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Autonomy Dev

Code Quality Documentation Project Status: Active – The project has reached a stable, usable state and is being actively developed.

Tooling to speed up open-autonomy development.

For detailed instructions please see the Docs.


# Install adev
pip install -U "autonomy-dev[all]"
# Make a new agent
adev create author/cool_agent
# Run the new agent
adev run dev author/cool_agent



  • Scaffolding of new repositories, agent, protocols, contracts, connections, skills.
  • Linting and formatting tools
  • Dependency management tools
  • Test suite scaffolding

Creating New Github Projects

We can make an autonomy repo

adev repo scaffold fun_new_hack
cd fun_new_hack


Creating a new Agent

Once we have a new project, we can build new agents from templates There are a number of templates available and the --help flag will display the available options.

adev create author/cool_agent


By default, we provide a simple server with ping pong via websockets available at localhost:5555

# run the agent and verify the endpoint
adev run author/cool_agent

Creating an Agent Service

Running agents in production requires a service to manage the agent lifecycle. We can convert an agent to a service with the following command.

adev convert agent-to-service author/agent_name author/service_name


Scaffolding of Components


We provide tools to scaffold smart contract components from existing deployed contracts. The scaffolding process includes:

  • Complete open-aea contract component
  • Contract class with auto-generated methods
  • Events, Read and Write methods extracted from the contract ABI.
  • Type hints and documentation
# Scaffold USDC contract from Base
adev scaffold contract author/usdc \
    --address 0x833589fcd6edb6e08f4c7c32d4f71b54bda02913 \
    --network base



Protocols components can be fully scaffolded from a yaml file. The scaffolding process includes:

  • Protocol class with auto-generated methods
  • Linted and formatted code
  • Type hints and documentation
  • Test Suite
  • Pydantic models for custom types.
adev scaffold protocol auto_dev/data/protocols/examples/balances.yaml


Dependency Management

For projects created with adev, updates to both:

  • autonomy packages
  • upstream python packages

are automated using as so;

adev deps verify


checkout main
git pull
adev release

Test Coverage

<!-- Pytest Coverage Comment:Begin -->
Name                             Stmts   Miss  Cover   Missing
auto_dev/                 0      0   100%
auto_dev/                    60     19    68%   66-88
auto_dev/     236    236     0%   28-452
auto_dev/                      4      1    75%   9
auto_dev/            68     36    47%   33-61, 79, 83, 87-89, 92-94, 99-105
auto_dev/               25      0   100%
auto_dev/                   36      0   100%
auto_dev/               5      0   100%
auto_dev/                     59     43    27%   16-17, 21-22, 27-45, 50, 60-61, 66-80, 85-97, 102-112
auto_dev/                     7      3    57%   13-27
auto_dev/              52     32    38%   32-33, 37-54, 58-95
auto_dev/                    16     13    19%   4, 16-39
auto_dev/                  251    153    39%   76-77, 81, 94-101, 106-151, 167, 180-185, 204-228, 233, 240-242, 247, 252, 257-269, 276-281, 290-293, 298-318, 323-337, 342-348, 370-372, 381, 388-416
TOTAL                              819    536    35%
<!-- Pytest Coverage Comment:End -->


There are a number of useful command tools available.

  • Dev Tooling: A). linting adev lint B). formatting adev fmt C). dependency management adev deps update

  • Scaffolding: Tooling to auto generate repositories and components.


Running Docs Locally

To run and preview the documentation locally:

# Install mkdocs and required dependencies
pip install mkdocs-material mkdocstrings[python] mkdocs-include-markdown-plugin mkdocs-mermaid2-plugin

# Serve the documentation (available at
mkdocs serve

This will start a local server and automatically reload when you make changes to the documentation.