | swd | ssp585 | 2020 | 2100 | depthmin | swd_ssp585_2020_2100_depthmin | Bio-Oracle SeaWaterDirection \[depthMin\]SSP585 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): swd_max (Maximum SeaWaterDirection, degree) swd_ltmax (Long-term maximum SeaWaterDirection, degree) swd_mean (Average SeaWaterDirection, degree) swd_ltmin (Long-term minimum SeaWaterDirection, degree) swd_min (Minimum SeaWaterDirection, degree) swd_range (Range SeaWaterDirection, degree) |
SeaWaterDirection | swd | baseline | 2000 | 2019 | depthsurf | swd_baseline_2000_2019_depthsurf | Bio-Oracle SeaWaterDirection \[depthSurf\]Baseline 2000-2019. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): swd_max (Maximum SeaWaterDirection, degree) swd_ltmax (Long-term maximum SeaWaterDirection, degree) swd_mean (Average SeaWaterDirection, degree) swd_ltmin (Long-term minimum SeaWaterDirection, degree) swd_min (Minimum SeaWaterDirection, degree) swd_range (Range SeaWaterDirection, degree) |
SeaWaterDirection | swd | ssp119 | 2020 | 2100 | depthsurf | swd_ssp119_2020_2100_depthsurf | Bio-Oracle SeaWaterDirection \[depthSurf\]SSP119 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): swd_max (Maximum SeaWaterDirection, degree) swd_ltmax (Long-term maximum SeaWaterDirection, degree) swd_mean (Average SeaWaterDirection, degree) swd_ltmin (Long-term minimum SeaWaterDirection, degree) swd_min (Minimum SeaWaterDirection, degree) swd_range (Range SeaWaterDirection, degree) |
SeaWaterDirection | swd | ssp126 | 2020 | 2100 | depthsurf | swd_ssp126_2020_2100_depthsurf | Bio-Oracle SeaWaterDirection \[depthSurf\]SSP126 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): swd_max (Maximum SeaWaterDirection, degree) swd_ltmax (Long-term maximum SeaWaterDirection, degree) swd_mean (Average SeaWaterDirection, degree) swd_ltmin (Long-term minimum SeaWaterDirection, degree) swd_min (Minimum SeaWaterDirection, degree) swd_range (Range SeaWaterDirection, degree) |
SeaWaterDirection | swd | ssp245 | 2020 | 2100 | depthsurf | swd_ssp245_2020_2100_depthsurf | Bio-Oracle SeaWaterDirection \[depthSurf\]SSP245 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): swd_max (Maximum SeaWaterDirection, degree) swd_ltmax (Long-term maximum SeaWaterDirection, degree) swd_mean (Average SeaWaterDirection, degree) swd_ltmin (Long-term minimum SeaWaterDirection, degree) swd_min (Minimum SeaWaterDirection, degree) swd_range (Range SeaWaterDirection, degree) |
SeaWaterDirection | swd | ssp370 | 2020 | 2100 | depthsurf | swd_ssp370_2020_2100_depthsurf | Bio-Oracle SeaWaterDirection \[depthSurf\]SSP370 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): swd_max (Maximum SeaWaterDirection, degree) swd_ltmax (Long-term maximum SeaWaterDirection, degree) swd_mean (Average SeaWaterDirection, degree) swd_ltmin (Long-term minimum SeaWaterDirection, degree) swd_min (Minimum SeaWaterDirection, degree) swd_range (Range SeaWaterDirection, degree) |
SeaWaterDirection | swd | ssp460 | 2020 | 2100 | depthsurf | swd_ssp460_2020_2100_depthsurf | Bio-Oracle SeaWaterDirection \[depthSurf\]SSP460 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): swd_max (Maximum SeaWaterDirection, degree) swd_ltmax (Long-term maximum SeaWaterDirection, degree) swd_mean (Average SeaWaterDirection, degree) swd_ltmin (Long-term minimum SeaWaterDirection, degree) swd_min (Minimum SeaWaterDirection, degree) swd_range (Range SeaWaterDirection, degree) |
SeaWaterDirection | swd | ssp585 | 2020 | 2100 | depthsurf | swd_ssp585_2020_2100_depthsurf | Bio-Oracle SeaWaterDirection \[depthSurf\]SSP585 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): swd_max (Maximum SeaWaterDirection, degree) swd_ltmax (Long-term maximum SeaWaterDirection, degree) swd_mean (Average SeaWaterDirection, degree) swd_ltmin (Long-term minimum SeaWaterDirection, degree) swd_min (Minimum SeaWaterDirection, degree) swd_range (Range SeaWaterDirection, degree) |
SeaWaterSpeed | sws | baseline | 2000 | 2019 | depthmax | sws_baseline_2000_2019_depthmax | Bio-Oracle SeaWaterSpeed \[depthMax\]Baseline 2000-2019. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): sws_max (Maximum SeaWaterSpeed, m s**-1) sws_ltmax (Long-term maximum SeaWaterSpeed, m s**-1) sws_mean (Average SeaWaterSpeed, m s**-1) sws_ltmin (Long-term minimum SeaWaterSpeed, m s**-1) sws_min (Minimum SeaWaterSpeed, m s**-1) sws_range (Range SeaWaterSpeed, m s**-1) |
SeaWaterSpeed | sws | ssp119 | 2020 | 2100 | depthmax | sws_ssp119_2020_2100_depthmax | Bio-Oracle SeaWaterSpeed \[depthMax\]SSP119 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): sws_max (Maximum SeaWaterSpeed, m s**-1) sws_ltmax (Long-term maximum SeaWaterSpeed, m s**-1) sws_mean (Average SeaWaterSpeed, m s**-1) sws_ltmin (Long-term minimum SeaWaterSpeed, m s**-1) sws_min (Minimum SeaWaterSpeed, m s**-1) sws_range (Range SeaWaterSpeed, m s**-1) |
SeaWaterSpeed | sws | ssp126 | 2020 | 2100 | depthmax | sws_ssp126_2020_2100_depthmax | Bio-Oracle SeaWaterSpeed \[depthMax\]SSP126 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): sws_max (Maximum SeaWaterSpeed, m s**-1) sws_ltmax (Long-term maximum SeaWaterSpeed, m s**-1) sws_mean (Average SeaWaterSpeed, m s**-1) sws_ltmin (Long-term minimum SeaWaterSpeed, m s**-1) sws_min (Minimum SeaWaterSpeed, m s**-1) sws_range (Range SeaWaterSpeed, m s**-1) |
SeaWaterSpeed | sws | ssp245 | 2020 | 2100 | depthmax | sws_ssp245_2020_2100_depthmax | Bio-Oracle SeaWaterSpeed \[depthMax\]SSP245 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): sws_max (Maximum SeaWaterSpeed, m s**-1) sws_ltmax (Long-term maximum SeaWaterSpeed, m s**-1) sws_mean (Average SeaWaterSpeed, m s**-1) sws_ltmin (Long-term minimum SeaWaterSpeed, m s**-1) sws_min (Minimum SeaWaterSpeed, m s**-1) sws_range (Range SeaWaterSpeed, m s**-1) |
SeaWaterSpeed | sws | ssp370 | 2020 | 2100 | depthmax | sws_ssp370_2020_2100_depthmax | Bio-Oracle SeaWaterSpeed \[depthMax\]SSP370 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): sws_max (Maximum SeaWaterSpeed, m s**-1) sws_ltmax (Long-term maximum SeaWaterSpeed, m s**-1) sws_mean (Average SeaWaterSpeed, m s**-1) sws_ltmin (Long-term minimum SeaWaterSpeed, m s**-1) sws_min (Minimum SeaWaterSpeed, m s**-1) sws_range (Range SeaWaterSpeed, m s**-1) |
SeaWaterSpeed | sws | ssp460 | 2020 | 2100 | depthmax | sws_ssp460_2020_2100_depthmax | Bio-Oracle SeaWaterSpeed \[depthMax\]SSP460 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): sws_max (Maximum SeaWaterSpeed, m s**-1) sws_ltmax (Long-term maximum SeaWaterSpeed, m s**-1) sws_mean (Average SeaWaterSpeed, m s**-1) sws_ltmin (Long-term minimum SeaWaterSpeed, m s**-1) sws_min (Minimum SeaWaterSpeed, m s**-1) sws_range (Range SeaWaterSpeed, m s**-1) |
