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Releases: ACINQ/eclair

Eclair v0.12.0

11 Mar 15:43
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This release adds support for creating and managing Bolt 12 offers and a new channel closing protocol (option_simple_close) that supports RBF.
We also add support for storing small amounts of (encrypted) data for our peers (option_provide_storage).

⚠️ This release also starts using Java 21, which means you may need to update your runtime.
⚠️ We also update our dependency on Bitcoin Core to v28.1 to benefit from package relay.

We've also made more progress on splicing, which is getting into the final stage of cross-compatibility tests.
This cannot be used yet with other implementations, but will likely be available in the next release.

This release also contains various performance improvements, more configuration options and bug fixes.
One notable performance improvement is a change in one of our database indexes (see #2946), which may take a few seconds to complete when restarting your node.

The detailed release notes can be found here.

Verifying signatures

You will need gpg and our release signing key E04E48E72C205463. Note that you can get it:

To import our signing key:

$ gpg --import drouinf2.asc

To verify the release file checksums and signatures:

$ gpg -d SHA256SUMS.asc > SHA256SUMS.stripped
$ sha256sum -c SHA256SUMS.stripped


Eclair builds are deterministic. To reproduce our builds, please use the following environment (*):

  • Ubuntu 24.04.1
  • Adoptium OpenJDK 21.0.4

Use the following command to generate the eclair-node package:

./mvnw clean install -DskipTests

That should generate eclair-node/target/eclair-node-<version> with sha256 checksums that match the one we provide and sign in SHA256SUMS.asc

(*) You may be able to build the exact same artefacts with other operating systems or versions of JDK 21, we have not tried everything.


This release is fully compatible with previous eclair versions. You don't need to close your channels, just stop eclair, upgrade and restart.

Eclair v0.11.0

04 Dec 09:23
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This release adds official support for Bolt 12 offers and makes progress on liquidity management features (splicing, liquidity ads, on-the-fly funding). We also stop accepting channels that don't support anchor outputs and update our dependency on Bitcoin Core.

We're still actively working with other implementations to finalize the specification for some of these experimental features. You should only activate them if you know what you're doing, and are ready to handle backwards-incompatible changes!

This release also contains various performance improvements, more configuration options and minor bug fixes.

The detailed release notes can be found here.

Verifying signatures

You will need gpg and our release signing key 7A73FE77DE2C4027. Note that you can get it:

To import our signing key:

$ gpg --import drouinf.asc

To verify the release file checksums and signatures:

$ gpg -d SHA256SUMS.asc > SHA256SUMS.stripped
$ sha256sum -c SHA256SUMS.stripped


Eclair builds are deterministic. To reproduce our builds, please use the following environment (*):

  • Ubuntu 22.04
  • AdoptOpenJDK 11.0.22
  • Maven 3.9.2

Use the following command to generate the eclair-node package:

mvn clean install -DskipTests

That should generate eclair-node/target/eclair-node-<version> with sha256 checksums that match the one we provide and sign in SHA256SUMS.asc

(*) You may be able to build the exact same artefacts with other operating systems or versions of JDK 11, we have not tried everything.


This release is fully compatible with previous eclair versions. You don't need to close your channels, just stop eclair, upgrade and restart.

Eclair v0.10.0

29 Feb 09:24
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This release adds official support for the dual-funding feature, an up-to-date implementation of Bolt 12 offers, and a fully working splicing prototype. We're waiting for the specification work to be finalized for some of those features, and other implementations to be ready for cross-compatibility tests. You should only activate them if you know what you're doing, and are ready to handle backwards-incompatible changes!

This release also contains various on-chain fee improvements, more configuration options, performance enhancements and various minor bug fixes.

The detailed release notes can be found here.

Verifying signatures

You will need gpg and our release signing key 7A73FE77DE2C4027. Note that you can get it:

To import our signing key:

$ gpg --import drouinf.asc

To verify the release file checksums and signatures:

$ gpg -d SHA256SUMS.asc > SHA256SUMS.stripped
$ sha256sum -c SHA256SUMS.stripped


Eclair builds are deterministic. To reproduce our builds, please use the following environment (*):

  • Ubuntu 22.04
  • AdoptOpenJDK 11.0.22
  • Maven 3.9.2

Use the following command to generate the eclair-node package:

mvn clean install -DskipTests

That should generate eclair-node/target/eclair-node-<version> with sha256 checksums that match the one
we provide and sign in SHA256SUMS.asc

(*) You may be able to build the exact same artefacts with other operating systems or versions of JDK 11, we have not
tried everything.


