Releases: AykutSarac/
What's Changed
- Generate types for Go & TypeScript
- Switch between view modes: Graph & Tree
- Improved UI / Toolbar
- Bug fixes
New Contributors
- @prathameshjchavan made their first contribution in #349
- @JinnaBalu made their first contribution in #353
- @BandhiyaHardik made their first contribution in #363
Full Changelog: v3.1.0...v3.2.0
What's Changed
- Updated zoom/pan library + Trackpad gestures support
- Fixed firefox broken node paddings
- Use Supabase
- Drastically improved performance of expand/collapse nodes
- Add JPEG download option
- Updated layouting algorithm for more compact view, better for bigger data
- Restore editor data per session
- UI updates
- chore: optimize bundle
Full Changelog: v3.0.0...v3.1.0
JSON Crack - v3
What has changed since version 2?
- New UI
- Edit nodes on graph
- Display path to nodes at Node Modal
- JWT Decoder
- JSON Schema
- Live/Manual Transform toggle
- Performance improvements
- New Landing Page
- Account, Cloud functions, save/share documents
- Fetch JSON through URL
- Image Previews at graph
- Collapse/Expand toggle all nodes
- Display children count on parent nodes
Kudos to @AykutSarac @hanbin9775 @nnamua @liqun98 @roland-becsi-veratrak @cihat @mbrukman @yuvalg99 @Hexrt @dogukanuhn @VladCuciureanu @shivam1646

- fix hide wrong collapsed nodes by @victorbrambati in #107
- Migration by @AykutSarac in #113
- Add mobile support for JSON Crack by @AykutSarac in #115
- Enable Performance Mode by default by @AykutSarac in #132
- General UI/UX Improvements by @AykutSarac in #133
- Link Travis CI badge to project build status by @mbrukman in #109
- Update Docker section formatting in README by @mbrukman in #108
- Bug/share link by @yuvalg99 in #136
- Improve Editor Rerender Performance by @AykutSarac in #157
- Prevent All Nodes from Expanding by @AykutSarac in #167
- fix: highlight red-dashed border display by @Hexrt in #165
- Handle window freeze by @AykutSarac in #191
- Canvas should fit into view on click Center icon at toolbar by @dogukanuhn in #203
- Accept JSONC by stripping it of it's comments by @VladCuciureanu in #227
- Added children count label next to the node key by @VladCuciureanu in #218
- Added a 'Collapse/Expand Graph' button by @VladCuciureanu in #230
- Fix: persist hidden nodes on rotate by @shivam1646 in #238
- Fix: don't show disconnected nodes on expand by @shivam1646 in #243
- improve language of "huge file" error by @TallTed in #210
- fix: #158 by @AykutSarac in #250
- chore: code refactor by @AykutSarac in #252
- fix empty nodes by @victorbrambati in #251
- seperate colors from array and object by @AykutSarac in #264
- Cloud updates by @AykutSarac in #280
- Bump loader-utils from 2.0.2 to 2.0.4 by @dependabot in #281
- fix: align object's children to keep the consistency of graph illustration by @hanbin9775 in #268
- Bump json5 from 1.0.1 to 1.0.2 by @dependabot in #299
- Fixed README typo by @nnamua in #295
- import file by drag and drop by @liqun98 in #284
- Fix typo by @hslee2008 in #302
- Fix smooth scroll behavior on styles by @cihat in #291
- Dogukanuhn/main by @AykutSarac in #309
- #257 Getting path of JSON on clicking the edges by @hanbin9775 in #304
- Update default.conf by @roland-becsi-veratrak in #274
- Feat/mantine UI by @AykutSarac in #318
- Refactor codebase by @AykutSarac in #326
- Version 3 by @AykutSarac in #335
New Contributors
- @mbrukman made their first contribution in #109
- @yuvalg99 made their first contribution in #136
- @Hexrt made their first contribution in #165
- @dogukanuhn made their first contribution in #203
- @VladCuciureanu made their first contribution in #227
- @shivam1646 made their first contribution in #238
- @TallTed made their first contribution in #210
- @hanbin9775 made their first contribution in #268
- @nnamua made their first contribution in #295
- @liqun98 made their first contribution in #284
- @roland-becsi-veratrak made their first contribution in #274
Full Changelog: v2.0.0...v3.0.0
What's Changed
- Adopt Mantine UI
- Display path to nodes at Node Modal
- Performance & UI improvements
- Feat/mantine UI by @AykutSarac in #318
- Fix typo by @HyunseungLee-Travis in #302
- Fix smooth scroll behavior on styles by @cihat in #291
- Dogukanuhn/main by @AykutSarac in #309
- #257 Getting path of JSON on clicking the edges by @hanbin9775 in #304
- Update default.conf by @roland-becsi-veratrak in #274
New Contributors
- @roland-becsi-veratrak made their first contribution in #274
Full Changelog: v2.6.0...v2.8.0
What's Changed
- Add Toolbar to embeds
- Improve UI of Node Content Modal
- Improve search node experience
New Contributors
- @hanbin9775 made their first contribution in #268
- @nnamua made their first contribution in #295
- @liqun98 made their first contribution in #284
Full Changelog: v2.5.0...v2.6.0
JSON Crack v2.5.0
In this update we bring you the ability to save your json and share short links, also introduce you our very simple guide to embedding!