SeaWaterSpeed | sws | ssp585 | 2020 | 2100 | depthmax | sws_ssp585_2020_2100_depthmax | Bio-Oracle SeaWaterSpeed \[depthMax\]SSP585 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): sws_max (Maximum SeaWaterSpeed, m s**-1) sws_ltmax (Long-term maximum SeaWaterSpeed, m s**-1) sws_mean (Average SeaWaterSpeed, m s**-1) sws_ltmin (Long-term minimum SeaWaterSpeed, m s**-1) sws_min (Minimum SeaWaterSpeed, m s**-1) sws_range (Range SeaWaterSpeed, m s**-1) |
SeaWaterSpeed | sws | baseline | 2000 | 2019 | depthmean | sws_baseline_2000_2019_depthmean | Bio-Oracle SeaWaterSpeed \[depthMean\]Baseline 2000-2019. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): sws_max (Maximum SeaWaterSpeed, m s**-1) sws_ltmax (Long-term maximum SeaWaterSpeed, m s**-1) sws_mean (Average SeaWaterSpeed, m s**-1) sws_ltmin (Long-term minimum SeaWaterSpeed, m s**-1) sws_min (Minimum SeaWaterSpeed, m s**-1) sws_range (Range SeaWaterSpeed, m s**-1) |
SeaWaterSpeed | sws | ssp119 | 2020 | 2100 | depthmean | sws_ssp119_2020_2100_depthmean | Bio-Oracle SeaWaterSpeed \[depthMean\]SSP119 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): sws_max (Maximum SeaWaterSpeed, m s**-1) sws_ltmax (Long-term maximum SeaWaterSpeed, m s**-1) sws_mean (Average SeaWaterSpeed, m s**-1) sws_ltmin (Long-term minimum SeaWaterSpeed, m s**-1) sws_min (Minimum SeaWaterSpeed, m s**-1) sws_range (Range SeaWaterSpeed, m s**-1) |
SeaWaterSpeed | sws | ssp126 | 2020 | 2100 | depthmean | sws_ssp126_2020_2100_depthmean | Bio-Oracle SeaWaterSpeed \[depthMean\]SSP126 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): sws_max (Maximum SeaWaterSpeed, m s**-1) sws_ltmax (Long-term maximum SeaWaterSpeed, m s**-1) sws_mean (Average SeaWaterSpeed, m s**-1) sws_ltmin (Long-term minimum SeaWaterSpeed, m s**-1) sws_min (Minimum SeaWaterSpeed, m s**-1) sws_range (Range SeaWaterSpeed, m s**-1) |
SeaWaterSpeed | sws | ssp245 | 2020 | 2100 | depthmean | sws_ssp245_2020_2100_depthmean | Bio-Oracle SeaWaterSpeed \[depthMean\]SSP245 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): sws_max (Maximum SeaWaterSpeed, m s**-1) sws_ltmax (Long-term maximum SeaWaterSpeed, m s**-1) sws_mean (Average SeaWaterSpeed, m s**-1) sws_ltmin (Long-term minimum SeaWaterSpeed, m s**-1) sws_min (Minimum SeaWaterSpeed, m s**-1) sws_range (Range SeaWaterSpeed, m s**-1) |
SeaWaterSpeed | sws | ssp370 | 2020 | 2100 | depthmean | sws_ssp370_2020_2100_depthmean | Bio-Oracle SeaWaterSpeed \[depthMean\]SSP370 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): sws_max (Maximum SeaWaterSpeed, m s**-1) sws_ltmax (Long-term maximum SeaWaterSpeed, m s**-1) sws_mean (Average SeaWaterSpeed, m s**-1) sws_ltmin (Long-term minimum SeaWaterSpeed, m s**-1) sws_min (Minimum SeaWaterSpeed, m s**-1) sws_range (Range SeaWaterSpeed, m s**-1) |
SeaWaterSpeed | sws | ssp460 | 2020 | 2100 | depthmean | sws_ssp460_2020_2100_depthmean | Bio-Oracle SeaWaterSpeed \[depthMean\]SSP460 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): sws_max (Maximum SeaWaterSpeed, m s**-1) sws_ltmax (Long-term maximum SeaWaterSpeed, m s**-1) sws_mean (Average SeaWaterSpeed, m s**-1) sws_ltmin (Long-term minimum SeaWaterSpeed, m s**-1) sws_min (Minimum SeaWaterSpeed, m s**-1) sws_range (Range SeaWaterSpeed, m s**-1) |
SeaWaterSpeed | sws | ssp585 | 2020 | 2100 | depthmean | sws_ssp585_2020_2100_depthmean | Bio-Oracle SeaWaterSpeed \[depthMean\]SSP585 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): sws_max (Maximum SeaWaterSpeed, m s**-1) sws_ltmax (Long-term maximum SeaWaterSpeed, m s**-1) sws_mean (Average SeaWaterSpeed, m s**-1) sws_ltmin (Long-term minimum SeaWaterSpeed, m s**-1) sws_min (Minimum SeaWaterSpeed, m s**-1) sws_range (Range SeaWaterSpeed, m s**-1) |
SeaWaterSpeed | sws | baseline | 2000 | 2019 | depthmin | sws_baseline_2000_2019_depthmin | Bio-Oracle SeaWaterSpeed \[depthMin\]Baseline 2000-2019. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): sws_max (Maximum SeaWaterSpeed, m s**-1) sws_ltmax (Long-term maximum SeaWaterSpeed, m s**-1) sws_mean (Average SeaWaterSpeed, m s**-1) sws_ltmin (Long-term minimum SeaWaterSpeed, m s**-1) sws_min (Minimum SeaWaterSpeed, m s**-1) sws_range (Range SeaWaterSpeed, m s**-1) |
SeaWaterSpeed | sws | ssp119 | 2020 | 2100 | depthmin | sws_ssp119_2020_2100_depthmin | Bio-Oracle SeaWaterSpeed \[depthMin\]SSP119 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): sws_max (Maximum SeaWaterSpeed, m s**-1) sws_ltmax (Long-term maximum SeaWaterSpeed, m s**-1) sws_mean (Average SeaWaterSpeed, m s**-1) sws_ltmin (Long-term minimum SeaWaterSpeed, m s**-1) sws_min (Minimum SeaWaterSpeed, m s**-1) sws_range (Range SeaWaterSpeed, m s**-1) |
SeaWaterSpeed | sws | ssp126 | 2020 | 2100 | depthmin | sws_ssp126_2020_2100_depthmin | Bio-Oracle SeaWaterSpeed \[depthMin\]SSP126 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): sws_max (Maximum SeaWaterSpeed, m s**-1) sws_ltmax (Long-term maximum SeaWaterSpeed, m s**-1) sws_mean (Average SeaWaterSpeed, m s**-1) sws_ltmin (Long-term minimum SeaWaterSpeed, m s**-1) sws_min (Minimum SeaWaterSpeed, m s**-1) sws_range (Range SeaWaterSpeed, m s**-1) |
SeaWaterSpeed | sws | ssp245 | 2020 | 2100 | depthmin | sws_ssp245_2020_2100_depthmin | Bio-Oracle SeaWaterSpeed \[depthMin\]SSP245 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): sws_max (Maximum SeaWaterSpeed, m s**-1) sws_ltmax (Long-term maximum SeaWaterSpeed, m s**-1) sws_mean (Average SeaWaterSpeed, m s**-1) sws_ltmin (Long-term minimum SeaWaterSpeed, m s**-1) sws_min (Minimum SeaWaterSpeed, m s**-1) sws_range (Range SeaWaterSpeed, m s**-1) |
SeaWaterSpeed | sws | ssp370 | 2020 | 2100 | depthmin | sws_ssp370_2020_2100_depthmin | Bio-Oracle SeaWaterSpeed \[depthMin\]SSP370 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): sws_max (Maximum SeaWaterSpeed, m s**-1) sws_ltmax (Long-term maximum SeaWaterSpeed, m s**-1) sws_mean (Average SeaWaterSpeed, m s**-1) sws_ltmin (Long-term minimum SeaWaterSpeed, m s**-1) sws_min (Minimum SeaWaterSpeed, m s**-1) sws_range (Range SeaWaterSpeed, m s**-1) |
SeaWaterSpeed | sws | ssp460 | 2020 | 2100 | depthmin | sws_ssp460_2020_2100_depthmin | Bio-Oracle SeaWaterSpeed \[depthMin\]SSP460 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): sws_max (Maximum SeaWaterSpeed, m s**-1) sws_ltmax (Long-term maximum SeaWaterSpeed, m s**-1) sws_mean (Average SeaWaterSpeed, m s**-1) sws_ltmin (Long-term minimum SeaWaterSpeed, m s**-1) sws_min (Minimum SeaWaterSpeed, m s**-1) sws_range (Range SeaWaterSpeed, m s**-1) |
SeaWaterSpeed | sws | ssp585 | 2020 | 2100 | depthmin | sws_ssp585_2020_2100_depthmin | Bio-Oracle SeaWaterSpeed \[depthMin\]SSP585 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): sws_max (Maximum SeaWaterSpeed, m s**-1) sws_ltmax (Long-term maximum SeaWaterSpeed, m s**-1) sws_mean (Average SeaWaterSpeed, m s**-1) sws_ltmin (Long-term minimum SeaWaterSpeed, m s**-1) sws_min (Minimum SeaWaterSpeed, m s**-1) sws_range (Range SeaWaterSpeed, m s**-1) |