This release is fully compatible with previous eclair versions. You don't need to close your channels, just stop eclair,
upgrade and restart.


19 Jun 08:45
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This release contains a lot of preparatory work for important (and complex) lightning features: dual-funding, splicing and Bolt 12 offers.
These features are now fully implemented in eclair, but we're waiting for the specification work to be finalized and other implementations to be ready for cross-compatibility tests.
You should only activate them if you know what you're doing, and are ready to handle potential backwards-incompatible changes!
We also make plugins more powerful, introduce mitigations against various types of DoS, and improve performance in many areas of the codebase.

The detailed release notes can be found here

Verifying signatures

You will need gpg and our release signing key 7A73FE77DE2C4027. Note that you can get it:

To import our signing key:

$ gpg --import drouinf.asc

To verify the release file checksums and signatures:

$ gpg -d SHA256SUMS.asc > SHA256SUMS.stripped
$ sha256sum -c SHA256SUMS.stripped


Eclair builds are deterministic. To reproduce our builds, please use the following environment (*):

  • Ubuntu 22.04
  • AdoptOpenJDK 11.0.6
  • Maven 3.9.2

Use the following command to generate the eclair-node package:

mvn clean install -DskipTests

That should generate eclair-node/target/eclair-node-<version> with sha256 checksums that match the one
we provide and sign in SHA256SUMS.asc

(*) You may be able to build the exact same artefacts with other operating systems or versions of JDK 11, we have not
tried everything.


This release is fully compatible with previous eclair versions. You don't need to close your channels, just stop eclair,
upgrade and restart.

Eclair v0.8.0

01 Dec 14:09
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This release adds official support for two important lightning features: zero-conf channels and channel aliases. It also adds experimental support for dual-funding and a lot of preparatory work for Bolt 12 offers.

⚠️ we also require at least Bitcoin Core 23.0: make sure to upgrade and reconfigure your node (see detailed instructions in the release notes)

The detailed release notes can be found here

Verifying signatures

You will need gpg and our release signing key 7A73FE77DE2C4027. Note that you can get it:

To import our signing key:

$ gpg --import drouinf.asc

To verify the release file checksums and signatures:

$ gpg -d SHA256SUMS.asc > SHA256SUMS.stripped
$ sha256sum -c SHA256SUMS.stripped


Eclair builds are deterministic. To reproduce our builds, please use the following environment (*):

  • Ubuntu 20.04
  • AdoptOpenJDK 11.0.6
  • Maven 3.8.1

Use the following command to generate the eclair-node package:

mvn clean install -DskipTests

That should generate eclair-node/target/eclair-node-<version> with sha256 checksums that match the one
we provide and sign in SHA256SUMS.asc

(*) You may be able to build the exact same artefacts with other operating systems or versions of JDK 11, we have not
tried everything.


This release is fully compatible with previous eclair versions. You don't need to close your channels, just stop eclair,
upgrade and restart.

Eclair v0.7.0-patch-disconnect

18 Jul 11:06
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Eclair v0.7.0-patch-disconnect

This is a patch release which adds two commits:

  • Add option to disable sending remote addr in init (#2285)
  • Resume reading after processing unknown messages (#2332)

It addresses unwanted disconnections with peers that use unknown messages.

Verifying signatures

You will need gpg and our release signing key 7A73FE77DE2C4027. Note that you can get it:

To import our signing key:

$ gpg --import drouinf.asc

To verify the release file checksums and signatures:

$ gpg -d SHA256SUMS.asc > SHA256SUMS.stripped
$ sha256sum -c SHA256SUMS.stripped


Eclair builds are deterministic. To reproduce our builds, please use the following environment (*):

  • Ubuntu 20.04
  • AdoptOpenJDK 11.0.6
  • Maven 3.8.1

Use the following command to generate the eclair-node package:

mvn clean install -DskipTests

That should generate eclair-node/target/ with sha256 checksums that match the one we provide and sign in SHA256SUMS.asc

(*) You may be able to build the exact same artefacts with other operating systems or versions of JDK 11, we have not tried everything.


This release is fully compatible with previous eclair versions. You don't need to close your channels, just stop eclair, upgrade and restart.

