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A distributed microservices event-driven search engine for tweets and a zero trust architecture.

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Sep 26, 2022
0f0cba4 · Sep 26, 2022


37 Commits
Sep 25, 2022
Sep 26, 2022
Sep 26, 2022
Sep 26, 2022
Sep 26, 2022
Sep 26, 2022
Sep 26, 2022
Sep 23, 2022
Sep 23, 2022
Sep 26, 2022

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Architecture Overview



  • Config-server: Spring-cloud-config, retrieves the configs in config-server-repository and each service uses them.

  • Twitter-to-kafka-service: Simulates a stream of tweets from twitter and send them to a kafka topic called "twitter-topic".

  • Kafka-to-elastic-service: Consumes the events from "twitter-topic" and sends them to Elasticsearch.

  • Kafka-streams-service: Consumes the events from "twitter-topic" and groups them by (key, word) and after count (word-count):

    • Save the result in the kafka streams state store.
    • It sends the new event (word, count) to "twitter-analytics-topic".

    This service offers a RESTful api to retrieve the word count from the kafka streams state store.

  • Analytics-service: Consumes the events from "twitter-analytics-topic" and persists them in PostgreSQL. It offers as well a RESTful API to retrieve the word count from the PostgreSQL DB.

  • Elastic-query-Service: Query Elasticsearch based on client interactions. Returns how many times a word appears in each document. To accomplish that it can make a REST request to Analytics-service or Elastic-query-service (to choose to go in docker-compose/services.yml and for elastic-query-service-1 or elastic-query-service-2 change: "ELASTIC-QUERY-SERVICE_WEBCLIENT_QUERY-TYPE" to "ANALYTICS_DATABASE" or "KAFKA_STATE_STORE").

  • Elastic-query-web-client: Client that allows the user to log in and search for a tweet. It asks for an elastic-query-service to retrieve the tweets based on the user input in the search bar. It as well returns the words count to see in how many documents each word appears.

  • Elastic-query-web-client-2: Same but created to show how to implement SSO (more info in security readme).

  • Discovery-service: Server for service registration and discovery.

  • Gateway-service: API Gateway with rate limiting using Redis as datastore for rate limiter. We defined 3 properties for the rate limiter.

    Based on stripe -

    The Algorithm used is the token bucket algorithm:


    • Redis-rate-limiter.replenishRate: Rate at which the token basket is filled. It defines the request/second a user is allowed to do.
    • Redis-rate-limiter.burstCapacity: Max. number of requests a user is allowed to do in a single second. Can be used to allow for a temporary burst up to this number. Also sets the number of tokens a token can hold. Setting this to zero blocks all requests.
    • Redis-rate-limiter.requestedTokens: Defines how many tokens a request costs. Defaults to 1.


    • replenishRate=5, burstCapacity=10, requestedTokens=1: Token bucket will be filled by 5 in each second, but with max. a number of allowed tokens as 10. Users can send 10 requests at the first second, as burst 10 is allowed, however, cannot send another request until the second 3 as the allowance of 2 seconds is already spent in the first second.
    • replenishRate=1, burstCapacity=60, requestedTokens=60: Token bucket will be filled by 1 in each second, with max. a number of 60 tokens. Since requestedTokens is 60, any request will cost 60 tokens, and a request that comes between second 1 and second 60 will be allowed and then it will be blocked until 61 seconds. That implies 1 request/min.

    Any request that goes beyond the rate limit will result in HTTP 429 - Too Many Requests as responses.

    We used Resilience4j defining a filter named CircuitBreaker inside the gateway and for each service a fallback uri. Resilience4j CircuitBreaker is implemented using a finite state machine with 3 normal states: CLOSED, OPEN and HALF_OPEN.

    Basic Transitions:

    • CLOSED -> OPEN: Occurs when the failure rate is equal or greater than a configurable threshold, for example when more than 25% of calls fail.
    • CLOSED -> OPEN: This also occurs if slow call percentage is equal or greater than a configurable threshold, for instance, when 25% of calls took longer than 5 seconds.
    • OPEN -> HALF_OPEN: After the configured wait duration passes, the state can switch to HALF_OPEN where it has a configured amount of calls allowed.
    • HALF_OPEN -> OPEN: If the failure rate or slow call rate is still equal or greater than a configurable threshold.
    • HALF_OPEN -> CLOSED If the failure rate and slow call rate still is less than a configurable threshold.

Note: We use spring sleuth to send trance/ span data from different services to kafka, after zipkin consumes directly to kafka for distributed tracing and persist everything in a MySQL db. We could have sent from each service through HTTP to zipkin, but with the first implementation, we have decoupled.


  • App-config-data: Objects representing the configs retrieved from spring-cloud-config.

  • Common config: common configs.

  • Common util: common utils.

  • Elastic Folders

    • Elastic-config: Get the configs to communicate correctly with Elasticsearch.
    • Elastic-index-client: Index correctly the documents in Elasticsearch.
    • elastic-model: define the index model and the tweet model for Elasticsearch.
    • Elastic-query-client: define how to query Elasticsearch to get documents.
  • Kafka Folders

    • Kafka-model: Create and hold java object for kafka in Avro format.
  • Kafka-admin: Create and verify Kafka topics programmatically.

    • Kafka-producer: Use spring-kafka to write Kafka producer implementation.
  • Kafka-consumer: Use spring-kafka to write Kafka consumer implementation.

  • mdc-interceptor: Interceptor that adds to each HTTP request a correlation id in the header, the interceptor check if the correlation-id is in the header, if yes, just add to the header of the new request the same correlation id, if not, creates a new correlation id and adds it to the header.


Check this page for more info about security (0Auth + OpenId Connect with Keycloak explanation included).


Launch docker.

From the root folder to create the docker images type in the terminal:

mvn clean install -DskipTests

Make all the scripts runnable (needed for the services in docker-compose):

chmod +x docker-compose/scripts/*.sh

To access the web client on browser, we need to update the DNS with hostnames, because when web-client, for instance, is redirecting to the user login (keycloack), it will do it to http://keycloack-authorization-server:9091 hostname, that is the container running in docker-compose and externally is accessible on localhost:9091. So from the terminal let's type:

vi /etc/hosts

and after add:       keycloak-authorization-server       elastic-query-service-1       elastic-query-service-2       elastic-query-web-client-1       elastic-query-web-client-2

And save.

Now we can run everything from the folder docker-compose by typing:

docker-compose up

Wait for a while, till the services are up and running (can take long).

You can access the elastic-query-web-client from a browser at:


To login:

Username: app_super_user

Password: super_user