SeaWaterSpeed | sws | baseline | 2000 | 2019 | depthsurf | sws_baseline_2000_2019_depthsurf | Bio-Oracle SeaWaterSpeed \[depthSurf\]Baseline 2000-2019. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): sws_max (Maximum SeaWaterSpeed, m s**-1) sws_ltmax (Long-term maximum SeaWaterSpeed, m s**-1) sws_mean (Average SeaWaterSpeed, m s**-1) sws_ltmin (Long-term minimum SeaWaterSpeed, m s**-1) sws_min (Minimum SeaWaterSpeed, m s**-1) sws_range (Range SeaWaterSpeed, m s**-1) |
SeaWaterSpeed | sws | ssp119 | 2020 | 2100 | depthsurf | sws_ssp119_2020_2100_depthsurf | Bio-Oracle SeaWaterSpeed \[depthSurf\]SSP119 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): sws_max (Maximum SeaWaterSpeed, m s**-1) sws_ltmax (Long-term maximum SeaWaterSpeed, m s**-1) sws_mean (Average SeaWaterSpeed, m s**-1) sws_ltmin (Long-term minimum SeaWaterSpeed, m s**-1) sws_min (Minimum SeaWaterSpeed, m s**-1) sws_range (Range SeaWaterSpeed, m s**-1) |
SeaWaterSpeed | sws | ssp126 | 2020 | 2100 | depthsurf | sws_ssp126_2020_2100_depthsurf | Bio-Oracle SeaWaterSpeed \[depthSurf\]SSP126 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): sws_max (Maximum SeaWaterSpeed, m s**-1) sws_ltmax (Long-term maximum SeaWaterSpeed, m s**-1) sws_mean (Average SeaWaterSpeed, m s**-1) sws_ltmin (Long-term minimum SeaWaterSpeed, m s**-1) sws_min (Minimum SeaWaterSpeed, m s**-1) sws_range (Range SeaWaterSpeed, m s**-1) |
SeaWaterSpeed | sws | ssp245 | 2020 | 2100 | depthsurf | sws_ssp245_2020_2100_depthsurf | Bio-Oracle SeaWaterSpeed \[depthSurf\]SSP245 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): sws_max (Maximum SeaWaterSpeed, m s**-1) sws_ltmax (Long-term maximum SeaWaterSpeed, m s**-1) sws_mean (Average SeaWaterSpeed, m s**-1) sws_ltmin (Long-term minimum SeaWaterSpeed, m s**-1) sws_min (Minimum SeaWaterSpeed, m s**-1) sws_range (Range SeaWaterSpeed, m s**-1) |
SeaWaterSpeed | sws | ssp370 | 2020 | 2100 | depthsurf | sws_ssp370_2020_2100_depthsurf | Bio-Oracle SeaWaterSpeed \[depthSurf\]SSP370 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): sws_max (Maximum SeaWaterSpeed, m s**-1) sws_ltmax (Long-term maximum SeaWaterSpeed, m s**-1) sws_mean (Average SeaWaterSpeed, m s**-1) sws_ltmin (Long-term minimum SeaWaterSpeed, m s**-1) sws_min (Minimum SeaWaterSpeed, m s**-1) sws_range (Range SeaWaterSpeed, m s**-1) |
SeaWaterSpeed | sws | ssp460 | 2020 | 2100 | depthsurf | sws_ssp460_2020_2100_depthsurf | Bio-Oracle SeaWaterSpeed \[depthSurf\]SSP460 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): sws_max (Maximum SeaWaterSpeed, m s**-1) sws_ltmax (Long-term maximum SeaWaterSpeed, m s**-1) sws_mean (Average SeaWaterSpeed, m s**-1) sws_ltmin (Long-term minimum SeaWaterSpeed, m s**-1) sws_min (Minimum SeaWaterSpeed, m s**-1) sws_range (Range SeaWaterSpeed, m s**-1) |
SeaWaterSpeed | sws | ssp585 | 2020 | 2100 | depthsurf | sws_ssp585_2020_2100_depthsurf | Bio-Oracle SeaWaterSpeed \[depthSurf\]SSP585 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): sws_max (Maximum SeaWaterSpeed, m s**-1) sws_ltmax (Long-term maximum SeaWaterSpeed, m s**-1) sws_mean (Average SeaWaterSpeed, m s**-1) sws_ltmin (Long-term minimum SeaWaterSpeed, m s**-1) sws_min (Minimum SeaWaterSpeed, m s**-1) sws_range (Range SeaWaterSpeed, m s**-1) |
Silicate | si | baseline | 2000 | 2018 | depthmax | si_baseline_2000_2018_depthmax | Bio-Oracle Silicate \[depthMax\] Baseline 2000-2018. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): si_max (Maximum Silicate, MMol’ ‘M-3) si_ltmax (Long-term maximum Silicate, MMol’ ‘M-3) si_mean (Average Silicate, MMol’ ‘M-3) si_ltmin (Long-term minimum Silicate, MMol’ ‘M-3) si_min (Minimum Silicate, MMol’ ‘M-3) si_range (Range Silicate, MMol’ ’M-3) |
Silicate | si | ssp119 | 2020 | 2100 | depthmax | si_ssp119_2020_2100_depthmax | Bio-Oracle Silicate \[depthMax\] SSP119 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): si_max (Maximum Silicate, MMol’ ‘M-3) si_ltmax (Long-term maximum Silicate, MMol’ ‘M-3) si_mean (Average Silicate, MMol’ ‘M-3) si_ltmin (Long-term minimum Silicate, MMol’ ‘M-3) si_min (Minimum Silicate, MMol’ ‘M-3) si_range (Range Silicate, MMol’ ‘M-3) si_sd (Standard deviation Silicate, MMol’ ’M-3) |
Silicate | si | ssp126 | 2020 | 2100 | depthmax | si_ssp126_2020_2100_depthmax | Bio-Oracle Silicate \[depthMax\] SSP126 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): si_max (Maximum Silicate, MMol’ ‘M-3) si_ltmax (Long-term maximum Silicate, MMol’ ‘M-3) si_mean (Average Silicate, MMol’ ‘M-3) si_ltmin (Long-term minimum Silicate, MMol’ ‘M-3) si_min (Minimum Silicate, MMol’ ‘M-3) si_range (Range Silicate, MMol’ ‘M-3) si_sd (Standard deviation Silicate, MMol’ ’M-3) |
Silicate | si | ssp245 | 2020 | 2100 | depthmax | si_ssp245_2020_2100_depthmax | Bio-Oracle Silicate \[depthMax\] SSP245 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): si_max (Maximum Silicate, MMol’ ‘M-3) si_ltmax (Long-term maximum Silicate, MMol’ ‘M-3) si_mean (Average Silicate, MMol’ ‘M-3) si_ltmin (Long-term minimum Silicate, MMol’ ‘M-3) si_min (Minimum Silicate, MMol’ ‘M-3) si_range (Range Silicate, MMol’ ‘M-3) si_sd (Standard deviation Silicate, MMol’ ’M-3) |
Silicate | si | ssp370 | 2020 | 2100 | depthmax | si_ssp370_2020_2100_depthmax | Bio-Oracle Silicate \[depthMax\] SSP370 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): si_max (Maximum Silicate, MMol’ ‘M-3) si_ltmax (Long-term maximum Silicate, MMol’ ‘M-3) si_mean (Average Silicate, MMol’ ‘M-3) si_ltmin (Long-term minimum Silicate, MMol’ ‘M-3) si_min (Minimum Silicate, MMol’ ‘M-3) si_range (Range Silicate, MMol’ ‘M-3) si_sd (Standard deviation Silicate, MMol’ ’M-3) |
Silicate | si | ssp460 | 2020 | 2100 | depthmax | si_ssp460_2020_2100_depthmax | Bio-Oracle Silicate \[depthMax\] SSP460 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): si_max (Maximum Silicate, MMol’ ‘M-3) si_ltmax (Long-term maximum Silicate, MMol’ ‘M-3) si_mean (Average Silicate, MMol’ ‘M-3) si_ltmin (Long-term minimum Silicate, MMol’ ‘M-3) si_min (Minimum Silicate, MMol’ ‘M-3) si_range (Range Silicate, MMol’ ‘M-3) si_sd (Standard deviation Silicate, MMol’ ’M-3) |
Silicate | si | ssp585 | 2020 | 2100 | depthmax | si_ssp585_2020_2100_depthmax | Bio-Oracle Silicate \[depthMax\] SSP585 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): si_max (Maximum Silicate, MMol’ ‘M-3) si_ltmax (Long-term maximum Silicate, MMol’ ‘M-3) si_mean (Average Silicate, MMol’ ‘M-3) si_ltmin (Long-term minimum Silicate, MMol’ ‘M-3) si_min (Minimum Silicate, MMol’ ‘M-3) si_range (Range Silicate, MMol’ ‘M-3) si_sd (Standard deviation Silicate, MMol’ ’M-3) |
