REST API to access D&D 5th Edition SRD API
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Make sure you have the latest version of the database:
docker compose pull
Then run it with docker-compose:
docker compose up --build
The command above pulls the latest image of the database from, which only targets the amd64 platform. If you are running on a different platform (like a Mac with Apple Silicon), you will need to build the image yourself. See the 5e-database repo for additional details.
cd ../
git clone
Then back over here in the 5e-srd-api repo, in the file docker-compose.yml
, you can replace the line image: bagelbits/5e-database
with build: ../5e-database
(or whatever you named the custom db image).
Make API requests by using the root address:
You should get a response with the available endpoints for the root:
"ability-scores": "/api/2014/ability-scores",
"classes": "/api/2014/classes",
"conditions": "/api/2014/conditions",
"damage-types": "/api/2014/damage-types",
"equipment-categories": "/api/2014/equipment-categories",
"equipment": "/api/2014/equipment",
"features": "/api/2014/features",
"languages": "/api/2014/languages",
"magic-schools": "/api/2014/magic-schools",
"monsters": "/api/2014/monsters",
"proficiencies": "/api/2014/proficiencies",
"races": "/api/2014/races",
"skills": "/api/2014/skills",
"spells": "/api/2014/spells",
"subclasses": "/api/2014/subclasses",
"subraces": "/api/2014/subraces",
"traits": "/api/2014/traits",
"weapon-properties": "/api/2014/weapon-properties"
The API is versioned by release years of the SRD. Currently only /api/2014
is available. The next version will be /api/2024
If you are working on a feature which requires changes to both this repo, and the 5e-database repo, it is useful to know how to connect the former to the latter for testing purposes. A simple process for doing so is as follows:
In the file
, you can replace the lineimage: bagelbits/5e-database
withbuild: [relativePathToDatabaseRepo]
. Make sure not to commit this change, as it is intended for local testing only. -
Run your branch of 5e-srd-api using the method outlined in the above section of this readme file. So long as there are no transient errors, the API should build successfully, and your changes to both repos should be noticeable.
The API uses s3 to store image files for monsters. The image files live in a bucket called dnd-5e-api-images
under the /monsters
To test locally, you can use localstack
to mock s3. To do so, you will first need to install localstack
, and awslocal
. You can then run the following commands to configure and start the localstack container:
export AWS_CONFIG_ENV=localstack_dev
localstack start
awslocal s3api create-bucket --bucket dnd-5e-api-images
awslocal s3 cp aboleth.png s3://dnd-5e-api-images/monsters/
npm run dev
Request the image by navigating to an image URL in a browser, or via HTTP request:
curl http://localhost:3000/api/2014/monsters/aboleth.png --output downloaded-aboleth.png
When interacting with the image you should see logs in the terminal where you started localstack. You can also use localstack's webui to view the bucket and contents.
If you see anything wrong with the data itself, please open an issue or PR over here.
You can run unit tests locally by using the command: npm run test:unit
Integration tests need to be ran in the API docker container for them to function properly.
In order to run integration tests locally you can use the command: npm run test:integration:local
Public facing API documentation lives here.
The docs repository contains the source for the public facing API documentation. It uses Docusaurus to generate the site from a bundled OpenAPI spec.
More details on working with the OpenAPI spec can be found in the src/swagger
directory's README. The most up-to-date bundled OpenAPI specs themselves are included in the latest release in both JSON and YAML formats, which can be used to generate your own documentation, clients, etc.
A Postman collection can also be found in the latest release. This can be imported into the Postman HTTP client to execute test requests against production & local deployments of the API.
- Fork this repository
- Create a new branch for your work
- Push up any changes to your branch, and open a pull request. Don't feel it needs to be perfect — incomplete work is totally fine. We'd love to help get it ready for merging.
The Code of Conduct for this repo can be found here.