I'm a teenager based in Cape Town suburbs, South Africa, I am currently in high school with a strong passion for Coding, Cyber Security and Web development. Here's a little more about me:
I practice or I try to practice my skills in Coding and Cyber Security through various courses, focusing on ethical hacking. I'm am enthusiastic and passionate for everythign to do with computers. I try to maintain consistentcy with my skills whilst balancing my life after all I dream big.
I'm actively learning from sites like TryHackMe, ProgrammingHub, Alison Courses, etc.
I occasionally build annoying or fun websites as a hobby.
I would say check my repositories for my products but i tend to not upload what i build as I think the more quiet you are the more you know.
- 📫 How to reach me [email protected] and https://tinyurl.com/Anonymous545-lab (For My Linkedin)
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