- Homepage re-design ✨
- Use GitHub's variable font, Mona Sans
- Login - Save JSON, share short-links, embed by id
- Fetch JSON through url (e.g.
- Explore embedding documentation:
- Explore Premium plan:
- Image Previews in graph
- So many bug fixes & performance improvements

❤️ Thanks to our sponsor Altogic for making this possible!
JSON Crack - v2.1.0
- Dynamic widgets! (Older embeds are now deprecated!) Explore more:
- Fix expand/collapse parents
- Add collapse all parents to sidebar
- Mobile support
- Performance improvements
- JSONC support (JSON with comments)
- Display children count on parent
- Fix Center View
What's Changed
- fix hide wrong collapsed nodes by @victorbrambati in #107
- Migration by @AykutSarac in #113
- Add mobile support for JSON Crack by @AykutSarac in #115
- Enable Performance Mode by default by @AykutSarac in #132
- General UI/UX Improvements by @AykutSarac in #133
- Link Travis CI badge to project build status by @mbrukman in #109
- Update Docker section formatting in README by @mbrukman in #108
- Bug/share link by @yuvalg99 in #136
- Improve Editor Rerender Performance by @AykutSarac in #157
- Prevent All Nodes from Expanding by @AykutSarac in #167
- fix: highlight red-dashed border display by @Hexrt in #165
- Handle window freeze by @AykutSarac in #191
- Canvas should fit into view on click Center icon at toolbar by @dogukanuhn in #203
- Accept JSONC by stripping it of it's comments by @VladCuciureanu in #227
- Added children count label next to the node key by @VladCuciureanu in #218
- Added a 'Collapse/Expand Graph' button by @VladCuciureanu in #230
- Fix: persist hidden nodes on rotate by @shivam1646 in #238
- Fix: don't show disconnected nodes on expand by @shivam1646 in #243
New Contributors
- @mbrukman made their first contribution in #109
- @yuvalg99 made their first contribution in #136
- @Hexrt made their first contribution in #165
- @dogukanuhn made their first contribution in #203
- @VladCuciureanu made their first contribution in #227
- @shivam1646 made their first contribution in #238
Full Changelog: v2.0.0...v2.1.0
🔮 JSON Crack - v2.0.0
JSON Crack (previously JSON Visio) now has its second major release - v2.0.0!
It is very proud to say that, this project, which started with a few stars, now has more than 5000 stars and serves many developers every day. We are grateful for the great support of GitHub and the community!
From v1 to v2, JSON Crack received following features:
- Fetch JSON
- Download File
- Share Link
- Settings
- Copy/Download Graph
- Search Nodes
- Light Theme
- Fullscreen View
- VS Code's Monaco Editor
- Expand/Collapse Nodes
- JSON Validator
What's Changed
- improve algorithm for null array value by @AykutSarac in #84
- fix: added nullsafe operator to patch home error by @KarlHeitmann in #85
- Fix escape character rendering by @AykutSarac in #87
- Update Node Color Schema by @AykutSarac in #88
- Automatically parse links by @AykutSarac in #89
- New dockerfile by @rlex in #91
- fix falsy values not displaying by @AykutSarac in #93
- Toggle expand by @AykutSarac in #97
- Add Collapse Nodes by @victorbrambati in #96
New Contributors
- @KarlHeitmann made their first contribution in #85
- @rlex made their first contribution in #91
Full Changelog: v1.9.5...v2.0.0
What's Changed? - v1.9.5
- New Download Image options
- Share links
- Embed JSON Visio graph into your website
- Use zustand for state managment
New Contributors
- @victorbrambati made their first contribution in #40
- @cihat made their first contribution in #62
Full Changelog: v1.9.0...v1.9.5
What's Changed
- Add Fetch JSON from URL by @HyunseungLee-Travis in #35
- Optimize Rendering Performance (experimental) by @AykutSarac in #52
- Sentry Implementation by @AykutSarac in #54
- New Landing Page by @AykutSarac in #55
- Bug fixes
New Contributors
- @HyunseungLee-Travis made their first contribution in #35
Full Changelog: v1.8.0...v1.9.0