- Interactive Quiz Interface: User-friendly interface for engaging with quizzes.
- Dynamic Quiz Display: List of quizzes with titles, subtitles, and images.
- Real-Time Timer: Live countdown timer for each quiz.
- Progress Indicator: Visual representation of quiz progress via a linear progress bar.
- Answer Selection: Multiple-choice answers with easy selection.
- Score Calculation: Automated scoring and feedback at the end of the quiz.
- Result Feedback: Pass/fail feedback with detailed score summary.
Main Activity:
- Displays a list of available quizzes.
- Shows quiz details including images and descriptions.
Quiz Activity:
- Presents quiz questions and answer options.
- Handles answer selection and updates UI.
- Navigates through questions and shows quiz progress.
Score Dialog:
- Displays final quiz score and performance feedback.
- Provides pass/fail result and percentage score.