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Harp: Liquity Frontend

Harp is a decentralized financial instrument. It incentivizes staking of the native tokens for the Liquity Protocol. Specifically the LUSD token inside the Stability Pool. It creates this incentive by rewarding stakers of the Gov Token with sites kickbacks.

We are very strong supporters of the Liquity Protocol and believe deeply that decentralized financial products are critical to insure the future is more fair, free, and open! For these reasons we have developed Harp, and plan to maintain it, to be open source and to offer added incentives for Liquity Protocol interactions


Harp is powered by the Liquity Frontend Program, meaning it receives an LQTY reward relative to the amount of Stability Pool stakers, staked through Harp. We decided to build a unique incentive mechanism to allow Harp Stability Pool stakers to share in the rewards that the front-end generates by creating the Profit Sharing Pool.

The following contracts (UNAUDITED) were built to enable this functionality:

  • StringStaking.sol
  • Farm.sol
  • StabilityFactory.sol
  • StabilityProxy.sol
  • StringToken.sol
  • gStringToken.sol
  • TokenVesting.sol


At this stage all contracts are UNAUDITED and have very minimal testing. To look at the contracts and current tests see ./contract-testing. On a highlevel all contract logic is derived from the SushiSwap MasterChef.sol with, in most cases small adjustments.


This contract is derived from MasterChef and enables users to deposit STRING as the LP and rewards stakers with freshly minted STRING per block and LQTY kick backs from StabilityProxy.sol and StabilityPool.sol deposits using the StringStaking address as the front end tag. All deposit amounts mint the same amount deposited to msg.sender in gSTRING. All withdraw amounts burn the amount withdrawn by msg.sender in gSTRING

The following functions are the public facing functions:

  • deposit(uint256 _amount) - This takes in an int as the param to deposit. Next it updates the state calling updatePool(). It then checks to see if the users amount is greater than 0, as a way to determine if they have any pending rewards. If so it sends pending rewards to user. Next it transfers STRING from the user, meaning the user must approve of this action before hand. Then the users amount and the pools lp token suppply amount is updated with the amount deposited. Next the users reward debt is updated to account for all pending rewards sent and set rewarddebt so user has no share of rewards prior. Finally gSTRING is minted 1:1 with amount deposited and sent to user.

  • widthdraw(uint256 _amount) - This takes in an int as the param to withdraw. Next require that the user has the amount avaible to withdraw so to not allow overwithdrawals. Next get msg.senders gSTRING balance and requiring the gSTRING balance to be less than or equal to _amount so to not allow unlimited gSTRING minted. Next it updates the state calling updatePool(). Next it sends pending rewards to user. Next it burns gSTRING from the user, meaning the user must approve of this action before hand. Next it transfers STRING from the user. Then the users amount and the pools lp token suppply amount is updated with the amount withdrawn. Next the users reward debt is updated to account for all pending rewards sent and set rewarddebt so user has no share of rewards prior.

  • updatePool() - This updates all the pool specific state values. When called it checks to see if any new LQTY has been recieved then updates the accLQTYPerShare for the pool. It then checks to see if there are any new blocks since last update and if so it mints new STRING based on the stringPerBlock and mints it to the contract. Lastly it updates the pools accStringPerShare based on the new freshly added STRING and updates the lastRewardBlock to block.number.


This contract is nealry identical to MasterChef and enables users to deposit UNI-LP tokens and rewards stakers with freshly minted STRING per block.

The following functions are the public facing functions:

  • deposit(uint256 _pid, uint256 _amount) - This takes two params the pools id and the _amount to deposit in that pool. Next it updates the state calling updatePool(_pid). It then checks to see if the users amount is greater than 0, as a way to determine if they have any pending rewards. If so it sends pending rewards to user. Next it transfers UNI-LP from the user, meaning the user must approve of this action before hand. Then the users amount is updated with the amount deposited. Next the users reward debt is updated to account for all pending rewards sent and set rewarddebt so user has no share of rewards prior.

  • withdraw(uint256 _pid, uint256 _amount) - This takes two params the pools id and the _amount to withdraw in that pool. Next require that the user has the amount avaible to withdraw so to not allow overwithdrawals. Next it updates the state calling updatePool(_pid). It then sends pending rewards to user. Next it transfers UNI-LP to the user Then the users amount is updated with the amount withdrawn. Next the users reward debt is updated to account for all pending rewards sent and set rewarddebt so user has no share of rewards prior.

