The course website is based off the course template by Kieran Healy.
The PM566 course webpage is linked at the top of this page.
This skeleton uses the Academic Hugo theme, with some slight template modifications found in /assets/
and layouts/
. The theme is included as a submodule, so when when cloning for the first time, use this command to get the theme too:
git submodule update --init --recursive
Then you can use blogdown::serve_site()
to render the website locally. Remember to run blogdown::serve_site()
before pushing new changes.
To add material for week X you need to do the following.
Create a file named 0X-reading.Rmd
in the content/reading/
folder. You can use the following as a starting point:
title: "Add a title here"
date: "2018-09-04"
citeproc: false
bibliography: ../../static/bib/references.bib
csl: ../../static/bib/chicago-fullnote-bibliography-no-bib.csl
# Required reading
# Optional reading
This page follows general rmarkdown syntax. You don't need to knit this file as it automatically is knitted each time the website is rendered. Refrain for having long running code in this document. Once you are done with this file, modify data/schedule.yaml
by adding reading: "0X-reading"
as the appropriate week.
Create a file named 0X-class.Rmd
in the content/reading/
folder. You can use the following as a starting point:
title: "Add a title here"
linktitle: "X: short title"
date: "2020-01-10"
class_date: "2020-01-10"
citeproc: false
bibliography: ../../static/bib/references.bib
csl: ../../static/bib/chicago-syllabus-no-bib.csl
template: ../../pandoc/toc-title_html.template
toc: false
parent: Class sessions
weight: 1
type: docs
weight: 1
chunk_output_type: console
## Lab Exercise
## Slides
## Links
The only thing in the yaml chunck you need to modify is the title
and linktitle
tags. Try to keep the linktitle to a couple of words.
You can link to pages in in the content folder by using syntax
to link to your slides follow the folder structure you used to save your slides to.
The assignment folder is where we keep all lab exersice, assignment and exam pages.
Create a fil in the content/assignment/
folder. Prefix it with the week 0X, and append it with something meaningful. 0X-lab.Rmd
for lab exercises, 0X-project.Rmd
for projects etc.
The file will be knitted when the website is rendered.
If you want a specific (only one) assignment page to appear on the schedule page you need to modify data/schedule.yaml
by adding assignment: "0X-proejct"
as the appropriate week.
If you want to refer to an assignment from another page you can write
in your code.
To add slides create a folder in the static/slides
folder with the 0X-something
. Inside that folder you can put your slides as a .html, .pdf or whatever other appropiate file format.
The rmarkdown files in here will NOT be knitted when the website is rendered.
To link to your slides you simply the filepath relative to the static/
folder. So the slides.html
file in the 0X-hello/
folder can be linked to by writing