Eclair v0.7.0

01 Feb 09:15
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Eclair v0.7.0

This release adds official support for two long-awaited lightning features: anchor outputs and onion messages.
Support for the PostreSQL database backend is also now production ready!
This release also includes a few bug fixes and many new (smaller) features.
It is fully compatible with 0.6.2 (and all previous versions of eclair).

Because this release changes the default type of channels that your node will use, make sure you read the release notes carefully!
The release notes can be found here.

Verifying signatures

You will need gpg and our release signing key 7A73FE77DE2C4027. Note that you can get it:

To import our signing key:

$ gpg --import drouinf.asc

To verify the release file checksums and signatures:

$ gpg -d SHA256SUMS.asc > SHA256SUMS.stripped
$ sha256sum -c SHA256SUMS.stripped


Eclair builds are deterministic. To reproduce our builds, please use the following environment (*):

  • Ubuntu 20.04
  • AdoptOpenJDK 11.0.6
  • Maven 3.8.1

Use the following command to generate the eclair-node package:

mvn clean install -DskipTests

That should generate eclair-node/target/ with sha256 checksums that match the one we provide and sign in SHA256SUMS.asc

(*) You may be able to build the exact same artefacts with other operating systems or versions of JDK 11, we have not tried everything.


This release is fully compatible with previous eclair versions. You don't need to close your channels, just stop eclair, upgrade and restart.

Eclair v0.6.2

08 Oct 07:52
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Eclair v0.6.2

This releases fixes a known vulnerability, makes several performance improvements, includes a few bug fixes and many new features.
It is fully compatible with 0.6.1 (and all previous versions of eclair).

This release requires a few actions from node operators when upgrading: make sure you read the release notes carefully!

The release notes can be found here.

Verifying signatures

You will need gpg and our release signing key 7A73FE77DE2C4027. Note that you can get it:

To import our signing key:

$ gpg --import drouinf.asc

To verify the release file checksums and signatures:

$ gpg -d SHA256SUMS.asc > SHA256SUMS.stripped
$ sha256sum -c SHA256SUMS.stripped


Eclair builds are deterministic. To reproduce our builds, please use the following environment (*):

  • Ubuntu 20.04
  • AdoptOpenJDK 11.0.6
  • Maven 3.8.1

Use the following command to generate the eclair-node package:

mvn clean install -DskipTests

That should generate eclair-node/target/ with sha256 checksums that match the one we provide and sign in SHA256SUMS.asc

(*) You may be able to build the exact same artefacts with other operating systems or versions of JDK 11, we have not tried everything.


This release is fully compatible with previous eclair versions. You don't need to close your channels, just stop eclair, upgrade and restart.

Eclair v0.6.1

19 Jul 14:33
Choose a tag to compare

Eclair v0.6.1

This release makes major performance improvements, includes a few bug fixes and several new features.
It is fully compatible with 0.6.0 (and all previous versions of eclair).

Major changes

Performance improvements


Eclair now uses write-ahead logging in Sqlite (#1871). WAL is better suited to our DB access patterns, and is both much more performant and safer than the default rollback journal that we were using previously.

  1. WAL is significantly faster in most scenarios.
  2. WAL provides more concurrency as readers do not block writers and a writer does not block readers.
  3. Disk I/O operations tends to be more sequential using WAL.
  4. WAL uses many fewer fsync() operations.

This small change improves performance by more than 5x.

Payment Handling

Invoice generation (#1878) and handling of incoming payments (#1880) are now processed in parallel, resulting in a higher throughput under load.

Improved Postgres support

This is the continuation of an effort to make PosgreSQL production-ready. The database schema has been reworked (#1866) and is now better organized, with appropriate types for timestamps (#1862). There have been several concurrency-related bug fixes.

We have also added JSONB columns for local channels and for network announcements (#1865). All individual data fields can now be accessed from SQL and indexed, which is very convenient for advanced analysis and tuning of a routing node.

Upfront shutdown script

This release adds support for option_upfront_shutdown_script (feature bits 4/5).
This feature lets you specify a closing address when you open a channel: your peer will ensure that when you close, your funds can only go to that address.

It can be useful to protect against future hacks of your node, because the attacker won't be able to close your channels and send the funds to an address that he controls. However, it doesn't prevent the attacker from exfiltrating funds by paying lightning invoices, so you shouldn't rely on this feature alone to make your node hack-proof.

This option is disabled by default, but can be enabled in your eclair.conf.
Note that if you enable it, the closing address will be automatically generated by your bitcoind node.

