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DSA UpSolve: Master LeetCode Contests


DSA UpSolve is a web application aimed at helping users practice Data Structures and Algorithms (DSA) by mastering LeetCode contests. The application allows users to explore LeetCode problems, practice DSA concepts, and prepare for coding contests by upsolving previous LeetCode contests.


Contest Analysis: Explore and analyze past LeetCode contests.
Problem Solving: Practice solving LeetCode problems and track your progress.


Clone this repository to your local machine.
Open the project directory in your code editor.
Open the index.html file in your web browser to launch the application.


Upon launching the application, you will be presented with a dashboard where you can view and select LeetCode contests to participate in.
Click on a contest to view the problems included in that contest.
Solve the problems, mark them as solved, and track your progress.
To Use The Auto Fetch Feature Follow these steps
1>Click HERE => 2> right click and Inspect => 3> Choose the Network option => 4> Go to algorithms/ and copy the cookie under the header section

Technologies Used



This project is created by Ayushmaan Singh.
LeetCode icon sourced from LeetCode.
Pritish Mishra helped a lot in implementing AutoFetch feature
zerotrac(Shuxin Chen) Leetcode problem rating project is used to rate problems


This project is licensed under the MIT License.