G eneric
U niversal
M odeling
P latform
S oftware
Designed to remove redundancy in computational modeling and allowing the creation of pipelines to chain multiple models together.
You can create a gumps environment using mamba env create -f environment_XXX.yml where XXX is the environment you want to create. Wwe offer Python 3.10 and 3.11 with a test environent for 3.12 in both CPU and GPU accelerated version.
Activate the enivironment and then run python setup.py sdist bdist_wheeel pip install .
The goal of GUMPS is two-fold:
- Provide an interface for Modeling Engineers to integrate new and existing model code into GUMPS
- Provide library functions in order to perform higher order mathematical operations.
First Entry Point to GUMPS. This is where Users can take their existing models and adapt them to the Framework. Users are responsible for defining the following functions:
Function | Purpose |
user_defined_function | Wrapper function to define what should be executed in a single iteration |
get_states | Define a dictionary of variable names and their default values |
initialize | Responsible for any initialization the kernel requires |
Class that represents different classes of mathematical solvers to run on top of Kernels
Bridge between the Solver and Kernel, responsible for confirming that the problem statement of the Solver matches the states of the Kernel
See the jupyter notebook included here for an overview of how to construct different studies.
- Bill Heymann
- Joao Alberto de Faria
- Pablo Rolandi
- Will Johnson
- Martin Carcamo