Transaction publishing improvements

This release reworks our internal transaction publishing architecture (see #1844 for details).
The new architecture is more flexible, provides better logging and makes it easy to add dynamic fee bumping in the future for anchor output channels.
It will also make it easier to automatically use CPFP to ensure funding transactions confirm before the 2016 blocks timeout is reached.

API changes

This release updates a few APIs:

  • parseinvoice displays Bolt 11 invoices routing hints (#1833)
  • Plugins can inject their own routes into the API instead of spawning a separate HTTP server (#1805 and #1819)

Miscellaneous improvements and bug fixes

  • Eclair now uses Bitcoin Core 0.21.1 by default (#taproot)
  • Eclair now supports warning messages
  • Eclair uses additional entropy on top of the operating system RNG to mitigate random number generation failures (#1774)

Verifying signatures

You will need gpg and our release signing key 7A73FE77DE2C4027. Note that you can get it:

To import our signing key:

$ gpg --import drouinf.asc

To verify the release file checksums and signatures:

$ gpg -d SHA256SUMS.asc > SHA256SUMS.stripped
$ sha256sum -c SHA256SUMS.stripped


Eclair builds are deterministic. To reproduce our builds, please use the following environment (*):

  • Ubuntu 20.04
  • AdoptOpenJDK 11.0.6
  • Maven 3.8.1

Use the following command to generate the eclair-node package:

mvn clean install -DskipTests

That should generate eclair-node/target/ with sha256 checksums that match the one we provide and sign in SHA256SUMS.asc

(*) You may be able to build the exact same artefacts with other operating systems or versions of JDK 11, we have not tried everything.


This release is fully compatible with eclair v0.6.0. You don't need to close your channels, just stop eclair, upgrade and restart.


a658fa2 Set version to 0.6.1-SNAPSHOT (#1813)
76894bd Add additional PRNG (#1774)
9a20aad Allow plugins to inject their own routes into API (#1805)
d437ea1 Improve API plugin support (#1819)
98cae45 Rename pending_relay to pending_commands (#1822)
e8c33ba Various improvements and fixes (#1817)
f829a2e Add json type hints on channel data (#1824)
4dc2910 Make result set an iterable (#1823)
6f6c458 Add metrics on channels processing time (#1826)
43a89f8 Add a random delay before processing blocks (#1825)
af618bc Symmetrical HTLC limits (#1828)
dbecb28 Include routing hints in parseinvoice API call response (#1833)
2b6d564 Expose eclair datadir to plugins (#1837)
bd6bad1 Fix eventually statements (#1835)
a7bb2c2 Do not store CannotAffordFees errors (#1834)
d4b25d5 Udpate to Bitcoin Core 0.21.1 (#1841)
e750474 Use bitcoin-lib 0.19 (#1839)
bbfbad5 Validate payment secret when decoding (#1840)
afb1b41 Update bolt 3 spec test vectors (#1669)
d43d06f Rework TxPublisher (#1844)
45204e2 Schedule backup at regular interval (#1845)
85ed433 Reject 0-value trampoline payments (#1851)
f857368 Make trampoline payments use per-channel fee and cltv (#1853)
f52c3dd Decode warning messages (#1854)
516929b Fix default file backup config (#1857)
4ca5c62 Remove println in tests (#1861)
291c128 Reduce some log levels (#1864)
d9a03a5 Use warning messages for connection issues (#1863)
af8394a Add support for dual db backend (#1746)
3a573e2 Improve message for CannotRetrieveFeerates error (#1859)
bd57d41 Add a globalbalance api call (#1737)
08faf3b Add json columns in Postgres (#1865)
f8feb19 Use schemas in Postgres (#1866)
cea3fc0 Use proper data type for timestamps in Postgres 2 (#1862)
95fffe3 Reduce pg transaction isolation (#1860)
547d7e7 Create chain directory (#1872)
e9df4ee Channels data format migration (#1849)
733c6e7 Refactor global balance tests (#1874)
ca51a2d Enable WAL mode on Sqlite (#1871)
3ae9a4a Additional reestablish test (#1875)
d02760d Fail unsigned outgoing htlcs on force-close (#1832)
3bb7ee8 Parallel payment request generation (#1878)
5182402 Fix flaky channel integration tests (#1879)
b4183ed Fetch incoming payments in parallel (#1880)
8c49f77 Fix payment handler tests (#1882)
01b4073 Implement option-upfront-shutdown-script (#1846)
79729c7 Update README (#1881)
c22596b Update dependencies and enable fatal warnings (#1885)
adf36de Fix yet another flaky test (#1886)
3f1c250 Fix watcher flaky test (#1883)
c8c5e76 Update akka-http-json4s dependency (#1889)
5fa8fed Set version to 0.6.1 (#1887)

Eclair v0.6.0

19 May 13:05
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This release makes some core features mandatory, includes a few important bug fixes and several performance improvements.
It is fully compatible with 0.5.1 (and all previous versions of eclair).

