An R package for querying on pairs file (pairix-indexed bgzipped text file containig a pair of genomic coordinates).
This is an R binder for Pairix, a stand-alone C program (https://github.com/4dn-dcic/pairix).
Rpairix is an R package for indexing and querying on a block-compressed text file containing a pair of genomic coordinates.
It is an R binder for Pairix (https://github.com/4dn-dcic/pairix), a stand-alone C program that was written on top of tabix (https://github.com/samtools/tabix) as a tool for the 4DN-standard pairs file format describing Hi-C data: https://github.com/4dn-dcic/pairix/blob/master/pairs_format_specification.md
However, Pairix/Rpairix can be used as a generic tool for indexing and querying any bgzipped text file containing genomic coordinates, for either 2D- or 1D- indexing and querying.
For example, given a text file like below, you want to extract specific lines. An awk command, for example, would read the file from the beginning to the end. Pairix/Rpairix creates an index and uses it to accesses the file from a relevant position by taking advantage of the bgzf compression, allowing for a fast query for large files.
Bgzip can be found in https://github.com/4dn-dcic/pairix or https://github.com/samtools/tabix (original).
Pairs format
## pairs format v1.0 #sorted: chr1-chr2-pos1-pos2 #shape: upper triangle #chromosomes: chr1 chr2 chr3 chr4 chr5 chr6 chr7 chr8 chr9 chr10 chr11 chr12 chr13 chr14 chr15 chr16 chr17 chr18 chr19 chr20 chr21 chr22 chrX chrY chrM #genome_assembly: hg38 #columns: readID chr1 pos1 chr2 pos2 strand1 strand2 EAS139:136:FC706VJ:2:2104:23462:197393 chr1 10000 chr1 20000 + + EAS139:136:FC706VJ:2:8762:23765:128766 chr1 50000 chr1 70000 + + EAS139:136:FC706VJ:2:2342:15343:9863 chr1 60000 chr2 10000 + + EAS139:136:FC706VJ:2:1286:25:275154 chr1 30000 chr3 40000 + -
Some custom text file
chr1 10000 20000 chr2 30000 50000 3.5 chr1 30000 40000 chr3 10000 70000 4.6
If you have a problem loading the Rpairix.so
file ('undefined symbol' error), try adding PKG_LIBS = -lz
to ~/.R/Makevars
. This way, zlib will be linked during compilation.
git clone https://github.com/4dn-dcic/Rpairix/
cd Rpairix
R --no-site-file --no-environ --no-save --no-restore CMD INSTALL --install-tests .
To install a specific version,
, px_query
, px_keylist
, px_seqlist
, px_seq1list
, px_seq2list
, px_exists
, px_exists2
, px_chr1_col
, px_chr2_col
, px_startpos1_col
, px_startpos2_col
, px_endpos1_col
, px_endpos2_col
, px_check_1d_vs_2d
, px_colnames
, px_get_linecount
px_build_index(filename,preset) # indexing
px_query(filename,query) # querying using a string or GenomicRanges-related objects.
px_query(filename,query,linecount.only=TRUE) # number of output lines for the query
px_keylist(filename) # list of keys (chromosome pairs)
px_seqlist(filename) # list of chromosomes
px_seq1list(filename) # list of first chromosomes
px_seq2list(filename) # list of second chromosomes
px_exists(filename,key) # check if a key exists
px_exists2(filename,chr1,chr2) # check if a chromosome pair exists in a 2D-indexed file
px_chr1_col(filename) # 1-based column index for mate1 chromosome
px_chr2_col(filename) # 1-based column index for mate2 chromosome
px_startpos1_col(filename) # 1-based column index for mate1 start position
px_startpos2_col(filename) # 1-based column index for mate2 start position
px_endpos1_col(filename) # 1-based column index for mate1 end position
px_endpos2_col(filename) # 1-based column index for mate2 end position
px_check_1d_vs_2d(filename) # returns 1 if the file is 1D-indexed, 2 if 2D-indexed. -1 if error.
