This application allows you to scroll a web page with your head movements.
- The user's webcam detects his face and eyes
- The algorithm detects user blinks
- After a double blink, the algorithm tracks the user's head movements to get the direction to scroll
- Then the scroll starts and stops when the user blinks twice
- Open this DEMO
- Allow access to the camera
- Wait for the algorithm to recognize your face
- Make a double blink to start scroll (the "unlock" icon will appear in the upper right corner)
- Nod up or down
- Make a double blink to stop scroll (the "lock" icon will appear in the upper right corner)
To clone and run this application, you'll need Git. From your command line:
# Clone this repository
$ git clone
# Go into the repository
$ cd Eye-tracker
# Install dependencies
$ npm install
# Open the index.html file
This software uses the following open source packages:
- jQuery "^3.5.1"
- Browserify "latest"
- TensorFlow "2.6.0"
- Face landmarks detection model "0.0.1"
- Chart.js "^2.9.4"
- Don't touch your face - Face touch detection with BodyPix segmentation
- Doodle Recognition - Web app classsificator based on the Quick, Draw! Dataset.
- Pomodoro Bot - Telegram bot with the pomodoro timer