Languages | Technologies | Databases | Install | Usage | License
- #TypeScript
- #Express
- #TypeORM
- #ESLint
- #Prettier
- #AWS S3
- #Multer
- #Celebrate
- #JWT
- #Nodemailer
- #Handlebars
- #TSringe
- #ioRedis
- #rate-limiter-flexible
- #Commitlint
- #Commitizen
- #Husky
- #Postgres
- #MongoDB
- #Redis
Init your repository before install, or you will need to reinstall husky.
yarn install
yarn dev:server
π€ Arthur Pedroti
- Github: @ArthurPedroti
- Linkedin: @ArthurPedroti
Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check issues page. You can also take a look at the contributing guide.
Give a βοΈ if this project helped you!
Copyright Β© 2020 Arthur Pedroti.
This project is MIT licensed.
Made by π by Arthur Pedroti