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sass library of mixins i like, and some style features

##To Be Added Mobile grid system


Web Safe Colors

There are a multitude of web safe flat color variables with simple color names.


The global gutter variable is the amount of space between columns in the grid, simply set it to change the grid spacing.

Grid System

Zeppelin uses a simple grid system, it currently only takes 12 grids as an argument.


The span mixin takes an argument for how many columns you want an item to inhabit.

####row Shortcut to make an element take a full row


The slide mixin takes an argument that will clear that many columns to the left of the item, you can also use a negative number to clear columns to the right.

Useful Mixins

####Reset Gerneral styling and normalization, include by itself, not in a selector.


Add the clearfix mixin to quickly ad a clearfix to an element, to keep floated elements from escapint their containers.

####Size Add the size mixin to quickly set an even height and width on an element

####Side-Margin Used to add an even left and right margin to an item

####Vert-Margin Used to add an even top and bottom margin to an item

####Side-Pad Used to add an even left and right padding to an item

####Vert-pad Used to add an even top and bottom paddingn to an item


####Center Used to center an item on the page, and center its text within it

####Container Used to set an outer bounds for a wrapper, default value is 960px, but if you add a size argument it will use that value instead, also centers the container on the page


####Circle takes a size argument and turns the element into a circle of that size

####Triangle takes a height, width, color, and direction(up, down, left, right) arguments, all are required, and transforms the element into a matching triangle


####Button Takes a color, font-color, and style argument, and defaults for any argument that isn't set. styles include inverse, pill, pill-inverse, and float. Button sizes are based off of the font size

####Input Styles input fields, like text, date, text-area

####Disabled Disables an form element so it can not be interacted with

####Fixed-Nav Turns an element into a bar fixed to the top of the screen, optional argument shade, will five it ashadow

####Striped-Table Turns a table into one with alternating colors, accepts two colors, otherwise will default

####Hover-table Turns a table into a table that highlights items that are hovered over, accepts two colors, otherwise will default

####Ribbon turns an element into a ribbon, put any text into another element inside of it

####smooth Rounds off the corners of an element

##Vendor Prefixes

There are a multitude of vendor prefix shortcuts so that you don't have to type in multiple.


custom css framework







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