Major changes

Mandatory payment secrets

This release makes two important features mandatory:

These features have been widely deployed and protect against privacy attacks and stealing payments to 0-value invoices (as described here).
You won't be able to connect to nodes that don't support these features nor pay invoices that don't include a payment_secret.

Improved detection of stale blocks

Eclair uses ZMQ to receive blocks and transactions from your bitcoin node.
While ZMQ is usually very reliable, we discovered that its pub/sub model has some limitations.
If a subscriber encounters network failures, it will silently disconnect without notifying the publisher.
This never happens when your bitcoin node is on the same machine as eclair, but may happen when bitcoin is running on a remote machine and a VPN is used between the two machines.
Eclair now sets a TCP keep-alive on the ZMQ socket to work around this limitation and quickly reconnect.

The blockchain watchdogs have also been improved to run at fixed intervals if no blocks are received.
They will poll secondary blockchain sources (,, and to detect that your eclair node is missing blocks.

Electrum support removed

This release removes support for using Electrum instead of Bitcoin Core for your bitcoin wallet.
Electrum support was necessary for mobile wallets, but wasn't recommended for server deployments.
Wallets are migrating to our Kotlin lightning stack, so eclair can now target exclusively server deployments.

Eclair depends on many low-level bitcoind RPCs for fee bumping which aren't available yet in Electrum.

Improved Postgres support

We previously introduced beta support for using PostgreSQL as database backend in eclair v0.4.1.
We've fixed some bugs since then and improved the integration, but please note that PostgreSQL support is still in beta.
We're actively working on finalizing this integration and making PostgreSQL production-ready in a future release.

Support for future segwit versions

This release adds support for option_shutdown_anysegwit (spec PR available here).
Current segwit bitcoin addresses (P2WPKH and P2WSH) only use segwit version 0, but this change lets nodes use bitcoin addresses with other version numbers (taproot will use version 1).

API changes

This release updates a few APIs:

  • Features are now displayed as a map (feature name -> support) in API responses (#1715)
  • Channel internal state tracking force-close scenarios has been enriched (#1728)
  • A --blocking=<bool> option has been added to the payinvoice API (#1751)

We've also updated our internal API DSL, which paves the way for more plugin integration in a future release.
Head over to our API documentation for more details.

Miscellaneous improvements and bug fixes

  • Eclair now defaults to Bech32 addresses (#1717)
  • Anchor output commitment feerate is now configurable (#1718)
  • All outputs of revoked anchor output commitments are claimed (there is a subtle edge case, see #1738)
  • Internal codec packages and database versions have been reworked to improve future backwards-compatibility
  • Several improvements have been made to our path-finding algorithms, improving tail latency
  • A bug affecting reconnections to peers has been fixed (#1760)
  • A bug affecting transaction outputs ordering (which can lead to channel force-close) has been fixed (#1806)

Verifying signatures

You will need gpg and our release signing key 7A73FE77DE2C4027. Note that you can get it:

To import our signing key:

$ gpg --import drouinf.asc

To verify the release file checksums and signatures:

$ gpg -d SHA256SUMS.asc > SHA256SUMS.stripped
$ sha256sum -c SHA256SUMS.stripped


Eclair builds are deterministic. To reproduce our builds, please use the following environment (*):

  • Ubuntu 20.04
  • AdoptOpenJDK 11.0.6
  • Maven 3.8.1

Use the following command to generate the eclair-node package:

mvn clean install -DskipTests

That should generate eclair-node/target/ with sha256 checksums that match the one we provide and sign in SHA256SUMS.asc

(*) You may be able to build the exact same artefacts with other operating systems or versions of JDK 11, we have not tried everything.


This release is fully compatible with eclair v0.5.1. You don't need to close your channels, just stop eclair, upgrade and restart.


Special thanks to @tompro who reworked our internal API DSL.