This is a NeoVim and Vim configuration, It has 3 versions actually, and one of them is just 1 .vim file, so it's straightforward to use and modify; what you see in the main branch is more complicated and it's the main config, check the wiki if you want more information; The main config is based on Lua, but there's a VimScript based on config. This repository contains 3 different branches each one of them has a different config, choose anyone, and all of them should work. You should follow this "guide" based on project branches.
- Update single script config to pckr.nvim
- Update installation script
- Refactor MuVim's wiki
- Make some introduction's video
- Improve documentation
This configuration is pretty usefull to take it as a template; This version have sincrohinzed with "VimScript" branch, so functionalities there should work here too. Also there is a basic tutorial where you can see how to make a vim or nvim file like this, check the link here
"VimScript" is a language that comes by default with vim/nvim in both of them it works; this version uses this lenguage to handle their characteristics, such as "modules", those modules make it a more difficult to understand for beginners, also easier to mantein and extend
This is core editor version, used for working as Web developer, Editor maintenance... also handling my OS editing, keep this version if you want the latest features, new features will be added here first, then those will be implemented on other branches, this is the fastest one version, the most complicated too
If you want to use Μμ Vim on its Lua version you will need a couple of resources to make works, nvim is necessary, unfortunelly we can't use this config with vim should be enough, Lua itself, then it's on you to install some other features
If you don't know to much about vim or nvim just follow the next steps:
git clone
cd mu-nvim/ && ./ && exit
cd C:\Users\$USER\AppData\Local\
move nvim nvim_old
git clone
move mu-nvim nvim
Once you make this, open nvim then:
:source %
<Space> + p + i
<Space> + p + u
That's it, done
There may be some issues on nvim that should be solve, a common one can be not having a C compiler (On windows) or not having some commands (Any system) such as fd; checkhealth in general should give you all the information you might need, but there's also a guide of troubleshooting here
Wanna help a litte? Hit the start button, I'm still wondering if it works
There's a couple of apps I recommend you to improve a little bit more your velocity, they are:
If you are reading this, it means that you want to improve your velocity, or you want to make your own things so, if you start by nvim or vim It may be complicated, but just at the beginning them you'll look like a professional "Ninja Dev": keep working constancy conquer whatever
If this project doesn't match to you, you could also check:
Special thanks to @jx11r for documentation provided