This is a repository for 3D Gradient weighted Class Activation Maps for Manufacturability Analysis. For more details, please see the paper:
Learning Localized Geometric Features Using 3D-CNN: An Application to Manufacturability Analysis of Drilled Holes
Aditya Balu, Sambit Ghadai, Kin Gwn Lore, Gavin Young, Adarsh Krishnamurthy, Soumik Sarkar
Demo: Adam Lab
Keras 2.0.5, Tensorflow 1.2
You can either import the GradCAM function:
from GradCAM import prepareGradCAM, GradCAM
activationFunction=prepareGradCAM(cnnModel, layerIdx, nbClasses)
activationFunction is a Keras Function for computing the class activation map
The following codes shall be made available soon:
- Data Generation using ACIS solid modeling kernel
- GPU Accelerated Voxelization: Available now @
- Training
- GPU accelerated Volume Rendering of GradCAM output