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feat(rust): update rustaceanvim to v5
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with backwards compatibility for neovim v0.9 being pinned to v4
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mehalter committed Jul 28, 2024
1 parent de5139e commit de4886d
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Showing 2 changed files with 114 additions and 45 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion lua/astrocommunity/pack/rust/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
This plugin pack does the following:

- Adds `rust` Treesitter parsers
- Adds [rustaceanvim]( for language specific tooling
- Adds [rustaceanvim]( for language specific tooling (v4 or v5 depending on nvim version)
- Adds [crates.nvim]( for crate management
- Adds [TOML language support](../toml)

Expand Down
157 changes: 113 additions & 44 deletions lua/astrocommunity/pack/rust/init.lua
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
return {
local pack = {
{ import = "astrocommunity.pack.toml" },
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -47,14 +47,61 @@ return {
lazy = true,
dependencies = {
opts = {
autocmds = {
CmpSourceCargo = {
event = "BufRead",
desc = "Load crates.nvim into Cargo buffers",
pattern = "Cargo.toml",
callback = function()
require("cmp").setup.buffer { sources = { { name = "crates" } } }
require "crates"
opts = {
completion = {
cmp = { enabled = true },
crates = {
enabled = true,
null_ls = {
enabled = true,
name = "crates.nvim",
optional = true,
opts = function(_, opts)
if not opts.adapters then opts.adapters = {} end
local rustaceanvim_avail, rustaceanvim = pcall(require, "rustaceanvim.neotest")
if rustaceanvim_avail then table.insert(opts.adapters, rustaceanvim) end

if vim.fn.has "nvim-0.10" then
-- Rustaceanvim v5 supports neovim v0.10+
table.insert(pack, {
version = "^4",
version = "^5",
ft = "rust",
specs = {
optional = true,
---@param opts AstroLSPOpts
---@type AstroLSPOpts
opts = {
handlers = { rust_analyzer = false }, -- disable setup of `rust_analyzer`
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -103,48 +150,70 @@ return {
return { server = final_server, dap = { adapter = adapter }, tools = { enable_clippy = false } }
config = function(_, opts) vim.g.rustaceanvim = require("astrocore").extend_tbl(opts, vim.g.rustaceanvim) end,
lazy = true,
dependencies = {
opts = {
autocmds = {
CmpSourceCargo = {
event = "BufRead",
desc = "Load crates.nvim into Cargo buffers",
pattern = "Cargo.toml",
callback = function()
require("cmp").setup.buffer { sources = { { name = "crates" } } }
require "crates"
opts = {
completion = {
cmp = { enabled = true },
crates = {
enabled = true,
-- TODO: Remove this with AstroNvim v5 when dropping Neovim v0.9 support
-- Rustaceanvim v4 is the last version that supports neovim v0.9
-- This is simply a copy/paste of the v4 configuration to be left alone just in case
-- the setup gets breaking changes and diverges.
table.insert(pack, {
version = "^4",
ft = "rust",
specs = {
optional = true,
---@type AstroLSPOpts
opts = {
handlers = { rust_analyzer = false }, -- disable setup of `rust_analyzer`
null_ls = {
enabled = true,
name = "crates.nvim",
optional = true,
opts = function(_, opts)
if not opts.adapters then opts.adapters = {} end
local rustaceanvim_avail, rustaceanvim = pcall(require, "rustaceanvim.neotest")
if rustaceanvim_avail then table.insert(opts.adapters, rustaceanvim) end
opts = function()
local adapter
local success, package = pcall(function() return require("mason-registry").get_package "codelldb" end)
local cfg = require "rustaceanvim.config"
if success then
local package_path = package:get_install_path()
local codelldb_path = package_path .. "/codelldb"
local liblldb_path = package_path .. "/extension/lldb/lib/liblldb"
local this_os = vim.loop.os_uname().sysname

-- The path in windows is different
if this_os:find "Windows" then
codelldb_path = package_path .. "\\extension\\adapter\\codelldb.exe"
liblldb_path = package_path .. "\\extension\\lldb\\bin\\liblldb.dll"
-- The liblldb extension is .so for linux and .dylib for macOS
liblldb_path = liblldb_path .. (this_os == "Linux" and ".so" or ".dylib")
adapter = cfg.get_codelldb_adapter(codelldb_path, liblldb_path)
adapter = cfg.get_codelldb_adapter()

local astrolsp_avail, astrolsp = pcall(require, "astrolsp")
local astrolsp_opts = (astrolsp_avail and astrolsp.lsp_opts "rust_analyzer") or {}
local server = {
---@type table | (fun(project_root:string|nil, default_settings: table|nil):table) -- The rust-analyzer settings or a function that creates them.
settings = function(project_root, default_settings)
local astrolsp_settings = astrolsp_opts.settings or {}

local merge_table = require("astrocore").extend_tbl(default_settings or {}, astrolsp_settings)
local ra = require "rustaceanvim.config.server"
-- load_rust_analyzer_settings merges any found settings with the passed in default settings table and then returns that table
return ra.load_rust_analyzer_settings(project_root, {
settings_file_pattern = "rust-analyzer.json",
default_settings = merge_table,
local final_server = require("astrocore").extend_tbl(astrolsp_opts, server)
return { server = final_server, dap = { adapter = adapter }, tools = { enable_clippy = false } }
config = function(_, opts) vim.g.rustaceanvim = require("astrocore").extend_tbl(opts, vim.g.rustaceanvim) end,

return pack

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