Silicate | si | baseline | 2000 | 2018 | depthmean | si_baseline_2000_2018_depthmean | Bio-Oracle Silicate \[depthMean\] Baseline 2000-2018. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): si_max (Maximum Silicate, MMol’ ‘M-3) si_ltmax (Long-term maximum Silicate, MMol’ ‘M-3) si_mean (Average Silicate, MMol’ ‘M-3) si_ltmin (Long-term minimum Silicate, MMol’ ‘M-3) si_min (Minimum Silicate, MMol’ ‘M-3) si_range (Range Silicate, MMol’ ’M-3) |
Silicate | si | ssp119 | 2020 | 2100 | depthmean | si_ssp119_2020_2100_depthmean | Bio-Oracle Silicate \[depthMean\] SSP119 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): si_max (Maximum Silicate, MMol’ ‘M-3) si_ltmax (Long-term maximum Silicate, MMol’ ‘M-3) si_mean (Average Silicate, MMol’ ‘M-3) si_ltmin (Long-term minimum Silicate, MMol’ ‘M-3) si_min (Minimum Silicate, MMol’ ‘M-3) si_range (Range Silicate, MMol’ ‘M-3) si_sd (Standard deviation Silicate, MMol’ ’M-3) |
Silicate | si | ssp126 | 2020 | 2100 | depthmean | si_ssp126_2020_2100_depthmean | Bio-Oracle Silicate \[depthMean\] SSP126 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): si_max (Maximum Silicate, MMol’ ‘M-3) si_ltmax (Long-term maximum Silicate, MMol’ ‘M-3) si_mean (Average Silicate, MMol’ ‘M-3) si_ltmin (Long-term minimum Silicate, MMol’ ‘M-3) si_min (Minimum Silicate, MMol’ ‘M-3) si_range (Range Silicate, MMol’ ‘M-3) si_sd (Standard deviation Silicate, MMol’ ’M-3) |
Silicate | si | ssp245 | 2020 | 2100 | depthmean | si_ssp245_2020_2100_depthmean | Bio-Oracle Silicate \[depthMean\] SSP245 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): si_max (Maximum Silicate, MMol’ ‘M-3) si_ltmax (Long-term maximum Silicate, MMol’ ‘M-3) si_mean (Average Silicate, MMol’ ‘M-3) si_ltmin (Long-term minimum Silicate, MMol’ ‘M-3) si_min (Minimum Silicate, MMol’ ‘M-3) si_range (Range Silicate, MMol’ ‘M-3) si_sd (Standard deviation Silicate, MMol’ ’M-3) |
Silicate | si | ssp370 | 2020 | 2100 | depthmean | si_ssp370_2020_2100_depthmean | Bio-Oracle Silicate \[depthMean\] SSP370 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): si_max (Maximum Silicate, MMol’ ‘M-3) si_ltmax (Long-term maximum Silicate, MMol’ ‘M-3) si_mean (Average Silicate, MMol’ ‘M-3) si_ltmin (Long-term minimum Silicate, MMol’ ‘M-3) si_min (Minimum Silicate, MMol’ ‘M-3) si_range (Range Silicate, MMol’ ‘M-3) si_sd (Standard deviation Silicate, MMol’ ’M-3) |
Silicate | si | ssp460 | 2020 | 2100 | depthmean | si_ssp460_2020_2100_depthmean | Bio-Oracle Silicate \[depthMean\] SSP460 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): si_max (Maximum Silicate, MMol’ ‘M-3) si_ltmax (Long-term maximum Silicate, MMol’ ‘M-3) si_mean (Average Silicate, MMol’ ‘M-3) si_ltmin (Long-term minimum Silicate, MMol’ ‘M-3) si_min (Minimum Silicate, MMol’ ‘M-3) si_range (Range Silicate, MMol’ ‘M-3) si_sd (Standard deviation Silicate, MMol’ ’M-3) |
Silicate | si | ssp585 | 2020 | 2100 | depthmean | si_ssp585_2020_2100_depthmean | Bio-Oracle Silicate \[depthMean\] SSP585 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): si_max (Maximum Silicate, MMol’ ‘M-3) si_ltmax (Long-term maximum Silicate, MMol’ ‘M-3) si_mean (Average Silicate, MMol’ ‘M-3) si_ltmin (Long-term minimum Silicate, MMol’ ‘M-3) si_min (Minimum Silicate, MMol’ ‘M-3) si_range (Range Silicate, MMol’ ‘M-3) si_sd (Standard deviation Silicate, MMol’ ’M-3) |
Silicate | si | baseline | 2000 | 2018 | depthmin | si_baseline_2000_2018_depthmin | Bio-Oracle Silicate \[depthMin\] Baseline 2000-2018. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): si_max (Maximum Silicate, MMol’ ‘M-3) si_ltmax (Long-term maximum Silicate, MMol’ ‘M-3) si_mean (Average Silicate, MMol’ ‘M-3) si_ltmin (Long-term minimum Silicate, MMol’ ‘M-3) si_min (Minimum Silicate, MMol’ ‘M-3) si_range (Range Silicate, MMol’ ’M-3) |
Silicate | si | ssp119 | 2020 | 2100 | depthmin | si_ssp119_2020_2100_depthmin | Bio-Oracle Silicate \[depthMin\] SSP119 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): si_max (Maximum Silicate, MMol’ ‘M-3) si_ltmax (Long-term maximum Silicate, MMol’ ‘M-3) si_mean (Average Silicate, MMol’ ‘M-3) si_ltmin (Long-term minimum Silicate, MMol’ ‘M-3) si_min (Minimum Silicate, MMol’ ‘M-3) si_range (Range Silicate, MMol’ ‘M-3) si_sd (Standard deviation Silicate, MMol’ ’M-3) |
Silicate | si | ssp126 | 2020 | 2100 | depthmin | si_ssp126_2020_2100_depthmin | Bio-Oracle Silicate \[depthMin\] SSP126 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): si_max (Maximum Silicate, MMol’ ‘M-3) si_ltmax (Long-term maximum Silicate, MMol’ ‘M-3) si_mean (Average Silicate, MMol’ ‘M-3) si_ltmin (Long-term minimum Silicate, MMol’ ‘M-3) si_min (Minimum Silicate, MMol’ ‘M-3) si_range (Range Silicate, MMol’ ‘M-3) si_sd (Standard deviation Silicate, MMol’ ’M-3) |
Silicate | si | ssp245 | 2020 | 2100 | depthmin | si_ssp245_2020_2100_depthmin | Bio-Oracle Silicate \[depthMin\] SSP245 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): si_max (Maximum Silicate, MMol’ ‘M-3) si_ltmax (Long-term maximum Silicate, MMol’ ‘M-3) si_mean (Average Silicate, MMol’ ‘M-3) si_ltmin (Long-term minimum Silicate, MMol’ ‘M-3) si_min (Minimum Silicate, MMol’ ‘M-3) si_range (Range Silicate, MMol’ ‘M-3) si_sd (Standard deviation Silicate, MMol’ ’M-3) |
Silicate | si | ssp370 | 2020 | 2100 | depthmin | si_ssp370_2020_2100_depthmin | Bio-Oracle Silicate \[depthMin\] SSP370 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): si_max (Maximum Silicate, MMol’ ‘M-3) si_ltmax (Long-term maximum Silicate, MMol’ ‘M-3) si_mean (Average Silicate, MMol’ ‘M-3) si_ltmin (Long-term minimum Silicate, MMol’ ‘M-3) si_min (Minimum Silicate, MMol’ ‘M-3) si_range (Range Silicate, MMol’ ‘M-3) si_sd (Standard deviation Silicate, MMol’ ’M-3) |
Silicate | si | ssp460 | 2020 | 2100 | depthmin | si_ssp460_2020_2100_depthmin | Bio-Oracle Silicate \[depthMin\] SSP460 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): si_max (Maximum Silicate, MMol’ ‘M-3) si_ltmax (Long-term maximum Silicate, MMol’ ‘M-3) si_mean (Average Silicate, MMol’ ‘M-3) si_ltmin (Long-term minimum Silicate, MMol’ ‘M-3) si_min (Minimum Silicate, MMol’ ‘M-3) si_range (Range Silicate, MMol’ ‘M-3) si_sd (Standard deviation Silicate, MMol’ ’M-3) |
Silicate | si | ssp585 | 2020 | 2100 | depthmin | si_ssp585_2020_2100_depthmin | Bio-Oracle Silicate \[depthMin\] SSP585 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): si_max (Maximum Silicate, MMol’ ‘M-3) si_ltmax (Long-term maximum Silicate, MMol’ ‘M-3) si_mean (Average Silicate, MMol’ ‘M-3) si_ltmin (Long-term minimum Silicate, MMol’ ‘M-3) si_min (Minimum Silicate, MMol’ ‘M-3) si_range (Range Silicate, MMol’ ‘M-3) si_sd (Standard deviation Silicate, MMol’ ’M-3) |
Silicate | si | baseline | 2000 | 2018 | depthsurf | si_baseline_2000_2018_depthsurf | Bio-Oracle Silicate \[depthSurf\] Baseline 2000-2018. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): si_max (Maximum Silicate, MMol’ ‘M-3) si_ltmax (Long-term maximum Silicate, MMol’ ‘M-3) si_mean (Average Silicate, MMol’ ‘M-3) si_ltmin (Long-term minimum Silicate, MMol’ ‘M-3) si_min (Minimum Silicate, MMol’ ‘M-3) si_range (Range Silicate, MMol’ ’M-3) |
