The code in this repository will be manually copied to the react folder of the gridstack.js main repository.
A React wrapper component for GridStack that provides better TypeScript support and React integration experience.
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- Add Widgets
- Add Sub Grid
- Nested Sub Grid
- Remove Widget
- Copy(Duplicate) Widget
- Drag between two grid stacks
- Custom handle (Experimental)
- Drag in item (Experimental)
- Save/Load grid stack options from storage
This is not an npm package, it's just a demo project. Please copy the src/lib
code to your project to use it.
Render item with widget id selector.
Code here: src/examples/000-simple/index.tsx
function Simple() {
const [uncontrolledInitialOptions] = useState<GridStackOptions>(() => ({
children: [
{ id: "item1", h: 2, w: 2, x: 0, y: 0 },
{ id: "item2", h: 2, w: 2, x: 2, y: 0 },
return (
<GridStackContainer initialOptions={uncontrolledInitialOptions}>
<GridStackItem id="item1">
<div style={{ color: "yellow" }}>hello</div>
<GridStackItem id="item2">
<div style={{ color: "blue" }}>grid</div>
Or split the grid stack container to provide grid stack context and render component for access to grid stack context.
Code here: src/examples/001-simple/index.tsx
function Simple() {
const [uncontrolledInitialOptions] = useState<GridStackOptions>(() => ({
children: [
{ id: "item1", h: 2, w: 2, x: 0, y: 0 },
{ id: "item2", h: 2, w: 2, x: 2, y: 0 },
return (
<GridStackProvider initialOptions={uncontrolledInitialOptions}>
{/* Custom toolbar component. Access to grid stack context by useGridStackContext hook. */}
<Toolbar />
<GridStackItem id="item1">
<div style={{ color: "yellow" }}>hello</div>
<GridStackItem id="item2">
<div style={{ color: "blue" }}>grid</div>
Drag In
Drag items from outside into the grid.
Code here: src/examples/004-drag-in/index.tsx
function DragIn() {
const [uncontrolledInitialOptions] = useState<GridStackOptions>(() => ({
children: [
{ id: "004-item1", h: 2, w: 2, x: 0, y: 0 },
{ id: "004-item2", h: 2, w: 2, x: 2, y: 0 },
return (
padding: "10px",
display: "flex",
flexDirection: "row",
gap: "10px",
border: "1px solid gray",
marginBottom: "10px",
<GridStackDragInItem widget={{ h: 2, w: 2 }}>
border: "1px dashed green ",
backgroundColor: "lime",
padding: "0 10px",
Drag me add to the grid
<GridStackContainer initialOptions={uncontrolledInitialOptions}>
<GridStackItem id="004-item1">
<div style={{ color: "yellow" }}>hello</div>
<GridStackItem id="004-item2">
<div style={{ color: "blue" }}>grid</div>
Render item with widget map component info.
ComponentInfoMap is just an example, you can use any way you want to store and retrieve component information.
