treestats is a simple tool to compute the count and the total size of each file extension in a directory tree.
Usage: treestats analyze <directory>
treestats -h | --help
treestats --version
analyze Analyze a directory tree and output statistics.
directory Root directory of the directory tree to analyze.
-h, --help Show this screen.
--version Show version.
The output consists of TSV with no header and three columns: extension, count, total size (in bytes), separated by single tabs (\t
Files that do not have an extension, or the extension of which is not valid UTF-8 are grouped under the “other” pseudo-extension.
This enables seamless composition with other tools to filter, sort, pretty-print… the output.
$ treestats analyze ~/Music | sort -nrk3 | head -n 3
5654 files, 25.19 GiB analyzed [00:00:02]
ogg 1922 15536178965
mp3 2999 10386533620
wma 85 394384068
$ treestats analyze ~/Music | sort -nrk2 | head -n 3 | column -t
5654 files, 25.19 GiB analyzed [00:00:02]
mp3 2999 10386533620
ogg 1922 15536178965
au 128 97610120
Same thing with csview:
$ treestats analyze ~/Music | sort -nrk2 | head -n 3 | csview -H -t -s Rounded
5654 files, 25.19 GiB analyzed [00:00:02]
│ mp3 │ 2999 │ 10386533620 │
│ ogg │ 1922 │ 15536178965 │
│ au │ 128 │ 97610120 │
$ treestats analyze ~/Music | awk '$2 > 10' | sort -nk2 | head -n 3
5654 files, 25.19 GiB analyzed [00:00:02]
xm 11 12172128
mix 12 31213
rm 19 5305945
We can use cmdlets provided by powershell
, though we need to specify delimiter and provide header. In this this example we output top 3 extensions sorted by decreasing total size.
Pretty-printing is handled by powershell.
PS> treestats.exe analyze $HOME\Downloads\ | ConvertFrom-Csv -Delimiter `t -Header 'extension', 'count', 'size' | sort {[int]$_.size} -Descending -top 3
4893 files, 985.43 MiB analyzed [00:00:00]
extension count size
--------- ----- ----
exe 21 257707977
zip 19 158416662
pdf 128 146198528
Run cargo build --release
in your working copy.
Contributions are welcome through GitHub pull requests.
Please report bugs and feature requests on GitHub issues.
treestats is copyright (C) 2022 Jérémie Roquet [email protected] and licensed under the ISC license.