Silicate | si | ssp119 | 2020 | 2100 | depthsurf | si_ssp119_2020_2100_depthsurf | Bio-Oracle Silicate \[depthSurf\] SSP119 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): si_max (Maximum Silicate, MMol’ ‘M-3) si_ltmax (Long-term maximum Silicate, MMol’ ‘M-3) si_mean (Average Silicate, MMol’ ‘M-3) si_ltmin (Long-term minimum Silicate, MMol’ ‘M-3) si_min (Minimum Silicate, MMol’ ‘M-3) si_range (Range Silicate, MMol’ ‘M-3) si_sd (Standard deviation Silicate, MMol’ ’M-3) |
Silicate | si | ssp126 | 2020 | 2100 | depthsurf | si_ssp126_2020_2100_depthsurf | Bio-Oracle Silicate \[depthSurf\] SSP126 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): si_max (Maximum Silicate, MMol’ ‘M-3) si_ltmax (Long-term maximum Silicate, MMol’ ‘M-3) si_mean (Average Silicate, MMol’ ‘M-3) si_ltmin (Long-term minimum Silicate, MMol’ ‘M-3) si_min (Minimum Silicate, MMol’ ‘M-3) si_range (Range Silicate, MMol’ ‘M-3) si_sd (Standard deviation Silicate, MMol’ ’M-3) |
Silicate | si | ssp245 | 2020 | 2100 | depthsurf | si_ssp245_2020_2100_depthsurf | Bio-Oracle Silicate \[depthSurf\] SSP245 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): si_max (Maximum Silicate, MMol’ ‘M-3) si_ltmax (Long-term maximum Silicate, MMol’ ‘M-3) si_mean (Average Silicate, MMol’ ‘M-3) si_ltmin (Long-term minimum Silicate, MMol’ ‘M-3) si_min (Minimum Silicate, MMol’ ‘M-3) si_range (Range Silicate, MMol’ ‘M-3) si_sd (Standard deviation Silicate, MMol’ ’M-3) |
Silicate | si | ssp370 | 2020 | 2100 | depthsurf | si_ssp370_2020_2100_depthsurf | Bio-Oracle Silicate \[depthSurf\] SSP370 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): si_max (Maximum Silicate, MMol’ ‘M-3) si_ltmax (Long-term maximum Silicate, MMol’ ‘M-3) si_mean (Average Silicate, MMol’ ‘M-3) si_ltmin (Long-term minimum Silicate, MMol’ ‘M-3) si_min (Minimum Silicate, MMol’ ‘M-3) si_range (Range Silicate, MMol’ ‘M-3) si_sd (Standard deviation Silicate, MMol’ ’M-3) |
Silicate | si | ssp460 | 2020 | 2100 | depthsurf | si_ssp460_2020_2100_depthsurf | Bio-Oracle Silicate \[depthSurf\] SSP460 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): si_max (Maximum Silicate, MMol’ ‘M-3) si_ltmax (Long-term maximum Silicate, MMol’ ‘M-3) si_mean (Average Silicate, MMol’ ‘M-3) si_ltmin (Long-term minimum Silicate, MMol’ ‘M-3) si_min (Minimum Silicate, MMol’ ‘M-3) si_range (Range Silicate, MMol’ ‘M-3) si_sd (Standard deviation Silicate, MMol’ ’M-3) |
Silicate | si | ssp585 | 2020 | 2100 | depthsurf | si_ssp585_2020_2100_depthsurf | Bio-Oracle Silicate \[depthSurf\] SSP585 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): si_max (Maximum Silicate, MMol’ ‘M-3) si_ltmax (Long-term maximum Silicate, MMol’ ‘M-3) si_mean (Average Silicate, MMol’ ‘M-3) si_ltmin (Long-term minimum Silicate, MMol’ ‘M-3) si_min (Minimum Silicate, MMol’ ‘M-3) si_range (Range Silicate, MMol’ ‘M-3) si_sd (Standard deviation Silicate, MMol’ ’M-3) |
TotalCloudFraction | clt | baseline | 2000 | 2020 | depthsurf | clt_baseline_2000_2020_depthsurf | Bio-Oracle TotalCloudFraction \[depthSurf\] Baseline 2000-2020. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): clt_max (Maximum TotalCloudFraction, (0 - 1)) clt_ltmax (Long-term maximum TotalCloudFraction, (0 - 1)) clt_mean (Average TotalCloudFraction, (0 - 1)) clt_ltmin (Long-term minimum TotalCloudFraction, (0 - 1)) clt_min (Minimum TotalCloudFraction, (0 - 1)) clt_range (Range TotalCloudFraction, (0 - 1)) |
TotalCloudFraction | clt | ssp119 | 2020 | 2100 | depthsurf | clt_ssp119_2020_2100_depthsurf | Bio-Oracle TotalCloudFraction \[depthSurf\] SSP119 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): clt_max (Maximum TotalCloudFraction, 1) clt_ltmax (Long-term maximum TotalCloudFraction, 1) clt_mean (Average TotalCloudFraction, 1) clt_ltmin (Long-term minimum TotalCloudFraction, 1) clt_min (Minimum TotalCloudFraction, 1) clt_range (Range TotalCloudFraction, 1) clt_sd (Standard deviation TotalCloudFraction, 1) |
TotalCloudFraction | clt | ssp126 | 2020 | 2100 | depthsurf | clt_ssp126_2020_2100_depthsurf | Bio-Oracle TotalCloudFraction \[depthSurf\] SSP126 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): clt_max (Maximum TotalCloudFraction, 1) clt_ltmax (Long-term maximum TotalCloudFraction, 1) clt_mean (Average TotalCloudFraction, 1) clt_ltmin (Long-term minimum TotalCloudFraction, 1) clt_min (Minimum TotalCloudFraction, 1) clt_range (Range TotalCloudFraction, 1) clt_sd (Standard deviation TotalCloudFraction, 1) |
TotalCloudFraction | clt | ssp245 | 2020 | 2100 | depthsurf | clt_ssp245_2020_2100_depthsurf | Bio-Oracle TotalCloudFraction \[depthSurf\] SSP245 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): clt_max (Maximum TotalCloudFraction, 1) clt_ltmax (Long-term maximum TotalCloudFraction, 1) clt_mean (Average TotalCloudFraction, 1) clt_ltmin (Long-term minimum TotalCloudFraction, 1) clt_min (Minimum TotalCloudFraction, 1) clt_range (Range TotalCloudFraction, 1) clt_sd (Standard deviation TotalCloudFraction, 1) |
TotalCloudFraction | clt | ssp370 | 2020 | 2100 | depthsurf | clt_ssp370_2020_2100_depthsurf | Bio-Oracle TotalCloudFraction \[depthSurf\] SSP370 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): clt_max (Maximum TotalCloudFraction, 1) clt_ltmax (Long-term maximum TotalCloudFraction, 1) clt_mean (Average TotalCloudFraction, 1) clt_ltmin (Long-term minimum TotalCloudFraction, 1) clt_min (Minimum TotalCloudFraction, 1) clt_range (Range TotalCloudFraction, 1) clt_sd (Standard deviation TotalCloudFraction, 1) |
TotalCloudFraction | clt | ssp460 | 2020 | 2100 | depthsurf | clt_ssp460_2020_2100_depthsurf | Bio-Oracle TotalCloudFraction \[depthSurf\] SSP460 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): clt_max (Maximum TotalCloudFraction, 1) clt_ltmax (Long-term maximum TotalCloudFraction, 1) clt_mean (Average TotalCloudFraction, 1) clt_ltmin (Long-term minimum TotalCloudFraction, 1) clt_min (Minimum TotalCloudFraction, 1) clt_range (Range TotalCloudFraction, 1) clt_sd (Standard deviation TotalCloudFraction, 1) |
TotalCloudFraction | clt | ssp585 | 2020 | 2100 | depthsurf | clt_ssp585_2020_2100_depthsurf | Bio-Oracle TotalCloudFraction \[depthSurf\] SSP585 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): clt_max (Maximum TotalCloudFraction, 1) clt_ltmax (Long-term maximum TotalCloudFraction, 1) clt_mean (Average TotalCloudFraction, 1) clt_ltmin (Long-term minimum TotalCloudFraction, 1) clt_min (Minimum TotalCloudFraction, 1) clt_range (Range TotalCloudFraction, 1) clt_sd (Standard deviation TotalCloudFraction, 1) |
