.NET DllExport 1.8
To upgrade from older versions: DllExport -mgr-up -dxp-version 1.8.0
or DllExport -action Upgrade -dxp-version 1.8.0
📑 What's new in 1.8 ...
NEW: Extends support for .NET 9, .NET 8, .NET 7,
.NET 6, .NET 5, netcoreapp3.1, netstandard2.1, ...
Issues: #219, #193, #132, #239 -
NEW: Custom
.typref ...
&.assembly extern ...
in the Wizard
using modern 3F's IL Assembler 9.3+
https://github.com/3F/coreclr?tab=readme-ov-file#typeref-custom-definitions -
NEW: Support $-interpolation in modern .NET 9-6, Span, Memory, ...
configure in the Wizard. -
NEW: New [Ref] packages control and related options.
NEW: ImageBase + step control in multiple targeting.
configure in the Wizard. -
NEW: New
DllExport -pe
-list-addr, -list-ord, -list-all
-magic, -num-functions, -base -
NEW: Official ILRepack support in Pre-processing; 2.0.39
https://github.com/gluck/il-repack/releases/tag/2.0.39 -
NEW: New PE Check option to control PE32/PE32+ arch.
NEW: -action RecoverInit in addition to -action Recover;
Recover to initial setup using predefined/exported data. -
NEW: Option to refresh intermediate module (obj) using modified. Issue #206.
NEW: x86+x64 copy support for
targets. Related issue #224.
property to control it. -
FIXED: Crashes or empty exports if code contains
.class extern forwarder
declarations. -
FIXED: error: syntax error at token '.' in .interfaceimpl type... Issue: #205.
FIXED: Post-Proc: possible "The given key was not present in the dictionary."
FIXED: Fixed Pre-Proc ILMerge for netcore.
FIXED: Fix copying to own directory for "Provide x86+x64 assemblies"
when no active dependencies. -
FIXED: Pre-Proc: fixed edit Exec raw command in the Wizard.
FIXED: Fixed possible Incorrect RVA: 0 when PE Check is on.
FIXED: Fixed -action Export: Parameter "unevaluatedValue" cannot be null.
FIXED: Fixed Post-Proc DllExportDirX64 & DllExportDirX86 properties.
FIXED: DllExportResolvePublish support for a single platform
Related issue #235 or like. -
FIXED: Failed to write to log file ... because it is being used by another process. Issue #223.
CHANGED: Execute
-action Restore
in case of loss of generated meta
for the cases like ImplicitUsings=true etc.
It will probably help with problems like #184. -
CHANGED: Improved support for nested projects using $(DllExportDir) etc.
CHANGED: Improved managing
when applying the configuration. -
CHANGED: Improved TargetFrameworks multi-targeting support. ImageBase can be configured separately.
CHANGED: Improved IsNetCoreBased logic for modern tfms.
CHANGED: Improved cleaning logic at Pre-processing stage to delete correctly DllExport.Dll, Conari.dll
and other assemblies from TargetDir when merging using [Ref] etc. -
DllExport -action keys
are no longer case sensitive. -
CHANGED: Adds /PDB /OPTIMIZE and other types of PDB generation.
Automatic option is relied on DebugType + Optimize + DebugSymbols properties:
* Optimize: Optimize long instructions to short
* PdbOptimize: +Create the PDB file without enabling debug info tracking
* DebugOptimize: Enable JIT optimization, create PDB file, use implicit sequence points
* Debug: Disable JIT optimization, create PDB file, use sequence points from PDB
* DebugImpl: Disable JIT optimization, create PDB file, use implicit sequence points
* Legacy True/False: Debug or Optimize -
CHANGED: Updated .PDB deletion logic according to ISymUnmanagedWriter problem.
environment variable to control message level. -
CHANGED: Full integration with modern hMSBuild 2.4.1+
DllExport -hMSBuild -help
GetNuTool now through hMSBuild engine:
DllExport -hMSBuild -GetNuTool ...
DllExport -pe-exp-list
marked as obsolete;
Use new-pe
DllExport -pe -help
CHANGED: +Log option for IlMerge & ILRepack in the Wizard.
CHANGED: Changed
-action Upgrade
logic same to-action Configure
CHANGED: Make all paths relative as
in configured project files. -
CHANGED: Updated wrapper in offline version
https://github.com/3F/DllExport/releases/tag/1.8 -
CHANGED: Added netfx4sdk 1.2 helper to build using legacy tfm
https://github.com/3F/netfx4sdk -
CHANGED: Updated
ILAsm 9.3.0
https://github.com/3F/coreclr/releases/tag/9.3.0 -
ILMerge 3.0.41
https://www.nuget.org/packages/ilmerge/3.0.41 -
Cecil 0.11.6
https://github.com/jbevain/cecil/releases/tag/0.11.6 -
Conari 1.5.0
https://github.com/3F/Conari/releases/tag/1.5 -
MvsSln 2.7 with enabled Huid implementation
3F/MvsSln#51 (comment)
NOTE: Tests for net9.0;net8.0;net7.0;net6.0;net5.0;netcoreapp3.1;netstandard2.1;netstandard2.0;net472;...
can be found in official repo https://github.com/3F/DllExport
https://github.com/3F/DllExport/tree/master/src/DllExport/UnitedTest -
NOTE: official manager can be found here:
or here:
* https://github.com/3F/DllExport/releases/tag/1.8
* https://www.nuget.org/packages/DllExport/1.8 -
NOTE: Symbols (PDB) are available through GitHub Releases in offline version.