This is a simple C++ software used to identify spelling mistakes of binaries typed in the bash shell, and correct them by suggesting a similar binary currently installed in the operative system.
- nlohmann/json: C++ JSON library for parsing JSON data.
- spdlog: C++ logging library.
- boost/program_options: C++ parameter handler.
- SQLiteCpp: C++ SQLite3 wrapper.
On Debian-based systems:
sudo apt-get install nlohmann-json3-dev libspdlog-dev libboost-all-dev libsqlitecpp-dev
- An incorrect command is executed on the shell.
- The system cannot find the binary in the directories listed in the $PATH and triggers the command_not_found_handle() function.
- The SMILE program is executed, passing the not-found command as an argument.
- SMILE scans the system for installed binaries by examining directories specified in its configuration file
- If enabled on the settings file, the program uses an heuristic approach to filter those binaries of which length and individual characters mismatches exceed a specified threshold.
- For each resulting found binary, SMILE calculates the Damerau-Leveshtein distance.
- Binaries with a Damerau-Levenshtein distance within the defined threshold are suggested to the user as potential corrections.
SMILE uses a settings.json
file to define its behavior. Below is an example configuration:
"databaseHistoryStorageEnabled": false, // WIP
"ignoreMntFromSystemPathVariables": true, // Ignores paths that starts with /mnt/ from the lookup of binaries
"lengthConditionHeuristic": 2, // Heuristic length condition to apply prior to the Damerau-Leveshtein distance calculation
"lengthConditionHeuristicEnabled": true,
"systemBinariesPath": [ // List of path for the binaries lookup