TotalPhytoplankton | phyc | baseline | 2000 | 2020 | depthmax | phyc_baseline_2000_2020_depthmax | Bio-Oracle TotalPhytoplankton \[depthMax\] Baseline 2000-2020. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): phyc_max (Maximum TotalPhytoplankton, MMol’ ‘M-3) phyc_ltmax (Long-term maximum TotalPhytoplankton, MMol’ ‘M-3) phyc_mean (Average TotalPhytoplankton, MMol’ ‘M-3) phyc_ltmin (Long-term minimum TotalPhytoplankton, MMol’ ‘M-3) phyc_min (Minimum TotalPhytoplankton, MMol’ ‘M-3) phyc_range (Range TotalPhytoplankton, MMol’ ’M-3) |
TotalPhytoplankton | phyc | ssp119 | 2020 | 2100 | depthmax | phyc_ssp119_2020_2100_depthmax | Bio-Oracle TotalPhytoplankton \[depthMax\] SSP119 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): phyc_max (Maximum TotalPhytoplankton, MMol’ ‘M-3) phyc_ltmax (Long-term maximum TotalPhytoplankton, MMol’ ‘M-3) phyc_mean (Average TotalPhytoplankton, MMol’ ‘M-3) phyc_ltmin (Long-term minimum TotalPhytoplankton, MMol’ ‘M-3) phyc_min (Minimum TotalPhytoplankton, MMol’ ‘M-3) phyc_range (Range TotalPhytoplankton, MMol’ ‘M-3) phyc_sd (Standard deviation TotalPhytoplankton, MMol’ ’M-3) |
TotalPhytoplankton | phyc | ssp245 | 2020 | 2100 | depthmax | phyc_ssp245_2020_2100_depthmax | Bio-Oracle TotalPhytoplankton \[depthMax\] SSP245 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): phyc_max (Maximum TotalPhytoplankton, MMol’ ‘M-3) phyc_ltmax (Long-term maximum TotalPhytoplankton, MMol’ ‘M-3) phyc_mean (Average TotalPhytoplankton, MMol’ ‘M-3) phyc_ltmin (Long-term minimum TotalPhytoplankton, MMol’ ‘M-3) phyc_min (Minimum TotalPhytoplankton, MMol’ ‘M-3) phyc_range (Range TotalPhytoplankton, MMol’ ‘M-3) phyc_sd (Standard deviation TotalPhytoplankton, MMol’ ’M-3) |
TotalPhytoplankton | phyc | ssp370 | 2020 | 2100 | depthmax | phyc_ssp370_2020_2100_depthmax | Bio-Oracle TotalPhytoplankton \[depthMax\] SSP370 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): phyc_max (Maximum TotalPhytoplankton, MMol’ ‘M-3) phyc_ltmax (Long-term maximum TotalPhytoplankton, MMol’ ‘M-3) phyc_mean (Average TotalPhytoplankton, MMol’ ‘M-3) phyc_ltmin (Long-term minimum TotalPhytoplankton, MMol’ ‘M-3) phyc_min (Minimum TotalPhytoplankton, MMol’ ‘M-3) phyc_range (Range TotalPhytoplankton, MMol’ ‘M-3) phyc_sd (Standard deviation TotalPhytoplankton, MMol’ ’M-3) |
TotalPhytoplankton | phyc | ssp460 | 2020 | 2100 | depthmax | phyc_ssp460_2020_2100_depthmax | Bio-Oracle TotalPhytoplankton \[depthMax\] SSP460 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): phyc_max (Maximum TotalPhytoplankton, MMol’ ‘M-3) phyc_ltmax (Long-term maximum TotalPhytoplankton, MMol’ ‘M-3) phyc_mean (Average TotalPhytoplankton, MMol’ ‘M-3) phyc_ltmin (Long-term minimum TotalPhytoplankton, MMol’ ‘M-3) phyc_min (Minimum TotalPhytoplankton, MMol’ ‘M-3) phyc_range (Range TotalPhytoplankton, MMol’ ‘M-3) phyc_sd (Standard deviation TotalPhytoplankton, MMol’ ’M-3) |
TotalPhytoplankton | phyc | ssp585 | 2020 | 2100 | depthmax | phyc_ssp585_2020_2100_depthmax | Bio-Oracle TotalPhytoplankton \[depthMax\] SSP585 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): phyc_max (Maximum TotalPhytoplankton, MMol’ ‘M-3) phyc_ltmax (Long-term maximum TotalPhytoplankton, MMol’ ‘M-3) phyc_mean (Average TotalPhytoplankton, MMol’ ‘M-3) phyc_ltmin (Long-term minimum TotalPhytoplankton, MMol’ ‘M-3) phyc_min (Minimum TotalPhytoplankton, MMol’ ‘M-3) phyc_range (Range TotalPhytoplankton, MMol’ ‘M-3) phyc_sd (Standard deviation TotalPhytoplankton, MMol’ ’M-3) |
TotalPhytoplankton | phyc | baseline | 2000 | 2020 | depthmean | phyc_baseline_2000_2020_depthmean | Bio-Oracle TotalPhytoplankton \[depthMean\] Baseline 2000-2020. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): phyc_max (Maximum TotalPhytoplankton, MMol’ ‘M-3) phyc_ltmax (Long-term maximum TotalPhytoplankton, MMol’ ‘M-3) phyc_mean (Average TotalPhytoplankton, MMol’ ‘M-3) phyc_ltmin (Long-term minimum TotalPhytoplankton, MMol’ ‘M-3) phyc_min (Minimum TotalPhytoplankton, MMol’ ‘M-3) phyc_range (Range TotalPhytoplankton, MMol’ ’M-3) |
TotalPhytoplankton | phyc | ssp119 | 2020 | 2100 | depthmean | phyc_ssp119_2020_2100_depthmean | Bio-Oracle TotalPhytoplankton \[depthMean\] SSP119 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): phyc_max (Maximum TotalPhytoplankton, MMol’ ‘M-3) phyc_ltmax (Long-term maximum TotalPhytoplankton, MMol’ ‘M-3) phyc_mean (Average TotalPhytoplankton, MMol’ ‘M-3) phyc_ltmin (Long-term minimum TotalPhytoplankton, MMol’ ‘M-3) phyc_min (Minimum TotalPhytoplankton, MMol’ ‘M-3) phyc_range (Range TotalPhytoplankton, MMol’ ‘M-3) phyc_sd (Standard deviation TotalPhytoplankton, MMol’ ’M-3) |
TotalPhytoplankton | phyc | ssp245 | 2020 | 2100 | depthmean | phyc_ssp245_2020_2100_depthmean | Bio-Oracle TotalPhytoplankton \[depthMean\] SSP245 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): phyc_max (Maximum TotalPhytoplankton, MMol’ ‘M-3) phyc_ltmax (Long-term maximum TotalPhytoplankton, MMol’ ‘M-3) phyc_mean (Average TotalPhytoplankton, MMol’ ‘M-3) phyc_ltmin (Long-term minimum TotalPhytoplankton, MMol’ ‘M-3) phyc_min (Minimum TotalPhytoplankton, MMol’ ‘M-3) phyc_range (Range TotalPhytoplankton, MMol’ ‘M-3) phyc_sd (Standard deviation TotalPhytoplankton, MMol’ ’M-3) |
TotalPhytoplankton | phyc | ssp370 | 2020 | 2100 | depthmean | phyc_ssp370_2020_2100_depthmean | Bio-Oracle TotalPhytoplankton \[depthMean\] SSP370 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): phyc_max (Maximum TotalPhytoplankton, MMol’ ‘M-3) phyc_ltmax (Long-term maximum TotalPhytoplankton, MMol’ ‘M-3) phyc_mean (Average TotalPhytoplankton, MMol’ ‘M-3) phyc_ltmin (Long-term minimum TotalPhytoplankton, MMol’ ‘M-3) phyc_min (Minimum TotalPhytoplankton, MMol’ ‘M-3) phyc_range (Range TotalPhytoplankton, MMol’ ‘M-3) phyc_sd (Standard deviation TotalPhytoplankton, MMol’ ’M-3) |
TotalPhytoplankton | phyc | ssp460 | 2020 | 2100 | depthmean | phyc_ssp460_2020_2100_depthmean | Bio-Oracle TotalPhytoplankton \[depthMean\] SSP460 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): phyc_max (Maximum TotalPhytoplankton, MMol’ ‘M-3) phyc_ltmax (Long-term maximum TotalPhytoplankton, MMol’ ‘M-3) phyc_mean (Average TotalPhytoplankton, MMol’ ‘M-3) phyc_ltmin (Long-term minimum TotalPhytoplankton, MMol’ ‘M-3) phyc_min (Minimum TotalPhytoplankton, MMol’ ‘M-3) phyc_range (Range TotalPhytoplankton, MMol’ ‘M-3) phyc_sd (Standard deviation TotalPhytoplankton, MMol’ ’M-3) |
TotalPhytoplankton | phyc | ssp585 | 2020 | 2100 | depthmean | phyc_ssp585_2020_2100_depthmean | Bio-Oracle TotalPhytoplankton \[depthMean\] SSP585 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): phyc_max (Maximum TotalPhytoplankton, MMol’ ‘M-3) phyc_ltmax (Long-term maximum TotalPhytoplankton, MMol’ ‘M-3) phyc_mean (Average TotalPhytoplankton, MMol’ ‘M-3) phyc_ltmin (Long-term minimum TotalPhytoplankton, MMol’ ‘M-3) phyc_min (Minimum TotalPhytoplankton, MMol’ ‘M-3) phyc_range (Range TotalPhytoplankton, MMol’ ‘M-3) phyc_sd (Standard deviation TotalPhytoplankton, MMol’ ’M-3) |
