- Fully featured blog engine - posts, comments and replies to comments
- Anti-spam with Akismet and Recaptcha
- Medium-like writing interface
- Blog analytics 100% powered by Elastic
- Fully customizable design and layout via handlebars templates
- Support for content pages and a contact form
- Password-less admin interface (social login / SSO)
- Cross-posting between other blogs and Medium
- Social posting integration (Twitter, LinkedIn, Reddit)
- Built-in backup and full database dump
- Content caching
- Themes support
Demo: https://elastiquill.bigdataboutique.com
The easiest way to deploy ElastiQuill is to use the official Docker image:
docker pull bigdataboutique/elastiquill
Instructions for running on Kubernetes are available under _k8s/
First, you will need to have a Google project and to enable Google+ APIs for it. Go to https://console.developers.google.com/apis/dashboard, click Enable APIs and Services
. Search for google plus
and enable the Google+ API
Once that is done, go to https://console.developers.google.com/apis/credentials, click Credentials -> OAuth Client ID -> Web Application. Set:
- Authorized JavaScript origins to
- Authorized redirect URIs to
Where hostname
is your blog DNS, prefix
is the value of the blog.blog-route-prefix
configuration and api-route
the blog.api-route
configuration. Copy the Client ID and Client Secret and add them to your config.yml
Go to https://github.com/settings/applications/new to create a new application.
- Homepage URL to
- Authorization callback URL to
Where hostname
is your blog DNS. Copy the Client ID and Client Secret and add them to your config.yml
ElastiQuill supports loading custom themes to override the default provided theme or any part of it.
Themes are using the Handlebars syntax, and all view files are expected to have the .hbs extension.
Theme structure:
|- layouts/ # contains the layout files, default layout name is "main"
|- partials/ # partias for the layout and pages, you can override existing or create new
|- public/ # public assets to serve (CSS, JS, images, etc)
| contact.hbs # Handlebars views you can override as needed
You can use the default view as a base (under backend/src/views/base
) or create your own from scratch. ElastiQuill will expect your theme to be under the path configured as blog.theme-path
in your config.yml file.
Examples for custom ElastiQuill themes:
- https://github.com/BigDataBoutique/elastiquill-demo-theme
- https://github.com/synhershko/elastiquill-code972-theme
You can connect your Linkedin, Twitter and Reddit accounts to Elastiquill to repost your blogposts from the admin panel.
- Go to https://www.linkedin.com/developers/apps/new and create an app with default settings
- Under OAuth 2.0 settings, add a redirect URL
. Changehttp://localhost:5000
to yourblog.url
configuration. - In the app page, select the
tab. Copy the Client ID and Client Secret and add them to yourconfig.yml
- Go to https://developer.twitter.com/en/apps/create
- Set Callback URL to
. Changehttp://localhost:5000
to yourblog.url
configuration. Sign in with Twitter
can be left disabled.- In the app page, select the
Keys and tokens
tab. Generate both consumer API and access token keys and copy all four to yourconfig.yml
file (see configuration variables below).
- Go to https://www.reddit.com/prefs/apps/ and create a
app. - Set
redirect uri
. Changehttp://localhost:5000
to yourblog.url
configuration. - Copy Client ID (code under
web app
line) and Client Secret and add them to yourconfig.yml
- Request access to API and create an app as described here.
- Set callback URL to
. Changehttp://localhost:5000
to yourblog.url
configuration. - Copy Client ID and Client Secret and add them to your
- Go to https://developers.facebook.com/apps and create a new app.
- Under basic settings, add your
configuration toApp Domains
input. - Copy App ID and add them to your
All values in config.yml
file can be overrided by ENV variables when they are set.
See config.yml for a sample configuration file.