  • claim(uint256 _pid) - This takes one params the pools id. Next it updates the state calling updatePool(_pid). It then sends pending rewards to user.Next the users reward debt is updated to account for all pending rewards sent and set rewarddebt so user has no share of rewards prior.

  • updatePool(uint256 _pid) - This updates all the pool specific state values. It checks to see if there are any new blocks since last update and if so it mints new STRING based on the stringPerBlock and mints it to the contract. Lastly it updates the pools accStringPerShare based on the new freshly added STRING and updates the lastRewardBlock to block.number.


This contract is on a high level a just a farm, where pool state variables are kept in the StabilityFactory.sol and users state variables are kept in the StabilityProxy.sol.

The following functions are the public facing functions:

  • createStabilityProxy() - This simply creates a new instance of the StabiiliyProxy.sol where msg.sender is the owner so long as msg.sender does not already have a proxy.

  • update(uint256 _pid) - This updates all the pool specific state values. It checks to see if there are any new blocks since last update and if so it mints new STRING based on the stringPerBlock and mints it to the contract. Lastly it updates the pools accStringPerShare based on the new freshly added STRING and updates the lastRewardBlock to block.number.

All other functions are either private or either called only by StabilityProxy.sol instances.


This contract acts as an inbetween for the user and the StabilityPool.sol. This allows us to keep track of user specific state to fairly reward users STRING for Stability Pool interactions. Also going to back to farm analogy this is essentially the where the UserInfo struct state variables are kept and updated.

The following functions are the public facing functions:

  • deposit(uint256 _amount) - This takes one param the _amount to deposit. Next it updates the state of the pool variables by calling StabilityFactory.update().It then calls _updateBalance() to check if there has been any state changes to the users lusd balance in the StabilityPool.sol. It then checks to see if the users amount is greater than 0, as a way to determine if they have any pending rewards. If so it sends pending rewards to user. Next it transfers LUSD from the user, meaning the user must approve of this action before hand. Then the users amount is updated with the amount deposited and the pools totalLUSD is updated by calling StabilityFactory.addLUSD(_amount). Next the pools reference to the proxy state variables are updated by calling StabilityFactory.updateProxyBalance(lusdBalance, owner). Finally the LUSD is transfered to the Stability Pool by calling StabilityPool.provideToSP(_amount, frontEnd) where frontEnd is the StringStaking.sol address.

  • withdraw(uint256 _amount) - This takes one param the _amount to witdraw in. Next it updates the state of the pool variables by calling StabilityFactory.update().It then calls _updateBalance() to check if there has been any state changes to the users lusd balance in the StabilityPool.sol. It then sends pending rewards to user. Next it checks to see if the proxys lusdBalance was updated from _updateBalance(), if so and the lusdBalance is now lower than _amount it passes lusdBalance so to avoid overwithdrawals. Next it withdrawals LUSD from the Stability Pool by calling StabilityPool.withdrawFromSP(lusdBalance||_amount). Next the withdrawn LUSD is transfered to proxy owner. Then the proxy amount is updated as lusdBalance with the amount withdrawn and the pools totalLUSD is updated by calling StabilityFactory.subtractLUSD(_amount). Finally the pools reference to the proxy state variables are updated by calling StabilityFactory.updateProxyBalance(lusdBalance, owner).

  • claim() - This updates the state of the pool variables by calling StabilityFactory.update(). It then calls _updateBalance() to check if there has been any state changes to the users lusd balance in the StabilityPool.sol. Next the users rewards are claimed by calling StabilityPool.withdrawFromSP(0). Finally all rewards are sent.

This contract is very complex with alot of external contract calls which makes it a high security risk, USE WITH CAUTION


This is a standard ERC20 contract with minting capabilities granted on deployment to select owners and uncapped


This is a standard ERC20 contract with minting capabilities granted on deployment to select owners and ERC20Burnable inheritance.


This contract handles the logic for the AngelDAO token allocation. 1 million tokens will be distributed to the AngelDAO token address over 2 years


The plan is to open source the entire front end code a week after launch to allow of other people to fork or see ways of interacting with the contracts.

Plan for critical bug

The plan for a critical bug is to redeploy the contracts and deploy a claim contract to convert user amounts from state so users can claim their rightful STRING and redeposit in new contracts.

Pending rewards will be ignored, all gSTRING lost will be ignored and any user losts funds that are not recoverabe/trackable to allow users to reclaim in new contracts will be burnt from AngelDAO and HarpDAO treasury up to the total amount of STRING they each hold.


Decentralized financial instrument






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