TotalPhytoplankton | phyc | baseline | 2000 | 2020 | depthmin | phyc_baseline_2000_2020_depthmin | Bio-Oracle TotalPhytoplankton \[depthMin\] Baseline 2000-2020. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): phyc_max (Maximum TotalPhytoplankton, MMol’ ‘M-3) phyc_ltmax (Long-term maximum TotalPhytoplankton, MMol’ ‘M-3) phyc_mean (Average TotalPhytoplankton, MMol’ ‘M-3) phyc_ltmin (Long-term minimum TotalPhytoplankton, MMol’ ‘M-3) phyc_min (Minimum TotalPhytoplankton, MMol’ ‘M-3) phyc_range (Range TotalPhytoplankton, MMol’ ’M-3) |
TotalPhytoplankton | phyc | ssp119 | 2020 | 2100 | depthmin | phyc_ssp119_2020_2100_depthmin | Bio-Oracle TotalPhytoplankton \[depthMin\] SSP119 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): phyc_max (Maximum TotalPhytoplankton, MMol’ ‘M-3) phyc_ltmax (Long-term maximum TotalPhytoplankton, MMol’ ‘M-3) phyc_mean (Average TotalPhytoplankton, MMol’ ‘M-3) phyc_ltmin (Long-term minimum TotalPhytoplankton, MMol’ ‘M-3) phyc_min (Minimum TotalPhytoplankton, MMol’ ‘M-3) phyc_range (Range TotalPhytoplankton, MMol’ ‘M-3) phyc_sd (Standard deviation TotalPhytoplankton, MMol’ ’M-3) |
TotalPhytoplankton | phyc | ssp245 | 2020 | 2100 | depthmin | phyc_ssp245_2020_2100_depthmin | Bio-Oracle TotalPhytoplankton \[depthMin\] SSP245 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): phyc_max (Maximum TotalPhytoplankton, MMol’ ‘M-3) phyc_ltmax (Long-term maximum TotalPhytoplankton, MMol’ ‘M-3) phyc_mean (Average TotalPhytoplankton, MMol’ ‘M-3) phyc_ltmin (Long-term minimum TotalPhytoplankton, MMol’ ‘M-3) phyc_min (Minimum TotalPhytoplankton, MMol’ ‘M-3) phyc_range (Range TotalPhytoplankton, MMol’ ‘M-3) phyc_sd (Standard deviation TotalPhytoplankton, MMol’ ’M-3) |
TotalPhytoplankton | phyc | ssp370 | 2020 | 2100 | depthmin | phyc_ssp370_2020_2100_depthmin | Bio-Oracle TotalPhytoplankton \[depthMin\] SSP370 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): phyc_max (Maximum TotalPhytoplankton, MMol’ ‘M-3) phyc_ltmax (Long-term maximum TotalPhytoplankton, MMol’ ‘M-3) phyc_mean (Average TotalPhytoplankton, MMol’ ‘M-3) phyc_ltmin (Long-term minimum TotalPhytoplankton, MMol’ ‘M-3) phyc_min (Minimum TotalPhytoplankton, MMol’ ‘M-3) phyc_range (Range TotalPhytoplankton, MMol’ ‘M-3) phyc_sd (Standard deviation TotalPhytoplankton, MMol’ ’M-3) |
TotalPhytoplankton | phyc | ssp460 | 2020 | 2100 | depthmin | phyc_ssp460_2020_2100_depthmin | Bio-Oracle TotalPhytoplankton \[depthMin\] SSP460 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): phyc_max (Maximum TotalPhytoplankton, MMol’ ‘M-3) phyc_ltmax (Long-term maximum TotalPhytoplankton, MMol’ ‘M-3) phyc_mean (Average TotalPhytoplankton, MMol’ ‘M-3) phyc_ltmin (Long-term minimum TotalPhytoplankton, MMol’ ‘M-3) phyc_min (Minimum TotalPhytoplankton, MMol’ ‘M-3) phyc_range (Range TotalPhytoplankton, MMol’ ‘M-3) phyc_sd (Standard deviation TotalPhytoplankton, MMol’ ’M-3) |
TotalPhytoplankton | phyc | ssp585 | 2020 | 2100 | depthmin | phyc_ssp585_2020_2100_depthmin | Bio-Oracle TotalPhytoplankton \[depthMin\] SSP585 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): phyc_max (Maximum TotalPhytoplankton, MMol’ ‘M-3) phyc_ltmax (Long-term maximum TotalPhytoplankton, MMol’ ‘M-3) phyc_mean (Average TotalPhytoplankton, MMol’ ‘M-3) phyc_ltmin (Long-term minimum TotalPhytoplankton, MMol’ ‘M-3) phyc_min (Minimum TotalPhytoplankton, MMol’ ‘M-3) phyc_range (Range TotalPhytoplankton, MMol’ ‘M-3) phyc_sd (Standard deviation TotalPhytoplankton, MMol’ ’M-3) |
TotalPhytoplankton | phyc | baseline | 2000 | 2020 | depthsurf | phyc_baseline_2000_2020_depthsurf | Bio-Oracle TotalPhytoplankton \[depthSurf\] Baseline 2000-2020. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): phyc_max (Maximum TotalPhytoplankton, MMol’ ‘M-3) phyc_ltmax (Long-term maximum TotalPhytoplankton, MMol’ ‘M-3) phyc_mean (Average TotalPhytoplankton, MMol’ ‘M-3) phyc_ltmin (Long-term minimum TotalPhytoplankton, MMol’ ‘M-3) phyc_min (Minimum TotalPhytoplankton, MMol’ ‘M-3) phyc_range (Range TotalPhytoplankton, MMol’ ’M-3) |
TotalPhytoplankton | phyc | ssp119 | 2020 | 2100 | depthsurf | phyc_ssp119_2020_2100_depthsurf | Bio-Oracle TotalPhytoplankton \[depthSurf\] SSP119 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): phyc_max (Maximum TotalPhytoplankton, MMol’ ‘M-3) phyc_ltmax (Long-term maximum TotalPhytoplankton, MMol’ ‘M-3) phyc_mean (Average TotalPhytoplankton, MMol’ ‘M-3) phyc_ltmin (Long-term minimum TotalPhytoplankton, MMol’ ‘M-3) phyc_min (Minimum TotalPhytoplankton, MMol’ ‘M-3) phyc_range (Range TotalPhytoplankton, MMol’ ‘M-3) phyc_sd (Standard deviation TotalPhytoplankton, MMol’ ’M-3) |
TotalPhytoplankton | phyc | ssp245 | 2020 | 2100 | depthsurf | phyc_ssp245_2020_2100_depthsurf | Bio-Oracle TotalPhytoplankton \[depthSurf\] SSP245 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): phyc_max (Maximum TotalPhytoplankton, MMol’ ‘M-3) phyc_ltmax (Long-term maximum TotalPhytoplankton, MMol’ ‘M-3) phyc_mean (Average TotalPhytoplankton, MMol’ ‘M-3) phyc_ltmin (Long-term minimum TotalPhytoplankton, MMol’ ‘M-3) phyc_min (Minimum TotalPhytoplankton, MMol’ ‘M-3) phyc_range (Range TotalPhytoplankton, MMol’ ‘M-3) phyc_sd (Standard deviation TotalPhytoplankton, MMol’ ’M-3) |
TotalPhytoplankton | phyc | ssp370 | 2020 | 2100 | depthsurf | phyc_ssp370_2020_2100_depthsurf | Bio-Oracle TotalPhytoplankton \[depthSurf\] SSP370 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): phyc_max (Maximum TotalPhytoplankton, MMol’ ‘M-3) phyc_ltmax (Long-term maximum TotalPhytoplankton, MMol’ ‘M-3) phyc_mean (Average TotalPhytoplankton, MMol’ ‘M-3) phyc_ltmin (Long-term minimum TotalPhytoplankton, MMol’ ‘M-3) phyc_min (Minimum TotalPhytoplankton, MMol’ ‘M-3) phyc_range (Range TotalPhytoplankton, MMol’ ‘M-3) phyc_sd (Standard deviation TotalPhytoplankton, MMol’ ’M-3) |
TotalPhytoplankton | phyc | ssp460 | 2020 | 2100 | depthsurf | phyc_ssp460_2020_2100_depthsurf | Bio-Oracle TotalPhytoplankton \[depthSurf\] SSP460 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): phyc_max (Maximum TotalPhytoplankton, MMol’ ‘M-3) phyc_ltmax (Long-term maximum TotalPhytoplankton, MMol’ ‘M-3) phyc_mean (Average TotalPhytoplankton, MMol’ ‘M-3) phyc_ltmin (Long-term minimum TotalPhytoplankton, MMol’ ‘M-3) phyc_min (Minimum TotalPhytoplankton, MMol’ ‘M-3) phyc_range (Range TotalPhytoplankton, MMol’ ‘M-3) phyc_sd (Standard deviation TotalPhytoplankton, MMol’ ’M-3) |
TotalPhytoplankton | phyc | ssp585 | 2020 | 2100 | depthsurf | phyc_ssp585_2020_2100_depthsurf | Bio-Oracle TotalPhytoplankton \[depthSurf\] SSP585 2020-2100. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): phyc_max (Maximum TotalPhytoplankton, MMol’ ‘M-3) phyc_ltmax (Long-term maximum TotalPhytoplankton, MMol’ ‘M-3) phyc_mean (Average TotalPhytoplankton, MMol’ ‘M-3) phyc_ltmin (Long-term minimum TotalPhytoplankton, MMol’ ‘M-3) phyc_min (Minimum TotalPhytoplankton, MMol’ ‘M-3) phyc_range (Range TotalPhytoplankton, MMol’ ‘M-3) phyc_sd (Standard deviation TotalPhytoplankton, MMol’ ’M-3) |