px_colnames(filename) # returns a vector of column names, if available. (works only for pairs format)
px_get_linecount(filename) # returns the total line count of the file (equivalent to gunzip -c | wc -l but much faster)
> library(Rpairix)
> # indexing
> px_build_index("inst/test_4dn.pairs.gz", force=TRUE)
> # single-query
> px_query("inst/test_4dn.pairs.gz", "chr10:1-3000000|chr20")
readID chr1 pos1 chr2 pos2 strand1 strand2
1 SRR1658581.51740952 chr10 157600 chr20 167993 - -
2 SRR1658581.33457260 chr10 2559777 chr20 7888262 - +
> # line-count-only
> px_query("inst/test_4dn.pairs.gz", "chr10:1-3000000|chr20", linecount.only=TRUE)
> [1] 2
> # auto-flip
> px_query("inst/test_4dn.pairs.gz", "chr20|chr10:1-3000000")
data frame with 0 columns and 0 rows
> px_query("inst/test_4dn.pairs.gz", "chr20|chr10:1-3000000", autoflip=TRUE)
readID chr1 pos1 chr2 pos2 strand1 strand2
1 SRR1658581.51740952 chr10 157600 chr20 167993 - -
2 SRR1658581.33457260 chr10 2559777 chr20 7888262 - +
> px_query("inst/test_4dn.pairs.gz", "chr20|chr10:1-3000000", linecount.only=TRUE)
[1] 0
> px_query("inst/test_4dn.pairs.gz", "chr20|chr10:1-3000000", autoflip=TRUE, linecount.only=TRUE)
[1] 2
> # multi-query
> multi_querystr = c("chr10|chr20","chr2|chr20")
> px_query("inst/test_4dn.pairs.gz", multi_querystr, linecount.only=TRUE)
[1] 104
> # query using GRangesList object
> library(GenomicRanges)
> gr <- GRanges(
> seqnames = Rle(c("chr10", "chr20", "chr21", "chr22"), c(1, 2, 1, 2)),
> ranges = IRanges((0:5*1000000)+1, end = (0:5*1000000)+13000000))
> grl <- split(gr, rep(1:2,3))
> px_query("test_4dn.pairs.gz",query=grl)
readID chr1 pos1 chr2 pos2 strand1 strand2
1 SRR1658581.33457260 chr10 2559777 chr20 7888262 - +
2 SRR1658581.15714901 chr10 4579507 chr20 10941340 + +
3 SRR1658581.39908038 chr22 16224023 chr22 16224245 + -
4 SRR1658581.18052095 chr22 16389136 chr22 16687983 - -
5 SRR1658581.52271223 chr22 16645528 chr22 17454018 + +
6 SRR1658581.22023475 chr22 16927100 chr22 17255207 - -
> # query using GInteractions object
> library(InteractionSet)
> gi <- GInteractions(grl[[1]],grl[[2]])
> px_query("test_4dn.pairs.gz",query=gi)
readID chr1 pos1 chr2 pos2 strand1 strand2
1 SRR1658581.33457260 chr10 2559777 chr20 7888262 - +
2 SRR1658581.15714901 chr10 4579507 chr20 10941340 + +
3 SRR1658581.39908038 chr22 16224023 chr22 16224245 + -
4 SRR1658581.18052095 chr22 16389136 chr22 16687983 - -
5 SRR1658581.52271223 chr22 16645528 chr22 17454018 + +
6 SRR1658581.22023475 chr22 16927100 chr22 17255207 - -
> # getting list of chromosome pairs and chromosomes
> keys = px_keylist(filename)
> length(keys)
[1] 800
> keys[1:10]
[1] "chr1|chr1" "chr1|chr10" "chr1|chr11"
[4] "chr1|chr12" "chr1|chr13" "chr1|chr14"
[7] "chr1|chr15" "chr1|chr16" "chr1|chr17"
[10] "chr1|chr17_ctg5_hap1"
> chrs = px_seqlist(filename)
> length(chrs)
[1] 82
> chrs[1:10]
[1] "chr1" "chr1_gl000191_random" "chr1_gl000192_random"
[4] "chr10" "chr11" "chr11_gl000202_random"
[7] "chr12" "chr13" "chr14"
[10] "chr15"
> # checking if a key (chromosome pair for 2D-indexed file or chromosome for 1D-indexed file) exists
> px_exists(filename, "chr10|chr20")
[1] 1
> px_exists2(filename, "chr10", "chr20")
[1] 1
> # getting colum indices
> px_chr1_col("inst/test_4dn.pairs.gz")
[1] 2
> px_chr2_col("inst/test_4dn.pairs.gz")
[1] 4
> px_startpos1_col("inst/test_4dn.pairs.gz")
[1] 3
> px_startpos2_col("inst/test_4dn.pairs.gz")
[1] 5
> px_endpos1_col("inst/test_4dn.pairs.gz")
[1] 3
> px_endpos2_col("inst/test_4dn.pairs.gz")
[1] 5
> # checking if the file is 1D-indexed or 2D-indexed
> px_check_1d_vs_2d("inst/test_4dn.pairs.gz")
[1] 2
> # get column names
