To use an icon, you can use the img tag, and set "src" to the link for your icon. You can use the "width" attribute to specify the size of the icon.
<img src="" width=48>;
Adding more icons on following lines will cause them to be displayed verticaly.
<img src="" width=48>
<img src="" width=48>
<img src="" width=48>
To dsiplay your icons next to each other in a row, you can place them in a div.
You can add spacing after each of your icons in a row using " ".
<div class="row">
<img src="" width=48>
<img src="" width=48>
<img src="" width=48>
If you'd like to center the icons, you can use an the "align" attribute, and set it to "center". In this case, the use of a div is not necessary to keep your icons in a row.
<p align="center">
<img src="" width=48>
<img src="" width=48>
<img src="" width=48>