A powershell module that uses the Todoist V8 BETA api.
This module or author is NOT affiliated with TODOIST.
See install
Refer to the docs
On the todoist website, go to: Todoist Settings -> Account -> API token.
You can either set the todoist token with:
Set-TodoistToken -Token <YourToken>
Or supply it as a parameter on every command
Get-TodoistTask -Token <Yourtoken>
Set-TodoistToken -Token abcdef12345
Get-TodoistTask | Where-Object {$_.Content -eq "Do dishes"} | Update-TodoistTask -Content "Buy dishwasher"
Set-TodoistToken -Token abcdef12345
$Task = Get-TodoistTask | Where-Object {$_.Content -eq "Do dishes"}
# To close task
$Task | Close-TodoistTask
# To reopen Task
$Task | Open-Todoist Task
# To update task with class method
$Task.Content = 'Buy dishwasher'
# To close task with class method
# To update a class with function
Update-TodoistTask -Id $Task.Id -Content "Buy cheap dishwasher"
# To add comment to task
$Task | New-TodoistComment -Category Task -Content "Researched dishwashers online"
# To add comment with a file to task
$Task | New-TodoistComment -Category Task -Content "PDF of dishwasher" -AddAttachment -AttachmentResourceType "file" -AttachmentFileType "application/pdf" -AttachmentFileUrl "http://contoso.com/files/dishwasher.pdf" -AttachmentFileName "Dishwasher.pdf"
# To remove task
$Task | Remove-TodoistTask
# To create a new label
New-TodoistLabel -Name "At home"
# To create a new project
New-TodoistProject -Name "Repair dishwasher"
Author: https://github.com/AlexAsplund
Website: https://automativity.com