Code here: src/examples/009-advanced/index.tsx
function Advanced() {
// Data about layout by gridstack option
const [uncontrolledInitialOptions] = useState<GridStackOptions>(() => ({
children: [
{ id: "item1", h: 2, w: 2, x: 0, y: 0 },
{ id: "item2", h: 2, w: 2, x: 2, y: 0 },
id: "sub-grid-1",
h: 5,
sizeToContent: true,
subGridOpts: {
children: [
id: "sub-grid-1-title",
locked: true,
noMove: true,
noResize: true,
w: 12,
x: 0,
y: 0,
content: "Sub Grid 1",
{ id: "item3", h: 2, w: 2, x: 0, y: 1 },
{ id: "item4", h: 2, w: 2, x: 2, y: 0 },
w: 4,
x: 0,
y: 2,
{ id: "item5", w: 4, h: 4, x: 0, y: 2 },
// Data about every content
const [initialComponentInfoMap] = useState<Record<string, ComponentInfo>>(
() => ({
item1: { component: "Text", serializableProps: { content: "Text" } },
item2: { component: "Text", serializableProps: { content: "Text" } },
"sub-grid-1-title": {
component: "Text",
serializableProps: { content: "Sub Grid 1" },
item3: { component: "Text", serializableProps: { content: "Text" } },
item4: {
component: "Counter",
serializableProps: { label: "Click me" },
item5: {
component: "ComplexCard",
serializableProps: { title: "Complex Card", color: "red" },
return (
<ComponentInfoMapProvider initialComponentInfoMap={initialComponentInfoMap}>
<GridStackProvider initialOptions={uncontrolledInitialOptions}>
<Toolbar />
<DynamicGridStackItems />
function DynamicGridStackItems() {
const { componentInfoMap } = useComponentInfoMap();
return (
([widgetId, componentInfo]) => {
const Component = COMPONENT_MAP[componentInfo.component];
if (!Component) {
throw new Error(`Component ${componentInfo.component} not found`);
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
const props = componentInfo.serializableProps as any;
if (componentInfo.component === "ComplexCard") {
return (
<GridStackItem key={widgetId} id={widgetId}>
<Component {...props} key={`component-${widgetId}`} />
// ... more render conditions here
return (
<GridStackItem key={widgetId} id={widgetId}>
<Component {...props} key={`component-${widgetId}`} />
Render item with custom handle.
Code here: src/examples/003-custom-handle/index.tsx
function CustomHandle() {
const [uncontrolledInitialOptions] = useState<GridStackOptions>(() => ({
children: [{ id: "item1", h: 2, w: 2, x: 0, y: 0 }],
return (
<GridStackProvider initialOptions={uncontrolledInitialOptions}>
<GridStackItem id="item1">
<div>Custom Handle</div>
{/* Experimental: Render item with custom handle */}
Top-level component that provides GridStack context and GridStack root container. Equivalent to GridStackProvider
and GridStackRender
type GridStackContainerProps = {
initialOptions: GridStackOptions; // GridStack initialization options
children: React.ReactNode;
Top-level component that provides GridStack context.
type GridStackProviderProps = {
initialOptions: GridStackOptions; // GridStack initialization options
children: React.ReactNode;
Render GridStack root container component.
type GridStackRenderProps = {
children: React.ReactNode;
Component representing a single grid item.
type GridStackItemProps = {
id: string; // Grid item unique identifier
children: React.ReactNode;
Experimental component for reinitializing the drag handle of a grid item.
type GridStackHandleReInitializerProps = {
children: React.ReactNode;
Experimental component for dragging items from outside into the grid.
type GridStackDragInItemProps = {
widget: Omit<GridStackWidget, "content">; // Widget configuration without content
dragOptions?: DDDragOpt; // Drag options
content?: ReactNode; // Optional content to render in the dragged clone
children: React.ReactNode;
// Plus other div props
Provide GridStack core functionality context.
interface GridStackContextType {
initialOptions: GridStackOptions;
addWidget: (widget: GridStackWidget) => void;
removeWidget: (el: GridStackElement) => void;
saveOptions: () => ReturnType<GridStack["save"]> | undefined;
_gridStack: {
value: GridStack | null;
set: React.Dispatch<React.SetStateAction<GridStack | null>>;
Provide single grid item functionality context.
type GridStackItemContextType = {
id: string;
// Native methods
remove: () => void;
update: (opt: GridStackWidget) => void;
// Extended methods
getBounds: () => {
current: { x?: number; y?: number; w?: number; h?: number };
original: { x?: number; y?: number; w?: number; h?: number };
} | null;
setSize: (size: { w: number; h: number }) => void;
setPosition: (position: { x: number; y: number }) => void;
Provide rendering related functionality context.
type GridStackRenderContextType = {
getContainerByWidgetId: (widgetId: string) => HTMLElement | null;
Get GridStack context.
function useGridStackContext(): GridStackContextType;
Get grid item context.
function useGridStackItemContext(): GridStackItemContextType;
Get rendering context.
function useGridStackRenderContext(): GridStackRenderContextType;
export type {