> px_colnames("inst/test_4dn.pairs.gz")
[1] "readID" "chr1" "pos1" "chr2" "pos2" "strand1" "strand2"
> # get total line count of the file
> px_get_linecount("inst/test_4dn.pairs.gz")
[1] 60648
px_build_index(filename, preset='', sc=0, bc=0, ec=0, sc2=0, bc2=0, ec2=0, delimiter='\t', comment_char='#', line_skip=0, force=FALSE)
is sometextfile.gz (bgzipped text file)preset
is one of the recognized formats:gff
(1D-indexing) orpairs
(2D-indexing). If preset is '', at least some of the custom parameters must be given instead (sc
). (default '').sc
: first sequence (chromosome) column index (1-based). Zero (0) means not specified. Ifpreset
is given,preset
. Ifpreset
is not given, this one is required. (default 0)bc
: first start position column index (1-based). Zero (0) means not specified. Ifpreset
is given,preset
. Ifpreset
is not given, this one is required. (default 0)ec
: first end position column index (1-based). Zero (0) means not specified. Ifpreset
is given,preset
. (default 0) sc2 second sequence (chromosome) column index (1-based). Zero (0) means not specified. Ifpreset
is given,preset
. Ifsc
are specified but notsc2
, it is 1D-indexed. (default 0)bc2
: second start position column index (1-based). Zero (0) means not specified. Ifpreset
is given,preset
. (default 0)ec2
: second end position column index (1-based). Zero (0) means not specified. Ifpreset
is given,preset
. (default 0)delimiter
: delimiter (e.g. '\t' or ' ') (default '\t'). Ifpreset
is given,preset
: comment character. Lines beginning with this character are skipped when creating an index. Ifpreset
is given,preset
. (default '#')line_skip
: number of lines to skip in the beginning. (default 0)force
: If TRUE, overwrite existing index file. If FALSE, do not overwrite unless the index file is older than the bgzipped file. (default FALSE)- An index file sometextfile.gz.px2 will be created.
- When neither
) is given, the following file extensions are automatically recognized:gff.gz
(1D-indexing), andpairs.gz
px_query(filename,query,max_mem=100000000,stringsAsFactors=FALSE,linecount.only=FALSE, autoflip=FALSE)
is sometextfile.gz, and an index file sometextfile.gz.px2 must exist.query
is one of three types: (1) a character vector containing a set of pairs of genomic coordinates in 1-based "chr1:start1-end1|chr2:start2-end2" format. start-end can be omitted (e.g. "chr1:start1-end1|chr2" or "chr1|chr2"); (2) A GInteractions object from the package "InteractionSet"; (3) A GRangesList composed of two GRanges objects of identical length (first pairs, second pairs), from the package "GenomicRanges".max_mem
is the maximum total length of the result strings (sum of string lengths).- The return value is a data frame, each row corresponding to the line in the input file within the query range.
- If
is TRUE, the function returns only the number of output lines for the query. - If
is TRUE, the function will rerun on a flipped query (mate1 and mate2 swapped) if the original query results in an empty output. (default FALSE). Iflinecount.only
option is used in combination withautoflip
, the result count is on the flipped query in case the query gets flipped.
is sometextfile.gz and an index file sometextfile.gz.px2 must exist.- The return value is a vector of keys (chromosome pairs).
is sometextfile.gz and an index file sometextfile.gz.px2 must exist.- The return value is a vector of chromosomes.
is sometextfile.gz and an index file sometextfile.gz.px2 must exist.- The return value is a vector of first chromosomes.
is sometextfile.gz and an index file sometextfile.gz.px2 must exist.- The return value is a vector of second chromosomes.