DiffuseAttenuationCoefficientPAR | kdpar_mean | baseline | 2000 | 2020 | depthsurf | kdpar_mean_baseline_2000_2020_depthsurf | Bio-Oracle DiffuseAttenuationCoefficientPAR \[depthSurf\] Mean 2000-2020. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): kdpar_mean_max (Maximum DiffuseAttenuationCoefficientPAR, m-1) kdpar_mean_ltmax (Long-term maximum DiffuseAttenuationCoefficientPAR, m-1) kdpar_mean_mean (Average DiffuseAttenuationCoefficientPAR, m-1) kdpar_mean_ltmin (Long-term minimum DiffuseAttenuationCoefficientPAR, m-1) kdpar_mean_min (Minimum DiffuseAttenuationCoefficientPAR, m-1) kdpar_mean_range (Range DiffuseAttenuationCoefficientPAR, m-1) |
PhotosyntheticallyAvailableRadiation | par_mean | baseline | 2000 | 2020 | depthsurf | par_mean_baseline_2000_2020_depthsurf | Bio-Oracle PhotosyntheticallyAvailableRadiation \[depthSurf\] Mean 2000-2020. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): par_mean_max (Maximum PhotosyntheticallyAvailableRadiation, einstein/m2/day) par_mean_ltmax (Long-term maximum PhotosyntheticallyAvailableRadiation, einstein/m2/day) par_mean_mean (Average PhotosyntheticallyAvailableRadiation, einstein/m2/day) par_mean_ltmin (Long-term minimum PhotosyntheticallyAvailableRadiation, einstein/m2/day) par_mean_min (Minimum PhotosyntheticallyAvailableRadiation, einstein/m2/day) par_mean_range (Range PhotosyntheticallyAvailableRadiation, einstein/m2/day) |
Terrain | terrain_characteristics | NA | NA | NA | NA | terrain_characteristics | Bio-Oracle Terrain characteristics \[Benthic\]. |
Uses attributes recommended by https://cfconventions.org cdm_data_type = Grid VARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]): landmass (1) coastline (1) bathymetry_min (m) bathymetry_mean (m) bathymetry_max (m) area (m2) slope (degree) aspect (degree) topographic_position_index (1) terrain_ruggedness_index (1) |
We’ll set that aside for right now and fetch some data for that region, but note that this downloaded as a NetCDF file in a temporary directory. Keep in mind that we are specifying the bounding box with a vector of the corners, but we can also provide any object from which a bounding box can be determined using the sf package, such as a polygon, raster or collection of points.
dataset_id = "thetao_ssp119_2020_2100_depthmin"
newfile = fetch_biooracle(dataset_id,
bb = c(xmin = -77, xmax = -42.5, ymin = 36.5, ymax = 56.7))
NOTE that you can make subselections of variable and times to
download. See ?fetch_biooracle
for the details.
Now we can read the file.
x = stars::read_stars(newfile, quiet = TRUE)
## stars object with 3 dimensions and 7 attributes
## attribute(s), summary of first 1e+05 cells:
## Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu.
## thetao_ltmax [°C] -0.36475005 1.96057870 2.3428427 2.9704422 3.3483083
## thetao_ltmin [°C] -1.90398343 1.57293375 1.8961157 1.7156003 2.3728029
## thetao_max [°C] 0.21924963 2.17144280 2.7790994 3.7453738 4.5603769
## thetao_mean [°C] -0.72299476 1.80542342 2.0918568 2.2443568 2.7558258
## thetao_min [°C] -2.00000000 0.91433330 1.6623332 1.1105045 2.0303362
## thetao_range [°C] 0.22811718 0.47419300 0.7938143 2.6947997 4.0197336
## thetao_sd [°C] 0.03341453 0.09708313 0.1335515 0.2456717 0.4161988
## Max. NA's
## thetao_ltmax [°C] 17.8440917 53161
## thetao_ltmin [°C] 6.0058540 53161
## thetao_max [°C] 21.4847577 53161
## thetao_mean [°C] 6.8363208 53161
## thetao_min [°C] 4.7977722 53161
## thetao_range [°C] 23.8074380 53161
## thetao_sd [°C] 0.7385261 53161
## dimension(s):
## from to offset delta refsys values x/y
## x 1 691 -77 0.05 NA NULL [x]
## y 1 405 56.75 -0.05 NA NULL [y]
## time 1 8 NA NA POSIXct 2020-01-01,...,2090-01-01
We often save the data in a directory structure aong with a simple table
that catalogs the contents of the directory. The archive_biooracle()
function will split up the fecthed data and save in a logical data
structure. We provide the data path, in this case for the Northwest
Atlantic (nwa).
archive_biooracle(newfile, path = nwa_path)
## # A tibble: 56 × 5
## scenario year z param trt
## <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
## 1 ssp119 2020 depthmin thetao ltmax
## 2 ssp119 2020 depthmin thetao ltmin
## 3 ssp119 2020 depthmin thetao max
## 4 ssp119 2020 depthmin thetao mean
## 5 ssp119 2020 depthmin thetao min
## 6 ssp119 2020 depthmin thetao range
## 7 ssp119 2020 depthmin thetao sd
## 8 ssp119 2030 depthmin thetao ltmax
## 9 ssp119 2030 depthmin thetao ltmin
## 10 ssp119 2030 depthmin thetao max
## # ℹ 46 more rows
Alternatively, it is possible to fetch and archive in one step, and this is likely the most convenient usage.
newfile = fetch_biooracle(dataset_id,
bb = c(xmin = -77, xmax = -42.5, ymin = 36.5, ymax = 56.7),
archive = TRUE,
data_dir = nwa_path)
Once you have established a database of files, your can read the database catalog.
db = read_database(nwa_path) |>
## # A tibble: 56 × 5
## scenario year z param trt
## <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
## 1 ssp119 2020 depthmin thetao ltmax
## 2 ssp119 2020 depthmin thetao ltmin
## 3 ssp119 2020 depthmin thetao max
## 4 ssp119 2020 depthmin thetao mean
## 5 ssp119 2020 depthmin thetao min
## 6 ssp119 2020 depthmin thetao range
## 7 ssp119 2020 depthmin thetao sd
## 8 ssp119 2030 depthmin thetao ltmax
## 9 ssp119 2030 depthmin thetao ltmin
## 10 ssp119 2030 depthmin thetao max
## # ℹ 46 more rows
You can use a portion of the database to read in a stars
object. Keep
in mind that if you are reading multiple over multiple decades, then
each variable must have the same number of time steps.
x = db |>
dplyr::mutate(year = as.numeric(year)) |>
dplyr::filter(year >= 2070) |>
read_biooracle(, path = nwa_path) |>
## stars object with 3 dimensions and 7 attributes
## attribute(s):
## Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max.
## thetao_ltmax -0.64297539 1.89211679 2.1213403 4.1633015 4.1325927 31.248983
## thetao_ltmin -2.00000000 1.80401134 1.8825923 2.4666165 2.7054288 12.447174
## thetao_max 0.46041700 1.94233787 2.4119213 5.0367358 5.3864827 33.908306
## thetao_mean -1.06481194 1.86144698 1.9767619 3.2299667 3.4484773 18.037924
## thetao_min -2.00000000 1.41676116 1.8234118 1.7105341 1.9514574 9.975613
## thetao_range 0.04843726 0.12690720 0.6352606 3.3517626 5.0061388 33.088707
## thetao_sd 0.02830037 0.06138093 0.2785121 0.4090969 0.6726204 3.425986
## NA's
## thetao_ltmax 287604
## thetao_ltmin 287604
## thetao_max 287604
## thetao_mean 287604
## thetao_min 287604
## thetao_range 287604
## thetao_sd 287604
## dimension(s):
## from to offset delta x/y
## x 1 691 -77 0.05 [x]
## y 1 405 56.75 -0.05 [y]
## time 1 3 2070 10
And of course you can plot.
## downsample set to 1