Variable | Description | ENV variable | Default value |
blog.admin-emails | Comma-separated list of admin emails, domains or _all_ . Emails will be checked to match with Google/Github account email when using SSO on /admin |
None. Required. |
blog.jwt-secret | A unique string used for encrypting authentication data. | BLOG_JWT_SECRET |
None. Required. |
blog.url | Blog URL including the prefix (if any). Should be equivalent to {blog.url.host}{blog-route-prefix} | BLOG_URL |
http://localhost:5000 |
blog.url-format | Blog URL Format. Default is <blog.url>/year/month/post-slug , can be set to post-name to make it <blog.url>/post-slug |
month-and-name |
blog.title | Blog title. Used in /blog/rss xml |
Sample blog |
blog.description | Blog description. Used in /blog/rss xml |
Sample description |
blog.cache-ttl | Server-side page cache TTL in seconds. If 0 will disable caching (necessary for development). |
60 |
blog.compression | Whether to compress HTTP responses | BLOG_COMPRESSION |
false |
blog.port | Port to run on | PORT |
5000 |
blog.posts-page-size | Number of posts to be shown per page on pages with post listing (home, posts, tags, search, etc).. | BLOG_POSTS_PAGE_SIZE |
10 |
blog.comments-noreply-email | When set, blogpost authors and commenters will receive email notifications about on new discussion from this email. Should be a single email string e.g. [email protected] |
blog.comments-post-period | Number of days to keep commenting enabled after publishing the blogpost. Set -1 to never disable commenting |
60 |
blog.contact-email | Email to send contacts form submits to | CONTACT_FORM_SEND_TO |
blog.contact-form-post-url | Url to be submitted on contacts form (can be cross-origin) | CONTACT_FORM_POST_URL |
/contact |
blog.theme-path | Path to a directory with custom handlebars views. Templates are first searched in this directory, and only then in views/base |
blog.theme-caching | View template compilation caching. Set this to false and blog.cache-ttl to 0 for hot-reloading. |
true |
blog.blog-route-prefix | Url prefix for all blog posts urls. Should be included in blog.url . Does not apply to content page urls. |
blog.admin-route | Url under which admin dashboard can be accessed. Should be a subpath of blog.url . |
/admin |
blog.api-route | Url under which the admin api can be accessed. Should be a subpath of blog.url . |
/api |
blog.uploads-bucket-prefix | Bucket prefix used for uploads | UPLOADS_BUCKET_PREFIX |
elasticsearch.hosts | Comma-separated list of Elasticsearch hosts | ELASTICSEARCH_HOSTS |
http://localhost:9200 |
elasticsearch.blog-index-name | Elasticsearch index name to store blog posts | BLOG_POSTS_INDEX |
blog-posts |
elasticsearch.blog-comments-index-name | Elasticsearch index name to store blog comments | BLOG_COMMENTS_INDEX |
blog-comments |
elasticsearch.blog-logs-index-name | Elasticsearch index name to store error logs and metrics | BLOG_LOGS_INDEX |
blog-logs |
elasticsearch.blog-logs-period | Set to monthly to index logs in separate indices per month instead of per day |
daily |
credentials.sendgrid | Sendgrid API key | SENDGRID_API_KEY |
credentials.google.analytics-code | GA tracking ID | GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_CODE |
credentials.google.oauth-client-id | Google OAuth 2 client ID | GOOGLE_OAUTH_CLIENT_ID |
credentials.google.oauth-client-secret | Google OAuth 2 client secret | GOOGLE_OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET |
credentials.github.oauth-client-id | Github OAuth client ID | GITHUB_CLIENT_ID |
credentials.github.oauth-client-secret | Github OAuth client secret | GITHUB_CLIENT_SECRET |
credentials.google.recaptcha-v2-key | Google Recaptcha v2 client key | GOOGLE_RECAPTCHA_V2_CLIENT_KEY |
credentials.google.recaptcha-v2-secret | Google Recaptcha v2 client secret | GOOGLE_RECAPTCHA_V2_SECRET_KEY |
credentials.akismet.api-key | Akismet API key | AKISMET_APIKEY |
credentials.akismet.domain | Akismet domain | AKISMET_DOMAIN |
credentials.google.gcs-bucket | GCS bucket | GOOGLE_GCS_BUCKET |
credentials.google.gcs-keyfile | Path to the credentials file | GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS |
credentials.aws.s3-bucket | S3 bucket | AWS_S3_BUCKET |
credentials.aws.region | AWS region | AWS_REGION |
credentials.aws.access-key-id | AWS access key ID | AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID |
credentials.aws.secret-access-key | AWS secret access key | AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY |
credentials.linkedin.client-id | Linkedin Client ID | LINKEDIN_CLIENT_ID |
credentials.linkedin.client-secret | Linkedin Client Secret | LINKEDIN_CLIENT_SECRET |
credentials.twitter.consumer-key | Twitter Consumer Key | TWITTER_CONSUMER_KEY |
credentials.twitter.consumer-secret | Twitter Consumer Secret | TWITTER_CONSUMER_SECRET |
credentials.twitter.access-token-key | Twitter access token key | TWITTER_ACCESS_TOKEN_KEY |
credentials.twitter.access-token-secret | Twitter access token secret | TWITTER_ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET |
credentials.reddit.client-id | Reddit Client ID | REDDIT_CLIENT_ID |
credentials.reddit.client-secret | Reddit Client Secret | REDDIT_CLIENT_SECRET |
credentials.medium.client-id | Medium Client ID | MEDIUM_CLIENT_ID |
credentials.medium.client-secret | Medium Client Secret | MEDIUM_CLIENT_SECRET |
credentials.facebook.app-id | Facebook App ID. Used to enable sharing selected text and post to facebook. | FACEBOOK_APP_ID |
The easiest way is to run via docker-compose:
docker-compose up
- Please note that before you can create and start the containers for the first time, you might need to create a default docker network:
docker network create blog
You might need to run the following on your machine if Elasticsearch refuses to run: sysctl -w vm.max_map_count=262144
To build and run the blog engine in Docker:
docker build . -t elastiquill
docker run -p 5000:5000 -v /path/to/config.yml:/etc/elastiquill/config.yml elastiquill
Configuration file will be looked up at /etc/elastiquill/config.yml
unless you set the CONFIG_PATH
environment variable.
Alternatively, you can run the engine without Docker. Build the admin panel frontend
cd admin-frontend
npm install && npm run build
And run the backend
cd backend
npm install
npm run production