px_exists(filename, key)
is sometextfile.gz and an index file sometextfile.gz.px2 must exist.key
is a chromosome pair (or a chromosome for 1D)- The return value is 1 (exists), 0 (not exist), or -1 (error)
px_exists2(filename, chr1, chr2)
is sometextfile.gz and an index file sometextfile.gz.px2 must exist.- chr1 and chr2 are the two chromosomes in the pair (in the same order)
- The return value is 1 (exists), 0 (not exist), or -1 (error)
- The function is applicable only for 2D-indexed file.
is sometextfile.gz and an index file sometextfile.gz.px2 must exist.- The return value is an integer corresponding to the 1-based column index for mate1 chromosome, mate2 chromosome, mate1 start position, mate2 start position, mate1 end position and mate2 end position, respectively.
is sometextfile.gz and an index file sometextfile.gz.px2 must exist.- The return value is an integer; 1 if the input file is 1D-indexed, 2 if 2D-indexed, -1 if an error occurred.
is sometextfile.gz and an index file sometextfile.gz.px2 must exist- The return value is a vector of column names.
- Returns values only if the indexing must have been done with 'pairs' preset (either explicitly by setting a preset or by file extension recognition) and if the column heading information is available.
is sometextfile.gz and an index file sometextfile.gz.px2 must exist- The return value is an integer corresponding to the total line count of the file (equivalent to
gunzip -c | wc -l
but much faster)
When you modify the repo, rebuild the R package before your commit/push:
# dependencies
# build
library(devtools) # use 1.13.5 (2.0.2 does not work)
Individual R functions are written and documented in R/
. The src/rpairixlib.c
is the main C source file. Raw data files are under inst/
- Fixed issue where autoflip causes segmentation fault or returns an empty result on some systems. This affects the
function with theautoflip=TRUE
- Index structure is consistent with pairix/pypairix 0.3.6. This new structure resolves integer overflow issues for linecount. the older indices can be read and used otherwise. (backward-compatible)
- Index structure and C source codes are consistent with pairix/pypairix 0.3.5. This new structure can deal with large chromosomes (>length 2^29). The older index can be read and used for regular chromosomes (<2^29) (backward-compatible).
- Index structure and C source codes are consistent with pairix/pypairix 0.2.5 (please re-index if your index was built by an older version of pairix/pypairix/Rpairix)
function now has parameterregion_split_character
(default: '|'). Query must use the same region_split_character used for building the index.
- Index is compatible with pairix/pypairix 0.2.4. (Magic number updated)
is available now. This function gives you the total line count of a file instantly. To use this feature, the pairs file must be re-indexed with Pairix/Pypairix/Rpairix 0.2.3 or higher.
- The index is now consistent with the new index adopted by pairix/pypairix 0.1.7. Re-index for older files.
: input query can be a GInteractions object or a list of GRanges objects. Argument 'querystr' is now 'query'.px_query
: wild card (*) in a query now allowed (queries like 'chr11|*' or '*|chr2:1-20000' possible. '*' means whole genome.px_exists
now returns TRUE/FALSE instead of 1/0.- Function
is added (identical topx_get_column_names
) - Function
is now renamed topx_check_1d_vs_2d
is now added. It checks whether a chromosome pair exists by taking query chromosomes without the separator ('chr1','chr2') instead of ('chr1|chr2').
: fixed a new problem (since 0.1.2) with multi-query returning only the last query result.
- Function
is now added. px_query
now adds column names for the query result if indexing was done withpairs
: problem of merged_nodups query result not splitting by space is now fixed.
: When neitherpreset
nor a custom set of columns is given, file extensions are automatically recognized for indexing.
is added. (Now indexing can be done using Rpairix as well as querying.)
- Multi-query now possible with function
can be a vector of strings).
- Further synced with pairix/pypairix 0.1.1.
- Function
is now added.
- A 1D-indexed file is now added to
as an example file. px_query
: 2D query on 1D-indexed file now gives a warning message.px_query
: autoflip on 1D query gives a warning message even when the query result is not empty.
- The
options are now added to thepx_query
- Functions
are now added.
- Function
is now added. - Source is synced with pairix/pypairix 0.1.1.
- 4dn pairs example is added
- corrected a typo in README
- cleaned up repo
- added more instructions in README
- initial release
- Thanks scottkall for GRanges/GInteractions integration.